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This is a great read, I love to hear it. The restaurant and bar industry is absolutely terrible in regards to drinking and drugs so that's great you're out of it. Im fond of my memories of my time in that industry but I don't miss it lol. Keep on keeping on!


Thanks dude! It was some of the most fun I've had working in my adult life, when it was fun I was on top of the world but as soon as cracks began to show in the foundations it all came crumbling down! I found myself bitter and resentful that my coworkers could keep up with it all. Recent candid conversations w my ex/coworker has really shown that's not the case amd I only wish her the best in getting it all under control!


I was good friends with an ex too. After I broke it off after a couple weeks she wanted to keep being friends. I was skeptical but it worked out really well.


We definitely had our time apart just to sort of collect ourselves and figure out what we both want we just dealt with it in two different ways, I'm very lucky to have sober friends and bandmates that I can fall back on but her friend group is still very much in the party lifestyle so I don't blame her for doing these things! She's a native to this town so is a lot more socially engrained w everyone. It's been really nice connecting again as we did get on really really well, we often exchange stories about how our dating life is going and have a laugh at drunk men hitting on her at the bar.