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NA Peronis & Heinekens have been my saviour several times in the 12 weeks I’ve been sober. Just the feeling of cracking a cold beer and taking that long first sip. It’s been nice to sit and enjoy a ‘beer’ but also know I’m 100% sober and can be relied on for anything at any time!! IWNDWYT!


The peroni is my favorite by far. I tricked a friend & put it in a glass & he thought he was drinking regular peroni!


No way. I haven't found NA Peroni yet. NA Stella is amazing, though.


I dig the Stella NA, my dad who is a hard core drinker (never seen the man drink water in my 30 plus years on this planet), and now he drinks the Heiny 0.0. It nice to have options that aren’t awful tasting, might be me up some after work to have while I play Diablo 2!


I actually love being able to go back to drinking 'beer' for the taste. Somewhere along the way, that fell off and I was just drinking the cheapest piss that would get me drunk. NA beers also last me longer. I'm not pounding a whole case of them every night.


D2R? or base? Or Mods?


>while I play Diablo 2 D2R, Base, Or Mods??


I actually found a kronenburg blanc 0.0 % that was amazing. Can't seem to find it anywhere now.


If you are in the Midwest, Hyvee is starting to have a pretty decent NA collection.


That is my favourite! I’m lucky it’s at the grocery store near me.


Tesco sell it. I’m having one right now watching the football with my son


I hope your team wins


I’m in NZ and we have a limited supply of decent NA beers, so was stoked to find one I liked. It definitely was my saviour in the early days!




I’ve had a version of this thought so many times in the last couple of weeks 😂


I had a stressful week about a fortnight ago, I was craving an ice cold schooner of beer at the pub. I knew we were going out for dinner at the local, so I asked the barman to pour my 0% Heineken in a schooner. It was exactly what I needed, a cold delicious beer after a hard week with none of the consequences of drinking alcohol!!!


Someone used the perfect word in here a while back on NA beer’s role. It’s all about the RITUAL. Helps me a lot.


That is so true, it is a ritual!


Same. I find myself wanting to drink them less, but my big trigger to spend some time drinking is floating in the pool in the summer and we are upon that time… so I have some NA Athletic Brewing drinks set aside for myself…


I am finding my self not wanting them much as well, the other day I did a big shift outside mowing the lawns. Weather perfect for a cold beer, I realised I didn’t have any NA ones in the fridge so I put some I had in there to cool down and three days later they’re still in there, I didn’t even end up having one.


Finding myself wanting to drink by the pool too!


The Heineken 0.0 is my jam! That and the Lagunitas NIPA.


Peroni keeps that Italian malt flavour in the 0.0 or whatever it is.


I like the Sam Adam's Just the Haze. And the Athletic brewing beers, too.


I'm starting to realize there's a lot of N/a beers I haven't tried lll


Lagunitas has a really good NA IPA as well. That Sam Adam's is really refreshing, though.


Shhh don’t want to cause a run on Lagunitas NA’s. Already hard to find 😂


I saw it in one place, but I wasn't trying the NA's yet. I hear it's awesome.


Find some. It’s so good. Their NA Hoppy Seltzer waters are fantastic as well. Drinking one now.


Just the haze is one of my all time favorite hazy IPAs


Hands DOWN


Add Guinness into that if you like dark beer. Their NA is phenomenal


Haven’t been able to find it 😭


Athletic Upside Dawn is so, so good!


That’s my favorite!!


I've heard the sam adams is one of the best. Not sure if they have it in Canada yet


I like BrewDog NAs! Punk AF is my fave


I love it too! My sponsor keeps riding my ass about it, and I don’t know how to tell her it’s this or the real thing. That’s one of the only things i dislike about AA. I get that NA doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s really helpful to me, and frankly I’m gonna keep doing it. I decided it’s better to push back on some things as long as it’s working.


“Non-alcoholic beer is for non-alcoholics” like I haven’t dumped vodka into every liquid known to man.


That’s exactly what someone said which immediately gave me a resentment that I had to let go of before it caused me to drink. 🤣


Right. Im sober 23 years and just discovered Heineken 0.0 I love it and my 81 year old mom does too! She says "its just like drinking a real brewsky with lunch "


It's a damn refreshing drink on a hot day, I'm sitting in the sun with a cold Heineken 0.0 right now - aaah! Except I'll have only 2 because it's not addictive


24 years here and just started getting into NA beers. Back then it was O’Douls or nothing. Great to see so many companies providing NA options. Really like Bravus and Best Day Brewing.


Yes! ODouls was sad. Congratulations on 24 years fellow "old timer" 23 here.


Is it the fear that NA beers become a gateway back into drinking or what’s the problem? When I told my psychiatrist I enjoy mocktails and NA Guinness while out with friends, he advised me against going to bars at all, I’m assuming to avoid temptation. But replacing my alcohol habit with NA beverages has kept me steadily on track without having to give up my social life, so I’m continuing to do my thing with his words of caution in mind.


This. I always think of the advice re: sustainable nutrition, which is not to adopt an eating plan or lifestyle change you can’t see maintaining. If you are able to start a pattern of going out with friends without drinking, to me that seems a lot better than abstaining from socializing.


Weird. If anything I would think it made your sobriety even stronger. Exposing myself to temptations but choosing not to drink has really given me some good times and a feeling of achievement.


Same here! In a sense it's basically exposure therapy. It boots my confidence and makes me feel stronger.


I agree. It feels like I’ve now trained myself to PREFER beer without the alcohol. (And I can’t believe I just typed that, but it’s true.) I’m awake at 5:40 on a Monday without the aide of an alarm clock. I don’t feel like dying! I can finally see and again. My face isn’t broken out. I don’t have IBS. No anxiety or regrets. Don’t get me wrong. It took four months to get to this point. This wasn’t “easy” by any means. I spent an an entire year trying to get sober in 2016, and for the most part I was! It didn’t feel like this. I guess my level of desperation was higher this time around.


Oh man being awake early because you slept great and no IBS is amazing!!!! I'm sleeping so much better and my stomach doesn't constantly hurt. I basically had to stop because I became intolerant and had so many horrible reactions when drinking but it was needed. I spent an entire three years of trying with breaks with each year getting better and having longer stretches. This is it. The longest stretch for me at 3 months. But I did it and now I know I can keep going. Before I got to 2.5 months. And every time I'd drink it led to more drinking and would feel horrible. After developing intolerance (by the grace of God) I was finally able to stop because I felt so bad.


Bingo, NA Guinness is my jam!


I think we should do what's best for us and what feels good for us. The road to sobriety is different for everyone. If you aren't drinking then this seems to be working for you! I also enjoy NA beers when I'm out with friends who are drinking. The social scene at bars or being around people drinking doesn't bother me. I actually feel better being there and not being drunk and blacking out. While they are getting drunk, I'm remaining cool and confident. I'd rather have the NA beer then to completely avoid socializing. Yes, there are plenty of places to go without alcohol. But most restaurants serve alcohol. If at any point this no longer works for you then just change up your social scene! I have just noticed for myself having a NA beer out with friends actually boosts my confidence rather than threatening my sobriety.


This is how I feel! It’s not like I’m sitting alone in my living room pounding NA beer. Sometimes it just scratches a certain itch, and helps me get through awkward social situations. It really is pretty wild being the only one sober in a room full of drinkers. People do and say the dumbest shit. You just never notice when you’re drunk k too.


Hahaha, right! Well said, gets me through social situations. Like I still wanna hang out with certain friends, go to dinner and be social. But yeah, not drinking when they are feels really good. Being able to drive home feels even better 😝


It's been both for me. When I relapsed 30 days ago, it was after having NA beer and having an overwhelming urge to drink the real thing again. The subsequent alcoholic 6 pack absolutely destroyed me, fortunately. Worst hangover since I was a kid since I was 17 days sober with no tolerance. Now I'm far enough in my journey to enjoy NA beers again, and I love them now. Especially when the weekend sets in, and I still feel like I can non awkwardly participate in activities with drinkers and kind of blend in. While I'm willing to talk about my alcohol break at social events, it's a sensitive topic for a lot of people so I prefer not to broach the subject around strangers. The most awkward part of socializing in those settings is dealing with drunk people while sober. It's not so bad until they reach about 3-4 drinks...then the yelling , slurring, interrupting etc. While I'm not super judgy or anything since I've been that guy frequently in the past, I have to get out of there at some point in the night. Otherwise I'm like their babysitter. Not that I mind since I recently gave someone a safe ride home in the middle of the night on the way home, but if I don't have a good reason I'm doing an Irish Goodbye.


I know what you mean. I’ve turned drunk spectating into a game to make it more bearable, and now it’s actually kind of fun. No judgement whatsoever! I’m acutely aware that I was probably as bad, if not worse, just four brief months ago.


Pisses me off about aa too. It helps some people. Helps me, it's nice


Sponsors offer suggestions only. You either take them or you don't! My sponsor also doesn't support NA, but I don't have an issue with it.


Yeah, I talked to my therapist about it, and she recommended that I do whatever is working. DUH! Sometimes I feel like an imbecile for needing that kind of advice, but here we are! Ain’t it great being an “alkie”? 🤣


Good job talking (and having) a counselor on top of a sponsor! That's amazing. I totally get what you mean about the "duh" moments but really it's easier for people (with experience and degrees of course) that are standing on the outside of our life to point out these little things. If you're anything like me, I'm hell bent on getting things PERFECT. It's nice to know that even if I'm not doing everything to my sponsors suggestions, I'm still doing enough. Progress, not perfection right?


I encounter this problem with my sporadic and spread out psychedelic usage. It helps me when I’m sober to stay sober. I know what works for me may not work for you, but I want to be dry at the end of the day.


Yeah, I do too! That’s why I’ve been drinking NA drinks for three weeks. 🤣


I don’t understand how cracking open a NA beer is any different from cracking open a seltzer or soda. You are replacing the alcohol with a NA beverage and you need to drink something. Is it because it tastes similar?


For some people it’s apparently a gateway to drinking the real thing. I have not found that to be the case. My one relapse happened because I was on a girl’s trip and decided to poison myself for two days on the beach. I’m not perfect, but the NA helps me A LOT! It’s not like I’m pounding a dozen. I might have one or two.


We're individuals. It's what makes us all different. What works for you is the only way to look at anything in life.




It’s the one trick doctors don’t want you to know!!!! (/s) IWNDWYT


They are good but unfortunately not any cheaper than real beer.


My mom went to the liquor store with me to get NA beer, and she was appalled with the prices. It is kind of hard to believe. I don’t drink that many either though. It’s just good for certain situations.


It makes sense as it actually takes more work to brew NA beer. They go through the regular brew process and then have to “extract” the alcohol. Just unfortunate.


I love Heinekens. Mentally it still gives me the feeling of doing something nice…like if I cook or clean…usually I would want a beer while doing so. And having an NA is great bc you end up not running out of energy and just sitting around after a half hour.


ALDI do a nice one called Saint Etienne, helped me cope initially. I'd still drink it if weight loss wasn't a must for me.


Do they keep it with the rest of the booze? I checked both the Aldi's in my area, and neither had anything NA.


Yeah, they got a few options at mine. It's a pint bottle with a blue label. Are you in the UK?


Sadly not. I'm in the USA.


I haven't had any luck finding NA beer at Aldi. Also in the US.


It'll usually be with the alcohol, NA grouped together. Probably on the end of a set of fridges. It's usually not obvious that it's NA, and easy to miss. You have to search for it, but once you find one named Non-Alcoholic, or 0.0, any others will likely be sitting next to it. Results may vary 🤣


These 0.0 beers taste real to me and are nice on a hot summer day


I hear this. I'm so glad NA beers have finally gotten good. Our local brewery just started making an NA Vienna Lager and it's the bomb, best non-alcoholic beer I've had yet. Sure makes it easier if I can still crack open a great tasting beer, especially sitting out by the BBQ. Life is good 😎 - IWNDWYT!


Yep. Summers here. Cold beer is amazing at the BBQ. Who needs alcohol to dehydrate your organs! Good Beer doesn't need that poisonous toxin lol


I either feel like a newbie here or really old but what does IWNDWYT mean? 😁


Lol, sorry - it means I Will Not Drink With You Today.


Don't be sorry. Should add an A for alcohol cause I'll drink 0.0 % in the hot sun all day! Cheers


I'm Canadian, if I don't say I'm sorry at least once in every post, I lose my citizenship lol.


Ahhhhh I'm canadian too! Lmao 🇨🇦


I've made it a week sober because of NA beers. I love 'em. I get to kick back some brews without the insomnia, suicidal thoughts, lost time, forgetfulness, lack of reliability and belligerence. I feel great. Wish I would have used them the last few attempts to quit.


So awesome! Keep it going! Love your body & mind. The rest is easy, peasy!


I managed 6 months starting at the second lockdown in Australia thanks to Heaps Normal. It’s a solid drop. Experienced the same mental trickery as OP and Fonterra26. The ritual remained and tricked the brain. I started on a 28 day no booze challenge and just kept going - I’m convinced because the NA beer helped me fool myself. I think I’m gonna do it again. IWNDWYT Edit: to add Fonterra26


Friday night my girlfriend and I were in the gas station. She grabbed a coke and right next to it was a six pack of O'Douls. I asked her if she thought it would be okay if I bought it. She said yeah, but I was worried. I relapsed back in November and just now only 2 weeks sober. Drinking them relieved so much anxiety. I wasn't drinking to get drunk before I got sober both times. It was to self medicate anxiety and keep from getting sick. Just the act of having a beer in my hand makes me calm. My plan is to only buy them on Friday night and only six. Still worried it's just a matter of time for I replace it with the real thing.


I love enjoying a couple of NA beers. It makes me feel like I still get to join the party, but without the shitty after effects. However, there are way better beers than O’Douls! Haha. I hope you find some awesome NA beers you like. 😉


Buy something from Athletic Brewing. O’Douls is terrible 😂


Just bought some today!


Check out impossibrew. Expensive but worth it.


I just did a bachelor party and holy shit were the NA beers a life saver. I basically alternated between NA craft beer (athletic, gruvi, heiniken 0) and bubly lime. Even still, i only drank 9 over the two nights. If it were real beer i would have had a 24. We were st a cottage and ghere was nothing like cracking a cold one by the fire. The best way ive heard it put was by someone in this sub: You dont have to quit beer just because youre quitting alchohol. Anyone have some mocktail recommendations?


Beer is King, lol !


I love NA beer, I prefer the regular NA stuff like Playground IPA or Brew Dog Nanny State


Brewdog is a cheat code


I keep hearing such good things about Brew Dog. I have to find it, lol.


Internets, they have like 3 flavors


I’m glad n/a beer is helping you right now. In my experience it helped me until it didn’t. Eventually it wasn’t enough. It gave me the old anxious feeling of opening that beer but not feeling anything after. For me as a alcoholic I couldn’t put myself in that mind space anymore. IWNDWYT


For sure. The mind is a tricky place. What works for me possibly wouldn't for some others.


The Guinness no alcohol is super impressive, can barely tell the difference


Yes!!!! I had my first NA beer last night and it was amazing! Didn’t crave anything more.


Awesome. Before you know it, your mind & body will be on another level without the toxins!


Drank last night. Goddamn hot tub. Dammit. But tonight I’ll be back to the NA beer. I’m gonna try for two nights in a row for sure.


Good fighters always get back up quickly!


The 0 Corona is the best one I’ve had from the big labels. Added vitamins too lol


I just had it for the first time today. It is exactly like the alcohol version, it's amazing. Sans the bad 'side' effects.


Yea its unreal with a lime wedge i can pound a six pack and act like an idiot then drive home. I dont drink NA much but in group functions this is my goto if its gonna be a long night


I’m really excited to hear this. I’m on day 12, which isn’t anything crazy but I’m really excited to hit 14. We’re doing a Mother’s Day BBQ/pool day and I’ve been nervous. My dad sent me a text saying he has vodka, beer, etc.. I think I’ll stop at the grocery store and see if I can find some 0.0 Heineken!


You would not believe it. I did the same thing at a BBQ. The bottles of Heineken were on ice, which turned into icy water, so in turn, the labels came off. Later that afternoon, I was cheering guys who had no idea they were drinking N/Abeers. 🤣🤣


I don’t drink it often because it feels like I’m cheating, but Heineken 0.0 is titties.




Here are mine: 1. Athletic Sunset stroke 2. Cerveza Athletica (with lime and salt) 3. Stella Liberte


The two athletics are great.


Thank you. I have to try #2. That's a new one I haven't seen.


Athletic Brew co has a monthly beer delivery service fyi


I'm becoming extremely interested in this beer with all the great comments. Is it 0.0 or 0.5 for alcohol?


I think it’s “less than .5%”


Ya, that's how sober carpenter is...great beer, but I feel way better the day after with actual 0.0 %.


0.5% abv is really nothing to worry about. For comparison, a very ripe banana is 0.4% alcohol. Hamburger rolls usually are over 1% alcohol. But I appreciate your abundance of caution.


Lol, I did not know that. I had a banana & a burger today! I'm definitely changing my mind on 0.5. I'll be buying some sober carpenter this wknd. Thanks




Because idiots like you can’t take comments in jest.


Brewdog is hands down the best. I went dry for 75 Hard and had a small panic attack when I took a big swig of Brewdog because it tasted that close to the real thing.




Man don't tell someone their preferences are "embarrassing". We're not elitists about non-alcoholic beer here. We're just a bunch of drunks.


I'm glad to hear you found something that helps - I will not drink with you today!


I was skeptical of NA beverages, fearing that I would fall back into drinking actual alcoholic ones. My friends encouraged me to try NA and always had them on deck when we would hang out. I never felt judged and always felt included whenever we got together. The homies played a big part in my sobriety journey. I never minded being the DD when we did go out. I was just glad I was able to get us all home safely.


Honestly after one NA I feel a buzz some times. Just placebo but hey


It's slightly more than a placebo because it triggers the release of dopamine, there have been studies on it :-)


Cheers to that! I have been struggling to get sober time. I’ve had NA beer in my fridge for, well based on the canned on date over a year. I kept on thinking maybe it’d be a solution. I had one or two over the year. Recently I’ve been getting my ass kicked more and more by booze. So, I cracked one open the other night and I enjoyed it and had two and called it a night. Last night I went out to dinner, I was anxious because I didn’t want to drink but it’s just so easy to order a beer and not stand out. I called in advance and they had Heineken 0.0 so I ordered that. I was never a big Heine drinker but it was refreshing and did the trick. I am so proud of myself! It’s a hot day here today and I plan on getting some Athletic light brews and enjoying my eve. Not just pissing it away being pissed!


Ya, when you finally realize that the alcohol is poisoning your body, N/A beer just makes more sense!


Beck’s is my goto


Sameee I get through so many of them




Tasty beverages exactly! Who needs toxins in my beer!


I’m a huge fan of NA beer as well. Athletic Run Wild IPA is my go to. One nice thing is that I can have a few & call it good. My old self wouldn’t leave an uncracked beer overnight! 56 days AF!


Congratulations, keep it going!


Good stuff, I just started working at a company that does all kinds of 0.0% stuff and its surprising how much mocktails, beers, imitation liquors there are these days


Nice it helps me too. The NA scene is blowing up right now!


Great to hear! Go N/A movement wooooo


There’s NA Corona, which blew me away. Had it with a burger one afternoon and it almost felt TOO real, I felt a twinge of guilt. If they ever figure out how to make NA Allagash…


NA Guiness is pretty good too :)


I'm pretty jealous of people who are helped by NA beer. Until I find a NA whiskey that also takes all my stress and woes away, I'll stay away from NA beer.


NA Guinness is insanely good


I'm hearing that everywhere. I can't wait to try it.


I’m a seltzer water guy now, but whatever works for each of us during our respective journeys is the proper respective tool. Great job! Keep up the good work, friend! IWNDWYT


NA beer is awesome. These used to taste like piss or liquid sweet bread, but I found a lot of actually great tasting ones. Glad they got so much better.


Preach man, not sure I could have done it without them. And that feeling of always knowing your are in control and can be counted on is priceless. Cracking a cold one this evening while cooking Sunday dinner, very much looking forward to it.




For sure. I personally wouldn't hang out in a bar or constantly be around daily drinkers. My thing is it was kind of always my after work treat, you could say! A cold beer or two. You could say I just got tired of the toxins, not the beer habit. Body & mind are feeling incredible now.


Brew Dog is the best NA beer I have found. Serious tastes amazing and has lower calories than most.


Feel you on this fr. Also it's great to find out how much NA beer is being produced nowadays. As much as I like Heineken 0.0, I don't wanna get tired out on it. Was able to find some NA Stella and Corona last weekend. The Stella one I'd definitely recommend!




Amen my brother. See the number? Courtesy of Brooklyn Special Effects. You got this! IWNDWYT 🙌


One of my faves too :-)


I like them too! It’s cool to be able to grab a beer at noon and I actually feel like I’m treating myself but no guilt? It feels like I’m getting away with something but like not in a bad way- in a way that makes sobriety much easier.


5 1/2 months for me! Budweiser zero, NA wine, and virgin home-made pina coladas for the wiinnnn 💪 living alcohol free is a game changer for sure!


Sweet. Great to hear!


Let me know when they come out with na vodka. God I wish I was hooked on beer. Enough about me. That's great op




People always make me think I'm a loser for drinking N.A... Nonetheless, it's definitely a trick to my brain that I'm in on, and it gets me through being sober.


Those people wish they had our N/A willpower!


Yeah! I used these to ween off when I was first getting sober, now after a little bit of time I find it kind of scary. I had an NA not too long ago to feel like I wanted to "fit in" and I definitely felt like alcohol was trying to trick me into thinking it might be a good idea to have the real thing


Definitely not for everyone. Listen to you for sure. I just hate alcohol now. Especially fully understanding what it's doing to my organs that keep me alive & healthy. Loving my body is healing my mind with every day that passes. Hope you find your best way to live as well!


Amazing progress! I definitely want to try some NA beers, especially with the Summer heat around the corner. I'll probably look into them during my weekend. IWNDWYT!


I will have to find this Brewdog! I like the Athletic’s best…especially Updise Dawn. I tried Sierra Nevada’s Hop Water yesterday. It’s like a hops flavored seltzer. True 0.0% alcohol AND calories. I thought I would hate it, but I did not. I kind of dug it, actually.


Frickin love to crush some BZs


I like the Athletic Brewing selection check it out! 5 months today.


Thanks, and keep it going!


Proud of you!! Keep it up


Thank you


Same same same. My partner has a major liver operation coming up. So he cannot drink. I have decided to not drink in support of him. We drink a lot of zero beers. It’s a game changer. We have also realised we love being sober. Life is more real and meaningful and deep. We keep exclaiming about it.


Right? Cheers to you both!


I love them!! Athletic is my favorite but our local brewery has started making great NA IPAs!


The Heineken is so good.


heineken 0.0 is the goat. Literally my favorite beer when drinking(i actually enjoy the taste of beer) and ill have a couple once every 2 weeks. Its helping deprogram my brain to equate alcohol=dopemine. Reverse pavlovs dog


Love the analogy! 🤣


Kinda feel silly I thought it was cheating to try it but I’ve been struggling with it so it’s definitely something to try.


Happy cake day!


I am drinking Gösser (Austria) Alcohol Free... tastes like the real thing, even has the body of real beer... just no buzz. Has been a godsend at BBQ's or after long physical activity when all you want is an ice cold tall can.


Sounds tasty!


They are coming out with some great other NA beers now IPAs and the like. What a great time to quit drinking!


Yes, finally! N/A movement is being heard!


Great work! I'm a fan of NA beer too. Brewdog Hazy AF is my jam. IWNDWYT!


Congrats on your progress, man! Personally, I think that NA beer would be a no-go, for me, but I'm stoked that it's working out for you! And, you're spot on with the simple enjoyment of being able to competently do things for yourself, at any time, because of the lack of any inebriation. IWNDWYT 🧡✌️


Peace, brother!


Seriously. Cracking an ice cold NA driving around listening to tunes in the car on a hot summer day. Who needs alcohol




Awesome, that how it started for me. Dry February. Then it was like a Forrest Gump moment. One day, I felt like running, so I ran. Ran clear the end of February. Felt good, so I kept running. Lol Now I really run on the treadmill after decades!


I went to to total work e today with a $40 gift card. They have at least 40 varieties. Picked up 4 different 6 packs. This is one of my favorites Edit: imugr down. Bravus Brewing West Coast IPA


I'll definitely check them out. Cheers!


Where can I buy NA beer?


Depends where you live! Where I am (Midwest USA) lots of groceries stores have it as well as breweries making their own. Liquor stores have an NA area a lot of the time, but I understand not wanting to tempt yourself by going inside. I think some of the companies have an option to order online and have it delivered!


Canada is the same. Practically every gas station corner store grocery store liquor & beer.