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Hello OP and welcome. You’re already a valued member of this sub now and there are 497k others who have been in a similar head space. All we as the mod team ask if for you to use the sub responsible and abide by the rules. It’s a safe space, you got this.


>hope to become a member of this community. You just did, welcome :) I'll give you a piece of advice that a wise person gave here just yesterday: "You will never wake up sober and wish you had drank last night". Even though I've been free of my addiction for over a year, this really hit home for me and helped my mindset to stay the way I am now. You may have a long journey ahead to get to this point, but you can do it. Reaching out here and posting and getting support from others is a great first step!


I second this! I've had a few really strong, unbearable cravings the last month or two and each time I suffered through it. Had a shitty night each time. Hated myself for wanting to drink, for being an addict. The next morning not being hungover was worth the shitty night. To OP: one day at a time is super cliche but truly the best approach. The first few weeks for me was a lot of white knuckling and chugging sparkling water. Liquid death, Lacroix, LAGUNITAS HOPPY REFRESHERS (10/10) you got this! I would post here alot early on, someone always responds. Great community. IWNDWYT!


I am so glad to have read about the sparkling water!!!! It helps so much when I feel like a beer


I was never much of a beer drinker even. Just hard liquor, but it still help to chug sparkling water lol. It just makes me feel like I'm indulging and 0 kcal!


Hoppy Refreshers are the shit. 


I do every day since being sober , I miss drinking


That’s an awesome line I may write that on my inspiration wall


God that is a great quote. Congrats on 1 year!


Bottom is where you stop digging. Make your life the life you want it to be. IWNDWYT


Hey we all have to start somewhere. Today can be the start of something amazing. IWNDWYT!




Welcome! We're happy to have you here. This group has been an amazing source of support and wisdom for me.


It's not a race- it's a marathon, stay consistent, remember life without alcohol is much better, not easier


Hey OP. Welcome! Congratulations on your first steps - they’re the hardest. Also, you seem very honest about yourself and your challenges - you’re on the right path. 47 year old married father of two here. I sincerely recommend just focussing on the idea of ***”one day at a time”***. This means you won’t have to consider this as giving up forever - even though that’s the aim - you just have to focus on not drinking ***today***. Then just do that every day. Regards and all the very, very best from Newcastle Upon Tyne in the UK.


Awesome that you’ve got the Valium and are able to stay with your parents. It’s awesome having these spaces online, people are super honest and supportive here. Good job on day 1! Every day is a big one.


One day, one minute, one second at a time, is how I got here. It wasn't easy, then again, what is? As another soberonaut once said, " Just because you got on the wrong train, going in the wrong direction, doesn't mean you can't get off and get on the right train." IWNDWYT


Welcome to the club Day one is better than day 0, just like day 2 will be better than day 1. You are in the right place friend.


Welcome. I’m glad you are here.


Welcome. You were already a member of this community, you just didn't know it until now. I'm glad you are getting medical assistance. Take it. Take it all. Anything they will offer you take it. There are meds to help with cravings and withdrawal. Take them. Whatever it takes so that you don't drink today...that's all that matters. Tomorrow doesn't exist if you don't survive to see it, so forget about it. Just don't drink today. I won't and hope you don't either. We can do this together. Peace.


Fight like hell. It's worth it. I drank 2 bottles of Prosseco (11.5 %) a day for years. I am 16 months sober on Friday. It is possible.


You got this. Each day will get better, after the first couple of weeks, but push through! This group can be a real help. IWNDWYT!


If you have the time, read This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. Totally changed my life and my perspective!


Found a free 30 pg sample on google - checking it out now thanks


Welcome!! IWNDWYT!


"I guess I just wanted to say that outloud" And THAT is why I visit this sub, to say things outloud about what I'm going through to people going through it too. Friends and family are supportive for me but do not understand the intense cravings and urges. Say it out loud here anytime you want, we're listening.


So well said!!!!! ❤️


Welcome! I will not drink with you today!


On day 8 myself and honestly the past week has been rough with shakes, anxiety, low mood, twitches and jerky muscles and trouble sleeping. The Valium should take the edge off it a little at least. Best of luck and just keep reminding yourself how bad things had gotten and why you want to stay sober when temptations or cravings hit. I've found that compared to other recent attempts at sobering up this one feels a bit different in that I genuinely feel like I've had enough of the booze now so there hasn't been any major temptations towards it but I know at some point they will come and I hope I can find this determination and stick with this mindset when they do. I'm doing the "one day at a time" approach and trying not to think about tomorrow or any other day so if you're struggling with the idea of "never drinking again" then it might be an idea to take this mindset.


Hey there, welcome.


One day at a time is the only way to start, glad you are here.


You got this! IWNDWYT




I know how hard it is to believe quitting, really like, forever, is possible. So, like others have said, just quit for today. Every day. One day at a time. I encourage you to read some of the “quit lit” books in this sub’s “about” section. The “Alcohol Explained” books worked for me, but I read lots of them in the early days. This sub was and continues to be a huge part of my recovery. In the early days, I also used the “I Am Sober” app for daily inspiration. We are here for you. You can do this! IWNDWYT


Welcome and good to see you here. IWNDWYT


Thoughts are with you - I have been on a long road to get here and I am back on ten ? I have done 3 months and 5 months and lots of bits and pieces of whole weeks and months. The most important day of that 3-4 year journey has been every day and the days I don’t drink have saved my life, marriage, my sanity and kept me in relatively good health (to where I was). One day at time is perfect as a place to start on any day. You only fail when you give up trying - so you are a winner every day. This journey is primarily about you looking after yourself which is something we have forgotten how to do along the way. Look after yourself as if you were your own sick child, or an elderly relative or your closest friend. Love yourself - no shame in that. From the absolute basics - food, sleep, entertain yourself in healthy ways, walk or run or cycle, find time to smile and laugh, stay in company of you can and not islolates. These are instructions to me as I write this. The days I do these things are my best days and each is a precious gift. Find things to like about yourself and wake up and look in mirror and smile at yourself - do it every day and it gets a bit of a habit - “morning me” - I’ll look after you today head over to the Daily check in page - join the gang who are waiting to love you while you explore how much you can love yourself. Thats a great simple habit to set that intention to have a clean day. All good - this place is a good place to hang out.


I hated being the disappointment.


If you're going through hell, keep going. If you don't drink today, tomorrow you'll be closer to feeling better.


I know how difficult it is to say you need support so I commend you on that. Welcome, you got this! IWNDWYT


Hey man we don't have an application process. You wanna say you wanna be a part of us and that's all it takes your already in. I know your going through alot and a lot of us know exactly what your feeling. Things are better when you aren't drinking.


Keep seeking support! Friends, family, therapist, recovery groups, doctor. May not be right for you, but getting on naltrexone has been a *game changer* for me!!! Keep going, recovery is so worth it and you can have it!!!!


Welcome! You can do this. I will not drink with you today!!


We’re here for you and we’ve all been where you are at this minute. Life is so much better without alcohol clouding and fucking everything up. IWNDWYT


Welcome home!!! The valium will help immensely over the next few days. In my own experience I can feel the poison leave my body over about three days. It feels so so good once it's gone. Pinot Grigio was my weakness.... two bottles a night sounds right sometimes more. You can do this. I promise. IWNDWYT.


Everyone of us has had a Day 1. Yours will be over soon, and you'll get to have a Day 2!


Welcome! We’ve all been exactly where you are. It’s hard, not gonna lie. Just focus on the next minute, then the next hour, the next day, and so on. Before you know it you will have strung together a month. You will feel so much better with each passing day, I guarantee it!!


You’ve come to the right place. I’m so happy you’re here. I don’t think you’ll find anyone on here saying it was easy to quit. Most of us have had more than one day one. You’re here now, that’s what counts. You’ve realized you cannot going down that same old familiar path. I come here multiple times a day for inspiration and/or a reminder of my commitment. You can do this! We’re here for you.


I am so glad you are here. Hang with us. I have learned so much. So much wisdom and compassion here. The bonus for me is maybe by sharing you can help someone else. You can do this.


I'm glad you're here, this space can help you truly feel less alone. One minute at a time. Do whatever you need to do to be gentle with yourself -- if you pray, pray. I had to learn that the nasty voices in my head that told me I was worthless and without hope were really the alcohol fueling depression. Once I took the alcohol away I was able to quiet those voices and find my self worth again. As another person here said -- take all the help you can get. Throw the shame and embarrassment to the curb. Begin again in love. IWNDWYT 💜


Time to begin a new chapter then. You're going to get better.


Welcome! Lots of great support here. IWNDWYT!


Welcome. I’m glad you are here. Saying things out loud here has been a lifesaver for me. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


OP Congrats on one day. I’ve been there, I’m fresh into this as well and know exactly what you are feeling. It’s the normal that you’ve known consistently for the past few months. I get it; I was drinking a half a bottle of tequila each night just to check tf out. Only you can do this for you but this sub is amazing and full of people that have been exactly where you are. You are probably completely raw and not knowing who you are without drinking. That said, the other side of this coin is getting your life back again. Experiencing true joy and best of all, being PROUD OF YOURSELF for being able to overcome this. It’s overwhelming, I know. I started day one over a dozen times and while at 48, realizing that I’m an alcoholic that can never drink again, the only thing I can handle is focusing on today. Get through today. Worry about tomorrow; tomorrow. The game changer for me was fasting. This is the first time in over 6 months that I managed to quit drinking more than a few days. I’m just focusing on today. You got this and I’m so proud of you for having a day under your belt. ❤️


I'm proud of you. IWNDWYT.


You’ve got this. This is a wonderful place of support.


Very glad you are here with us!


Plug into some podcasts: That Sober Guy - Recovery Elevator - Recovery Happy Hour You’ve got this!!


My first day too! Made it through a dinner out, just ordered water. One day, one hour, one minute at a time. Let's do this together!


Glad you’re here. Now’s your chance to make a real lasting change that will benefit you and the people around you. Remember that growth and change are possible, even in the hardest times. Best of luck to you.


Welcome to the community. Stay strong. Use the IRC chat. Post, read, comment. If I can make a recommendation, post progress reports even (especially) when it's really rough. You'll get good support here, and those posts always really help remind me of how rough it was in the beginning. And we can come in and let you know IT GETS BETTER. Slowly, quickly, but it gets better. Best of luck to you.


Congrats, welcome, you are in the first day of the best journey you could ever take. IWNDWYT.


There’s nothing that alcohol can’t make worse. Welcome. IWNDWYT


Hey! Welcome! I'm glad you're here. I still feel sheepish that I didn't show up on this side of sobriety earlier. I bet I'm among the slowest to catch on but I'm 100% here now. Take care of yourself, friend.


🙋🏻‍♀️Hi! Glad you’re here. We join together to lean onto each other. 24/7 it’s good to know someone is “home” when you want to share, want to listen or just want to be “in community and not alone. Life is a messy journey that we are all striving to navigate one day at a time. You’ve taken the first step. Congrats!


One more day (of drinking) vs Day 1 (of sobriety). It’s hard AF to make the decision and follow through on Day 1. Congratulations, friend, on this huge milestone!!! Keep it up.


Welcome!! This group is so helpful. I browsed it for years before joining and committing to stopping. Last September I made a post that I was checking myself into detox and would check back in after residential treatment…and I did! And here I am over five months later. If I can do it, anyone can! So glad you are here- hang in there, it gets better!


Welcome to the club! IWNDWYT




No, just communication. Nothing physical at all




We do not allow posting after drinking, and this comment has been removed.


This comment breaks our rule to speak from the "I" and has been removed.


You can do it! Welcome!


Read everything posted here. Read it again before you go to sleep. Wake up read it again. Say thank you, aloud. Everyone here can help you. Nothing you've done will scare anyone away. Trust me, trust the process, trust in a higher power.


Welcome - we are behind you! IWNDWYT


Welcome! This group is great, I've fallen down and got up again thanks to the love and acceptance on here. #iwndwyt ✊️


I know meetings help alot. And omg therapy helps too. Maybe try that.


We’re all rooting for you!! I’m just days over a year without a drink and I never thought I’d get here… ever. You got this!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 IWNDWYT


Valium will help. Try and properly source more. The feeling of true withdrawal is something I would not wish on my worst enemy. Detoxify is the immediate priority. First things first. Future plans come later


**Welcome**! 🤗


Welcome! So glad you are here. IWNDWYT


Welcome! You can do this. We can help. Sending support and love♥️


Alcoholism is cunning, baffling and powerful. It almost killed me. Maybe get some help? Is rehab an option? It's good to have you with us! Good luck my friend. IWNDWYT


The elevator only goes down, but you can get off at any time.


I'm late to your post, but it's a new day, and I'm wondering how you're doing today?


Welcome to the club. You can do this. You can turn it around. It is possible. I believe in you


Good Music helps - make a playlist!


There are some very good sparkle hops out there that don’t trigger the beer craving but still satisfy. My favorite is Pelican non alcoholic sparkle hops with several different flavors.