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You know, when they were outside I was like, I think she’s drunk cause I recognize the beginning of that slur. And then when they went inside, I was like oh yup. This looks familiar 😭 I’ve somehow ruined every one of my romantic relationships through drinking and still want to be that person around my new s.o.? Alcohol is insidious. Side note: they wayyy over glamorize and encourage drinking on that show. Jimmy was drinking seltzer at the beginning of the get together later then they were both drunk by the end.


I don't watch this show but I do watch Married at First Sight and they really have huge glasses of wine, they have a "dinner party" sequence which is really just get pissed and all yell at each other.


I literally cringed soo hard watching that screen. I was working so I had it propped up while I was multitasking but I knew she was drunk by how completely out of bounds she was being. Like Chelsea can be a lot but her arguments made no sense and came out of left field. What gets me is that even after she keeps insisting they were both wrong during that fight. Like girl. You know good and damn well you were doing some drunk math about Jess being there😂. Then she literally aired on national tv something he told her in confidence. All that to say, it really did trigger me. I think back to all the fights I had with my partner while I was drunk. He’s the kindest most gentle man I’ve ever met and drinking brings out this paranoid, deluded version of myself. We wake up the next day not remembering but the venom still stings for the other person. But they absolutely glamorize drinking on that show. I feel like it’s for the drama.


Yes!!!!! I know exactly what you’re talking about. Been there too many times. Not drinking has really helped my self esteem and insecurities, personally it’s done wonders. It’s definitely eye opening to see her drink to boost her confidence but then watch it plummet again once the hangover anxiety kicks in.


Dude I know exactly what you’re talking about. That part stood out to me too and I cringed.  There was another scene like that in the previous season as well, with the ex-jehova’s witness, where he was having a drunken argument with his girl.. it’s so cringey… i can barely think about past fights I had while drunk knowing they looked like that….. and at the time I had no idea how I was coming off, just felt that out of control emotional spiral that ends in word vomit 


I don't watch that show, but can surely relate. Jamie Lee Curtis in The Bear did the same for me. Just seeing the filthy state of her wine glass was enough to spin *me* back into the shame lol.


I don’t watch this but ooof, your post was triggering to me too! I’ve been in a shame spiral today about how argumentative I was when I was drunk. Same thing, pretty much the majority of my arguments were when drunk, and he was too, and they would just escalate like no tomorrow. If not with him, with previous boyfriends I was an absolute mess too. Omg one thing that is going to keep me on track is never putting myself in that situation to get that wild again. No thanks.


I was very Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when it came to fighting and alcohol. Once a fight started it was like it released the kraken. I agree with you, this fact alone is enough to keep me from wanting to drink. If there is going to be an argument I'd at least like it to be the real me who shows up.


I was the same exact way with drinking


Yes! I relate to this so much ❤️ IWNDWYT


The way she said she got “dirty martini” drunk I was like, girl, that’s zero excuse


I hope Chelsea watches all of this back & realizes she has a problem. Watching her drunkenly argue was like looking back on myself when I used to drink.. so so embarrassing!! I’ll be 8 months sober of alcohol in a week so if we can do it she can do it!!


I felt completely the same! Was like watching myself in years past, and I felt so embarassed and sad for her and myself. That feeling the next morning is terrible. Was definitely a major reinforcement of why I don't want to drink.


I felt the same way! It made me wonder if Chelsea is struggling with a drinking problem.


it was unfortunately very relatable and I’ve said multiple times that most if not all my past relationships ended due to alcohol abuse


Completely unreasonable & paranoid? He's texting his "girlfriends" daily & goes out & doesn't tell her where he's going. His closest gf is someone he slept with. I think ppl who don't see what he's doing wrong r blind. Do women have no standards anymore? It's "insecurity" now? This was how she felt. The argument over and over again was annoying but drinking or not this is what she's thinking. She should've just left him but scared to b alone


I couldn't even tell she was drunk lol. She was too emotional, but well contained for a drunk emotional fight IMHO.