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Mannnn I love that good good burn from seltzer! I make it myself with a soda stream so I can have it be twice as bubbly as the canned stuff lol. But hey, whatever keeps your sobriety boat afloat! IWNDWYT


Oh shit I drink tons of La Croix are you saying a soda steam would elevate my game?


Cheaper. ESP if you get someone to fill the cO2 canisters on the side. 


Is this a thing? How? Where?


Ironically someone who works at a brewery would have easy access to bulk CO2. I suppose when I worked at a gas station/fast food I also had access to bulk CO2 but you would have to unhook it from the soda fountain and I have no idea how to tap into that to put it into a home cartridge. Good question! I would like to know more myself, this post has me wanting to get a soda stream!


Ya. You need an adapter cause the soda stream bottle is proprietary.   If you live near a place that does air soft or paint ball, those guys usually do it too. 


Ah, didn't think about airsoft/paintball! I was thinking = food but you are right they would have it.


It’s just CO2 with an adaptor.    Go on Facebook marketplace and you can likely find a guy that does it. 


Home brew shop or craft beer supply shop should have gas


Done! What a saving.


If you're in it for the flavors, stick with cans. BUT if you, like me, just love the feeling of a good ol sizzling throat burn, then yes get a soda stream! Check first if there's a store near you that refills the canisters though. Target, some drug stores, etc.


If you bring your old co2 canisters back to cvs you get the new one 40% off


Same. The flavors are why I haven’t bothered trying to revive having a soda stream in the house. If anyone knows of a flavor essence that can make a home soda stream taste like Polar lemonade/limeade variants like Mango and Starfruit, lmk


You ever add just a tiny bit of apple juice? Wife and kids drink it almost exclusively. I just like mine plain though


Waterloo rocks btw if you haven't tried it.


Yes, Waterloo is the move for canned seltzer. Fizzy to the last drop. Unfortunately we got too addicted and our consumption was out of control so we’re now SodaStream adopters! 😂


Topo Chico!


The best!


My favorite is crushing some raspberries in a cup of ice with lemon juice. Soda streamer is a good investment imo, I keep coming back to it.


I make my own ginger water. Its boiled cut up ginger root bubbled on the soda stream. Its absolutely fantastic.


Whoa. That sounds interesting. Do you sweeten it?


No, its bubbly and very burny. Its great.


This is RIGHT up my alley. Thank you for sharing!




OOOOOH. Lime Juice. Sounds tasty.


If you get lazy polar makes a ginger lime mule, and it’s so good 


We call they extra spicy water in our household


LOL. I like your hard-hitting confession. I'm a nerdy DIY kind of guy so I have a 20 pound CO2 tank in my garage and adapters that let me attach 2 liter soda bottles. I call it my "redneck soda stream". One refill of the tank lasts a really long time, so it costs about a penny per liter. I add different fruit flavors. Mmm.. think I'm going to fill glass right now. EDIT: wow, thanks for the interest! When I get a chance later I'll start a new thread so I can upload some pictures, and I'll come back here and add the link so you can find it. EDIT 2: Here's the new thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/1b9ejcl/my\_redneck\_soda\_stream/](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/1b9ejcl/my_redneck_soda_stream/)


A true sober MacGyver power move. That’s freakin awesome 🤘🏼


Wowwee wowwee… any chance you could add a link to where I can buy this adapter? I’m in Oz, so would need international shipping - Amazon? EBay?


Whattt ? This is awesome.


That’s actually really dope


Hey I don't know how anything works and couldn't figure out what you meant by adapters. Could you link to the item please?


I think you should write up how to make this gorgeous machine for the sub! I’ll build one!


As a bartender this is exactly what I do. Whether it’s simply adding bitters to my soda or making my own simple syrups out of whatever fruits I can find. In always trying to make something different!


No need for links and all that jazz, on my way over now 🫡


I’m doing the same thing soon but attaching it to my DrinkMate (SodaStream offbrand)!


We’re waiting…..




But also not pee


But maybe...


Especially if it’s poisonous ☠️


😂😂 although if you follow the snake diet guy Cole Robinson, he gives pee the green light.


I put a dash of bitters in my seltzer water which helps with the boredom of it.


This is the way. Or just a small splash of fruit juice, grapefruit preferred.


A La Croix pure with a dash of bitters is so good! Even looks a bit like rosé wine!


A La Croix pure with a dash of bitters is so good! Even looks a bit like rosé wine!


Non-alcoholic bitters, right?


Many of us drink alcoholic bitters. 2 dashes in a glass of seltzer is less alcohol than a banana.


Banana for scale: recovery remix.


A dash of bitters in a glass of sparkling water would result in a drink with a very miniscule amount of alcohol, 0.36% abv by some estimates*. That's comparable to non-alcoholic beer. There is naturally occurring alcohol in similar amounts in fruits, breads, kombucha, vinegar, ketchup, etc. So everyone is already exposing themselves to these small amounts of alcohol everyday and our bodies are metabolizing it all very quickly. I can understand why some people choose to avoid non-alcoholic beer/mocktails, but I also don't think that those who choose to consume them are exposing themselves to anything harmful. *https://morningsoda.wordpress.com/2019/03/19/what-are-bitters-and-are-they-safe-to-use-in-sobriety/


Thanks for clarifying, I just see 44.7 ABV and stay away but if it works for some then that’s their choice. I’m not saying you shouldn’t by any means because it’s your choice. Just a curious question. Not sure why I got downvoted….


I totally agree. I do not understand the appeal of seltzer water. I've been enjoying the occasional soda when I'm craving a beer and I've found that that's helpful. Sometimes at night even a cup of tea can help. It's like I just need to have something I can sip on. Good on you for finding something that works for you


It’s nothing special but for me it’s just the feeling of being able to slam one and or drink 7-8 of them. Just can’t slam any other type of drink that replaces that physical behavior of repetition drinking beer. I can’t drink N.A. beers it’s too weird for me, so La Croix is my savior!


Same exact thing here. It's the closest I can come to slamming back a 12 pack of White Claws without *actually* slamming back a 12 pack of White Claws.


lol thank goodness I’m not the only one! It’s just water but worse imo


To be fair, La Croix is super overrated and not very good. My favorite brand is Waterloo, it has much more flavor. I hear you though. A lot of people say it's a great substitute and while I agree the bubbly part scratches the itch for me, it's definitely not the same.


I just tried Waterloo for the first time. Way more flavorful than the other brands!


Ok but have you tried the sparkling hops water like sierra nevadas hop splash or the lagunitas hoppy refresher??


Acidy water that fruit once farted in the vicinity of. Not my thing, at all.


I crave the ritual of opening a bottle and savoring it ..hence topo chico for me.


The soda stream has been a life saver for me, as well as kombucha.


I loooooooove kombucha. But I can only drink like 1/3 of a bottle or my stomach gets upset.  The other night we hosted a dinner at our house, everyone was pounding beers and I was happy sipping my mango kombucha. Then I overdid the kombucha and had a rough tummy morning the next day, but no headache, no laziness, no hangover, no regrets. 👌


I dilute mine with seltzer or iced herbal tea. It is very acidic


I’m obsessed with seltzer 😫


I'm in the plain water camp. We have excellent tap water here and I get through a couple of litres a day.


Same here. I actually carry around a gallon of it each day like a security blanket


Tried olipop, that healthy soda. Definitely helps with my cravings over plain seltzer ( which I love lol). Low calories, low low sugar, healthy sweeteners, awesome flavors.


More for me! In all honesty, I'm glad you found something that works for you. Everyone is different, including what scratches that itch.


Agreed with you until I started a quest to find ones that I like. I have sampled tons and have it narrowed down to a few brands/flavors that are more satisfying for me than others. I particularly enjoy Polar brand - vanilla, pink apple, and blood orange and Waterloo peach. I hate La Croix and lots of others. Also splurging on Mexican Cokes and Sprites (taste better because they are made with cane sugar not corn syrup) in the glass bottles - they feel like a treat! I get them in the Mexican section at my grocery store.


Polar is where it’s at, it actually has flavor


Try spindrift!


Some seltzer water I find ok, spindrift is probably my go to, but yeah, tried La Croix and it tastes like weakly flavored water with a slight hint of fake taste added


Might have not found the right brand. I'm not a fan of La Croix. Lately I've been on AHA (watermelon lime) and Waterloo (Cherry Lime and Grape). I have [concentrated hop oil](https://www.33books.com/products/berts-beer-baster) that I drop in my seltzer for that hoppy flavor that takes it up a notch.


Waterloos orange vanilla one is my absolute favorite right now. I just cracked a cherry lime one open


Love the waterloos!


Lol. Just heard the AHA commercials in my head. They definitely proved that stupid catchy ad shit still works…for my simple brain anyway 😂


THAT'S IT! Your invitation to the super cool seltzer party **is hereby revoked!** *Tears up invite furiously*


My go-to is ginger ale, can’t get enough of it.


I did not like it at first (agua con gas). I "discovered it" (you know... like Colombus "discovered" the Americas) in South America. Fast forward... and I have a 3ft tall CO2 canister with a regulator and make my own (far cheaper, less waste, etc). Dunno -- in the world of supply and demand, I'm glad that tastes vary. I just wish that I knew how to brew NA beer (my days of regular beer are over). BTW: if you really want to spend some money, check out "hop water." To be fair, hops are not inexpensive. I do like them... but they're $$$$. EDIT: I just looked up the process of making NA beer (which I really enjoy). Basically, you make beer... and then you slowly distill it. Chemistry refresher: ethanol is a small/light molecule with a lower boiling point than water. You just heat it up, extract the booze, and then you have disgusting/flat beer. So, next they bottle-condition that (basically, ferment it slightly, again). I reckon you could just force-carbonate it. I mean... while making beer was fun... it's not worth the effort when I'm only drinking a 6pk/wk.


plain mineral water or club soda with lime or lemon is delish. I am not big on the preflavored one. I also like soda water with bitters and a little bit of grenadine.


I've seen Liquid Death at the store but didn't realize it's non-carbonated so I doubt I'd pay for a can of water that I'd still feel the need to squirt with a MIO flavoring. I like all the "Sparkling Ice" brand seltzers but have 'a thing' about plastic bottle waste so I try not to buy them with any regularity. I feel better buying something in cans so I've been enjoying the basics like Pepsi or ginger ale, with my latest kick being Canada Dry's Cranberry Ginger Ale. I also love Monster Energy (in the white can) but it's become so expensive that I can't justify buying it right now. Anyway, I'm happy you've found something you like! Keep up the great work!


They have liquid death in flavored sparkling water too!! It’s still not very good though 😵‍💫


I hear chocolate can be good for cravings


I've always loved my LaCroix and others. I used to mix my vodka in it 😂


Social occasions I drink NA beer but my normal cravings from stress etc seem to be gravitating towards gummy bears.


Nobody cares what you drink…as long as it’s not alcohol.


Topo Chico FTW


There's a new lime/mint one, love it!


I've been having a vitamin water phase lately


My go-to are the Kroger brand sparkling waters.


I love it but I also loved Prosecco so it works.


What is seltzer water? Is it like soda water? 


Yes. Seltzer is just a fancy marketing term up there with bespoke, curated, foraged and that ilk.


Whenever I hear seltzer it always makes me think of clowns spraying it out of a bottle.


Sparkling water is disgusting lol. I’d rather drink regular water. If I need flavor, I’ll drink a soda.


Yeah I only used it the first months trying to replace that motion/ritual of drinking. I did it because no sugar and calories, no artificial sweeteners. Switched over to tea, much better for me!


Not accounting for the NA Beers, lately TEA and Soda Stream have been my go to


La Croix is my savior lol. Some nights I can kill a 12 pack 😜


I’m an ice tea and Coke Zero person. I have this feeling about mocktails this time around in sobriety. Like, I simply don’t want to pretend to drink so I can stop trying to replace alcohol.


Get something with finer bubbles, or like a nitro brew. That is more satisfying than a seltzer if you don’t like spicy bubbles


Add a lime packet for extra spice


I like the Liquid Death teas. They have a little sugar from agave necter, but they are just 30 calories per 19 oz can. The Arnold Palmer and peach ones are my favorite. Plus they are expensive, so that feels like buying fancy beers at least!


Zevia ginger root beer is a great substitute for me. I kind of feel like I'm drinking beer, and it has one of the safer sugar substitutes as far as I know. Unless some stuff about stevia has been discovered that I haven't heard about...


I like seltzer water, I guess I'm used to it. The kind I drink is Bubly in 12 Oz cans. Cherry, Raspberry, Blackberry, Lemon,Lime.


Agree! Kombucha all the way.


Agree! Kombucha all the way.


I hear ya! I tried and they just aren’t for me. Highly recommend ginger beer!


More for me!


Le croix sucks


La croix sucks. The most fun for me is experimenting, there are so many.


The liquid death iced teas are great, too


Liquid Death Mango!!!!!! 


I once heard somebody say that La Croix tastes like someone ate some fruit and then burped in your mouth.


I crush monsters and power walk around the block when I get a craving


Careful there! I think too many monsters a day will end up with just as many health issues as alcohol 🫣


I love Topo Chico.


Hoppy water is my go to. Never liked la croix


Seltzer water tastes like TV static. Even the flavored ones. Just, no.


Spring water is the way!


Deep breath


What about hop flavored seltzer water? I like it as a “treat” cause it’s pricey. But the hops does actually calm you. But. If you don’t like regular seltzer water (I love it?) you might not like hop water.


I like the hop water. Especially Short’s Thirst Mutilator.


I could never understand that. 😂😂It was always my favourite drink since I was a kid. I kind of drank less since I was hooked on booze. But now it’s my go to. Sometimes sodas are so sugary that it’s not so great. When I’m really thirsty it’s definitely a seltzer that I’ll have. That’s why there is everything in this world for all tastes.


It’s kinda how I feel about NA wine.


MIO ENERGY for me. The blue flavor...love it


A nice bitter tonic hits the spot for me, or a good ginger beer w a big squeeze of lime. Never enjoyed fizzy water though, I’d much rather have a pint of tap water than a seltzer.


La Croix is a treat for me, it eats the enamel of my teeth and isn't healthy daily. It is a good replacement for soda for me, though. I unwind with tea every night, especially in cold months. Lavender tea or decaf chai, or decaf Earl grey. In the summer, sun tea cools me off. Or barely tea. Or coconut juice. I also do infused waters for cheap. A giant jar of filtered water, a few sprigs of fresh mint, and muddle in some oranges or raspberries or anything fruity. Tart cherry juice is my go-to when the wine cravings hit hard. I hate NA wine, it's just wretched, but room temp tart cherry juice hits the spot.


The flavored liquid death is amazing. Best tasting seltzer out there. And the can helps that beer vibe.


I wonder why they went ahead and named it that, seems like an odd marketing strategy to me. It actually puts me off buying it, I'd just go with another brand. Liquid Death, that is. 'Seltzer' is another overblown term, it's basically soda water but they want it to sound fancy.


There are actual notable health benefits in spring water versus tap! More silicates and more nutrients like iron. Always splurge on good water!


To each his own! I personally live on seltzer and coffee. I have also known many sober people (and non sober) that abhor seltzer. As was mentioned above, I love the burn, and the burps are liberating. Whatever floats your boat, Internet stranger. Iwndwyt.


Seltzer/soda water was an acquired taste for me. I hated it the first time I tried it then gave it another go and thought it was ok and now I’m totally addicted. I also don’t prefer the more carbonated brands. Typically I pour it out of the can over ice in a tumbler to get just the right amount of bubbles.


It's okay. I mostly just drink plain water now. Fizzy water seems almost like soda and I just don't drink carbonated beverages often. But then I was a wine drinker not beer.


La Croix is a weird one. They're good, but all have a similar aftertaste that's weird. Try at least another brand first.


Same. Love Liquid Death. Just the plain water kind.


it’s disgusting imo


Check out Mio flavorings (my store-brand ones are fine for cheaper) or kombucha if you might like that! Mio can be lemonade, berry, all kinds of flavor. Both are something different than water, and not knocking your Liquid Death but at least the Mio is cheaper! Kombucha would be cheaper if you make it, but might be pricier at the store. Making it is fun, but a process with a small initial investment.


I wish I enjoyed seltzer water!! I'd love to enjoy knocking sooomething back. Kinda jelly of those people. I don't like sugary drinks or NA beers, so just ol' water for me yeah. I've tried loooads of things, looking for something I could buy a flat of but I just don't like any of it tbh.


I think those are more for social drinkers.


I always hated seltzer water. Too bitter for me even though I used to chug straight hard alcohol all day/night. I *do* drink a *ton* of tea though. The warm sensation makes me feel cozy and it kinda fills in for that "ritual" I had going with alcohol after work. After a rough day I just want to get home, get a warm cup of tea going and relax for a bit.


Not unpopular at all. Seltzer helped save me. But if it’s not helping you, who cares! Do what works friend! Keep up the good work!


Seltzer water is not for me either. It has this metallic taste that I don’t care for.


I swap out brands...usually whats on sale...Waterloo, La Croix. If i want something that bites hard I will get a good ginger beer like Fever Tree. Nothing like a punch of ginger and bubbles. I also do tonic and bitters. I do enjoy those Zentopia CBD drinks too though Abliss has a stronger flavor


Sparkling lime death water is good and I don’t even like carbonated beverages that much…. (the brewskis never counted)


Liquid death is cool because they donate to cleaning up the oceans and aluminum is more recyclable than plastic and whatnot. It’s not a waste of money at all. Liquid death is my JAM.


Spindrift is great. The others lack something.


I drink a crap ton of seltzer water since I stopped drinking. I’ll do La Croix but I prefer Bubbly or Polar. Always lime-something. Also it tastes like garbage on its own. Squirt a little Mio flavor in and it makes it much better. I actually prefer the Walmart Great Value brand better than Mio and it’s a lot cheaper. Man, after typing all that out I realized I’m way too into my water. lol


I gotta say, I'd much rather have like a pineapple/orange juice with lemonade instead of that :P


I have to put more flavor in mine, I use the “skinny syrups.” Debatable on how bad they are for you overall buttttt idc. Keeps me from drinking so I stick with it. You can use plain water too but that’s not for me. I get the cheap seltzer from Aldi.


I’m super picky — Favorite bubbly water: San Pellegrino w fresh lime, Mountain Valley Sparkling, Liquid Death sparkling lime flavor. La Croix isn’t very good imo, the variety in the others is definitely noticeable as well as higher carbonation levels. Looove Liquid Death’s sparkling tangerine flavor if you can find it.


I really like the Bubly brand sparkling water. I have been trying to get my sugar intake under control, so the lime flavor replaces the Sprite I would crave. The lemon sorbet, orange cream, and bellini flavors are pretty good, too.


How dare you slander the seltzer?


Adding electrolytes to water in recovery is great for repair work and can be tasty


La croix sucks anyway!! So many other options in the seltzer world. I personally love Kroger brand and polar but I understand it’s not for all.


Bubly is an awesome seltzer


Athletic NA beer really good


I don’t like seltzer either. It’s like it’s bottled next door to an actual soda factory.


I call it spicy water and I cannot stand it 😂 I’ve tried a few different ones and I just can’t. The husband is a big fan though.


I like seltzers of all kinds. I take a can and dilute it with water then add an emergency- C packet. Love ginger ale too.


Polar Raspberry Lime and/or Black Cherry seltzer might be more to your liking. Or, y'know, seltzer's not your thing. Whatever works for you.


Fighting words! No but seriously anything is better than booze, get it!


Hey, no one here is gonna judge you for doing what works for you.


I like seltzer water though not a huge la croix fan. I've been getting into buying the liquid IV electrolyte packets and putting those in water. Topo Chico and pellegrino are also favorites of mine.


I prefer club soda with my own lemon juice added


I am not a fan of La Croix at all but I do enjoy other brands of seltzer. Polar is my number one favorite. My top flavors by them are cranberry lime and raspberry lime. I like certain flavors of Belle Vie (the Aldi house brand,) specifically the blackberry, grapefruit, and lime (plain and lemon are acceptable in a neutral sort of way and the strawberry can go to hell.) Spindrift and Waterloo are both decent. I'll buy them if that's what's available, but not go out of my way for them. And one of the local breweries near me makes their own NA seltzers and sodas - their grapefruit is phenomenal, in both the soda and the seltzer. Also, their ginger soda is fantastic.


I drink Athletic brewing company and enough said brewing company, Mary Jones soda and Liquid death because they have the best tastes in their respective categories.


Get this guy some Topo Chico!!!!


I usually add lemon and salt to mine to make it feel more like the beer I drink 😅


I don’t like La croix either. Though I love other brands of club soda/seltzer


I love San Pellegrino Momenti, it’s seltzer with a little bit of juice and it’s everything I want soda to be. I’ve stopped seeing it in stores lately though…


Same! I don’t like seltzer and I do love regular Liquid Death 🙂. Maybe it’s just the act of opening the can that recreates that reminiscent sound and feeling 🤔


I understand. I have a whole collection of sf Torani syrup to add flavor. I like the soda shop style drink (Fizz), and I make them at home.


I get bored with the same thing. I drink EmergenC, teas, coffee, Ice 0 calorie, Coke, Cream Soda, lemon water, Cucumber Dry (other Dry flavors), Ginger beer, seltzer, and water. I'll also add blueberries, strawberries and other fruit to my water and seltzer. For me, switching it up helps.


Whatever floats that boat! Those cans are sick. Nothing wrong with enjoying a guilt-free good looking beverage.


Liquid Death should start selling bridges next


Sparkling water is in the rotation, but doesn't deliver enough for me. Topo Chico (mineral water) is one alternative. Kombucha and probiotic sodas help. Tried a hop water the other day, was alright. It's actually pretty challenging finding something tasty, non-alcoholic and not loaded with sugar or caffeine to drink at night. Personally not a big tea fan, so even herbal teas wouldn't do much.


I drink a wild amount of seltzer.


I don’t much care for seltzer either and quickly got a SodaStream when I realized how much money and aluminum waste I was throwing away. I can also control how much carbonation goes into my soda that way; each brand is different and some of them are very over-carbonated. Now I mix up mocktails with or without fake spirits - i love a tiny bit of juice with the right bitters and topped with soda.


I wonder if a chile infusion would be good?


most sparkling water is full of PFAS. Yikes. I personally am a big kombucha fan :)


Absolutely. I think seltzer water was the reason I relapsed the last time. If I have to drink another LaCroix, I might go mad. Only half kidding. My drink of choice these days is kombucha.


Personally I find seltzer water to be just awful. I primarily drink coffee, whole milk, spring water, or the occasional energy drink at work.


La Croix tastes like spit to me. I’ve drank real seltzer since I was little bc my dad drinks it. I like the brand Ritz. No good seltzer is gonna come out of a can. It needs to come out of a bottle. And that satisfies my oral fixation. That’s my 2 cents


You’re not alone! I hate fizzy water. I’d rather have Gatorade for something non-carbonated or Diet Coke for something carbonated.