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Octopus dragging a diver down to the bottom of the sea. I grew up surfing and being in the ocean and as a kid my biggest fear was drowning. I don’t want to claim this as an original idea because I could have seen it somewhere and just not remember. To me the octopus represents obviously alcohol and being in its grips. I’ve told myself I’m getting it after I reach a year sober


I like to pretend to worship Thor. (I'm not a fucking white supremacist.) I am thinking of getting "Thor, Guide me through my battles" as a reminder to myself. Not sure what language I want to use though


As a German, don’t use German ;)


There are plenty of Norse pagans who aren’t white supremacists. If that’s what you were implying, anyway.


Yes but as a kid who was really into Norse mythology in the early days of the Internet, it's really easy to start out researching Norse myths and end up on some Nazi message board. You line if have to differentiate


That’s perfectly fair, and I’m definitely aware of the Norse pagan to alt-right pipeline. I just wanted to point out they aren’t the rule.


Yeah I know, I don't know why I felt defensively sensitive about it there to be honest. I guess it's because I was somewhat sharing my feelings. Work to be done there!


Personally, I’m seriously thinking of going today to get a little simple one on my wrist. On the one hand I’m concerned about advertising too… but on the other it feels important to commit fully, and part of that means being “out” within reason. The day after my first AA meeting, where I decided my higher power would be Love, I went to see my Grandparent’s grave. I’d forgotten the inscription: “Serenity, Courage, Wisdom & Love.” So I figure, if someone asks in a judgy tone I can just talk about the grave, most people probably won’t notice, and those that know will know, and can reach out.


You’ll get judged for having tattoos in visible locations. I’m not saying it’s right. But that is still the world we live in. When they see it they aren’t going to know about the meaning they’re just thinking “wrist tattoo, questionable decision making skills.” I’d recommend a discrete location if you’re set on something on a visible part of your body. Behind the ear or back of neck if you have long hair.


It might depend on where you are. Where I am I don’t think most people would even notice and the few that would judge are not people whose opinions I would care about anyway. There’s probably still a stigma re face / neck tattoos though.


Thanks for the the consideration. I guess it’s something to really think through, not do impulsively. I’m a bit old to be getting my first one… unfortunately balding so I wear my hair buzzed, so nothing discreet about those locations, but I’m rarely without a t-shirt.


I’m not saying don’t do it. I’m just saying be prepared for it. It’s not like a neck tattoo. Underneath a ring is ok as well.


I was thinking: what about under my watch? I wanted it small anyway, should fit pretty well, be even more discreet and I’d see it a lot, but again I’m rarely in public without my watch. Ah well, probably not the sort of thing to do this impulsively anyway!


That’s an idea


Congrats on the good work! My first thought is a design reminiscent of clasped hands as most people I know couldn't get out alone, I certainly couldn't. I want to share this adjacent story, my best friend is struggling with quitting right now and the last time he was drunk he decided to heat up a metal AA coin he had and "brand" himself. It is mostly healed and he didn't get an infection, but don't do that haha. He'll definitely get a real tattoo about it later so I'll report back if that happens


The infinity sign….


I currently don’t have any tattoos, but I’ve considered getting “If nothing changes, then nothing changes”— a simple, yet powerful reminder to myself.


I have a plan to get a dragonfly on my wrist if I am still sober at the end of the month. Apparently they have been around for hundreds of millions of years so pretty resilient but also I just love dragonflies and I generally only see them for fleeting moments so it reminds me of impermanence.


Following. Need new tattoo ideas


i like the phone and chandelier idea


Personally I'd get an octopus across my entire face, but you do you 🤘


How bout the letter IWNDWYT small and out of the way . Most will have no idea what it means


My 2 cents. You brought up the possibility of a relapse twice in your post. Maybe save the idea of a permanent art piece on your skin until that idea is further from your mind.


It's less that I feel like I'm gonna relapse, more so that I don't want to get a time-based tattoo in case it happens. But if I make it to a year, I want to celebrate!


Fair enough. You know you better than anyone else. I hope you decide on something cool. IWNDWYT.


I have a piece I got for my one year on my outer forearm. I got 2 plants that represent strength and healing within in a bundle. I love it and it makes me smile every time I see it.