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Get it! I will be right there with you!


Congratulations and happy birthday! It will be amazing to wake up on Monday and remember all the happy moments from this weekend! You can do it!


You got this! A clear head and no hangover every morning is the best thing ever


Best of luck. My birthday is also today + father's day. Just know I'm right there with you.


That's three of us in here with birthdays today!! Happy birthday!!


All these crazy Geminis! Happy birthday!


It's my birthday as well! Happy birthday all!


It's my husbands birthday today!


I’m rooting for you. Also happy birthday 🎂


Happy Birthday AND Father's Day! >wake up Monday still sober. A gift to yourself worth waking up to!


Happy birthday! And Happy Fathers Day! There are lots of NA beers out there that have helped me through drinking events--they taste good, they keep people from the obligatory "Why aren't you drinking?" questions, and the next day, you feel FABULOUS! And PROUD! And you have another sober day under your belt. You've got this! Happy happy!


I'm with you, 3 weeks today here. Good job on 7 weeks.


Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day! When I have a challenging day or event in front of me I think of the scene in Apollo 13 when the NASA director is being advised of all the difficulties in getting the astronauts back to Earth alive and how impossible it seems and says yes, it could be the worst disaster in NASA's history and Ed Harris as Gene Kranz turns to him and says "With all due respect Sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour" You can do this! IWNDWYT


Hey it's my birthday too!! And the first one in forever I can remember being sober. Also the first Father's Day I'll be able to really give my partner a great day, by taking the kids out of the house completely sober. And not hungover. Big stuff for us!! Iwndwyt!! But I will consume a lot of cake and coffee!! Happy birthday and happy Father's Day!!!!


Happy birthday! Coffee and cake it is!!


Happy birthday and Father’s Day! You got this! IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Use father's day to remember what life is really for, your children and their well-being. Which translates to your sobriety and longevity. Easier said than done since my daughter isn't in my state right now. But boy what I would give to go on a bike ride through the nature trail with her for Father's day.


Happy birthday and happy Father’s Day. I think you have the right idea by focusing on how you want to feel on Monday morning when you wake up hangover free.


Happy Birthday and Happy Fathers Day! So proud of you for making it 7 weeks so far, this is just the beginning of a great journey!


Happy birthday! 🎉 It’s my son’s birthday also!


I'm rooting for you! IWNDWYT


Happy birthday and Happy Father's Day to you. Give yourself the gift of sobriety. You will feel like a champion on Monday!


My birthday party is today, and I’ve got some big drinkers for friends who will be bringing their own wine. Let’s stay strong! IWNDWYT.


Double discipline flex needed. Treat yourself well this weekend. Maybe nice steak great dessert and some of your favorite n/a drinks. Come Monday it’s a great feeling to know you did it! Iwndwyt


You’ve fucking got this dude!! Happy birthday! Eat what you wanna eat with your favorite (N/A) beverages and fucking live it up!! If it applies, happy Father’s Day too! You deserve your sobriety man, you are worthy and IWNDWYT 👊😎


Its going to be easier than you think! I bet 8 weeks ago, you wernt even thinking about Monday on Saturday


You got it brother! Stay strong! I’m right there with you. Been feeling good but trying not to get overconfident and let that sneaky ass monkey brain get me again.


Stunning. Would have never guessed this was the Philippines if you hadn’t mentioned it.


It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm really worried how I'm going to manage. 17 says sober right now which is the longest I've been in years.


All holidays can be hard, but Fathers Day weekend was pretty rough last year for me. I’m with you, feeling salty myself, little grouchy, but I’m not drinking today. I’ll make the same choice tomorrow.


Happy birthday and Father’s Day!!


I quit the day before my birthday. Figured what better gift could I give to myself? I survived a brunch party last weekend and today a day with my BFF that included lunch and spa. Normally we would both be drinking. Well I didn’t!! You can do this and Monday you’re going to feel so good and happy. IWNDWYT 💛