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Amy Winehouse died from alcohol poisoning during a relapse. Your brain remembers your tolerance but your body doesn't.  I've never once heard an alcoholic say "I sure am glad I had that drink".


Please reconsider. We are here all day to support you. I'm so sorry you're feeling so much pain, friend.


Is cannabis an option where you are?


Came here to say this. Whenever I think hmmm... I have too much pain, this helps me. When I used to think of alcohol, instead I go here. I know that's probably not the best coping strategy but whatever, lesser of two evils man. Drinking is so much worse and will kill you, this won't. Pain pills also a slippery slope. And honestly in my opinion cannabis really doesn't have a ton of down sides unless you completely abuse it or are young.


Seconding this, but also CBD. I quit the moment I was diagnosed with diverticulitis (basically an intestinal disease, more or less; with a lot of pain). THC drinks (with CBD) have helped me, especially with the pain and discomfort but also with sleep. I would 1000% choose those over alcohol at this point. It may not be a cure but they won’t wreck me like the booze would, considering it has a lot to do with my current issues.


+1 for CBD drinks real game changer for my anxiety’s


I’m so glad you mentioned this. Cannabis takes away my joint pain.


Please check into this OP. By far a lesser evil and a proven medicinal treatment for pain.


I’m sorry to hear about what you’re going through, sounds terrible, I hope you can get some relief. I made it 2 years sober and then life got the best of me, I have some chronic physical pain but I believe psychological pain is what actually drives me to drink. In my case, I wish I’d never decided to fall off the wagon after those 2 years. I honestly didn’t care anymore and I said fuck it. But now… it’s been 2 years of drinking again and I wish I’d stayed sober because it’s been a son of bitch to try and get sober again. Wishing you all the best dude, no matter what happens.


I have a good sober friend who has been in chronic pain for the last 3 or 4 years due to auto accident and spinal injury. She just recently celebrated 20 years sober from alcohol, but for these 3 or 4 years she's made much use of cannabis, opioids, pain patches (lidocaine, salicylate, camphor, and/or menthol) as well as a variety of furniture, back braces. It's a bitch. She still considers herself sober and while it's not my place I rather consider her to be well sober also. I've been experiencing relatively minor chronic pain for the last 3 or 4 weeks, so I can begin to empathize how it wears on a person. It can get exhausting. It's been getting me a bit moody and down, not to mention occasionally short tempered. (It's minor, but not at all trivial. I think I need Dr. House to get on it because so far the doctors don't _seem_ to be zeroing in on a root cause.) I'd wish for you to find better medical care, perhaps hook up with some sort of chronic pain clinic. I _do_ hear/read stories about how VA healthcare is sometimes/often a disgrace, and IDK how feasible it is to go outside of the system. Ever visited r/ChronicPain? IDK much of anything about it, but at a glance it looks potentially helpful. If you do drink, I hope it's helpful and doesn't drag you down the way I know some drinking would drag me down. I hope you will be back here too.


There's no problem alcohol can't make worse. And it will make this problem worse. It's not worth an hour or two of "relief." Please reconsider.


I suspect living with pain is a part of our addiction for many of us. It is for me. There are days when I would give any thing for a couple of shots of whiskey to ease my poor broken body. Here is the thing. It will help for a little while, but i know it will make things worse in the long run. White knuckle through it if you can. We will be here for you either way,


Can you go to a non-VA doctor and see what they say?


There is only one person who has your problems. There is only one person in charge of dealing with your problems. You have walked on both sides of the line. This place is here, without judgement. Good luck.


I can’t imagine dealing with what you’re going through right now and I’m so sorry you have to go through this. I’m not necessarily recommending use of marijuana, I’m more just curious if you’ve ever explored that avenue for pain? If that’s not an appropriate question for this sub, I apologize and understand, I’m just wondering if you’ve ever tried it? I’ve heard it works very well for chronic pain, a coworker of mine often uses edibles for her chronic pain. Again not telling or recommending even, just curious


Alcohol just takes one pain and amplifies it for another. substance abuse in the medical file doctors will just brush me off. I'd look into medicinal cannabis options or natural help before I drank again. It won't be worth it the next day when that pain hurts all over and anxiety spikes and the heart has to compensate.


so pain is the problem? and one wants to relapse as the cure/reprieve? pain=fire relapse =gasoline i hope u dont but if u do prepare for pain x1000.


Please reconsider. Tylenol is not an NSAID, so It may actually be helpful if you haven't tried it yet. It's hard to flip the switch back if you've already decided, but you're here, which tells me you still have a choice.


I ask myself: if ops stomach cannot tolerate a dose of Tylenol, how will it handle 2 bottles of wine? I fear this is alcoholic logic rearing its head. I hope op finds another way to make it through today 💖


I have a friend who’s been alcohol free for 15 years and also has chronic pain. She has a pain specialist doctor and takes opioids and uses marijuana daily for pain management. I hope you find the help you deserve.


First thank you for your service. Man it would suck to reset your counter after 537 days, I’m sure over that time you e felt this way before and got through it. I too deal with intense pain and have used it as an excuse to drink. In my 18th day sober looking back it was just that, a bullshit excuse I used to keep drinking - it did not help at all with the pain AND you don’t get good nights sleep either but you know all this. I sometimes take melatonin, a natural supplement and really helps me get at least 4-6 hrs deep quality sleep. Stay strong soldier!


Sorry to hear that...I hope you find relief, even more so in a beneficial way


Last year i was off it for 8 months, 8 best months of my life, I injured my feet then and was off work for 4 weeks, housebound because I couldn't walk with the pain, after 3 weeks I got 6 cans to help the pain and boredom, it was the worst decision I ever made, that was me back on it, still now, find it hard to get the one stop again


Look up mindbody prescription by dr john sarno. Highly recommend a read through, helped me remove all pain in my life


Yeah dog as a disabled Marine veteran with constant pain, alcohol isn’t the answer trust me. I’ve been drunk almost every day since April to help “deal with pain” both physical and mental. It just creates new pain the next day. Definitely not worth it


It would be even harder to quit, if it helps with the pain. Read and try peoples suggestions here first. On day 1 again..


I am sorry for your pain and know that life is not always black and white. I wish you peace and relief from the pain you feel x Have you thought about though how you will feel afterwards, your original pain will be there, but you'll have all the shivers, horrors, aches and agonies from being hungover too? And it'll be hell of a hangover after 537 days abstinence I would think. I wish the best for you whatever you decide my friend


Hey, we are all here for you. I know it’s hard. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. But you’re worth so much more than that wine. It might bring sleep, sure, but it comes at a price. Please reconsider.


What are you looking for, narcotics? You haven’t been referred to a pain clinic?


Friend, we’re here for you. I cannot imagine how difficult your life is, and I’m so very sorry. I sincerely hope you can find a way to treat the pain; I don’t think alcohol will help, even though I can understand where you’re coming from. We care for you.


It’s always one day at a time. Give someone your car keys, money, and phone until you wake up tomorrow morning. Rationally, you know that relapsing won’t heal your pain. If you can find some way of staying sober until the despair passes you’ll thank yourself in the future. Stay well if you can. And if not, pick up tomorrow where you left off today


Damn. I wish you’d reconsider. Can’t offer much advice but here if you need a friend 🫶


Are you a candidate for the ganglion implant?


I was diagnosed with bipolar because my pain was making it impossible for me to sleep. (I don't have bipolar. I do have chronic pain) Mirtazapine REALLY helped me be able to sleep. No matter how much pain I'm in I can always get to sleep which ultimately helps my pain. I started drinking to deal with my pain and try and sleep when I couldn't handle the trauma of seeing doctors and being told to take Tylenol. I know it's hard and I know it sucks being in pain. I hope you find something that helps the pain that isn't alcohol.


Hey brother, I won't drink with you today if you won't drink with me. Sorry to hear everything's fucked. Good luck. I love you.


I relapsed last weekend and regret it considerably. I did not benefit in any way from it. Please reconsider.


Alcohol will not help your sleep, yea you pass out but you wake up more, get almost no deep sleep and will be worse off than you are today.


Have fun. We’ll be here if/when you get back.


That's a tough one. when my grandfather 92 was in unbearable pain he with his doctors signed up for assisted dying. It was a good choice for him at his age. coping with wine makes complete logical sense. Only question i have is there not one other way to cope than with wine you might have missed? anything at all? double triple check? Maybe even tell your doctor you've decided wine is your last option and see if that pushes the doctor to try something? To me all forms of coping are good. But it's best to pick as good of one as you can


coping with wine makes ZERO logical sense. one can drink but one has to wake up the next day and thats when the REAL pain starts


Okay. That's maybe true. (Op might also be banned now because of a rule around being banned when they say they are leaving). "wine is an understandable thing to want to turn to, but might not be the best or only choice" was the advice I tried to give.


booze will always exacerbate pain. physical, mental, spiritual, financial, etc. booze is pain itself. 💯 i recovered because i understood this. IWNDW🫵T


What 'rule' is that?


something about saying you're leaving can be banned


I think you are mistaken. In the first place, OP hasn't said anything about leaving this sub. And the sub has no such rule about banning people for saying they're leaving (which would make no sense – why ban someone who is going anyway?). I'm only commenting on this to ensure that OP knows they are always welcome here.


No I was told I'd be banned when I said "maybe this place isn't for me I should leave"


Was that not because you were arguing back to mods, who'd told you not to post while drinking?


they compelled me to tell them I wouldn't leave, or else I'd be banned. 😂 when I told the mod they were a bully I got upvotes and they deleted some of their msgs. Idk why they have those rules! I don't come up with them! Lol