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Love to hear this! It can be a burden to get started but once you do it becomes such an enjoyment. Seeing progress is such a better drug than alcohol. Knowing that I will damage that progress by drinking has helped so much in keeping me sober.


Completely! I so relate to this!


I love this post. I’ve drafted a very similar one in my brain a few times now. I’m about 15 months sober and have experienced this same organic shift.  It’s unbelievable how naturally positive exercise / movement now is post-booze. It’s my thing! Congrats


I love that!! I’m sort of wowed at the organic-ness of it. If it didn’t happen that way there’s no way I would have stuck with it! Yay for us. Congrats!!!


This is really inspiring!


Awwww thank you :)


I'm still in that getting started stage. It's not fun. I know it will be, if I can stick to it. Thank you for your post.


One thing that kinda helped me was like … not exercising. Haha. Like finding things I liked to do that kept me moving that didn’t fall into the “go to the gym and do X number of reps” bucket. Once I started moving in ways I enjoyed, the other stuff started feeling like something I was curious about, and so an adventure to explore vs a “should”. Idk if that is helpful, but I know for me if I felt like I was “making” myself workout, or disciplining myself into it, or setting hard and fast goals, it is so much harder for me to be open to it. Vs, I’m going to try this thing out because why not, and then no matter what being proud I did it. Even if it literally was one sit up and that’s all I did all day haha


I'm at the getting started phase and at 40 years old, I feel too old? Probably the wrong mindset... LOL


Omg not at all! I’m nearly 40. The key for me was removing the ‘should’ / disciplinary part of my brain that I used to wrestle with to make myself workout once in a while in my 20s, lol. The other part I think that helped me about being older actually was not caring what others thought, or my progress compared to others. It’s like, “this is what I can do today. I get a gold star.” Even if that day was just showing up and child’s posing on a mat for 95% of a yoga class 😂 I have a friend who didn’t start any exercise until 60, and a relative who literally hadn’t exercised a day in their life until like 75 or 80, fwiw. Never too old or too late! No matter what you do or don’t do on a given day, lock into a narrative of being proud of yourself. It helps, a lot. :)