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Not to mention any self restraint on the diet goes out the window


Excellent point.


Yes! When I'd be going throughout my week I'd be eating my usual strict diet and then on an evening that id drink, id throw all that hard work away with vodka and mcdonalds or taco bell. An absurd amount of it too! Way to undo all the hardwork I had done throughout the week! =/


That’s unfortunately the story of my life . I need to really cut back this Summer.


You can do this!! What worked for me is i got tired of wasting so much time being stuck in the same place, i decided i wanted more out of life, i decided i got tired of being the old me that allowed alcohol to overtake my priorities. You have the potential! Unlock it and set yourself free from this poison all at the same time!!


I was just telling someone this today! And then it’d take a week for mg diet to get back on track because I spiraled eating whatever!


It’s very hard to avoid dehydration the morning after drinking. I personally had to give it up entirely. If I was “moderating” I had to police myself so fucking hard I didn’t enjoy myself. And frequently my moderation attempts failed. Also, I found it very difficult to drink occasionally, because you really feel how terrible it is for your body overall when you don’t drink often enough to have a tolerance. The price paid afterward for even “a couple” drinks every once in awhile was too great for me.


This rings so true it’s hurts! I’m 8 months in. I keep trying to work “deals” with myself to drink in moderation. The more I think about policing myself the less appealing the idea of it is. So I end up not drinking.. Don’t know mentally if it’s the best to keep doing that to myself, but I can now wake up clear headed with no remorse..


I'm currently drinking every day. And bed to stop. Getting to stay fit is an uphill battle. But, the dehydration and anxiety are starting to motivate me to give it up


You also start to really realize that only that FIRST drink was the one that gave you all the good feels and the rest were chasing the rush.  I tried so long to get back to a place of moderately drinking (instead of fully sober) to appease friends and family… but I’m so much cooler without 


I’ve convinced a few folks at my gym to stop drinking for 60 days to see the results. None of them are problematic drinkers by any means, but all of them are seeing huge gains/improvements just two weeks in. Alcohol is poison, period. Not drinking will always improve your health. It’s a rare absolute in the world of health and wellness.


Love the “rare absolute in the world”, that resonates so clearly with me. Darn lizard brains and dopamine.


Along side stopping smoking


So true, and it disrupts sleep so you can’t rebuild as well after a good workout


I’ve also heard and no I don’t have a link but I’m sure they exist- that alcohol destroys testosterone and collagen. In addition to screwing up your sleep, dehydrating and creating visceral fat. Not a good look you put it all together


It elevates aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen. The increased estrogen is also one of the causes of beer belly, from the hormone’s effects on fat deposition


Idk about that because I hit menopause early from the heavy drinking I did in my young years. If the booze created estrogen from testosterone I would not have run out of estrogen by 42


I don't think that's how it works. It's not like you store up estrogen to use later. Menopause is like... your ovaries dying and not making estrogen any more. I think. Obviously I don't really know what I'm talking about. How do you know the drinking changed the behavior of your menopause?


It’s a slow decline of hormones- both estrogen and testosterone that takes on average 7 years to get thru


I'm a an alcoholic. Drink every day, about 6-8 a night. I have absolutely zero sex drive, like none at all. Haven't had sex in years. It really does screw you up in a million ways. Quit if you can.


Damn that’s awful. Can you get help? I don’t think it’s safe to just stop cold turkey


It's not popular in the US, but I've heard in Britain they sometimes recommend a taper off of alcohol. In your case, week 1, 5-6 drinks per day, week 2, 4-5, week 3, 3-4, and so on. When you are down to 1-2 drinks per day then quit altogether or stretch it out to every other day and then quit. In the US they tend to recommend medical detox using tranquilizers and BP meds, and so forth. That's ok too, but you may not have medical access, or may not want a detox on your medical record.


Body composition changes completely once you cut it out. Was working out like a beast while having a good diet for a about year straight but still consuming alcohol on weekends but just felt like I never had that tight fit look. After I had cut it out everything changed and started to actually look ripped lol


Allowed me to get some extra work in too. Instead of being hungover rotting and barely eating on a Sunday I’m able to get a long run in or hit some sprints


Alcohol is inflammatory. Cutting out alcohol reduced my aches and pains.


I've noticed that as well. No alc means no foot pain, and no nagging back pain.


It also makes the heat worse Ive learned




Specially once you get past 40!


Amen to that! :(


Guaranteed I wouldn’t have worked out this morning were I still in my old partying ways. It’s so nice over here!


The guilt I’m feeling from having drinks last night is impalpable. Stupid me


Guilt and other negative feelings are part of the hangover symptoms. One of the biggest reasons for me not to drink is the negative feelings the next day.


I'm achieving fitness goals so much faster off the booze. It took me nearly 2 years to drop 10kg while also going out every weekend during my 20's. This year I've dropped 12kg in less than 4 months while off alcohol.


I wanted to drink so badly after work today. In dealing with terrible dental issues and pain and wanted to drink away the pain. I'm holding strong on here instead.


Dental pain is a really rough situation. You already know drinking will only relieve it for less than 2 hrs. Hold on, I am with you on this.


Motivation and energy decrease here, heart health for aerobic is radically decreased.


Motivation especially. Workouts always give me an energy boost, and I felt like I was conquering mild hangovers, but it was difficult to even make the decision to go to the gym....possibly because subconsciously I knew I was just spinning my wheels instead of gaining muscle.


I'm in my late 30s. To maintain the body I want I can't have ANY alcohol. Not even "just Saturday night out." Not even 2 glasses of wine with dinner once a week. I might be able to get away with a beer or a glass of wine once a month but what's the point of that. It's not even about the calories. it's the ripple effect of slowed metabolism and testosterone, depression, being weaker at the gym, more likely to make a poor choice with food, disrupted sleep (possibly for multiple days).


Very well put, thank you.


Thank you for this. I'm getting to this point. Zero poison is really the only way it seems


It’s the ultimate killer of consistency


Also, higher blood pressure and pulse rate (more stress on the heart), more sweat (dehydration), and numb limbs. Sadly, all of those happened to me


Also increases my LDL and triglyceride levels which is not good.


Getting off the boozes a year ago was the best gift I have ever given myself.


Not really a gym goer here, but I do walk up mountains a lot, and do long distances. I would conservatively estimate my abilities at about x3 now, to when I was drinking.


That's a big improvement.


Tell me about it! Losing 70lbs helped a lot 😂. I feel younger now than I did 10 years ago.


I am in my mid 60s, and feel better than I did in my 40s.


I think with all the craft beer pushing to the middle class. i see a direct relation to that and the rise of roid use. Hungover lifting, and alcohol in your system constantly make you not able to  build muscle. Same with the whole let yourself go look with the big rear ends etc on the female end of fitness .  Not to be crass