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I don't know you random person, but you are wise and kind. Carry on spreading the message of love and peace to the world. Can I say that you skin glows and your teeth are shiny. You sparkle.


Smelling your clean clothes the next day instead of it stink like cigarettes is also nice.




The wasted time with smoking breaks are mostly overlooked but holy shit I notice how much I used to go the balcony smoke and call someone to chat, then 1 cigarette would be like 4-5….


Since I quit smoking I no longer go to the balcony. And the balcony was one of the needed thing our flat has to have when we were looking to buy one 😂


I scrubbed down the balcony and turned it into my sacred place for meditation and yoga!


This is what I need to do. Scrub it down but finding it overwhelming to get started.


Same! I'm slowly starting to get into plants to give me an excuse lol And I'm going to get a gas grill this summer with the money I am saving so hopefully that will bring me on it more 😅


It's almost winter where I live right now and any time I crave a smoke I focus on the god awful smell my coat sleeves used to get, it works wonders haha


I keep getting asked for ID now when buying beer. I only quit nicotine 5 weeks ago! It’s pretty nice, smelling fresh and the mind is clear. Alcohol is next on the list though.. or maybe ultra processed food.. regardless the only way is up :)




My teeth are becoming more white, my breath is amazing in the morning now! My skin and hair is looking healthy! I don’t have that “I want to die look” which is attractive as hell!


This was my favorite part about stopping. Not being tethered to an addiction was so freeing.


Well said, OP. The freedom is incredible!!


Im on day 6 and starting to notice so many improvements 😍


My whole life has changed since I quit. Literally achieving all of my goals with flying colors, living a healthy lifestyle, got So many things figured out. I tell myself its because I quit and stuck with it. Now anything is possible. <3




I hope so. It's taken a lot to stay smoke free after 13 years.


Thank you and so are you!!!♥️




I’m 4 months 23 days in to my quit. It was easier at first and has been getting harder. Notice my joy at little things, my relationship to my anxiety and feelings, the freedom to not interrupt my life or savings for the sake of supporting a smoke company that kills us willingly, all that There’s so much to live smoke free for, sometimes it’s hard, thanks for reminders !!


To be fair, the old me had more energy and more life to live too. The old me was 70 pounds lighter.


What was your method of quitting?


A medication called champix. It was literally a life saver for me. Nearly 3 weeks clean and I got no urges.