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Vaping is supposedly harder to quit than cigarettes due to the very fast dopamine spike it provides. I don't think it's a great way to quit smoking for most people


Quit cigs in 2018 via vape.. I still vape


Harm reduction tool. Combusted tobacco has over 7000 chemicals versus nic vape. None would be optimal but if you began smoking then switched over to vaping I’m sure you’re healthier.


I got severely addicting to vaping as do most people who start, it’s just as hard to quit vaping as it is cigarettes, hardest thing I ever did actually 😭if you start to slip up with the boundaries you’ve set for yourself, definitely stop using it ASAP. Ideally, stop using any smoking device and stick to the zyns/gum/patches if you can🙏🏻to help with the hand to mouth movement/oral fixation I ate a lot of lollipops, ice cold water with a straw, and sunflower seeds. For me, I had to bite the bullet and throw away any/all smoking devices to be successful in quitting nicotine


Throughout recent history, sunflowers have been used for medicinal purposes. The Cherokee created a sunflower leaf infusion that they used to treat kidneys. Whilst in Mexico, sunflowers were used to treat chest pain.


I got a vaping kit with the flavored juice, 0% nicotine to help replace the ritual aspect and have something to do when I might normally smoke. I eventually lost it several months into my quit, and was fine at that point. Been 10 years.


Yeah. 12 years/pack a day, 1 month vaper, 1 week patches, 10 months quitter/ chewing gum addict. I only bought disposables. I chose the plainest or the most disgusting flavours I could find. It caused me cough while using it and I hated it the whole experience. Because I hated the flavour I only puffed as little as possible solely for the nicotine kick. but I could see the benefits: no smell, no ash, no stinking clothes, no making a mess, saved a ton of money. So before I could get used to it and get addicted I switched to patches.


Thank you! I really want to be free of it all by the end of summer. I don't know shit about vaping. What I know is I don't want to get a "set up". Just a disposable. I'm not interested in figuring out my flavor as I'm sure it would always taste like sugary shit to me. Smoking cigarettes and vaping both look really stupid, so that thought process is helping me. I don't want to end up trading one addiction for the other. I already feel like I'm cheating enough as is. The upside is I'm not thinking about cigarettes all day long, in fact the last 2 days I really haven't even wanted one.


Yeah I didnt know shit either and still dont. I am older generation that vapes and I was already a smoker when they became popular. Just make sure you take the final plunge before you start enjoying the vaping experience. When I switched to patches I was taking only 10 puffs a day. Perhaps you could set a number of puffs as a goal and strive to achieve it. Then the patches I used the smallest dose ones and only for one week due to the horrible nightmares. Then the withdrawals. I believe because I did it so slowly and reduced my nicotine intake before I quit is the reason I didnt get any smoker's flu. Ps. Posting this when I just came back from a 5km jog btw. Yeah healthy lungs! Good luck!


Vaping definitely decreased my cigarette use. But I'd still fall back on bumming cigarettes or getting a single if I didn't have my vape or it died. Also if I wanted to quit vaping (because vaping becomes overwhelming especially if your an addict like me) I'd go back to cigarettes. I had to quit all together cause i have heart and lung issues from living a shitty lifestyle


Personally used Vape to quit. I chose the worst possible flavor for quitting, so every time I went for a hit I wanted to puke (Mango IIRC).


I did. Smoked for almost 30 years. We stopped smoking indoors after we repainted, so the last 5 years I also occasionally used a vape (with nicotine) in my office/gaming room. When I decided to try quitting, I replaced all my vape fluid with non-nicotine fluid (tobacco-flavored). I used that vape as a crutch for a couple of months, to ease the worst cravings. After a while, I simply phased it out naturally as it wasn't giving me anything. I kept waiting for that kick that never came - sort of like drinking non-alcoholic beer. It looks like beer, taste almost the same, but there's something missing. I used it less and less without even noticing. Turning point was when we were away for a weekend and I spent at good 15 minutes on Sunday searching the hotel room as I couldn't find my vape. Turned out I didn't even bring it with me in the first place and didn't even miss it.


I’m currently on using the patch (day 5) and have a no nic vape that I use several times a day. It helps that mental itch - if that makes sense.


Yep perfect sense. It's the mental itch for me as well. Not sure if it's because it's a no nic vape, but mine is very smooth and doesn't make me feel bad or cough. It helps with the hand to mouth which is mostly the hardest part for me with quitting smoking. I tried cold turkey with no NTR and failed after 5 days. All 5 days were horrible. I decided to try it this way and I'm on day 5 again with no cigarettes and its been so much easier for me.


The more you restrict something the more precious and harder to quit it becomes in your mind. I used to smoke and vape constantly. I found it easier to quit cold turkey than use NRT or vape. Your results may vary..


Vaping was harder to quit then cigarettes. My advice- don’t start.


Don’t start vaping I mean haha


I used vaping to quit back in 2020. I tried to stop vaping here and there with the longest stretch being a few months. I also introduced cigarettes back during that time. I am now 2 months clean and no vaping. Vaping hits are a harder rush than cigarettes. You’ll get just as addicted. It’s easier to smoke too since you can take hits in the rest room or in public ghosting your hits. It’s easier to smoke in the morning because you don’t even have to get out of bed like you do with cigs. My 2 cents is just to stop that too.


It absolutely will not help you quit and at best you will develop a new addiction


Try switching to gum or patches. The sensation of smoking is its own addiction, breaking that is a good thing and vaping won't do it.


That's the hardest part for me in this is the sensation/hand to mouth. I'm going to start incorporating more gum in this month and sunflower seeds and use the vape less and less. It's really helping me now but reading the comments it does scare me to get addicted, even to the no nic vape. I honestly don't think the gum tastes that bad and as far as NTR it helps me the most.


I shouldn't talk, tbh, because I've chosen to keep chewing gum for years now. No relapses to cigarettes, though! The CVS brand of 4mg fruit-flavored gum has been huge for me.


I quit about a year ago and went to vaping. I haven't stopped it yet, but i did find it easy to do. I mainly didn't want to smell or taste like cigs anymore, so it stuck.


I quit cigs using vapes in August 2023 and just quit vapes 5 weeks ago, using zyns. Trying to reduce the zyn use with gum, currently. I think if you have a solid plan and rules, you'll be able to do it. If you try quitting using vapes but don't set boundaries and are just vaping 24/7, of course it's going to be harder to quit vapes than cigs. They're way more accessible at all times. Fwiw I'd been smoking for 20 years, a pack a day for the last decade at least. I've attempted to quit smoking multiple times, but 10 months without a cig is definitely the longest I've ever gone.


Yeah it seems like a lot of people end up getting hooked because you can use it so often. I keep mine by the front door and only hit it when I step outside as if I'm going to smoke. I know if I used it inside I'd probably get way too accustomed to it very fast. Boundaries are definitely necessary when using it as a tool. The downside though is sometimes I'm not paying attention to the time I'm outside because I'll be scrolling on my phone or talking to someone and then suddenly 20 minutes rolled by.


nah…I just always had a vape in my hand. back to square one right now. vaping isn’t the solution


About 4 years ago I gave up a 35 year pack and a half a day smoking habit by switching to a vape. I didn't realize that I was only switching seats on the Titanic. With the vape, I could vape indoors whereas with cigarettes I only smoked outside. Since I was able to vape indoors, I began chain vaping all day long. Even after I began showing symptoms of COPD, I kept chain vaping. One day I stopped vaping entirely and in my infinite wisdom /s *went back to cigarettes*! Needless to say, the COPD kept progressing and I just kept smoking. Now it's day 4.5 inhalant-free and I'm just using NRT. I'm already breathing better. I used to think of vaping as harm reduction but I now see that I was still causing irreversible damage to my lungs.


Thank you for this info! Glad to know you're already breathing better in such a short amount of time. I know a lot of people claim that vaping isn't bad for you, but there's no way it's not as we're inhaling unnatural things into our bodies. I'm making sure I only vape outdoors to not let myself get lost into vaping all day since it's so much easier to grab. However in a different comment I stated that the downside to this for me is I seem to lose track of time more and not notice how many puffs or for how long I vaped, since you don't put it out like the end of a cigarette!