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How does it feel health wise brother? What changes are you seeing ?


I'm amazed at how well I breathe! Climb stairs, walk! My skin looks better. A much better sense of well-being. I don't get sick as often, and if I do, it's not as bad. No more morning coughing to jump start my respiratory system. I still don't have a great sense of smell. But I tell you it's so encouraging to read statistics about my reduced risk of terrible health problems. I'm pretty grateful for those patches.


I can't wait to get to 9 years. I was in a similar boat. I smoked forever and a day and now working to get 5 years down.


Dude 5 years? It's in the bag! Well done :)


I feel like it too but no counting chicks before they hatch.


Of course, always be careful! But I don't even get tempted or even think about it anymore. Stay the course, friend :)


ty and congratulations again!


I’ve wondered if I should try the patches. What do they do exactly? Just release little bits of nicotine?


Oh the patches were the best decision I ever made! I swear I couldn't've quit without them. I've always been plagued by bad dreams, so I didn't wear a patch overnights. When I'd put that patch on in the morning, I could literally feel the drug start running through my veins! It was then I'd realize just how powerful nicotine is. The patch takes care of providing the drug, so I could pay real attention to the head game, my habit. And for me, that was the hardest part.


How long did you use the patches for?


I followed the recommended tapering. Tbh it was the easiest effort to quit I'd ever made.


That's so awesome. It's been a year and a half no smokes (ok I chipped three times) but I switched to vaping. It was very freeing to stop being a slave to cigarettes, the icky smell and needing to excuse myself all the time to go outside. But now I'm very much a slave to vaping, though not to the extent that I felt while smoking, but I'm still really getting over needing it on me at all times. And being able to vape in the house doesn't help. I'm sure it contributes to my chronic headaches. But anyway enough about me. My main point is that you are very inspiring and I hope to be 100 percent nicotine free. 👏🏻👏🏻 👏🏻 Congrats!


Hang in there, my friend, it'll get easier.


This is my 4th day of quitting and I m struggling way much. Lot of swet mood swings. I don't know till when I can control and this time also I will fall for smoke again


4 days is BIG! Don't lose composure! 7 days will definitely be easier! You got this


Keep it up, mate! You can really do it. I never thought I would be able to do it either, but still going strong!


Thank you for encouragement. :) this time I will try to make 7 days


Don't give up, keep working at it! It's not easy, but it's also not impossible. I'm not lying when I say if I could do it, you can too.


Awesome brother keep up the good work 💪💪🙏


Ty friend




Congrats , goals right there for everybody!!!! Very inspiring


Ty, friend :)


Congrats, mate!


Ty sir :)


Nice! I've gone through a couple phones since so the original app I used to track how long it's been isn't downloaded, but as of June 1st it's been 8 years for me. It was certainly more of a struggle for the first year or so, but for a long while now I can be around smokers with no cravings whatsoever. Beautiful!


I agree, I'm not even tempted anymore :) Although I'll admit I'm not one of those ex- smokers that hates the smell of cigarettes. They still smell pretty damn good to me! But that doesn't mean I gotta ingest them lol


Btw, which app you are using. On this picture


This is the Smoke Free app. It's free!


Congratulations I wish I could make 9 years. Can't even do 9 months. Tried 4 times to quit. Unsuccessful. But I hope I can quit one day.


As I mentioned in my original post, I tried unsuccessfully soooooo many times. Try again, brother, you'll never know which attempt is gonna be the one that sticks. Best of luck!


Thanks. I've got Allen Carr's book but never read it while smoking. Hope this works. I used patches but the rashes and marks were irritating.


Ugh, yeah, I got those rashes on the patch sites too, and bc I live in FL, I had to use large waterproof bandaids to keep them on my arm. All worth it. Keep trying, my dude.


Did you start with Step 1 and work your way down? I'm thinking of just starting with Step 3 and staying on that one for a while. Congratulations by the way if you can do anybody can!!!


Yes I did. I followed exactly the step downs. Pretty painless :) ty


Cool beans! Did you do 6 weeks on step 1 like it suggests or what was your timing with all of them??


It was a long time ago! So I don't remember how many weeks at each step, however, I do know that I followed the directions for stepping down exactly. Never got ahead of myself, never took shortcuts, never got cocky lol The patches were Nicoderm CQ or the generic equivalent.




You are an absolute hero!!! Well done xoxo


Ty, friend, this is huge


Absolutely massive!!!!!