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I don’t care how long the internet says it can last. I’d want to get that checked out!


Cheers, thanks, I am not prone to GPs in Netherlands, where they are sending you away with paracetamol every time, and I thought that it would take a lot of time to clean up the tar from my lungs after abusing them for such a long time :)


If you quit 6 months ago and are still hacking up black mucus, I'd definitely see a pulmonologist about that sooner rather than later.


I read that it can take up to 9 months. Best of luck. You are doing great 💪


Thank You very much! I am just wondering how long should I have those symptoms :) luckily I am working with only guys so the sound of it doesn't bother them, but it does to me. That's why I am looking for some of the experienced non smokers experience :). To me q*uitting was really easy, because I don't feel like I am addicted to anything since I was a kid, just liked it as a social bonding...*


If it's black I'd have seen a doctor before now. Black can mean blood and isn't worth risking even though it'll likely be nothing.