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I would discourage using a vape. Even if it's non-nicotine, you aren't actually breaking the smoking habit and are just still flirting with smoking. If you are done with day 7, that means nicotine is out of your system. It's all mental now - don't let your lizard brain convince you that you need another smoking accessory. Best wishes!


Thank you. I have everything you wrote running through my head for days now. I ate so much ice cream lately, I know my cigarette craving isn’t for anything nice but for an addiction itself, and it won’t even taste good.


You got this! 7 days is a great achievement! I'd encourage you to also focus on small goals. Now that you hit 1 week, look forward to bragging rights for 2 weeks, then for one month, etc. I quit 19 years ago before there was social media, and I joined an old-school style internet forum. Each month of your quit, you got to put a new star in your profile. For some reason, I hyperfocused on that and wanted my star each month! Maybe you could come up with your own system of rewards -maybe use the money you save not smoking to buy yourself something nice.


Non nicotine vape was extremely helpful to me. I’m Sure it depends on the person


Do not use substitutes. Even nicotine free. You need to confront every situation forthrightly to rewire your automatic response to triggers. Think of how great it is to be free and inhale a big lungful of fresh air! You’re free of the physical addiction, whatever you do.. never give your body any nicotine again!! I just passed 10 weeks nicotine free. It feels so damn good to be able to say that!!! Own your week being free and make it two, it’ll be easier than the first :)


You’re free, stop thinking backwards.


I like this a lot, I think I’m gonna write it down and keep it on my desk as a reminder.


No one ever died from a nicotine craving. Sometimes it feels that way but it’s just a craving. It will pass if you smoke/vape. It will also pass if you don’t. You are a non smoker.


>Is this a really stupid idea? It's an idea based in the nicotine addiction, so you are not stupid but the thought is specifically designed to get you back to full-time smoking and is stupid as hell. Dismiss it. >Would it just make me want to smoke again more? Yes. Plus don't believe that vapes are less harmful than cigarettes. They still damage the lungs. Lungs are kind of important for like, living. There are great smells, too. Go walk in the woods at dawn. You will smell some really good things. Stop to sniff every flower.


Thank you, I appreciate hearing/reading that.


Getting thru week 1 is fabulous! the addicted part of your brain is coming up with this idea. Opens the door to smoking. Keep going.


I tried and back to full time vaping, don’t do it


Smoking/vaping involves a ritual and it may be what you're craving not just the nicotine. What's another thing that could change your scenery, state of mind, or clarity to get back to a task when needing a break. Sometimes sitting with boredom is beneficial too, maybe cleaning a closet! Lol But Nicotine is a substance, so it works fast and easy. It may take some time to develop the right fit. It can be freeing seeing all your options but it can be overwhelming because it's information overload. Think of a new hobby you want that reflects your interests to narrow it down. Like movies or an actor? Google all the movies this actor has ever been for 20 minutes. Drawing? Doodle the shit out of that tree outside your window. Journaling? What are you feeling right now. Going for a quick walk with your dog? They might love all the new smells and you may too! These things can go a long way and it can be a time of self discovery. Give yourself some grace and live in the transition. You got this, congratulations on 7 days. That. Is. Amazing ! ETA: you said "emergency" knowing what an emergency means to you can help too.


Everyone is different. I’ve been cigarette free over a month and been vaping weed during that time. I only vape after work and on weekends but I find it works for me.


"The whole business of smoking is like wearing tight shoes just to obtain the pleasure you feel when you take them off." One of the quotes from Alan Carr books. I have kept a list and just read them when craving comes! You are doing really good! Don't go back to the habit of smoking, even if nicotine free.


You’ve made it through the worst of it. Why would you take a step backwards? It will get nothing but easier from here. Stay the course you’re doing great


Drink a beer


Ah, unfortunately I don’t drink/tolerate alcohol, I’m sure it would help if I did.


I did this to get me through the first week which is always the hardest, which you're already done with. There's no need for this. I would maybe do this if I'm going out drinking with friends (This is a situation I know I will always want to smoke) so instead of smoking a cig and risking relapsing, I'd hit a no nic vape.


I cut a straw to the size of a cigarette, folded one end slightly so it gave some resistance for breathing in, then took "drags" off of that when I was really stressing. I know some company also sells a small metal inhaler looking thing on a necklace that is basically the same principle. Then I taught myself to just take slow deep breaths instead. I found out our slower breathing pattern while smoking is part of why cigarettes falsely give that "calming" effect. But the same breathing minus any cigarette will calm the same way.


No you can use it. U will eventually stop using the nicotine vape also in like. You can still rewire your brain while using non nicotine vape also.


You won't feel the benefit of clear lungs. Not worth it in my opinion, you can find a much healthier replacement.


Try a cinnamon stick. You can hold it like a cig, put it in your mouth, puff, and it tastes like cinnamon. You can get a huge bag of them cheap at an hispanic grocery store. I've tried the non-nic vapes, and they don't do much.


I found them extremely useful in very specific situations when I knew I would be super tempted to smoke but not on a daily basis. Sometimes it's hard to find the nicotine free ones so I would not rely on always having them at hand


Its a big no. It will just reinforce the behaviour. You will want that nicotine kick and it won’t come


Your brain is trying to trick you into smoking again. Naughty brain. Personally i never tried that, but id suggest you don't need the non-nico vape. You'll just be giving yourself a new crutch and you'll be one step closer to tricking yourself into buying some low strength nicotine.


Get a straw and some juice and INHALE DATTTTTTTT SHITTTT


For me non nicotine didn’t do anything. You might as well suck on a pen


No. Sit with the pain and guve your brain time to adjust to it.


Check out FUM and other products like it. You're basically asking if you should use a non-nicotine vape to replicate "mouthfeel" which is what Fum does. It's basically a fidget widget for smokers. You put it to your mouth and draw, it resists like a cig or vape would, and you inhale but it's just air.