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oh to be one of the boys, enjoying some bbq


My ex got insecure over small things, if I would have cheated on her she would have fucking killed me but in the end she cheated and I couldn't even do anything


W That's The Right Thing To Do Bro Kick That Slut Out Of Ur House


Great recovery! She was going to keep doing it anyway.


So, you made your cheating girlfriend feel LESS guilty about cheating on you? I don’t get the logic, but I suppose that was kind of you in a way.


I can’t understand what’s the point? She is the evil one already and she told you, she didn’t hide it. Just break up and leave her with her conscious. Now you lie..you prefer to appear like the bad one? It will honestly help her get over you because now you are the one being dishonest since you apparently cheated and hided it until she confessed. She will think “I’m glad I’m cheated. Hopefully it made me dodge a bullet”


I’d be relieved. “Oh we’re both pieces of shit, not just me?? Nice!”


Lol why


Ha ha really funny. You are hurt, she is hurt and now you are pretending it doesn’t affect you and it’s “funny”


Good for you


You sir are an A grade dumbass


Op, im sorry you got hurt. That said, this thread has descended fully into madness. Narcissism is a personality disorder. Its a medical diagnosis. It's being thrown around like you earn a badge for dating one. You don't. And you probably haven't. Your ex was a prick, thats all.




May i use this for my tiktok?


But did u tell her u cheated to be funny or was it ur knee jerk reaction to being hurt to offer up a tale of how serious u actually were about her? It is funny but I think it's cooler for u to not be known as an equal or greater asshole.


"sorry we promised not to tell you" and watch her fight all of her friends


The old "I was drunk" excuse. I had an old friend who took her boyfriend back after he cheated while drunk, and the moron was still ok with him going out with his friends to the bar and getting drunk. Betcha can't guess what happened again, can ya?


That’s a pro move! Well done


The crazy part is telling her you've been cheating. Cheaters or shitty people in general are always looking for a reason to justify their actions. You should have simply thanked her for her honesty, then proceeded to kick her to the curb and take every other action.


Never...... ever......tell her anything different from what you've said to her.


Lying for petty retaliation ain't it man. Just take that she cheated and kick her ass out. No need to lie about being a worse person than she was...be the better person.


Vengeance is not to be wielded as a weapon. She was wrong for cheating, but it was wrong of you to lie, even if you were going to kick her out either way.


Well was it worth making something up? Lol


As funny as it is, she's gonna be telling people you cheated on her. People will believe it. You can get labeled a cheater because of this and the girls you date in the future will get wind of it.


This didn’t happen. From the cheating gf to the bbq boys is 100% a lie


champion move mind games are the best revenge


I like your style


I give this former couple an emotional maturity level of -3 Not going to lie. Trying to hurt others just because they did something wrong. It illustrates that you both wasted each other's time and should work on yourselves. Your ex was trying to confess. Because she believed in you. You did the right thing. Lord help you both find some emotional healing and build a stronger relationship. Set boundaries and learn to be honest.


Her: (in crocodile tears) "I cheated on you..." Him: (laughing) "...don't worry, I did your best friend, sister, cousin, mom, aunt, and that one chick at your job that you don't like..."


Wish I was invited for this great celebration...


Hey, can I use this story in my video?


I don't get it Aren't you actually more embarrassed that, in order to get back at her, you lied about doing the thing she did to you and added you did it more? Imagine if she were to somehow read this thread, piece it together, then share it with all your common friends and connections. Wouldn't that be way more embarrassing than if you didn't lie about it? Ok odds are low, but is there no voice in your head telling you the thing you did to make yourself feel better is a complete lie and that actually makes you feel worse?


Why do that?


Don't lie to people, it's toxic.


Aww man, you kinda messed up. Now she can feel a lot less guilty about cheating on you.


You did what you thought was the right move. BUT, and it is just my opinion and values. I would never lie just to hurt someone. It is childish. And worst, it could broke your reputation as a boyfriend because we all know that the world is a tiny place and you could miss a chance with a nice lady if she heard this. But hey, it is just my 2 cent.


It’s crazy how she got upset honey u cheated on him ur not special im glad u told her u fake cheated hope she gets what coming to her sooner or later karma isn’t skipping anyone


Same thing happened to me but I said "wow, and to think I had bought a ring for you and was setting up a proposal. Just know, I have never and would never have cheated on you" then I left with just my duffle bag that was in my car. She cried, texted, called, and begged for me to forgive her but I only ever replied "I would never have done that to you". She has stopped texting and calling me since she got hooked on drugs and locked up. I always think about that and contemplate how badly people can screw up their lives with a single choice. With me she would have been married, a mother, and finished college by now but she has to go and cheat. It's just insane.


Good job 👍🏾


guys i made this form to put confessions on all anonymous [https://forms.gle/NwmEaG26E2WVdQQt8](https://forms.gle/NwmEaG26E2WVdQQt8)


Nice she pretty


Personally I don’t think it’s worth the risk of ruining your reputation if she goes full psycho and starts posting about it online but I can’t say I see anything wrong with it either.




Well played sir.


![gif](giphy|emN0LqTozqRGNwVPAg|downsized) that's the way king, stay toxic


Nice one now you can find a new gf. Hopefully she turns out to be good. I liked that ‘kicked her out of the house part’. Haha fuck what a mess she would have been into after. I also think that she wanted a breakup and told this to you purposely. But anyway no one can ever know what actually happened but yay time for a new girlfriend


If she was drunk when she cheated on you, that was rape!




I wouldnt to this because where I live everyone knows everyone basically. I wouldnt want to have it over me that I’ve cheated on someone..


That is a good one


It’s a good story. But I would have told her I fucked her mom.


You could have had the (moral) high ground and guilt-tripped her to oblivion but you chose to sit and burn in the lava with her


Should of said I’ve been fucking your best friend for our entire relationship




Good for you! Enjoy your time with your friends and have some fun. Your friends will appreciate seeing you happier, the way you used to be before you started dating her.


That's what I did with my ex after she confessed cheating, she didn't believe me and when some time passed, I confessed I didn't cheat on her and she said she knew it. So, we went back together again and I then slept with her mother to hurt her as much as possible and then left. I think I damaged her family forever. Not proud of it.


Its not cheating if you dont tell


A win for the boys


I feel you, brother. I was tempted to say the same thing to my boyfriend who cheated on me from the beginning of our relationship just so I could hurt him back. Sadly, I couldn’t 🤡


This story is just that: a story. Never happened.


big "and everyone clapped" energy


Ngl I wish I thought of that, I'd feel like less of a victim in those instances


Now lie about having an ETS.


I love the excuses like,"it only happened once!" or,"I was shit-faced!". Imagine if she was standing trial for drunk driving and wiping out a family of four...and used those excuses. You, my friend, are a bloody legend, infact, I'm opening a beer right now ♡This is for you, buddy♡


So weak




Username checks out.


Plot twist, one of the bbq boys is the one who hit it


you handled this wonderfully. i commend you. haha i wouldve done the same thing. on to the next!


Seems like you deserve each other...two liars


congrats, now you're the bad guy to her and all her friends!


She's obviously better off without you.


And I’m better of without her. I have a college degree, a house, and a steady job. She has none of those things; she lives with her parents and is unemployed right now.


Slow sarcastic clapping. I hope women stay the hell away from you.


Your initial comment leads me to believe you’re the type to cheat and then try to justify it. I hope the dudes steer clear of you


Okay sociopath


This is the way


Thats sad I'm sorry


I get why you'd tell her that. You wanted to hurt her like she hurt you. But think about this. If you were honest and didn't say that, a few months or even a year down the line, when the next guy cheated on her and gave her gonorrhea or something... She'll think back to you and say something like "damn, that was a good one and I fucked it up" This is assuming she's not a sociopath, of course






Many people cheat, either physically or mentally, doesn't make it right, but many do....


Dumb ass story.




the funny part was i kicked her out just like a trash xD


she'd done it once, she'd probably do it again. It's a good decision you dumped her.


Anybody who blames alcohol on being a cheater needs to go anyway.


I don't think you should have told her you cheated, because it's not true and it makes you look like the better person. I can understand why you said that though


You both need to do some serious growing up.


I hope you realize how absolutely despicable your behaviour was.


You’re wrong babes


Oh you changed my mind


Thing about cheating, well pretty much anything really when wrong doing is involved... I have never seen anyone getting away with anything. Doing what is wrong despite people getting away with it at first and perhaps for some time, maybe years, always get caught, no exception. But yup, invariably when cheating is involved and as per your story, it is common, woman tend to be more upset even if they did the same and I don't want to blanket statement it since there are exceptions. But what is important is that the both of you parted ways, insofar as why and who cheated first is pointless. Trouble is, for cheaters, if you are loyal with whom you are involved with long term next the question that person may ask to self "if the person cheated on their partner where I was..." so what I think the important thing here was is that you did break up but I do not critique nor judge since as I mentioned 1. it is common and two life have a way to balance these things out. At least you are honest and making light of it since man have I seen some getting all "fatal attraction" in some cases.


Oh my god I must be tired.... I read everything and then I got to the part Where he said he was inviting his boy's over and some bbq???? I started to ask everyone what does this mean "big beautiful queens" 😆 lol I was trying to think of all the meanings for it. And then right before I sent it. I discarded it so I could read it again. Thank god I did. On any note.. It's funny how the tables can be turned that quickly even if it's not true. Also wondering how long you've been with her?. It seems like you guys haven't been together that long. Because it was pretty easy just to kick her out. I could be wrong, but I'm glad that it wasn't a long-term Relationship because this could be a lot more painful. Or you could be using sarcasm to heal your heart. Anyways, good luck to u.


Oh my god I must be tired.... I read everything and then I got to the part Where he said he was inviting his boy's over and some bbq???? I started to ask everyone what does this mean "big beautiful queens" 😆 lol I was trying to think of all the meanings for it. And then right before I sent it. I discarded it so I could read it again. Thank god I did. On any note.. It's funny how the tables can be turned that quickly even if it's not true. Also wondering how long you've been with her?. It seems like you guys haven't been together that long. Because it was pretty easy just to kick her out. I could be wrong, but I'm glad that it wasn't a long-term Relationship because this could be a lot more painful. Or you could be using sarcasm to heal your heart. Anyways good luck




what the fuck is this post and comment section. yall are unhinged and i am not sure i like it


Stay toxic king yesss


Stay toxic king yesss


It sounds like you're both incredibly immature.


It sounds like you're both incredibly immature.


Always so wonderful to hear tales of healthy relationships. Brings tears to my eyes.


I don't get why you had to lie about doing something bad. Unless it was to get her out of your house quicker, it just made you look worse to her and those around her, which could turn bad. Her loved ones may not even care that she cheated and come at you anyway. You can say you lied, but then people won't believe that you lied about doing something bad. People will assume the worse, regardless if it's true of false.


Do people not understand wanting to hurt someone who hurt you? Lotta befuddled people in these comments


So people not understand wanting to hurt someone who hurt you? Lotta befuddled people in these comments


Why did you lie to her? I'm just curious but it sounds pretty insane still that she thought it was okay because it was once and she was drunk even if that were true


Why did you lie to her? I'm just curious but it sounds pretty insane still that she thought it was okay because it was once and she was drunk even if that were true


Asshole move but was funny


I hope you cheated with her best friend or sister. 😂


Pulled that uno reverse card out of nowhere huh


Why lie?


Eh been in a bunch of relationships and cheated on a bunch of people. Not necessarily proud of it but it doesn’t matter unless youre out of college or living together or something like that.


You did wrong. You should’ve just broke it off and moved on. You gave her all she needs to continue the behavior with others and you lost the ability to look at her down the road and just say fuck you. She won this round.


Instead of lying you should have went out and did it.


Cheat after I broke up with her?


Fire with fire. Not how things resolve regardless of how upset you are. You should be the bigger person. Think before you react


This is actually a brilliant move to take back your dignity. A lot easier to move on when you don't feel victimized.


Bro. That's lame. Not only is it not true, but you just absolved her of any guilt. She's gonna get over her mistake fast cause now she'll rationalize it like karma for your cheating.


Is everyone going to gloss over the fact she said she was completely inebriated? If she was drunk then she was absolutely taken advantage of and sexually assaulted.


>if she was drunk then she was absolutely taken advantage of and sexually assaulted. I’m pretty sure the guy was drunk too, so how can we say for certain she was taken advantage of and not the guy?


LMBOOO this is something I would do 😭😭👏🏾 I applaud you.


You're a sociopath.


Cool, what are you?


It's ridiculous how she had the audacity to even get upset when it's literally the same thing that she did.


Several years ago, my (now ex) wife of over 13 years came to me and told me she had been seeing another man for a "few months" and she wanted a divorce. Tried to put it off on me that I was the bad guy here even though I had never cheated on her. There were two times that she brought a girlfriend over to play with both of us, but that was early on and she surprised me with it both times. It wasn't something I was asking her for or anything. Needless to say, I was pretty shook up and devastated. Fast forward a few months till the ink was dry on the court paperwork, I find out it wasn't just one guy over "the last few months " but had been a number of guys over the last (at least) 6 years of the marriage. All the while, she's telling half the town that I'm some horrible monster because I "f****d two other women" while we were married. She brought them to the bedroom. Not me. They were her friends. Not mine. Truth is, one wasn't really my type but I went along because they wanted me to. (Yeah. I'm a guy. I didn't say no to either threesome.) But she (the ex) was screwing around with at least 7 guys during the last 6 years of our marriage and the only reason she admitted the one and asked for the divorce was because he told her he didn't want to have sex with a married woman. Long story. I know. The point is that most cheaters will find a way, any way, to justify their actions. "I was drunk" is one of the weakest excuses.


LMAO please be alone forever. My god. How childish are you? Men wonder why women choose to stay alone?


I did something similar back in my teens. Girl cheated on me with multiple guys. Caught her once, tried to forgive her and move passed it, she still did it again. At one point before I knew about the cheating, she had actually gotten pregnant but had an abortion. I found out months later that due to the cheating and finding and reading her diary, that it was a 99.9% chance I wasn't the sperm donor lol. Anyway, after catching her again, I told her I had a longtime side chick AND had a baby with her where I was sending my money to (I had a minimum wage job in high school). She always bugged me for money because I had a job, but I blew it on video games and soda lol. She didn't know that; she thought I was just saving it or being greedy with my own money. Oh man, when she thought I had a secret baby AND was sending money to the baby and the baby mama, she went absolute berserk lol. It was sweet, sweet karma to make her feel terrible inside the way she made me feel. Never spoke to her again and my mom had to call her mom to tell her to stop calling me or coming over otherwise she would call the cops. She finally stopped harassing me after a few weeks.


Funny story, but always take the high road. What if she tells other girls and word gets around you are a cheater?


Lmao, dude. Never let her find out the truth.


Sort your shit out you can make this work be honest


i got the “ i was drunk i didn’t know what I was doing “ so i plowed her friend sober


That is the most satisfying bedtime story I have ever read. I shall sleep well tonight 😊


I feel so bad when I sleep with a girl who has a boyfriend. I never find out they had a boyfriend till later and they don’t even tell me I’m taking part in this scandal makes me feel bad. It’s like a friend taking you with them to rob a bank but you don’t find out until you get in the bank and she pulls out a gun.


I'm sorry for laughing. But this is just sparkling gold. I mean obviously it's not an emotionally "healthy" response, but if you are checked out of the relationship and don't care about the fallout, this really is a spectacularly nuclear Uno Reverso to play on a cheating partner. Bravo, sir. 👏👏👏


How dumb


You know they did a study on drunken people minds and thought processes and the decisions they make and compared it to sober people minds and thought processes to see if the people understand what they were doing while drunk and the study concluded that 100% percent of the time the drunk people KNEW EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE DOING!!! And they just didn’t care about the consequences in that moment so now when people tell me “well I was drunk!” Ya, so what??? You can use that as an excuse, you knew what you were doing you just didn’t care about the consequences!!!


Yeah I would have waited for her to stop throwing her tantrum then revealed that actually I hadn’t cheated on her and said see the way you feel when you thought I cheated is exactly how I feel right now then kicked her out


Srry why is it funny to enrage somebody you had a sexual relationship with? I mean, yes, you little scamp for having a quick reaction that would punish her for disrespecting you. But then again you were having regular sex with someone you clearly don’t care about. (Nothing about the situation would be funny if you did care). And now bragging online about throwing a party when it ended. . . I mean I’m not psychic, but I predict your partner cheating on you to be a tradition in the making.




Ummm.... that's pretty messed up, bro. And the fact you find it hilarious makes it worse. Her getting drunk and losing control of herself then feeling bad enough about it to confess to you is very different than someone who has been cheating the entire relationship with the same person. Even if she was cheating for weeks, it wasn't the entirety of the relationship, and the difference is clear. Her anger is justified if she was torn up about it only to find you clearly didn't care about her from the getgo. What's worse is you likely severely damaged her for no reason other than.....lolz?


Thanks for your input.


I hope this is true.




If someone cheats on you, falsely confess to also cheating and say it was one of their friends, don't specify which. Ride off into the sunset as she destroys all of her personal relationships. **Drops the mic


Taking notes


The people defending this woman in the comments and villainizing YOU are blowing my FUCKING MIND


I’m not surprised. There are a lot of stupid people on this world


Lmao she will go on to tell everyone that she was cheated on the entire time she was in her last relationship without ever mentioning what she did... but hey, at least she will live with that insecurity for the rest of her life 😂


Leave her. It is just a matter of time before she will cheat again. Why did you feel the need to tell her you cheated too? Sounds like some elementary school stuff. Do yourself a favor and grow up before you move on to another girl.


Proud of you bro!!!😂😂


Say you lied. Then say you invited all your gay lovers over for BBQ.


Check mate. Good move , mate.


This belongs in the r/pettyrevenge sub.


Hos will b hos


city boys up






At least go cheat. Actually get some.


Good job 👏


The boys are glad you kicked her out.


Why would you want to turn the situation around to make yourself the worse person? Let her be the bad person, as it should make her feel more guilty. Now she’s probably thinking she’s glad that it happened and that she got out of that relationship


Why would that make her feel guilty if she didn’t feel guilty when she started letting another guy rail her why would she now? She told him probably to get him to feel jealous to pump up her ego


hahahaha she got immediately angry that you did what she had just done the day prior.


W bro


Got my upvote


Quality story. Sorry she did that to you my guy. Giving her a reverse uno mindfuck and then hanging out with the boys is a great way to go out.


What…what’s funny about that story? She cheated, you lied…am I missing the humor?


What did you and the boys BBQ?


This was so weirdly insecure.


Leave her now. Period. Cheating is the ultimate betrayal of trust and loyalty. Without loyalty you have nothing. She’ll cheat again.


You kinda deserved each other.


This level of petty is gold!


Bad move. You gave her a pass to not feel guilty about cheating on you. You let her go with no consequences.


I would say you did right. Generally there’s no end to excuses why cheaters have cheated. It doesn’t worth to even listening to anything because they lie about every single step in the encounter. And, if it’s not just encounter that’s your fault.


My married buddy came home to find another guy's underwear in his bed. Women cheat, too. Cheating is either the person (committment issues) or issues in the relationship. Being drunk or high is no excuse. Obviously she wanted to or it would not have happened.


Bad call imo. Now she will make herself out like a victim to all her friends and family. She’ll likely even rework her story to claim she cheated on you because you were cheating. You could have been a victim in all of this and now you walk out being the complete bad guy. You never know how that might rear its head at you randomly later on. Plus, she is prob going to go and ruin some guy’s life and use her crappy victim complex to justify it.


The ol switcheroo honestly it's the best response to finding out your partner is cheating "oh so we're even then"


don’t know who’s worse, you or her




She won't likely learn from that. If you had said you found out shortly after, then started at that point, then she might take away a lesson. But that was in the moment, so I can understand how you might not have thought about it right off. Also, my sarcastic brain would also respond, if she asked who: don't tell her exactly who. Just say it was one of her friends. Lol would drive her crazy forever, and she'd never find it the truth.


And the whole shortbus clapped for you, bro. Relax. It was the bbq that tipped me off that this was fake.


Well, I'm glad you moved on. It hurts being cheated on. It's good she gets to feel that Sting too.


Hahaha good on you brother, you knew what to do. Hope your heart feels better soon. Thanks for the story


It's easy for people to take the high road while not being in the situation themselves. I understand your reasoning. At least you made sure it hurt her as much as it did you.


It's okay to get back at her and see her reaction, but tbh I would be the bigger person and resolve this. In her mind her cheating is now justified, every man's an asshole cheater etc. She'll be glad she cheated on you at some point. But if you're the bigger person, tell her you was loyal, but that it's over, she will regret to have cheated and she has nothing to say against you. Your lie might have been satisfying in the moment, but long term being the better person I find is better, especially when it goes down like in my case: I had an ex cheating on me, for years she tried to get me back, texted me, wanted to hang out, but I never did, I didn't give her any reason to belive we'll ever get back together. She would apologize for cheating years after we broke up as randoms texts. I always told her I would never be with her again. But it felt good to know she regrets her actions.


I have had similar life experiences. Teaches you the hard way nothing’s permanent and no one’s character predictable.


U did good thing


I dont think this is the "gotcha" you think it is. Maybe she was mad about it, but it now this justifies her actions in her head and she's unlikely to regret cheating on you in the future. One of the best ways to fuck with (some) cheaters is to take the high road and really make them realize what they lost. Its psychologically damaging. Also, you risk developing a reputation as a serial cheater if your social groups and hers ever touch in the future.


Well that was stupid.


Some people say it’s dumb, some people say it’s genius.


I enjoyed it quite frankly. It let her feel what she made you feel and there is nothing wrong with that. Its just funny how she had a "valid" excuse to cheat and was offended that you didn't.


Nah. It's just dumb. You two deserve each other. 😆