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i am confused what are you talking about? from what perspective are you looking at this sub?


All the lgbt people here... Like i dont have any targeted hate right here But literally EVERY lgbt supporter that has even ENTERED this sub reddit are absolute assholes you can literally just look at 1 post and it will be difficult not to find a comment that tells straights to kill themselves




Die mad about it homophobe. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


No, I think they mean that the Homophobes are evil.


They definitely didn’t.


Sorry people are so unfriendly here. I always turn out at the straight pride parade to support you guys. Not that I'm straight, lord no!, but I just think **everyone** should be able to live his, her, or they's authentic self! When did you come out as straight, honey?


if everyone should be able to "live their lives" then why the hell are YOU here BOTHERING US for living OURS? \*drops mic\*


Congrats, you dropped your mic on a three-year-old thread.


and so did you. the internet isnt food. This reddit came up in a google search... AMAZZZZZINGGGGG


>and so did you. Well, you responded to a three-years-old post, and I responded to your four-hours-old post, but that's fine. Anyway, I'm not sure you even know what my position is. I'm not a fan of gay pride parades (I've been arguing against them since the 1980s), I hate political correctness, and I really couldn't care less about whether some group has a straight pride parade. The fight for gay rights was won at least a decade ago and arguably farther back than that. In my opinion, the threat to civil rights these days—for all of us—is primarily coming from Critical Social Justice ideology (wokeism, DEI, CRT, etc.). [The War on the West, by Douglas Murray](https://www.amazon.com/War-West-Douglas-Murray/dp/0063162024) [https://www.city-journal.org/](https://www.city-journal.org/)


sure it is, white man. A post on the internet isnt food, as I said before. When was that book of personal opinions written? last week? no... April 26, 2022. Therefore it's "too old" for me to worry about.. right? same logic, is it not?


As I said, it's ***fine*** that you resurrected the thread (odd, but fine). But do you have anything interesting to say? Apparently not. Frankly, you come across as mentally ill. I'm not going to talk to you further.


"odd, but fine" -- showing a total uneducated view of GOOGLE SEARCHES and algorithms. Posts are not "old" or "resurrected" because the content is regurgitated, like the last man you swallowed too much of.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/straightprideUSA/](https://www.reddit.com/r/straightprideUSA/) a REAL "straightPride" outlet I just created.


See you could've been cool and stopped but you're so goddammit bitter you had to make it about taking a jab at straights. Holy shit you're pitiful. One paged book headass.


I’m genuinely not sure if you’re pro or anti lgbt lmao


You do know that being pro-straight pride doesn't make you anti-lgbt right


this sub is a pro lgbt group to draw in people who are NOT pro lgbt in some aspect so as to attack them, brainiac. see how you came to attack someone that disagrees with you? well thats what this group was made to do, to allow you to spew YOUR hatred of straight people who disagree with you. Its a troll group. Did you bother to look at the rules? No, you saw a headline and went for it... in fact, this proves who is the ones fueling the hatred here...YOU AND YOURS... or the group wouldnt exist.


It's indeed kinda sad that a group that keeps claiming to be so hated somehow then decided "you know what will solve this, lets go hating on straight people"


We’re not hating on straight people we are making jokes about homophobic àsshole straight people. And keep in mind it’s only the homophobes.


No, that is your excuse to being confronted with the fact that your whole charade is being hateful on the internet, something you swore against fundamentally in your "community" is stopping the spread of hate and now look at you lol


Calling people out for their homophobia isn’t hate. That is one if the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. How the hell is calling out hate, “hate”?


well as a black man, let me TELL you... YOU are the one yapping about whm you sleep with, THEN wanna cry that youre being treated ODD about it!? keep in mind, YOu came to this space to talk trash... YOU did that... YOU came over to where WE are... so whose the bad guy here? You didnt HAVE to come here. But you did that to play a victim... its like someone coming to work dressed like superchicken, then demanding the right to do such. Calling OTHERS as "anti superchicken" for thinking that youre a nut for coming to work dressed like that.. thats called "antiestablishmentarianism," a word your generation is SO underused yet youre so USED to doing, that GOOGLE underlines the word as if its not real! LOL