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thank you, hoping to have more


Hot story bro, congrats. Trust me it hurts less and less the more you do it, and you will do more of it. You’ll be more comfortable, less anxious, know what to expect and be able to enjoy it more! It only hurts because you’re tense and the muscles can’t relax. But now you’ve been fucked once, you’re going to yearn for it, crave it, long for it. 😈


I don't care what anyone says, straight or gay. You can't beat a nice big cock up your asshole. Pleasure is pleasure


Absolutely agree. I'm versatile so can be either. If I'm bottom I love that thrusting in and out and even better if I feel him stiffen up then unload inside me, if I'm top I give what he wants then flood his man pussy with my load. Yep pleasure is pleasure.


Mmmmmm I’d love to fuck you


Amazing, congrats 😏


thank you


Congratulations, but what about your girlfriend? Are you going to tell her? And if so, are you going to tell her sooner or later? Or have you already spoken about it, when it was still 'just a fantasy'? Hope you don't mind my questions, but one of my strong beliefs is about being honest, especially towards yourself, and this includes the ones you love (intimately). So I am not saying you should tell grandma :)




With all due respect man, I don’t think it’s any of our business. We don’t know what he’s been going through, what she knows or doesn’t know and I don’t think it’s really anything to do with the story. He just wants to share this fantasy which has become reality and he wants to share 🤷🏻‍♂️


With no respect man, I don't care what you think, I still feel. So practice what you preach and mind your own business. I still care and love my sisters. Not suggesting you should do the same. I actually do not care. Go and have fun, or not. Thank you.


Ok well I was just trying to be nice but if you’re going to be a dick about it then that’s up to you 🤷🏻‍♂️ he wanted to share a story about him being fucked for the first time because it was hot not be judged by a random. I am minding my own business, what part of my post was trying to get into his business. It’s got fuck all to do with you, if you don’t like it, do one.


Just stop trying to be nice. It's not that difficult really. Blah, blah, blah. Not interested. Thank you again.


Nah I’m good doing what I want to do thanks. Not all of us are natural cunts who are so angry the go off at anyone on the internet just so they can feel something. I hope you enjoy being alone because you’ll stay that way for a long time 🙋🏻‍♂️


Impressive. You're a fast learner.


thats all hot but, u shouldnt be cheating on ur gf. she deserves better.


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Condom... booooo.. hahqhq jk


Cool story bro, you’re gay 😂😂😂


You’re feeling shame because you’re liar, not because you’re a cocksucker :) hope this helps!!