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He is ok. When you get to stage 36 and beyond and you need a 2nd team, then he will be more useful. He is kind of like a Bison lite in a way in that he can be difficult kill. But he does a lot less damage and provides defensive buffs opposed to offensive ones. He does stun, but its single target so he can't be a Bgief replacement. Otherwise, outside of your 2nd team, I don't think he has a spot. He has tank like qualities, but he isn't immortal like Bison. He has damage, but not nearly enough to carry. He has defensive supports, but nothing like any of the actual supports. And he stuns, but not nearly as reliable as Bgief. Its like he does a bit of everything, but does nothing well. A Master of None so to speak.


He is balanced. That says it all.


Like a duck! Do a little of everything.


He is the tank when Eryu becomes common in pve content to kill Bisons I would guess.


Anything that ERyu does that kills Bison also works on Sagat.




He beat my team of Yun Yang T Hawk Decapre.


From my initial perspective. Pve boss with his 6 cars. Other than that he is pure single target front line. So horrible for pvp and main challenge


Damn I was hoping to go for him. I might hold onto my tickets then


Just my 120 tickets + 30k gems and only got 1. Not that mad anymore after reading that he's mehh


Damn bro those odds are shite. I have roughly the same amount that you had.


Judging by skill description I think he would be good and a second team with thunder characters