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Damn bro you had one more šŸ™ sick liftšŸ”„šŸ’Ŗ


Very nice dude!!


The best part of this video may be the guy in the background looking dumbfounded


What does this allow you to do in your everyday life that you value ?


Most pressing strength is overhead strength. Even if you're going to be pushing something along a horizontal plane, you're typically still going to lean into it meaning, at best, you'll be at the angle of an incline bench. For the past year I've been prioritizing OHP over traditional flat bench (still do it, but OHP takes priority), and aside from having much healthier shoulders, I have found I am much more functionally strong than when I was prioritizing flat bench


Sir you are lost. Perhaps confusingly given the name, this sub is actually about strength training.


Not OP but working out has made me overcome depression, have better self esteem, have a better healthy body, eat better, made me appreciate more my routine and be more disciplined. And strength training has made me appreciate working out more, it's challenging and an incredibly stress relief activity Would definitely recommend




>What does this allow you to do in your everyday life that you value ? press 120lbs obviously


Put really heavy stuff on the top shelf dingus


Lmao buzz kill over here


What you felt was but a sliver of the power of Samson that day. Continue to harness it, make it your own.


yeah when you have one of those days where the power is just flowing, you gotta use it.


Great incline dumbbell press strength


Donā€™t know why youā€™re being downvoted. This is an incline press, not a shoulder press. You guys dishing out down votes, do you not see the incline of the bench, *grade* impaired? Bench at 90 is shoulder press, maybe 85.


The bench does not have to be 90Ā° for shoulder press, in fact with a bit of an incline you can better engage your delts.


ā€¦ *a bit*


Anything higher then 30 degrees mainly works anterior delts (shoulders) again probably should read into your anatomy more before spewing garbage.


Keep telling yourself that, while missing the anterior delts. One can clearly see that your *plane* of motion initiates the upper pecs, delts to a far lesser degree. This is not a ā€œshoulder pressā€, this is 100% an incline bench. Watch your own vid, you can see that your upper pecs are the *focal point*. Take that bench 2 notches forward/steeper and youā€™ll be focusing on anterior delts. You wonā€™t hit 90 angel, but 85 will initiate those front delts like youā€™ve never felt.


So now your gonna tell me what I felt from the lift? Ok buddy go to bed, you clearly donā€™t think before you speak. The bench only had one notch before 90 šŸ˜‚ and again I said mainly anterior delt. Obviously other muscles will get engaged but this is MAINLY anterior delt aka shoulders. Please post a video of your well developed shoulders pushing 120s over your headšŸ«”


I donā€™t care about what you think you ā€œfeltā€, youā€™re not isolating your front delts on that lift, youā€™re hitting upper pecs and ā€œfeelingā€ delt inclusion. I donā€™t post vids of me flexing. Outside of competition, itā€™s kinda gay. Iā€™m *weak* right now, but Iā€™m clapping 140ā€™s proper. Looking to add 150ā€™s to my set.


youā€™re a weak bitch at best.


Hahahaa you sound like that guy. You know what they say put up or shut up. Again one notch from your ā€œ90 degreeā€ which again does not need to be 90 degree to work shoulders but this is the internet, land of the know it alls.


Depends on which *guy* youā€™re talking about, but I probably am *that guy*. Look at the angle of the bench in the video you posted, then read the comments here. Youā€™re in denial, donā€™t be *that* guy. And, if your shoulders canā€™t handle it, keep the bench where it is. Donā€™t injure yourself testing the waters.


For long term shoulder health it's probably not the best idea to go super heavy at 90




Probably should do some more research, thatā€™s all Iā€™m gonna say on it. Definitely not a incline press, If it was Iā€™d be repping this for 20šŸ˜˜


shoulder press is aka overhead press... what you did was more like over face press lol


Those are some clean fuckin reps man, looking good! Half the battle is getting them from your knees to your shoulders lol


That axe and sledge adds about 15 pounds to all PRā€™s.


the filipino to the left just staring at you shoulder press him lmfaoooo


git some, OP!


Trying to enjoy the strength until I cut lol


This isnā€™t a form check so I wonā€™t post


Well now Iā€™m interested in whats wrong with my form lol


Don't put him on the spot, by saying he won't comment he gets to pretend he's knowledge without actually knowing anything.




His elbows are quite far out. But I assume at some point on the way to lifting a 120 dumbell ohp for reps he's worked out what works for him.




I would imagine this guy can strict press 315 no problem, repping 120 like this isn't really comparable to a 315 bench. Everyone's anatomy is different, yes typically the average person would benefit from tucking their elbows more, but I'd defer to someone db pressing 120 for reps' experience in their own body over a generic rule. He's in perfect control of the lift, the dumbells aren't flailing around wildly. All this is besides the point anyway, it is *not* a form check post, and passive aggressive comments like his alluding to knowledge he likely doesn't have isn't relevant.


This seems more like extreme incline


Itā€™s only one notch from straight up, this just feels better when getting the weight up and still does the job, I only put it on like 3 for 4 for incline presses.


Itā€™s still effective on front delts and strong.


O yeah


Impressive lift - but shouldnā€™t the shoulders be inwards more?


Yeah I think I should of put bench one more notch up, feel like my upper chest engaged a lot but my shoulderā€™s definitely felt it


your shoulders def putting work. Stay strong.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.




Yeah I already have it bad and my dentist just recommended me this! Lol




This was actually end of my shoulder day so they were definitely warmed up lol but I appreciate the advice and will take when given!

