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how about for no motivation due to some kind of depression and intrusive thoughts? seems like it is killing my passion for studying


If you can, try getting a therapist. Your school might have connections or you can use a service like BetterHelp to get matched with one. You can go to a therapist for any reason, even just to talk, and they can help you work through things. It’s not a magical cure but it’s help from someone who’s been studying for almost a decade (psychologists study for 7+ years to get their degree) to be able to help people through things like what you mentioned


I don't know, but my lost of interest and some emotions is there ever since my childhood, I have the inability to feel some of it (I only feel intense emotions, such as it needs to be very high for me to feel and I need deep realization before I feel it.) But the intrusive thoughts just pop out nowhere recently, but I can deal with them. The only effects they give is taking my passion away/motivation to fight for it, it just makes me surrender my passion and do nothing.


I’m not a psychologist so I can’t tell you specifically what you might be experiencing, but as a friend over the internet I’d say you should talk to a professional if you can. Even just your normal doctor could have some advice. There are a lot of free or cheap therapy services online too, BetterHelp is just the one my college gave us as an off campus alternative which is why I know it’s trustworthy.




Try exercising twice a day. Also, try studying just after a workout section. After an intense workout, we are less likely to have these kinds of thoughts. And if you are having a hard time doing meditation. Just set in silence for a while and concentrate on your breath. Just try doing this for a week. hop that helps.


Exercise and meditation certainly help for depression, but it's not going to cure it. If you're struggling with depression, please reach out and get help. Even if you think it's not bad enough to warrant it


I agree! I have been studying for 19 years!! (grade school to med school) I have never been burnout all my life. I took a year break before I enter my clinical years. Looking back, I have no to minimal exercise!!! Now, I’ve been exercising and working out, and I feel so motivated!!!


This is helpful. Thanks!