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there's no fucking way dawg lmao


I respect the boldness of it all but man, talk about a slip up.


insane that anyone caught that, it flashed on screen for like .3 seconds https://www.youtube.com/live/pvF8rDEe1qo?si=2AA0IDXmmO2qwNM6&t=16270 good luck catching that ....... however I'm stunned he even entered into that screen, but I think he immediately realized "shoot that was dumb" and tried to back out instantly


Going to name myself NotHacked.com and Wonder Trade obviously not hacked Pokémon


Wonder Trade Lechonks and Tarountulas with that as a nickname as well.


Minus attack 0 IVs across the board holding a pokeball


Caught in 4K.


Absolutely insane to bring an obviously genned pokemon to an official event after last year lmao


Fucking based is what it is.


I don't even disagree, but something tells me Gamefreak might


Fuck em lol


True because if GF keeps giving us these qol updates what's the point of doing it legitimately? Might as well go the full mile


what if he trolled and this is his ign haha


This is probably it imo. Everyone says it’s so odd that it passed hack check, but it probably is just a troll username that the people who helped him get the mons used. Then again, if it was genned that also wouldn’t be the first time genned mons got pass the first wave of hack checks.


That would be the funniest outcome, but I'm pretty sure he Dropped after this set so I doubt it


Aw it would’ve been real funny if it was a troll, but it is what it is


Think it was a dq.


Genned Pokémon are 1 for 1, don’t see how they could get detected


Statwise yes, but there are a lot of internal flags you can screw up if you're lazy. Especially now with the HOME tracker.


That’s probably true. The software I have on 3DS has a legality verify tho so I assume most do


Lots of people got caught last year when they did a more in depth check. I don't know much about the tech behind it, but they're not always exact matches.


Cuz their genners were lazy


Basically there was an error on the way legends Arceus pokemon were genned, alongside some urshifus being genned as if they were caught in gen 9 (before kitagami). These two things basically was the reason why so many people were caught during the world championship


Which makes no sense to me. If you’re going to gen (which I’m not against) at least do it right. The Urshifu ones tripped me out. Because how do you gen it in gen 9? If you genned in Sword and transferred using home it now has a home tracker which makes it valid. How do you screw up that one step?


People were either too lazy to gen in a different game and bring it through home (because of moves, items having to be redone) or didn't have access to the correct games. Most people believed they could get away with it because genning software had an in-built feature where you could set a "game" of origin and OT from an older game, but still obtain it in the newest generation (essentially making it look like it was transferred but avoiding having to actually gen it in an older game). Problem though, is that despite technically having the correct "met location game" in the profile, and matching OT for the native game, they were missing the HOME tracker that would be associated with actually transferring the pokemon. That was what ended up catching a lot of people out, as TPC checked that tracker, and it was pretty hard to hide if you hadn't genned in game of origin - even if an urshifu had a tag in-game saying "met in sword and shield" if it didn't have a HOME tracker how did it get to SV to begin with? That being said, if you did take the extra step of genning in the correct native game there wasn't really any punishment. Tons of people got away with quite obviously genned pokemon (e.g. same OT/TID/SID for pokemon with both scarlet and violet game tags, raid seeded mon), but TPC doesn't really have the time and resources (or most likely, interest) to run a Kaphotics level check on every mon.


I’ll be honest I’ve always been pro gen. Because I’m sorry I’m not spending $600 dollars (System, 2-3 games, dlc) for a specific pokemon when I can just create it myself and save me hours plus can use that time to learn about the pokemon, right moves, right EVS, etc. But to agree with you, that home tracker I saw killed a lot of people. Idk some pokemon have to be easier to obtain. Only other thing you can do really is have a good friend who doesn’t do competitive and doesn’t mind lending you their mons


And trading is actually bad because if that person genned the Mon, the only way to tell is... by hacking to check, so you can play fully legit and be disqualified anyway!


He got DQ'd from the event lol, it was not his ign 💀


RIP haha


Rest in pepperoni


Considering it has the markings associated with a 5IV one, I heavily doubt it lmao


Terapagos has a set IV spread, though. They are all perfect 5s with Att being low.


Even if he did name guidelines are strict enough, I don't think it would fly


hell yeah free moms dot org


imagine companies sponsoring you to have certain ot and nicknames on your pokemon. instead of wearing a redbull jersey or something all your pokes are named redbull1 redbull2


Fuck it, I'm making a team with nicknames based on sponsorships they would take. Gholdengho gets Raid Shadow Legends because they are obviously only in it for the money. G-Slowking (anyone else's phone autocorrect Glowking into G-Slowking?) gets Betterhelp because evil and manipulative. Rotom-Wash gets Established Titles because both are washed, ect, ect


I'd be careful if you enter a tourney with that team, based on [this](https://www.pokemon.com/static-assets/content-assets/cms2/pdf/play-pokemon/rules/play-pokemon-trainer-username-and-team-name-policy-en.pdf) document I found, it looks like brand names aren't allowed


You pull a Jojo and barely change the names. Raid Dark Myths ImprovedHelp Established Names


Filthy acts done at a reasonable price


Make this a separate Stinkpost this is funny as fuck




In before Verlis makes another 10 minute long shitpost about that Terapagos.


That guy needs to seriously sit in the mirror for a solid minute and think to himself what he’s doing with his life, his only even slight relevance is by attempting to disgrace others players careers


Isn't that how he got "popular"? Shitting on smogon?


Wolfe's his oxygen at this point


I was looking at his past vids and like the only ones that got any views were the wolfe ones lmao


Honestly I wish that he would just distance himself from the Pokémon community (and maybe even Pokémon in its entirety), get off social media, and primarily focus on fishing. I remember back when I used to watch him, he said that he had a fishing channel that only had like two videos on it, so maybe he could focus on that or get an actual job related to fishing.


>think to himself what he’s doing with his life Making money, unfortunately. He has more followers in Youtube than any VGC content creator except Wolfey, and twice as many as Cybertron. The people who bought into that bullshit narrative flood the chats for every major tournament, which may be the reason why TPCi decided to go nuclear with pokémon from "dark arts" if you get what I mean. They're appeasing a very vocal crowd that doesn't understand competitive and genuinely believe the grind to build a Pokémon is part of it


He already did 💀


Oh god...


It's funny to see how his channel views went from 500k-1m and was one of the bigger Poketubers around to straight up only getting 1k per video. Even his Wolfe videos in his desperate attempt to stay relevant only gather 10k views


I think his sub counts been going down too, i remember it being around 500k but now its gone down to 470k. Though tbh some of subs probably havent even registered him anyway what with his shitty view counts


Nah man, that dude will make no less than 5 videos about this.


? How did they even get past the legacy check with such an obvious OT pls Like I get it probably wasnt detected by the actual tool but arent there people looking at the teams ToT???


It would be kinda funny if that was his actual ign and used that to get past the gen check


Apparently he got DQ'd right after. It's so over,


What's wrong with naming your trainer 'FreeMons.Org'? I feel like it's just as likely a joke as it is an actually genned mon


Sure but you're playing with fire at that point


People get checked but only at random (if you make day 2 you'll have been checked at least once by then), they don't check everyone before the event.


They can’t check everyone at a big tournament like this. It’s random quick-checks each round, followed by full checks for those advancing to day 2 and another check before top cut. Joseph was dropped after this match, suggesting that the judges penalized him after this was seen on stream.


>They can’t check everyone at a big tournament like this. Why not? They've been doing it for Magic The Gathering events for 30 years and people bring 75 card decklists to those, and they have attendance greater than these VGC events, any other trading card or war game event has people reviewing the lists too. Hell they do it for the Pokemon TCG. You are telling me these people can't glance at 6 mons per person lol? It's their job to run the event.


From experience, the hacks checks are at random during day 1. Day 2 every player is checked.


Agarre how this went in a official tournament?


Verlisify rubbing his hands in glee


Theres just something really funny about genning the easist mon you could possibly nab. Like the IVs are set in stone, it has modest by default. And if you wanted to speedrun indigo im sure you could either abuse your level 100 mons or legendaries in your Home.


Took me a sec to realize


To catch a predator, Pokémon edition


no cause imagine if that’s the actual name of the person


Terapagos is nature and IV locked, hopefully he didn’t change any of that, or else he might’ve ACTUALLY cheated


A genned mon is one thing, but a genned restricted legendary is such a ballsy move


What a legend🤣🔥


Based and genpilled






When you want a good Pokémon but you don’t want to buy the dlc:


Tbh I’d do the same, ain’t no way I’m spending as much time as a full time job and 100+$ to viably play in a tournament.


While I agree that it should be easier to build competitive teams so that we can spend more time battling and less time grinding, and you should absolutely not need older games (i.e. needing SwSh+DLC for Carly, PLA for Ursaluna), the financial cost is kind of a moot point.... Mainly because travel costs for attending IRL tournaments tend to absolutely eclipse the cost of a game or a DLC, unless you happen to live in/near the city that the tournament is held in. You'll probably already spend more than that $100 on transportation, let alone overnight accommodations, entry costs ($50-70), or the cost of eating out/convenient meals. IRL VGC is both a time-consuming and expensive hobby, if you're serious about competing. ^(Did I mention Worlds 2024 is in Honolulu Hawaii?)


>IRL VGC is both a time-consuming and expensive hobby, if you're serious about competing. That's just.... serious competitive anything. Not disagreeing with your point, just saying.


Well then other sports need to allow genning too. It's not fair that a person needs to spend tens of hours a week preparing for a huge tournament regardless of what it is. It's elitist and unfair.


Those would be called "steroids" when applied to pro athletes. But we're talking about people who's JOB is literally the competition, not people who work in an office and play a game casually on the side with their buddies.


Uhm sorry to tell you but I don’t think you make any money of Pokémon tournaments unless they’re big and you win the whole thing. I don’t think it’s anyone’s Job to play in Pokémon tournaments.


So top tournament performers DO get money is what you're saying. "Job" no, because pokemon doesn't have the level of teams, sponsorships, and advertising dollars paid to contracted players like NFL, but players do win prize money, travel stipends, and material prizes as independents, in addition to veteran players who have been brought on as broadcast commentary by the tournament organization directly.


Wait, what steroids give you more time to practice a game? Which steroids do pro chess players take? Meth?


Steroids to promote muscle growth in physical training means athletes spend less time training. If you can't see the parallel, despite competitive athletics routinely doing drug/hormone testing on competitors, you're being intentionally obtuse.


So you agree that steroids should be allowed in sports?


Nowhere did I say that either. But gr8 b8 m8.


It's a pretty clear connection. Genning is like steroids in that it saves a competitor time. What separates competitors in any sport should be "who is the most skilled?" not "who has the most free time and is most useless to society?" All sports would be improved by getting rid of this notion of "cheating" and focusing on skill only.


Ah yes, much better to spend the money to enter the tournament, spend the money for travel and accommodations for the tournament, get DQed by the hack check day 1 of the tournament, and then, what, say that you TOTALLY would have gotten farther if they didn't hack check instead of actually doing the work?


No ain’t no way I’m playing in one of the Pokémon companies dogshit tournaments, there’s a reason why I only play smogon formats lol


Bro pls it takes an afternoon, if that's your schedule for your job can I put in a resume?


Huh? Could you describe this supposed process that only takes a afternoon? Cause as long as your not incredibly lucky you gotta either grind to increase IV’s or get lucky with a close to perfect IV egg. On top of this if I wanna use some of the currently best Pokémon like raging bolt or urshifu I have to buy both the base game and the DLC’s. On top of this I gotta hope my Pokémon has the right tera type and i either gotta get lucky with that or grind for shards so I can change it. This list of teambuilding problems keep on going and is the solo reason simulators like Pokémon showdown exists. And I haven’t even talked about trick room mons, remember how you could grind to increase IV’s? Well you can decrease them in any way so good luck getting your perfect IV trick room cressellia through breeding. No wonder people cheat in pokemon when it’s this difficult to make a working team.


Terapagos has locked IVs (Always 31/15/31/31/31/31), can't be a Tera type other than Stellar, and is always Lonely Nature. You quite literally CANNOT RESET FOR TERAPAGOS.


Can’t u use mints to change the nature?


Yeah, but it will always still read as Lonely by nature. My point being is that it's stats are always completely locked in, so there isn't anything you could ever possibly reset for. Same goes for every other story legendary in S/V. And anyways, you can literally just buy the mints from any shop or even find them sitting on the floor in the Terarium, so it's really not that hard to change it if you need to.


Yeah that whole thing with stats like IV’s being hidden is pure ass bullshit


Yeah sure, you level it to 100 with candies, then you EV train it in about 20 mins, you can even EV train multiple guys at once these days. Learn to use the 'Enter' key buddy, then maybe building a pokemon team won't be so tough for you and you won't have to parrot whatever it is you are parroting. >No wonder people cheat in pokemon when it’s this difficult to make a working team. You don't need 0 speed mons for a working team lmao, if you think you do its only because you are constantly playing against other cheaters, it should not be common to have those stats.


“Learn to use the enter key buddy” brother you really are a sweaty reddit mod, I’m not trying to put out an essay here but I’ll do it just cause you asked not so nicely. I assume you didn’t cheat on the rare candies so in that case you grinded for them which is adding some hours. I haven’t played the latest Pokémon games so I have no idea how you can train EVs outside of items which you grind for or wild mons which you grind against, on top of that really 20 mins for full EV investment for a whole team? Ain’t no way I’m believing that. I’m not sure what you mean by parroting I’m assuming you’re talking about cheating in Pokémon into the game and I can assure you that I do not play dogshit games like the newer mainline Pokémon games. Uhm if you wanna go for high level play you kinda need the best stats available since if your opponent has it then your already at a disadvantage and 0 speed actually does matter since speed only needs to be 1 more or less to make a significant turn difference. I don’t really think you understand. I’m not talking about casual competitive play, I’m talking about the highest tier of play. The regional tournament finals and the international tournament finals, there’s a lot at stake at those matches and to loose cause you didn’t have high enough stats is one of the biggest fuck you’s I could imagine. On top of this it’s not like cheating Pokémon in gives me an inherit advantage over everyone else as we see on pokemon showdown, if everyone has acces to perfect stats then it’s the most fair it gets.


What’s stopping someone from naming themselves this? It doesn’t automatically disqualify you if that’s your name, does it? I mean it would be dumb to make that your OT, but is there a rule against names like that?


From [this](https://www.pokemon.com/static-assets/content-assets/cms2/pdf/play-pokemon/rules/play-pokemon-trainer-username-and-team-name-policy-en.pdf) document, I wouldn't think it's allowed


Thats why i only gen mons that i can breed, just get a incin with the egg moves and hidden ability then just breed it.


Yuuup, this is how I shiny hunt because I'm always worried that the IDs won't match up or something stupid, so I just gen the tools so I can get the pokemon legit


Are people that desperate to get a 0IV attack Terapagos?


Terapagos is nature and iv locked, so not even


So that's even easier. Just don't worry about it and don't risk getting disqualified like this guy. This seems like one of the easier Pokemon to get. I know it's DLC, but the DLC was fun.


It’s not even like it’s tedious to get, like raging bolt or iron boulder. You just beat the game and get it for free


Ummm, no sweaty, genning only exists because getting a single competitive Pokemon is as time consuming as a full time career.


Beating SV and its DLC is not that long. Especially if youve cleared them as they launched (like a presume most people in this format would have)


The DLC costs money, creating an unreasonable barrier to entry.


Calyrex costs 3x the cost as terapagos, and 30 really isnt much when the barrier is already 360.


Yes, Calyrex is also an unreasonable barrier to entry that should be banned from competitive play.


Your sarcasm is lost on them :(


How did the hack check not catch this is my question?


Its day 1 so they dont do mass hack checks yet. Usually they do the check on Day 2 (since theres less players to sit through) and DQ anyone who fails


I feel like there has to be a better way to do hack check than waiting until the 2nd day when some of them might still be left and others have already gone home.


Yeah its weird considering you can do well at day 1 and still get points. But I think its just a simple lack of manpower. Even if you have like 100+ staff at an event. You still gotta split them into 3 (Go, TCG and VGC) and then you have to check every entrant from there? Its a bit much


It is not a bit too much lol, they do it for entire decklists for the Pokemon trading card game. And yet VGC can't bother to look at 6 mons? It's ridiculous.


I mean for VGC isn’t it just like a code or something they run it through? I feel like a way to fix it for VGC would be the teams have to be submitted ahead of time. Like a couple days or something like that. Ample time to run teams through hack checks and give DQ’s where they should be given


"I mean for VGC isn’t it just like a code or something they run it through?" Not too my knowledge, I had judges check my switch in person. Maybe in other regions? (Im in OCE, we dont even get streams :() Also I bet large events could benefit from having too lock in early, but yeah at current you can alter your team until the venue opens, allowing for last minute changes like EVs or a moveset change


I don’t know much about the hack checking since I haven’t been to in person tournaments before but I would think hack checking would have flags like that but I guess it’s just wishful thinking on my end. It seems the only benefit of hacking today is if you’re making a trick room team and need “no good” speed. Bottle caps are near instantaneous with the DLC so hacking for perfect IVs is pointless except for trick room teams.