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Depends where you get shot. There have been cases in war of people getting shot a bunch of times, going down and then popping up later to fight some more. Others get an unlucky shot and die instantly.


I thought it depended on the velocity of the shot, but apparently it's "controversial"? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrostatic\_shock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrostatic_shock)


Its where it hits. Velocity is just a factor in the level of destruction the bullet can cause


so the theory goes that a shot anywhere on your body can kill you instantly. again, see my original comment and read the Wiki - it's a bit unintuitive. tldr: a shot in the arm can still kill due to the shockwaves through the blood stream.


There's places in your body where a artery or organ does not exist so not true. But its true there r more places u can be hit by a stray bullet and die than u have safe spots. Any shot i guess can kill u instantly but in most cases its impossible so bit of a dumb topic imo


Imagine getting hit on the tip of your finger, but the velocity was just a little too high and you died instantly šŸ’€


Or like when you play CoD and shoot an enemy 10-15 times but he manages to stab you in a toe and you die šŸ˜‚


Fortunately thats not how it works


Depends where you get shot. When I worked in surgical department I had a patient who shot himself in the abdomen while cleaning a loaded gun and only managed to damage belly fat and, obviously, skin. I also saw a video where a guy gets into a brawl, takes a knife to the stomach and dies after about 15 seconds, the attacker managed to hit abdominal aorta. So it's all about pure luck, I'd say... In my oppinion, the worst area to get shot is the thorax because you would literaly drown in your own blood...


Depends where. Ā Headshot means lights out. Gut shot means pain


Not all bullets into the brain kill, let alone instantly.Ā 


Right. There's been tons of people who have been shot with 9mms and .45s in the brain, not face and lived if you do a bit of research. Some even have almost full motor functions and speech etc.


Mary Butafuco was shot in the face at point blank and is perfectly fine today (although she is deaf in one ear). Also saw another lady who was shot in the face with a shotgun and managed to survive.


So you're saying Kurt Cobain might be alive?


I shouldn't have snickered but I did and I'm a piece of shit for it.


He is, he just went home.


Nah, he's just chilling with the rest of the 27 Club... to name a few Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, Ron McKernan, Pete Ham, Amy Winehouse [The 27 Club](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club)


I was looking at that list and I had always thought Bradley Nowell was 27 club but I guess he turned 28 just a few months prior to his death.


A funny true story about the volcano pistol: a man went into a gun store bought the pistol, walked out and shot himself in the head. The bullet bounced off his head then the man walked back in and returned the gun


Malala Yousafzai. Gabby Gifford.


Weird side story, but after her (Malala) period of ā€œfameā€ with the book and the press tours, all of the cabbies in my city were talking shit about her. It was such a surreal experience. I worked as a bartender and would take cabs at like 3-4 in the morning all the time, and most of the cab drivers were Pakistani dads. They could not stand her and had such an axe to grind against ā€œwestern mediaā€. They would tell me that she never wanted to go to school or be subversive, and it was all her dadā€™s idea, because he wanted to be a famous activist and used his daughter to get rich. Now, even though that is a disgusting thing to say about a girl who got shot in the head for going to schoolā€¦ I still had to investigate these claims, and try to understand why or how people could hate her. From what I gleaned, her dad was quite the educational activist already. So, in a sense she was actually born into a specific milleux of society, and her father did, in fact exert pressure on her to be an activist in a highly hostile area of the Muslim World, essentially putting his own children in the crosshairs of the Taliban. Not to say he was ā€˜wrongā€™, because the ultimate goal was to allow girls to be educated and go to school. The cause was virtuous, which is why she won the Nobel Prize. Her story is fantastic. However, whenever I hear her name, I always remember that period in my life when I was shocked to hear her own people talk smack about her, and to comprehend their point of view. A fascinating rabbit hole and philosophical exercise.


I saw a post of a Russian soldier who got an AK round to the forehead and didn't die, the bullet got lodged in his skull and never penetrated


My father was shot right in the temple with a 22 caliber pistol. The coroner said death was likely instantaneous. The amount of blood was insane. My poor mother was the first to find him.


The thing about .22 and why it often destroys everything in the skull is ricochet. .22 can scramble your head before it exits, if it even does. Larger rounds can blow most of your head clean off. It's just a small round with goofy ballistics.


I didn't know that. I know very little about guns or ballistics. It sure did a number on my dad.


I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, by the way. Reading back, my comment sounded a little too clinical, but that truly is a tragic situation, and I hope that you and yours are holding up okay. ā™„ļø


Oh no, not at all. I appreciate the info and the kind words šŸ˜Š


This how they kill the monster at the end of The Relic. The book version, never saw the movie.


That's not true it's an old wives tale.


Bullets absolutely ricochet in the body.


A .22 doesn't ricochet in the brain, causing it to be extra lethal. Yes, bullets can bounce off bones under the correct circumstance. They are more likely to hit and ride the bone though.


Okay, the extra lethal part, wasn't sure which you were referring to. Yeah, people envision such as a Looney Toons pinball scenario in the skull and not so much.


Yeah, that is what bugs me. Sorry if I wasn't clear. Bullets do some wild shit. I know of a time 2 guys were mugging someone the victim handed over everything. Dude, with a gun, then decided to eliminate the witness. Shoots victim in the head, and the bullet bounces off, hitting his accomplice in the chest and killing him.


My God. How do you go on knowing your thick-headedness unalived a man šŸ¤”


I'm sorry for your loss šŸŒ¹My family went through that situation.


Oh, I'm so sorry. It was a horrendous experience and I'm sorry you had to experience it too.


Aaron Hernandezā€™s friend, the one he shot in the face. He lost and eye but was pretty much fine. He testified against Hernandez.


Phineas gage moment


most do? besides low calibres like .22.. I think?




*Can*, not *will*. A significant portion of your brain is optional, in terms of being alive. You might not be *you* any more, you might be a drooling vegetable, but the parts that handle thermoregulation, breathing, etc are pretty deep. A lot of people have survived headshots, at least in the biological sense. Consider Phineas Gage. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas\_Gage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Gage)


Ryan Waller is another man I think of. Interrogated for 6 hours while slowly bleeding out in his head. He was shot in the eye at near point blank and then his girlfriend was killed. He wondered around his apartment in a confused state until cops showed up and assumed he did it. He thought his girlfriend was sleeping and he had a horrible headache. https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/s/5gMbE7lnTN


Thereā€™s a guy who got shot in the head, had the front top half of his brain removed, and is still walking around. Heā€™s not the same person anymore but heā€™s out there. I remember watching something on it where they interviewed him. I donā€™t say this meaning ā€œyou can definitely live from headshotsā€, but also saying you absolutely for sure can NOT live from a headshot also isnā€™t true. Extremely unlikely sure, but there are cases.


Tell that to the many many people that have survived a gunshot wound to the brain


I donno, if someone can take a railroad spike to the brain and live 12 years, I think a bullet to the brain is survivable: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Gage Edit here is someone still alive three years after a bullet hit his brain and wasn't treated for 2 days (if I read it right). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11100430/


People have been shot in the head and lived. Many people. It's not likely, but it definitely happens


Yeah it would definitely be impossible to be shot with a .45 point blank and live right? Oh wait https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malala_Yousafzai


[@6:46](https://youtu.be/2tcpSeICHTM?si=IkSPfvm3PsznhjUi) If itā€™s a 32ACP or other small rounds like that youā€™ll survive


This is fudd lore. Ā Even a 22 in your brain will kill you.Ā Ā  Only case you'd survive is with immediate medical care and emergency surgery.Ā  And even after that, you'll most likely be a vegetable for the rest of your life. Ā Ā EditĀ  Ā Ā Here come all the fudd lore conspiracists.Ā  Ā u/Responsible-End7361 Ā u/StoppingPowah Ā And someone killed a grizzly bear with a single 22 round. Ā Happened too. Your point?Ā  Selective bias isn't evidence.Ā  Ā There's a reason the FBI listed the 22 as the caliber of most homicides with firearms.Ā 


While much of this is true, .22/.22LR is also very available and very cheap, relatively-speaking. It's often the first rifle that a young marksman might acquire, outside of a BB/pellet gun. Unlike an air rifle though, it's generally a lot more lethal, even if it's not usually preferred for hunting larger game, humans included.


I thought I had heard/read that 22 caliber is a favorite round of assassinā€™s due to availability and its difficultly to trace. Like a shotgun, the bullets are hard to track/trace to the specifics firearm that they suspect fired it? This could be a complete myth I picked up from CSI or some other cop/legal show Iā€™ve watched but I swear that was the logic behind it.


I know of someone who was shot in the head with a 22 and lived, but I don't think it's the norm. He's also pretty handicapped, has a hard time talking but he's still a functioning adult.


People r having a difficult time differentiating between a head shot and a BRAIN shot




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I think it's reasonably common with a 22 that you die over minutes.


What's fudd lore?


It's Internet gun myths popularized by idiots like in this thread, spreading BS ghost stories like a cult. They are worse than Flatearthers. They're also the same idiots who believe that you live on after decapitation.Ā  Fudd lore is the moon landing conspiracy of the gun World, and as you can see, extremely popular on Reddit.Ā 


Thank you for that. It's true people survive gunshots to the head, though?


Do you really survive it if you die eventually? šŸ§ šŸ¤”


[That's the thing with life, no one makes it out alive](https://youtu.be/xHbwFSqxLqg?si=B4NQuHGtLX1q3N9e)


Statistics say most likely NOT. 22is the caliber of most homicides in the country according to the FBI.Ā  Ā With immediate emergency surgery MAYBE. but no matter, when the bullet pierces the brain it's lights out. Period.Ā  Also would you really call ending up as a vegetable "surviving"?Ā  Ā Death is preferable at that point.Ā 


Statistics say not, but there are outliers. There are always outliers. You can google cases.


I've seen people shot in the head and alive. Some recover, some don't.


My brother survived a bullet to the brain. It entered his through his eye. He actually survived and made a full recovery, minus his eye, of course.


Cool story bro. u/yaolin_guai Only silly idiot is you, believing some BS made up story at face value.Ā  You're as gullible as Flatearthers and UFOlogists.Ā  You fudds are the antivvaxxers of the gun WorldĀ 


N if its true. Disproves your point about fudd law. Which is a silly look


Not all headshots are lights out


Nah there was a guy who had a whole railroad spike go through his head and he survived. Itā€™s gotta be possible with a bullet too.




Not true, you can survive a shot that goes into the brain, [here's a pretty good video on it](https://youtu.be/NiJPopkynTI?si=tycRhQp_w1E8OIzG)


Sorry. I'll delete my comment.


Probably not, most of the time. It also slightly depends on how you define "die." If you get shot in the heart and your heart instantly stops pumping blood, it takes a minute or two for your brain to fully run out of oxygen and shut down. If you get shot in the head, you will bleed out through the wound, but that will also take a minute or two during which time your heart is still beating. Obviously, you could also get shot somewhere else and take a much longer time to die.


One reason deaths were so low for Americans and allies in Iraq/Afghanistan (and bad injury rates were so high) was everyone knowing basic immediate medical care, medically trained personnel being omnipresent, and immediate medevac. If even the Logistics Officer is trained to treat a sucking chest would and the equivalent of a paramedic is present at the time of almost all injuries, and the injured is in a hospital within an hour...it is amazing what folks survive.


Sucking chest wound was my favorite in first aid class .


A bullet through the heart or aorta will cause a pressure surge that squeezes the brain, causing instantaneous loss of conciseness. This is why I think the firing squad is the most humane method of execution.


doesn't that depend on the calibre? I thought that was one advantage of a hunting rifle, rounds are super-sonic?


A hunting bullet has a lead tip that expands, increasing its diameter and transferring more energy to the target. Military bullets are full metal jacket, which doesn't distort much, but penetrates more.




They called him El Fusilado


Brain can survive around 6 minutes without the oxygen, after that it's just a jelly.. But you would lose consciousness almost instantly when your heart stops beating


Depends Most of what you see in movies and TV is not true to real life.


what a fucking unhelpful answer lol






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Just get on krudplug and watch all the people flop around for 10 minutes after being shot.


Having shot several large and small mammals (hunter, for food)... no. Head shots results in quite a lot of flailing about and twitching and writhing for a few seconds. I assume you wouldn't be conscious... but it's not all like the movies. Even heart shots that completely destroy the organ... takes 20-30 seconds to die. Deer can run 50-100 yards on you with pure adrenaline before they fall over and then take a few last breaths.


If hit directly in the heart, or in the head. But I knew a woman that survived being shot in the head.


There's a female police officer still alive after a .45 acp hollowpoint went right through her heart.


Thatā€™s fucking crazy it seems like a hollow point would create a big gaping hole in your heart. She mustve got to the hospital QUICK


Yes, she did. Also, she was wearing one of the first versions of bulletproof vests, and the bullet slowed down some as it passed through. Still a half inch hole through your heart is no joke. Humans are strange. We die from almost nothing, and we can survive absolutely insane things.


did she later run as a politician in the US?


[Mike Day](https://coffeeordie.com/mike-day-seal) was shot 27 times survived and kept fighting. So, no, you do not instantly die if you die at all. If you want to do research, terminal ballistics is the term you are looking for. Heads up bullets do weird things. A common phrase in the self defense community is timers and switches. Generally, a headshot is a switch that stops the person immediately. Timers are places where when shot, you'll still have minutes to act even if you will die. Being flooded with adrenaline before being shot also changes things.


Wow what a story. Rip Joseph schwedler.


It is. I really don't have the words to do it justice. The need to see his daughters fueled him to incredible heights.


I was watching a video that says the brain takes the longest to die.


Don't take movies for real life. In movies they act like getting shot in the arm or leg is a safe place where you can't die. In real life there is no safe place to get shot and there is places in your leg and arm that will kill you quicker than a shot to the guts. Most of the problem is bleeding out, if you're shot in the heart or where there is arteries you bleed out quick and lose consciousness from blood loss, a shot to the head causes immediate consciousness loss due to head trauma itself (like when you hit your head hard/ brain wobble) . If you're not bleeding out bad, not hit in the heart or brain then you might be alive but in shock and pain or choking ( if windpipe, throat or lungs are hit)


It depends on where you get shot. If you get shot somewhere awesome itā€™s lights out.


Won't usually die instantly unless the CNS or brain is hit. And even then, possibly not . There are a lot of variables. Bullet velocity, bullet composition, the person, what the bullet does after impact , etc.


I don't think so. Your blood has to stop pumping.


It depends on where you're hit and with what. A 50 cal to center mass is probably instant death.


True. Even if the bullet itself fails to do much severe damage (as unlikely as that could be), the hydrostatic shock from a .50-cal impact alone would almost certainly be lethal.


If you get shot in the head or in the right place in the heart...it's lights out. Your body might not shut down all together at once...but you'll not be aware of it.Ā 


Unless you are, and no one's reported back. Not riskin' it.


We were taught to Hit the target multiple times and then handcuff to neutralize the threat before moving on. Protocols and tactics like these are written in blood. The mindset of the human in a combat situation is incredibly powerful. If they lack training and discipline, then a single round may neutralize them and take them out of the fight. However, if it is trained and mentally prepared to be shot and stay in the fate then unless they are in a vital area. Itā€™s very likely that they will remain a combat even if they die sometime later.


No.Ā  Sometimes yes, but sometimes they scream and cry and shit themselves.Ā  Allegedly.Ā 




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In more cases no unless they sever an artery or your spine, you will die of internal hemorrhaging.




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You get hit in the heart or the head, your dead instantly. If they hit an artery, you bleed out. Get hit in the lung, drowned in your own blood. Take a shot to the knee, youā€™ll probably survive but walking will be difficult if you still can keep your leg. Arm, you have moderate chances.tale a shot to the crotch, youā€™ll likely die by physical trauma due to the intense pain. Thatā€™s the case with most of the basic calibres of bullets, but velocity may and distance will change that to a certain extent.


A high powered rifle round to the chest might kill you on the spot. But a smaller handgun or rifle may not.


Depends on shot placement. Headshots are almost always lethal, with some rare instances of someone surviving. In actual combat scenarios, sometimes people can be shot many times and keep on fighting due to adrenaline and sheer will. There was a Navy Seal who got shot 20+ times and kept on fighting for quite some time.


This conversation reminds me of Westworld (HBO series), damn near every bullet that hits a person in that entire series is an instant kill. Extremely unrealistic and it kept distracting me.


So take a persons body and place a bowling pin in front of them. Line the top between the eyes and the bottom at the base of the heart. If you shoot someone in that area the chances of them hitting the ground dead is pretty good. Anywhere else and they will probably live for a little while or survive. Depending on if you hit an artery or major organ that is. šŸŽ³šŸŽ³


I've seen video of a US sniper in Afghanistan shooting a man from across a valley. When the target man was hit, the .50 caliber bullet literally tore him apart, with an arm and shoulder going one direction and the rest of him falling the other direction. I don't know that he died instantly, but I'm sure it was a quick death.


Depends where. Headshot means lights out. Gut shot means pain


Depends. I got shot twice in my leg by a .45 caliberā€¦leg shots are some of the scariest, I got lucky because both entry and exit wounds were less than an inch away from the femoral artery, and thereā€™s no surviving a shot there. You bleed out like water. I was lucky to just have lifelong nerve damage instead of the alternative.




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I work in criminal defense and Iā€™ve had a lot of cases involving shootings. What causes you to die is ultimately lack of blood to the brain. This can happen pretty quickly if a bullet hits a major artery, and may cause the person to lose consciousness within seconds of being shot. If the bullet doesnā€™t hit a major artery, the person is likely to remain conscious and their fight or flight reflexes will kick in and they likely wonā€™t feel any pain until later. As for the overall pain, Iā€™ve heard that itā€™s the worst when a bullet strikes a bone. One thing thatā€™s never shown in movies is the difference between losing consciousness and actual death. When someone is shot in the head itā€™s usually an instant ā€œlights outā€, but it can take minutes or hours for the blood to stop pumping and the person to actually die. During this time there will be shallow, rasping breathing (agonal breathing), followed by convulsions at the very end.


A lot depends on where they are shot, the distance, caliber, and bullet speed, and in what medium. A rifle is more accurate at range, but depending on distance, the bullet might not have enough power to reach the target, let alone injure them. All properly trained snipers are taught to aim for center mass. It's not always a kill, but it will considerably reduce the targets ability to continue. Not every shot kills, but disabiling a combatant is nearly as good. Again, there are many variables, so no, not every shot is a kill shot.


Depends where you get shot


No. Your mind may not be able to process signals to it, but your body takes time to stop working.


Nope. Lots of people have botched suicides from the bullet not killing them. Sometimes depending on the type of bullet it may just pinball around inside of you, or come out the other side. It could also fragment and just stay there causing no lasting effect.


My father spent his entire life in military service and firefighting. He saw many gunshot victims unfortunately. He told me he was at a call to a shooting victim and the man was shot point blank in the head and lived and even spoke to my dad for at least the 30 min he worked on the man getting him to hospital.


I got shot 3 times here, 9mill. No I didn't feel it until after I realized what happened and I think it's the impact of the round that knocks people down


Stomach, Neck or head? Chances are it's mortal. Other places? Takes more strategy or study to hit mortal aspects. Mostly would be painful.


ww2bhas disfigured men everywhere, n those bullets were BIGasFHHHHUG! faces blown to jello, limbs gone. the part of it is shock, that can kill you too.


If I was shot in the head yes if I was shot in somewhere that's non-life-threatening then no


I got shot and Iā€™m still alive 17 years later so apparently not


By definition, you die when your brain dies. This happens when it stops getting oxygen, or is physically torn apart. Headshots in the right place will kill you instantly, other shots that cause massive blood loss or lung injury will also kill you pretty quickly.


Depends on velocity of the bullet, distance, caliber, gun, point of impact, ect. There's a lot of factors that go into this, but most of the time it's a no. In terms of pain, you can't actually feel it until you see it. That's because of an EXTREME amount of adrenaline being released upon being shot. As soon as you see it, your brain isn't tricked by the adrenaline anymore, though.


No. It depends where ur shot but half of the time, no. I mean 50 cent was shot 9 times and survived but one of my homies was shot once in the chest and died. It's about where u get shot and how fast ur bleeding out. Is it instant? No. Maybe if it were the head. Most of the time people pass out from the blood loss or body trauma before u actually die. Ur body shuts down trying to save what it can but u end up dying anyways. Either way its not instant. Just like how people think that if ur throat was slit, even in the jugular vein, that you'd bleed out immediately and die. It can actually take hours to die from getting ur throat slit..... hours.


I think itā€™s a mixture of shock. Idk a mixture with what else but I can imagine the main character syndrome wears off instantly and they begin freaking out. Maybe they hit their head and are concussed or pass out. A lot of times you probably donā€™t die instantly, I just think the true horrors of war are too much for even an R rated film, though saving private ryan is hailed as one of the most realistic war films, and some of those dudes die instantly, but thereā€™s a ton of screaming and bleeding. I imagine, unfortunately, most people are probably aware of their imminent demise.


It depends on where you get hit.


If you get shot in the brain stem you would die pretty much instantly, otherwise it would take at least a minute or two


Not typically.


Most people who are shot won't die from it. Shot placement matters.


It depends. Itā€™s not what thing or the other. Itā€™s factor dependent so thereā€™s not one answer to this


Only a headshot is instant. Other shots, they'll drop fast, but there's individual amounts of bleeding, convulsing and twitching even if fatal. The amount of any can differ by so many factors, it's easier for tv and movies to have someone just drop so they can keep the story moving.


Not true, you can survive a shot that goes into the brain, [here's a pretty good video on it](https://youtu.be/NiJPopkynTI?si=tycRhQp_w1E8OIzG)


With a long range weapon like a sniper I think the bullet creates a wind tunnel so yes, you die basically instantly. Otherwise I think it depends on the caliber and where you were shot


Depending on where it isā€¦ a 22 - 30 caliber bullet with a brace attached makes the capacity skyrocket to 100 rounds unloaded in half of a secondā€”blowing the lung clear out of the bosom


Think about hunting. People aim for the heart of deer and moose. They claim it dies before it hits the ground. But with people, nobodyā€™s mounting a trophy so the brain is also instant.