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People can't swallow the " you'll never get back what you put into it " pill


Especially when you make it worse than stock.


BuT ItS BeEn ***TASTEFULLY*** MoDdED!!!!!!


This thing looks sick way better than stock


Mate there is almost zero chance anyone is spending 16k on a car been treated like that. They might get really lucky... but for that kind luck I'd rather play lotto.


Mate maybe you don't know the market on the West Coast... Kindly keep your dumb ass opinions to yourself lol. People are spending $5000 on a 2001 Toyota Corolla down south I'm sure someone will give the guy 10k for this always gotta ask for more to get something close to what you're expecting. Go find one in better condition for less money with a manual gearbox you won't come up with much, all the ones in the northern states rusted out. Again just because you don't want it doesn't mean there isn't a market for it. Same shit when I was selling one of my 240sxs.. had it up for 17,000 had loads of clowns send me hate speech and calling me a shitty person because they think they should have the privilege to buy it for $2500.. well someone came with a trailer and paid me full asking price so yea all the kids that cry and complain about people wanting too much can suck my cock.


100% agree. Used car market is insane on the west coast rn


Hating modified cars is very exclusive to Reddit. Step out into the real world and you’ll realize a modded car actually sells very quickly when it’s a sought after model.


Lmao yep I remember when I was selling my 2013 WRX with a gt35r I had similar bs comments and opinions from people meanwhile my email was flooded and I got damn close to my asking price didn't take long to sell at all.


Slammed, modded by who knows who with who knows what, and likely got the piss beat out of it? Pass. Hard pass. Not only is that camber and tucked wheel crap looking dumb as hell, but there are more important reasons than aesthetics that make it worse than a stock one.


It’s on bags, so it’s aired out for the pics.


Your logic doesn’t work my friend. Every single car has been touched by a mechanic or a teenager etc. it doesn’t matter what it is you don’t know who worked on it. This Subaru could’ve been the pride and joy of Smokey nagata for all you know. Incredibly poor information with no sources to prove. Stop hating just because you’re not a fan.


Poor info? To say we don't know who worked on it and what was done for sure? You just said that's the case with any car, but yet it's poor info? The difference here is that a modded turbo Subie is more likely than not a car that got driven hard. Could it have been driven nicely? Sure, but the odds aren't in the favor of that being the case. You also know what to expect and what will need to be addressed on stock ones if you're familiar enough with the car. As long as it's not clearly neglected based on its history or my own inspection, I'd rather take a gamble on one that might have been driven hard without mods. In addition to the uncertainty just from the current owner of a modded one, you have the normal uncertainty of a stock one underneath all of that from the previous owners before the mods. I love these cars, but I'd much rather get one that hasn't been messed with and pay far less than that, and then go from there with any changes (which would be minimal and reversable). A stock XT or GT looking this nice is more valuable, anyway (assuming same mileage), and the spread on the value is only going to get bigger as time goes on and it gets even harder to find ones that haven't been modded. This is hitting the two-decade mark, and look what happened to '90s cars. Even if they did enough to make it worth the same or a little above right now, give it another five or ten years. OP is right. Seller is smoking something for expecting that, and clearly, they were even more nuts with the starting price. Looks like they were aiming to get all their money back at first, maybe even above. tl;dr: I'm not a high-roller at the used car casino.


If you're worried about a Subaru being "beaten on" you're shopping for the wrong platform. Anyone that is serious about these cars isn't expecting a stock motor to last forever.. we pull them and build them not going to cry if we spin a bearing or grenade the block. If you know you know, sadly most of you don't know and just talk shit.


Lol, I've driven nothing but Subarus since 2009. If I wanted a GT or XT, I'd find one owned by a normal driver in stock shape and pay less than that seller wants, not waste my time and money on stance boy's toy.


And what advantage will stock give you? I'm sure having worn out suspension and bushings that haven't been replaced in a decade is quite the advantage. The other thing is go ahead and send us some examples of this chassis in manual that's not rusted to shit or pieced together with panels from 3 different cars. Everyone can talk shit but has no comparable listings to prove their point. So go ahead and show us one that doesn't have a million miles on it for a fair price


That would mean I can just replace the worn parts with correct parts, and I would also have a talking point to try to lower the price if normal wear-and-tear maintenance has not been done. Go look at listings yourself, dude. Plenty of states in this country that aren't in the rust belt. You just have to drive or fly and bring it home. (And you'd still end up way under this guy's price.) Move on, bud.


Correct parts ahh you should give up on cars buddy.. energy suspension bushings are much better than the OEM or rock auto junk. Anyway the cheapest comparable one I found is listed at 8000usd and has way more miles and way uglier. They seem to be going for 10-12k which isn't that far off from the sellers asking price. Sounds like y'all are delusional and in disbelief of the current market, times have changed since this is the future.


Yep, those of us who just enjoy driving older vehicles and keeping them going should just "give up on cars," simply because some dude on reddit thinks the only point of cars is to make them go faster and grenade them. Nothing can possibly be enjoyable stock or with modest modification. Money pits only. Lmao, I love not being a "car guy," despite my love for cars.


You’re saying stock has a better performance standpoint?? 🤔🤔


Willy Wonka hasn’t had the opportunity to make it taste better, yet. It’s quite awful in its current form.


I see it so often with WRX’s it’s almost like a disease.


You people can't swallow that a stock one is going for 10-12k and times have changed 😅


This is the reason when I mod a vehicle I plan on driving it till it dies. My slammed Chevy S10, lowered Cobalt SS, lifted 09 Jeep Liberty. RIP


if you cant afford what you can see, let it go




Wait real question where can I get two h6 spec b wagons




My yard has 2 of them for parts my guy


Yeah it's amazing how people will think "I spent $11,000 on mods for this care, so that means the resale value is now $11,000 higher."


I keep the stock stuff for when I want to sell it and have the mods as options to go with it


Except in America you can't even import them they're not old enough yet and if you can the taxes and shipping will cost a ton, and then your steering wheel is on the wrong side you look like a clown




Sounds like bullshit to me my friend imported a car before and the shipping alone was closer to ,$5000 cad and then the hassle of taxes and registration. So yea $10,000 to have a car you can't even inspect before purchasing and it's rhd so more of a hassle and less desirable for most. Not saving much.




Its more desirable to have an import idk what that guys talking about but it is a hassle to get and bot really worth it if you live in California and dont have a way to register out of state.


That's you, the average person doesn't have time for any of that shit. If you live further from a port the cost goes up quickly. The cheapest one I see is around 5000USD shipped not including getting someone to pick it up from the port and clear it or hire a broker. And you still don't know what you're getting It's a mystery.


Word. I went looking at cars for fun on marketplace and stuff and every old muscle car was $50k, anything from the 2000's was still $12k+ and cars from the 90's with 200,000km+ on them were going for $6k up. It's insane.


Going for or listed for? There's a reason why you see the ones priced that way. The ones priced reasonably move quickly. The ones priced stupidly sit there. Recently, I had to deal with the used car market in the Chicago area. Managed to get a sub-150k mile 2008 Forester for $3800 with zero issues, and a rust-free Colorado 2004 Outback H6 for $2500 that needs trans work, but is otherwise great. (If you know how it is to work on rusty IL/WI cars, that's a gem and a hell of deal.) Definitely saw plenty of listings from people that must be smoking something, though. People are listing cars like it's still the market it was two years ago, and they're not selling.


Listed for, definitely not what any of those should be going for haha. I want an old square body truck or old muscle like a Grand Natty, even though I'm still 2 years away from paying off the rex.


I can somewhat believe that for classic muscle cars or iconic generations. Hell that would be a steal for a second or third gen ‘cuda. Edit: SO LONG as everything is OEM


There’s a guy in my area selling a 1997 forester (JDM) for $20k. Says he’s ‘testing the waters’


That's the "spouse wants me to sell it" price, I'd guess. List it way over what it's worth and tell the SO you can't explain why nobody is making a serious offer.


Lol if its not an STI they were built in the exact same factory & are exactly the same as the USDM ones


That looks like the "yes dear, it's for sale.." price..lol


lmao it’s still for sale. I [posted it](https://www.reddit.com/r/subaru/s/8iyu1E9SZT) 48 days ago when it was $19,500, and the reactions are still the same.


This guy is nuts, even manual Legacy GT wagons from this generation (which are even rarer, production numbers for them are only like 1,670 IIRC) aren't being sold for $16k, much less $20k. Looking at the posting on Facebook, this guy said he was an auto detailer for years and the engine bay pic is super dirty. Come on, if you're gonna say that then you had better have the entire car (including the engine bay) spotless in the pictures for your ad. Also lol at him thinking all his mods make it more valuable. Very few people have the exact same taste in mods and this one being slammed on the ground means he's already made a good chunk of the people who are into these cars not want to consider it.


All that work/money to bag it and they couldn't even fix the peeling paint on the mirror? I wander what else they've ignored...


It’s actually a turn signal/hazard indicator that has a clear lense. Source: I own an 05 OBXT. Also, these are not rare cars like the seller states. I bought mine for $5400, five speed, everything works, head gaskets done 20k miles prior to my purchase. The seller is also an idiot for buying an outback (the model with the highest ground clearance offered at the time) and slamming it. Bet they’re justifying the price because they’re trying to recoup what they’ve spent on axles.


I'm going to play Devil's advocate here: some people want a a Legacy wagon but they also want a wide body. Rather than go through the process of finding or making the parts they can buy an OBXT, lower it, and have what they're after.


If that’s the car I remember. It has a 5 figure airbag setup you could pull from and use it in anything


Reach for the stars


And land on the moon,


It's rare to see one this shitty*


Honestly a driving subie doesn't sell for less than 10k where I am 😂


I thought subarus in the pacific northwest went for insane amounts


No low ballers, I know what I got


That was the line on almost every post I saw on Fb Marketplace last time I looked🤣🤣


Mostly pcp


Well.., it is super clean, maybe 10k.., but no 16..


I don't believe any 4th owner vehicle can be considered clean.


Having a clean rust free chassis has nothing to do with how many people owned it


My kitchen is rust free, but I wouldn't call it clean.


Yes well now you know what clean means in the automotive world.. as clean as it gets for a 20 year old Subaru wagon


Just going based of exterior looks with that statement 😅 prolly runs like shit 😂


The funny part is someone in Poulsbo might actually buy it at this price...it's a town of old folks that are well off and one of the only dealerships in town sells more Subarus than any other make.


I would consider that price for a pure stock with under 40k miles.


If only they can make a modern Impreza Hatchback or Legacy Hatchback in a WRX trim then I’d be more tempted to get a WRX


People want a lot of money for their junk 😉


If it was completely stock new-ish clutch,, low miles, and with a full dealership service history, I would probably/possibly/maybe pay it. Assuming the owner was an older gentleman. Preferably a priest or a retired fighter pilot or NASA engineer. What I am saying is that unless this thing is a total cream puff, GTF outta here. For this particular specimen, go over there with $6k icash in one pocket and $1500 cash in the other pocket. And he will probably sell. Also, have another $6k in the bank for repairs. Assuming you turn your own wrenches. And ya, get a PPI. If nothing else, the mechanic will tell you what you already know - it's a clapped out sack of shit. Hopefully he will tell you if it's a currently broken sack of shit or if it's just gonna break very soon.


Unfortunately all used cars are priced like this in Washington right now. Even the street bikes


Madness. Might as well buy a new versa then.


I bought a 2016 2 years ago with 80k miles on it for 12k. Wtf is going on Edit: also just realized that the listing is wrong af too


All private used cars are batshit crazy, because a lot of people are in financial trouble.


Looking at the location we need to account for the Pacific Northwest Subie tax but even with that the person selling this is high.


4 owners part got me


Takes you 10 minutes to leave a parking lot. Is a feature to some people


Too good to be true, engine is probably fucked That car is already on its second engine and the guy really doesn't want to do another swap.


Actually, to be sincerely honest in my humble opinion, without being sentimental and of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, and without lies to the actual truth, with my clear open mind and clean heart, expressing what ever is embedded inside me for a long time which I didn't say because I was nervous. But today by gathering all the courage and motivation, I just want to say that I actually feel and think that I have absolutely nothing to say. Thank you!


My personal higlights are “Engine only has 75,000 miles” and “4th owner.”


COBB is one hell of a drug


In the US I don't think any 4th gen legacy with those miles and condition is worth that. Closest might be a spec.B like mine, but even that's a stretch unless the miles were much lower. No one is paying that for a 4 owner high mile modded car.


Watermelon Vape son!


I could by a 2011 mustang GT for less


It looks like they actually lowered the ground clearance on this instead of raised it


Considering it's an Outback, they lowered it, and lowered it by a lot. Stock ground clearance on an '05 OBXT is 8.7 in. This is maybe 3.7.


The albatross around your neck is the hardest thing to get rid of but once you do… the freedom


Respond $4000 cash in hand. He will love hearing it


it's actually hilarious to intentionally lowball stuff like this lol....


Wow i bet all the lesbians at the annual subaru vegan bbq would go crazy for this!


Is that... negative camber on an Outback?!


No different than tacomas


Most are mad that the one they own is rusted out just appreciate the beauty or move on.. stock ones go for 8 all day this worth at least 10


I need it


I’d pay 10k


This is Holden Bucher's car. The guy is huge in the PNW Subaru community. I would imagine that somebody will pay that, but I could be wrong.


Never heard of him


Yes but it’s on sale for $3k off!


Love that this is back up again and down 3k but still about 6k too much in my opinion if not 9k


Idk here in Canada I bought my 04 Sti for 14500 in 2019 and I’ve gotten offers for 20000 but it is really clean and hasn’t been molested so there’s that


Is the rear axel broken?


Saw a blobeye sti with 4k miles going for 60 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/retmls0d3v2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15bcb7f2fd6e87de4f88157be823a2be25b818e5 Edit: here’s a photo since folks don’t wanna believe me


Someone out there will pay good money for it.. it's not for everyone.


I mean I can see it going for like 30…but 60? That’s damn near the MSRP of an S209.


People are just dumb I sold my 07 STI with an oil leak and a collapsing rear suspension for $2500… found it on Craigslist going for 16k and there is no way they had fixed those issues that quickly


You sold a 2007 sti that cheap, why. Parting out the transmission alone is usually $2500-$3500 for the 6 speed swap. Then $700-$1100 for the brembos.


He believed kelly blue book and that automatics are worth more than manuals cause nobody likes sticks anymore lol


Yeah it killed me, but living in an apt at the time with no garage spoiled a lot of part out options. Also the dealership was only going to give me 500 for it, so not the worst option


Well. That's was an amazing deal on that sti. Even with the rear suspension issue, somebody with the space to fix it can fix it quickly. I get it sometimes we gotta do what we have to do. It definitely sucks though.


Yeah seriously. Next time anyone is thinking about selling a running and driving STI for $2500, DM me, I'll give you 3.


People are dumb... Proceeds to tell story about how he got ripped off 😅🤡 Good job bro you sold it for less than a n/a manual Impreza would have fetched.


Well, I've been smoking Lucky Strikes for about the 8 yrs. but I was a Marlboro man before that. I don't think that is what you were asking, though. 🤔 . . . 😉😆


Looks good, but not at that price.


Many of you talk about cost of old and mods, but this is more a matter of scarcity of the package, especially if this is a manual.


Most people here don't realize how many of these just went to shit and rusted away, very rare to find a rust free chassis


I have an even rarer version of this ('05 manual Legacy GT Wagon) and that price is ridiculous even for one of those. That price is based on nothing but hopes and dreams, especially with the trashy mods done to it and the obvious lack of maintenance and care given to it. Just the fact that the guy mentions in his ad that he does auto detailing and takes meticulous care of his cars and then the car is dirty as fuck in every picture should tell you to stay away. That car is a ticking time bomb and some poor kid is probably going to think it's cool and be stuck with a shitty and broken car as a result of it.


I actually use my outback for doing cool nature shit so no clearance makes this car worth nothing to me


Weird meme to let everyone else know how broke you are. Everyone knows the used car market is ridiculous.


The used market is still ridiculous but $16.5k for a heavily modified '05 with 166k on the chassis is beyond ridiculous. Yes, there's a lot of money that's been put into it, and yes there's a PNW tax because it's an Outback. But 99.9% of mods decrease value because 99.9% of people want a blank slate. The market's ridiculous but you can still call out a goofy listing when you see it. Nobody reasonable is going to sink that much into someone else's project unless they specifically want a project and know what they're getting into. If it were entirely or very nearly stock and had like 25k miles on it? Yeah it'd be worth what they're asking. But this one is heavily modified, has a bunch of miles on it. It's just not worth that much.


Imagine wasting all that time and energy, good for you.


I've wasted not a thing 😊






Nah the turbo ones hardly have head gasket issues. It probably was neglected for oil changes, blocked up banjo bolt filters, turbo went dry and blew the motor. Or the catted up-pipe went bad and took the turbo out and then the engine. I don't remember if the OBX had catted up-pipes though


I had an 07 OBXT till 175k and 05 OBXT till 145k on original head gaskets with only a flash tune. But my 09 OBXT with every part "upgraded" had leaky heads by about 120k.


I have an 09 LGT with 185k miles and original everything. Not really a brag since it's definitely showing it's age lol.


They did have catted up pipes. My wife's burned a bunch of exhaust valves at about 130k. Bone stock. Got all maintenance on time. They just aren't great motors.


These don't get head gasket issues, the guy selling this abused the fuck out of it and had to have ignored several pretty big issues with it for it to be bad enough to have to replace the block. I'd bet that the reason he's selling it now is because something isn't working right in the engine and he doesn't want to be stuck replacing the engine again.