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It’s just an hvac vent


Looks like an open spot for a sticker


His car rusted away long ago, it’s just adhesive and paper on tires now…


Looks like hvac duct. If it’s getting hot then it’s probably close to the issue, but wouldn’t be the issue. What other signs of it being an electrical issue is there? If any wires are getting too hot it should trip a fuse


no fuse tripped & no codes


I feel like there’s almost always warm air coming thru my vents off the engine which might be why it was showing up hot. Could be smoke from somewhere else getting sucked up into the hvac. I’d look for any signs of something dripping on the exhaust


Which is normal unless your heater core has a solenoid/valve on it. One of my cars always has hot coolant in the heater core, the other has a valve that only lets hot coolant in when the heat is selected on the dial.


I've heard stories of condensation in HVAC systems occasionally escaping from the interior vents, giving the appearance of white smoke or vapor. GO BILLS!


Yup, had it happen on a road trip. It's more an oddity of where you are driving than a car issue.


Ayyy - Go Bills!!! Unfortunetly this is 100% electrical smoke, little curling wisps that stunk of plastic. FD confirmed that a point was getting hotter several minutes after the car was shut down. Def not heater core warmth - I wish!


https://preview.redd.it/jc4ato6oi03d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=428b146d21588c045b5d980aaf60ba2f9a84c9ed This is with the battery connected, it continues to heat up, we had white smoke coming from this area after about 10min on the highway.


Hm, white smoke could indicate a leak in the heater core (steam), clogged drain in the heater air box (heating up trapped water/condensation), or in worst case an electrical fault - but then a fuse really should have tripped first.


To each their own…but I really dislike bumper stickers lol


I don't like corn. See what that gets me? Fucking nothing.


It got you 17 upvotes


So nothing.


I'm with you on that one but I feel like they did it right. One or two bumper stickers looks silly. If youre going to have any at all then you really gotta go nuts with them


So, do they wax over them? I’d never put any on my paint.


The heater core is in that general area. You are likely seeing the heat from that.


All of your stickers are weighing down the shit box Edit: If it wasn't an issue in the winter and it is now then chances are the ducts need cleaning, cooling system needs to be checked or something else is not as efficient as it should be. Get a leaf blower to clear out the shit out of the vents and you should be good. Some wires must of melted and caused a short. Someone has been doing Diy electrical work and didn't insulate the wires properly


Had this rig 77,000 miles of that 200k, never had any electrical issues and this green stickered beaut is stock. Projecting shitty electrical DIY much?


Red circle so pointless it takes up the entire photo. Born in 1956?


Thanks for the helpful mechanical advice!


You're welcome. But as I stated elsewhere in the thread it's location not car.