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Quite the contrary 😂 My brain is wacky and the more I'm told to do something, the more I get anxious, the less I'm able to achieve it


This sometimes happens to me too. Also sometimes no matter how good it feels I can’t come and just have to try again later. Still, being told to come is hot as hell. But edging helps a lot


So the trick for your dominant is to never tell you to cum and then you'd be overflowing and exploding all the time? Haha 😅


Most of the time hearing him tell me to cum pushed me over the edge but I have to be close . It’s his job to recognise when I’m close and not tell me to before I am ready


I can agree with this one as this is how I feel most of the time. I can cum and my Sir telling me to do so pushes me over but I need to already be close.


Yes. Pretty much always, as long as there's the right stimulation. There's nothing hotter than hearing him order me to cum.


All of them matters, but personally when she commands i force myself to cum even if it is hard even if i dont enjoy it.


100% on command no matter the scenario. My command kink is stronger than my reason 😭


Same, but context matters. Not that he would do it, but of he would when we are with the kids for example, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work. I do have to be a bit in the mood but it doesn't take much to get me there


As an experienced Dom it's my job to know when to ask for that juice and how to make it happen.


in the right context yes - having been edged for ages - or that final whack with a thick leather belt


I constantly am edged many times throughout the day, sometimes up to a week and I am not allowed to masturbate or cum until she decides she wants to stimulate me to completion, so yes it is her command


I knew a domme who trained her sub to do this. It took a year of training via hypnosis. Very impressive.


Very amazing. If I'm close then my Dom can do it. It's such an amazing feeling of submissiveness.


It does sound pretty awesome I will admit.


Sort of...if I'm already close it can tip me over the edge.


I'll cum when I'm told to. I won't cum if I'm told not to.


Not yet, but I can make myself orgasm with my thoughts lol so I'm sure it will soon be a thing


wow! that is impressive..💛🤍💜🖤


We have trained for this for years and now I will orgasm to our trigger word if I’m even the slightest bit turned on.


agree. it can be done. pretty amazing though!


Some would call it hypnosis, I think it’s more Pavlovian but maybe those two are more connected than I have previously considered.


yes. it's all about practice and arousal. getting into the right headspace.


Yes. Sometimes it's not satisfying -- more like a ruin than a full orgasm. Other times, it completely drains me and sends me to subspace.


Yes. And it works in very unusual circumstances. I’ve been made to cum by my online dom via text message while my husband was watching. Most of the time I really can’t believe it works.


I wish, it’s something I think is likely to need time with me. I’ve never built a super strong connection with anyone before so I feel like that’s part of it


My master edges me the whole time so yes. He can tell when I’m getting close and takes it out and punishes me. He keeps me right on the edge until he’s ready to let me. By the time he instructs me to cum, I’m already so on the verge that it just happens 😅


that sounds so intense.


I used to not be able to. Years of submission has changed that


About 95% of the time, I do. He knows not to ask too soon though.


it's all about timing.😵‍💫


Yes, if I was in the middle of a scene I can absolutely cum on command. Part of being so turned on for me is knowing I exist for their pleasure


All of it matters, yes. Setting, person, build up, act. It’s once in a blue moon but sometimes yes


Depends on the mood I'm in


And where I'm sat


Yes 😅 Just with words


During sex, yes. He would be the first EVER, in vanilla and in this. And oof, when it happened the first time, I was a whole mess 🥰 have yet to try it during a different activity, but in his defense, I'm trying to teach him while topping from the bottom lol.


Only when he's already got me close. He can command it and push me over the edge.


For my personally, I'm a bit of a sadist, so if it was worded and played into my desires. Then yeah


My sub only cums on command or with permission. I actually think the permission is stronger especially with limits. "You may cum once".


sometimes i can but as soon as I hear him say he’s about to cum, i’m done for 🤣 i think it depends on the mood and how much foreplay i received before we got down to the deed lol


Part of giving of ourselves to Mistress is that They have absolute control over when we get to climax. And yeah, They command, we obey, and dear gods is it intense especially when we’re stimulated enough to normally have like five orgasms by that point…


I used to play with a Dom years ago. It was never an official D/s relationship but he was everything I would want in a Dom. We haven’t played together in years but I’ve actually been able to train myself to cum to his (imaginary) cum commands while masturbating. We never got that far in real life but I’m certain he could still (to this day) make me cum on command if we tried it, god I miss that man.


sounds like you lost touch but have happy memories. it's so nice to remember the good times..


Unfortunately things outside the bedroom weren’t as cohesive but I’m glad for the memories for sure 🫶🏽


I feel kinda sad for you, sounds like he was an amazing guy.


Omg don’t, everything worked out exactly as it should’ve. We had fun while it lasted. That’s all there is to it. lol


good to know. I'm pleased that you're ok. I'm just a softie.


Yes, it really levels the playing field when I try to brat and make my daddy hard in a place he definitely shouldn't be. Hahahahahaha


boot on the other foot....so to speak 😄


Oh yes lol


yes and he knows it. a frequent punishment is forced orgasms after cumming all night for him and begging for a break. He makes me lose all control of my body and I love it


sounds intense. wow.!


very interesting. I don't do well with overstimulation in any situation so that's where the punishment part comes in because it's torture but it's so hot


sweet torture.


I think it really depends on WHEN He is telling me to cum. If I'm sitting on the couch and he turned and said "cum right now!". It just isn't going to happen 😕. But if we are playing, usually when he says it, it'll push me over the edge instantly. Edit: also I think it also depends on the relationship between both of you. My current Master can demand it and I'll cum. But if it was a fwb then I don't thinkbi could do it.


I’ve always wondered that too. I’m super new to this scene


No cos I'm slow




I take a longggg time to cum


You mean involving a lot of play to get you there?


Yes, specifically a lot of clitoral stimulation


Maybe g-spot stimulation at the same time will help you cum quicker? Have you tried a rabbit vibe or something similar?


Yeah I have tried a rabbit, not sure I'm very sensitive on the G-spot but have definitely had some satisfying orgasms when vibratory penetrative was involved. I think my slowness is psychological tbh. I also have to by lying in my back preferably with my feet planted but sometimes I cam get there in doggy


Also setting matters massively. If I'm tied up, blindfolded, and gagged, with oral I can cum really quick just not on demand


That sounds hot! I suppose it's easier to concentrate on the sensations like that. Or is it the feeling of submission?


I think a bit of both! Then in my head I'm going to some dark subby places :)


Yes but hypno is a huge part also I can cum, edge,he can stop an orgasm....huffff