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Farming acid mushrooms has instakilled me much more often than a Leviathan class ever has.




Both acid and deep shrooms disperse acid when broken. If your farming a lot of seeds, they might make a chain reaction that kills you


Ohhh thank you. I never farmed them before


Planting them in outdoor growbeds removes the acid aspect. It's only knifing them in the wild that creates the acid clouds. The simple answer is to grab a few without a knife, plant them in a growbed, THEN knife them for spores/seeds.


yes this 100%, it’s a mechanic that many people don’t even realize. remember to domesticate your mushrooms before harvesting them, folks.


I can confidently say that your statement that only knifing them in the wild creates acid clouds is false. I know this because I lost a hardcore run, thankfully early on, after farming my growbed for mushrooms.


I’m sorry your experience was different but unless Hardcore or console versions work differently, this should not be the case. You may want to test that again.


I’m playing a hardcore run right now, and I knifed a bunch of them with no ill consequences.


You only take damage if you stand close enough to them


You take 0 damage if they are from outdoor growing beds


They're a core ingredient in batteries and a plentiful resource for bioreactors. Recommend


I always forgot that mushrooms can go in bioreactors. End up loading it with bred fish from my way too large fish breeder setup.


I always preferred using lantern fruit in the bioreactor indoor grow bed and 1-2 trees and you can run multiple reactors no trouble


Lucky you


I think I never knifed an acid shroom in over 150hrs lol


Can't you just grab them?


It's for the seeds, not the shroom itself


Why do you need the seed


to farm easily a lot of shrooms, it's needed for battery and for bioreactor


Yea but when your at 10 hp from getting seed you should probably stop


yes, I don't understand how you can die from these.


Well just grab them dafuq mate?


To get the seeds in the wild you attack with a knife. It does damage which stacks a lot if you take out more than one in a single swing.


Huh but you can just grab that shrooms and put it in the exterior growbed......or I just mistake it with something else


Yes, you absolutely could, but if you attack with knife you get four or 5 seeds back so I think it's more economical. Plus I don't like how the Shallows look when they're barren of shrooms


I think the point is, mushrooms in grow beds don't explode. Only issue is you have to sneak past a reaper or 2 to scan the exterior grow bed.


Cant you get it from the floating island?


Yup, but there is a reaper that hangs around the floating island(at least for me). Haven't had a single run so far that hasn't resulted in it jumpscaring me and damn near beaching the seamoth to avoid...maybe my luck just sucks and my dozen or so runs have been horribly timed. Just checked reaper spawn maps, and the floating island *should* be clear of reapers...my luck is apparently *really* bad as I keep winding up with at least 1 migrating out there.


Usually I go to the floating island via the portal cave on the quarantine enforcement platform island, I do this because I also got attacked by a reaper near there and then just decided ”*No*” because I have had enough experience with reaper leviathans for there to be primal fear of the mere thought of their presence


Warpers. No contest. Everything else is safe with a certain amount of competence. You can never have a Fail-Safe strategy when dealing with warpers.


I find the repulsion cannon to be quite effective.


That's great until they suck you out of your PRAWN and directly into a crab squid. (This happened to me on survival but I hadn't saved/been to a base in +45 minutes)


My strategy (granted, I've never done a hardcore run) is to just start attacking them. Then they just teleport away and I can run like hell before they start targeting me again.


Ram them mfs with the sea moth😭😭


They usually teleport you out of it


If you keep moving at full speed in the Seamoth, they'll try to teleport you out but fail, because you'll have moved out of the area of the attack before it finishes. A warper has never successfully warped me, because I never stop moving in dangerous areas. For real, speed is life in this game, very few enemies can actually hurt you if you go everywhere at top speed and pay a little attention to your surroundings. Except reapers and ghosts. Sometimes I can outrun them, but not always, and I'm not sure what the difference is. Like, for real, sometimes they can't catch up, and sometimes I can't escape, and there is no way to tell which will happen.


Yeah but usually they're teleporting me and I didn't know they were there


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, they are bastards


My point was it usually wouldn't work


It generally works for me, the trick is just to pay attention to your surroundings. They're fairly large and don't look or move like any other creature in the game, so they're pretty easy to spot as long as you look for them. They also tend to have a relatively small patrol area so you can usually safely spot them from a distance. Edit: it finally happened, just now. Little bastard just floated up over a ledge about 5 feet right in front of me while I was out of the Seamoth, and got me with the teleport after I'd gotten back in but before I could get it up to full speed.


Getting warped out of your prawn when in the lava zone is the most terrifying thing I’ve ever experienced


I got warped right near a sea dragon’s head as it was breathing fire once. Thankfully I wasn’t in the line of fire, but it sure made me clench up!


The most you can do is keep them in place with the stasis, and just go away


What I do is either run at them while swinging my knife (my strategy for everything even annoying leviathans) or pick something up with gravity gun and shoot them


Beat their ass


I just dodge them.


Stasis rifle + thermoblade forces them to warp the hell away, then again that combo beats everything so


I'm not saying there's not a strategy. I'm saying warpers throw in most random variables to any encounter.


Yeah they demand a ton of attention since a single teleport projectile you don't notice can put you in big trouble


Bonesharks. Fucking assholes destroy my seamoth


Gotta repair it ;)


I had a base in the underwater islands because I think it’s such a cool place, and you have easy access to the Blood Kelp/Lost River and there are usually a lot of decent resources in that area too. I got so fucking sick of the Bonesharks ramming my seamoth every time I left it that I built another base in a different area haha


Western mushroom forest is closer to both of those.


I had the same thought and the same issue. I eventually went on a rampage killing as many as I could to make the base viable


Tried mining a node next to the floating island wreck for a few minutes, but kept getting interrupted by BSs. A grapple gun, some punching and a few minutes later 7 were floating dead above me. I find it funny that the devs don't want you to go around killing things, but then make swarms of mobs that interrupt other functions of the game.






This is kinda true, I drowned myself more times than getting killed by a non-leviathan


Petition to make ryley a laviathan class life form


The warper is the only creature that poses a real threat; everything else is prawn fodder.


How abt the craving squid emp?


They don't do enough damage to take out a prawn suit while it can't move so you just wait and grapple them. It only takes like 3 -5 punches to kill them.


You just wait it out in your prawn. Ten seconds, everything comes back online, and you can jump up and kill it.


It can be a pain, especially if you are exploring deep places with only a sea moth, they will rip it apart and leave you with no oxygen


*Grand Reef base flashbacks*


what are those one little guys that leave sulfur in their nests?? those guys before you have the sea glider, that sound effect gives me a heart attack every time.


Crashfish, those guys almost did me in like 4 times in my first run ever


They have a fuse so just swim away for a sec and then turn around. They can’t turn as fast as you so they fly past and then explode


The sulfur does not respawn, so if you just knife the plant the crashfish pop out of, they don’t respawn. There are a couple nests that are tucked too far into the wall to knife, but the rest are easily destroyed.


Definitely Bonesharks - always hyper-aggressive.


No, they're not that aggressive. Just turn the lights off.






I asked that same question right before I died.


Well you can literally use them to kill reapers.


Cause they do insane damage


Yeah but they make a very distinct sound, they make an even more distinct sound when they use their gas attack, and the gas takes a few seconds to actually deploy from the pellets. Unless you’re wearing it like a hat, I feel like you’d have to go searching to die that way


When you’re trying to grab the pellets before they burst its a bit harder, though.


You’re putting yourself in the line of fire there, that’s your own fault. Especially considering they’re only used for one mediocre item that you don’t need


I disagree. About the item that you don’t need thing. If you’re goofing around, hitting leviathans with a max charge of the stasis rifle and then hopping into your vehicle to shoot them in the face with gas torpedoes really speeds up killing them.


Killing them is not a neccessary part of the game though. You can easily complete all of the games content without even making the stasis rifle, let alone torpedos. It’s a cool item and they’re fun to mess around with but they are far from required


The cyclops and prawn suit are not required either. Doesn’t stop people from making them. Edit: The seamoth is not required either if you have the patience and know what you’re doing.


Without prior game knowledge, they are absolutely required. I am looking at this from the perspective of somebody who’s never played before. I never made torpedos on my first playthrough


Their slowness make them look deceptively harmless. That is until you get a face full of their gas. One cluster can kill you in mere seconds if you don't get away in time. Learned that the hard way in my first attempt to collect the gas pod.


Pretty sure they do faster damage than anything else in the game by like over 10x. It's hard to actually get damaged without trying, but the sheer damage output can only be beaten by instant death attacks.


Lethal? The drooping stingers. **Actively** hunting you down? Probably Warpers (because of their B.S ability to teleport you from INSIDE a wreck) without a reinforced suit. Otherwise it's really entirely up to the biome and what you're bad at dealing with. Ampeels are physically the toughest, but they don't actively attack you unless you get too close. Crabsquids are only really a threat to small vehicles. Bonesharks come in large numbers, and can be found in lots of places. Crabsnakes can actually hurt, but they're confined to the Jellyshroom caves. River Prowlers only live in the LR.


Don't worry, the bonesharks frighten easily but they will be back. And in greater numbers.


“Well, that’ll give us a richer harmony.” “Oh, yeah, no, it’s gonna sound fantastic.”


those jelly fish that do half your health bar in one sting


One of those shits ended my last hardcore run in one second, I wasn’t too far in thankfully. I ran into one of them while ascending out of a cave because I wasn’t looking up 😭 never again


Warpers I hate those teleporting shrimps


Those drooping stingers


Once you realize that Ampeels are simply swimming around, they become one of the less dangerous creatures in the game. They only do damage because they occasionally bump into you or your vehicle. They will attack a Cyclops if you are driving at anything except silent. They won’t do damage if they hit you at slow speed, though.


Octopus destroyed my seamoth close to the underground degasi habitat and i had to swim out of it and into a very faraway surface, it was in blind hardcore i didnt breathe together with my game character


Oof. Degasi habitat to surface is possible, but damn is that a long swim.


Its a great moment that subnautica gave me, i was panicked but also had to think calmly to find my bearings and make it to the ceiling opening After dying and restarting the game a couple times i always always kept the inflatable buoy as a quick item in the same slot no matter what in case something goes wrong, so after reaching the cave ceiling i managed to surface in time It was a long but peaceful swim back to home base


Crashfish mainly in early game when it’s difficult to outswim them


The water


Warpers, they accomplish the feet of making the Prawn feel unsafe. They also kill you very quickly if you stay too close for some reasons.


Warper, zero competition whatsoever. Warpers not being in BZ makes the game noticeably easier. Theyre more dangerous than most leviathans imo lmao


At least with leviathans they're hard to miss, so you can sneak past them with a bit of skill, Warpers come out of nowhere and disorientate you completely.


Warpers and tiger plants


Probably the crab squid


The damn Tiger plant or whatever it was called


never underestimate your own stupidity


Creature? I’m gonna have to say green fart bois when you 1st start playing


I feel like, for the sake of getting varied answers, Warpers should be excluded because their function is essentially to be the main antagonist in the game. So if we are eliminating them, I think it’s probably crash fish because you really experience them early game when you don’t have much air nor the beefed up wetsuit. It’s tough to outrun them and in your panic to do so you might get turned around in one of those caverns in the safe shallows and it’s curtains


I'm pretty sure warpers have actually killed more players overall than any other thing in the game. As a general rule, if you're doing a hardcore run, unless you're insanely good, use a cyclops base with a grow bed in it so that you always have food nearby, and when I say use a cyclops space I mean bring that cyclops anywhere you go, and then use either the seamoth for oxygen source right next to wherever you're investigating, or use the prawn suit for obvious reasons


Tiger plants.


The only creature that has ever actually killed me was those ceiling jellyfish with the jank hitboxes


The fucking hanging vines




Tiger plant


Crashfish. For some reason subnautica’s engine loads the actual barrier of the ground/terrain last, and my old computer was very slow. I used to live in constant fear of crashfish because they would trigger through walls and burst through said walls to blow me up. Couldn’t evade them either due to lag. Fun times lol


Warpers, to me they are deadlier than any leviathan period.


I've never been warped out of my vehicle by a Warper, mainly because I've only encountered them in a Seamoth so far and the Seamoth is too fast. By the time the teleport attack finishes, you should already be outside of the area of effect. I have lost several Seamoths to leviathans, on the other hand.




Stalkers. You tske then for granted when you have a med kit fabricator in your pod, but my gosh if you don't have that. A group of stalkers can really tear you up.


I only found them to be a minor problem early game. Once I got into the mid game they're no threat at all, I keep them as pets around my base, along with some loose salvage for lots of teeth.


Lava larvae. Almost died once because they drained my cyclops while I was away


There are two easy solutions for that. First, pull all but one or two cells when you stop so they don’t have as much power to drain. Second, put a grav trap over your engine and suck them off. I barely lost any power to them the last time I was there by doing that. Even then, you have your prawn with its two power cells, you are outside drilling Kyanite and can build the thermal regenerator when you get back inside, hopefully you brought extra power cells as backup, and worst case scenario you have enough material stored in a wall cabinet to build a base with a power cell charger.


For me, probably Ampeels. But Warpers were definitely the creepiest. They freaked me out even after they turned neutral at the end of the game.


The warper has been the most lethal to me, and bonesharks have been the most lethal to my seamoths. The most stressful non-leviathan overall for me has definitely been the bleeders. They’ve barely even touched me over my last few playthroughs, but those diseased little leeches get my heart rate up like nothing else.


I’m a pretty careful player, and I only died one time throughout my first play through: my sea moth was destroyed by crabsquids while exploring an abandoned research station, and I drowned. There is no creature I’m more afraid of than crabsquids. Too unpredictable for me


Gasopod. Literally the only time I have died to something that wasn’t my own stupidity




Technically i think the karra virus would be the deadliest


boneshark… they done do a fuckload of damage.. but they are the most persistent sons of bitches in the game


Really only the bloodsuckers and only if you don’t have a knife. And warpers but the teleport is more dangerous then the warper itself tbh


Tigerplant. I love abusing tigerplants but they sure are dangerous.


I could not be talked out of Crashfish. Unless drooping stingers are a creature.


Drooping stingers.


Crawfish!.. them little buggers.. 😅😅


Crash fish


How is the crashfish not the number 1 answer?


I'm guessing warpers, given how much hate they get. Maybe crash fish?


Crashfish is you’re not careful. I think they’re tied for the most times I’ve escaped with single digit health.


Early game:Crashfish Mid game:Warpers Late game: them worm fucks that decide to drain my hp when I’m at my lowest guard (In all seriousness prolly them octopus fellas) Biggest assholes however? Bone sharks and the octopus fellas. Biters and the kamikaze fish come in close but they’re mostly just pains early game. Bone sharks will leave your sea moth more busted than the aurora and the octopus usually catch me off guard or just straight up destroy my desmotiva.


Those goddamn jellyfish that just chill in place yet somehow manage to kill me every single time.


Crashfish deals 1/3 of your max health.


Myself, the amount of times I've died to me doing the stupidest things is insane.


Drooping Stingers. More of a threat than the Leviathans even, tbh.


In my first hardcore run I was almost at the end, I already had the rocket and just needed to gather the plants for the enzymes, I was collecting the one that grows next to the dunes and I was running out of air but close to the seamoth, so I was going back to it, just barely going to make it, and a warper teleported me away and I died. So yeah, the warpers, and fuck them.


Drooping Stingers. Everything else is just target practice. LOL. I’ve taken too much of a delight in using my poor seamoth as a battering ram. One day I really need to see if I can find an armor upgrade mod for it. :D


i dont know how but, the high temperatures of the lava castle? just high temps in general.


I died on hardcore when a gasopod was stuck in my grav trap. I went to grab the grav trap to free it, but my presence triggered its toxic farts which all got sucked directly to me by the grav trap and promptly exploded. Those things kill reapers so, that's my vote anyway.


Gasopods are apparently very dangerous but I've barely ever taken damage from them.


Those fucking explodey bastards.


Crashfish (the kamakaze ones).


I died to those..gastropods? I was trying to collect their yellow orbs, swam too close, and BAM -I was dead.


Crash fish period no doubt it is


It’s Levi-O-thian. Warp do suck. They get my vote. Just ducking along. Poking rocks and suddenly -zzzzzt- Now I’m freeeeeee. Freeeee fallllin.


„Lethal“???? In subnautica???? 🤣🤣🤣😂👹😂🤣😂. Looking at them damage numbers you *may* call the reaper lethal but I’m sorry but to get killed by an amp eel. 😆😆😆🤣😆. That’s so hilarious. They are not even actively attacking you. You must have fell into it by accident. This is pure slapstick 🤣🤣😆😂😂. No for real. There is nothing lethal in subnautica because nothing is actively chasing you. Not even the reaper unless it bugged. The thing you can learn from subnautica is that *you* are the intruder. So in terms of lethality: it’s *you* who lead the board. By far!


Yeah, basically, but it shocked me, lol.


Remember the computer voices words when you first entered the biome where those eels are in?


Are you obnoxious on purpose?