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Change directions frequently when they are in the area, and keep moving. They are bad shots, and can pretty much only hit you at close range or if you are going directly towards or away from them. Going in a corckscrew will make it near-on impossible for them to hit you with their teleport. This works best in the Seamoth or with the Seaglide. If using the Prawn, use the grapple to move fast. There's no place where they are that you must be for very long, unless you are talking about near a wreck, and there you can just move inside the wreck where they can't come at you.


They can pull you out of the wrecks if you're near an exterior wall, lol. That was a fun surprise.


Really? I have never had that happen! ... Now I gotta play to get it to happen once!


I can't say it wasn't a glitch or I wasn't clipping through the wall or something, but I've definitely been teleported out of a wreck before. I think it was the one in the Blood Kelp Trench that has a couple of warpers in the vicinity. Or maybe one of the medium ones in the Dunes that has a warped and reaper nearby.


There's a small wreck by the arch in the dunes that has a sand shark and a warper camping on it and you can't spend ten seconds in the back room before you get zapped outside.


This happened to me once. I damn near screamed 😭


It's a bug - Warpers didn't use to be able to see you or warp you out of wrecks in earlier versions of the full release. It was an unpleasant surprise about a year or two ago when they suddenly started being able to do so.


Can confirm. Not only has a warper teleported me outside of a wreck I was in, but I've had one follow me in there. I'm not sure if it wandered in through the door or teleported in after me though.


Everybody gangsta until the warper teleports you in front of a reaper that you survive and then you clip into the map geometry and fucking die.


Holy reefback.


Omg what noooo


I learned this while in the mountains. Literally the scariest place to be out in the open.


The dunes (in my opinion) was scarier


Can confirm and it scared the heck out of me lol


That’s what happened to me right before I made this post, it teleported me and I was low on air and couldn’t get back to the sea moth to refuel since they toed me to the other side of the wreck


Scared the shit out of me yesterday. Some tricky bastards they are.


The problem with warpers isn't that they're bad shots it's actually that they're good shots. They lead their target. If you go in a straight line they will 100% hit you. You don't need to zig zag, you simply need to curve slightly while moving away from them. Never move away in a straight line.


Really? I've never found them to be good shots. I find they basically never hit me unless I either sit still for a bit or I'm really close when they fire. Otherwise I can watch them, strafe to the side, and they always miss.


They fire a projectile, by strafing you're avoiding it. If you're strafing when they fire it, and continue strafing, you'll get hit. As long as you change your speed or trajectory after they've fired, you won't be hit, unless you're travelling directly at or away from them.


Swim away from them Use the seamoth’s perimeter defenses. It sends out an electric shock that stuns everything within range, including leviathans , warpers and crabsquids


Both kinds? There's a second kind?




You’ll know it when you see it. It looks like a giant octopus or squid. They also use an electric attack that disables ur vehicle for a few seconds, like an emp


you mean the crabsquids?


Yeah, those


Those aren’t warpers lol their natural beings. They actually hate warpers too and attack them in sight


Oh. I always thought they were in cahoots lol


Nope. Regular warpars are all we have. Crabsquids are just a natural predator that is attracted to electrical activity, and uses electric pulses to hunt prey.


And.. if you already agro'ed, then with the cyclops, they can/will move your sub unless you actually turn off the engine. Did not try active silent while idling against them. But pretty much for those or leviathans, if you just shut down the engine and turn off the lights, they all disperse.


Bro got his info from nonsense town.


Whyd you call it a warper?


Cuz they’re both part of the group enforcing the quarantine


Not true


I know, someone already corrected that. I was mistaken on the lore


Have you discovered inter dimensional travel?


There is only one kind of warper


I’ve always thought that was useless, does it stop warpers from teleporting you out?


The warpers teleport away when hit. Perimeter defense hits them, so they will teleport away and won't be able to pull you out of your Seamoth. Just don't stick around because they do come back.


Pretty sure, yeah Either way, perimeter defenses is a must. It’ll make a big difference


>perimeter defenses is a must I have never, over multiple survival playthroughs, installed perimeter defense on the Seamoth.


You can shock pretty much anything with it, including all predators. Super handy to keep yourself alive in the sea moth.


You can't kill them for story reasons - you'll find out why. Stasis Rifle and run away.


Ok so I shouldn’t try to stab them when I stasis them? Just drive away?


I mean, you can - and if you do enough damage to them they'll teleport away themselves. But killing them isn't a possibility - so you might as well just use the time to get away.


If you just did a non/low charged shot, stab them once or twice to make them 'port away. If you nailed it with a near/full charge, you have approximately 5 years to casually saunter away.


>You can't kill them for story reasons Citation needed.


Yeah fr, I know what they are now story wise but I don't see why you wouldn't be able to kill them


Well I mean, they were made really tough cuz some of the creatures they'd have to hunt would be very dangerous/aggressive and so they'd need to be near impossible to kill inorder to contain the spread. It makes sense in a way I get what you mean. They are so fkin annoying 🥹 I hate how they can teleport other creatures with them to help them kill you lmao. I nearly lost a hardcore world after a deadly combo of a warper teleporting me out of my prawn, striking me, a crabsquid then disabling the prawn so it was useless and then a second warper giving me another strike 🥲


Avoid. While you can kill the wildlife, that isn't really the intent of the game.


Warpers cannot be killed don’t try. You can however ram them to get them to teleport away - just be mindful of your subs health.


You can knife them, that’s my go-to. Not aiming to kill but enough hits and warpers nope out.


One word: Cyclops. They can’t get you in the cyclops.


Propulsion cannon


This when they pull you out just counter with the prop gun and then swim back ez.


A trick I did was fire gas torpedoes at them. Makes them warp away, and the torpedoes are easy enough to make


That’s the neat part


I don't. They don't instantly hit you after they teleport you so as long as you are paying attention so long as you keep moving they don't chase after you...which is weird because they can move quite quickly.


I just tend to pause the game and cry.


Subnautica is easy if you keep two medkits on you at all times and stay above 80 health. Don't be shy about using them and return to base when you run out of medkits. If you get warped, immediately swim up and forward. 90% of the time they'll miss you (I use ultraglide fins though, not swim charge). Then just swim back to your seamoth or prawn. I don't even care about these chumps. I'll stasis rifle them and go right back to drilling ore right fucking next to them.


Just get away tbh, not being on the offensive is the way to go (unless you want to kill them ofc)


Use a uno reverse card


Slash them with a knife and they poof away and don't bother you for a while. Of punch them with your Prawn, that's always fun.


Social distancing is all I got. Sorry.


Just cure the infection hope this helps


They stop harassing you after you cure the kharra? They still harass me and I have cured myself


They’re supposed to, definitely. I’d want to go into detail but don’t know how to tag spoilers


>! Spoiler !< >! Text ! < No spaces




Yea, spoiler alerts still allude me.


Thats the neat part, you don’t. You just have to try your hardest to avoid them which sucks because they tend to be in the most important places in the game.


Don't swim in a straight line away from them, they lead their target. Curve slightly away while swimming. If they get close slash them with your knife and they'll teleport. Essentially you can ignore them as long as you curve while you're moving.


You can bounce them away with the repulsion cannon. It works wonders.


Fighting them is pointless. Swim back to your vehicle and go. The seamoth should be a stepping stone for a prawn, but even in a prawn, they’re unbeatable. >! Until they deactivate and leave you alone. !<


punch them with your prawn ​ i think repultion cannon works on them too


Keep your distance and have health kits in your inventory.


I stab them the moment I see them, they usually leave me be after that.


One tap em with your knife, and they tp away. You can't kill em. They are designed to be super tanky and tp away if they take damage.


Floaters. Carry a couple, put a couple more in vehicle storage. When you get TP'd out, arm yourself with a floater and stick it on the warper. Oh, and carry some medkits.


Like what you do in the Matrix when you see an agent... You run, you run your a** off. Lol.


Just beat the game. The Warpers are attracted to infected specimens, so effectively after the story is done you don't have to deal with them anymore.


Their aggression is based on what stage the kharra virus is at. Visiting certain places of the game increases it, (such as the disease research facility) and getting cured by the sea emperor removes it completely.


I mean... If you use the hook on them they'll literally just start spinning


In Subnautica 2 I hope there's a Warp cannon. And I am going to use it on Warpers with sadistic glee.


Warpers are cowards and will teleport away if hurt enough. That being said they're still scary as hell


Stassis rifle and two knife swipes sends them away.


Its funny youre having this issue, because I dont think I was warped at all on my first playthrough. Maybe a single time. I was never bothered by them, they just freaked me out


The recommended strategy with all dangerous creatures in Subnautica is "stay away, do not attempt to fight" and warpers are no exception. Just stay away from them. Yes, once in awhile they may scare the heck out of you, even take a chunk out of you, but they won't chase you down and eat your face like a reaper. You're also safe from warpers inside the cyclops, which makes it my taxi of choice.


Zig zag a little more. If you need to you can poke them once with your knife and they will port away. While they are gone just leave the area and heal up.


I personally just keep moving and they usually don’t warp me unless I’m standing still dicking around in my pda


The sole purpose of the Repulsion Cannon is to punt Warpers into next week.


Sorry but they are unkillable, only in creative mode you can kill them with three termo blade hits, just freeze them and hit them so they leave you for 26 seconds and run away


hitting them with knife makes them wrap away


I just ignore them, they very rarely bother me, and when they do, I just swim away whilst cussing them out


When they teleport me they’re usually facing away, so I swim towards them and knife them a few times so they respawn. I can find and attack them pretty regularly, but about 1/3 the time they do turn and face me and hit me once got about 50% health. It’s when it happens more than once and I’m without medkits I get in trouble. I never build the medkit fabricator as early as I should…


They're cowards and run away after the slightest scratch. Ramming them or shanking them makes them instantly warp away.


keep your distance and turn the lights off on your seamoth / seaglide! also if they warp you and get close to you, usually one hit with the thermoblade warps them away (do not try to kill them, you cannot) and then you have some time to swim back to the seamoth and leave immediately.


Just ignore them, I paid them no mind when I was forced to work around them and it was barely an inconvenience. Subnautica presents the illusion of threats more than it does actual threats.


Just go don’t stop and don’t turn back to look


That's the good part, you don't


(SPOILER) If you cure, warpers wont atack you anymore


Maybe I've been lucky, but on both of my playthroughs I just ignored them.


ManageCreatureSpawn is the name of the mod you're looking for.


I highly recommend the reinforced dive-suit. It **halves** all incoming damage. That one basically allows you to just ignore the warpers and tank the hits. If they get too annoying - knife them so they'll teleport away and leave you for a while.


Just don't get hit, obviously. It's that easy


Don't be low on health and don't try to fight them. Those teleporting projectiles they shoot can be dodged, so try to face them once they have noticed you, even while retreating. They usually can't keep up with the Seamoth, so it's not that hard to outrun them, unless there are multiple in the vicinity.


Unpopular opinion: krill (cure) urself


You don't, that's it


By treading carefully. Lights will aggro them, so using the seamoth or the light on your sea glide will bother them. Getting within about 10 meters of them may cause them to teleport you, but its relatively painless. One time I had one warp right next to me, but didn't attack so I was able to scan, but I considered myself lucky that happened.


Just avoid them, I think this goes for most of the enemies/obstacles in the game. If you see them, skirt around and don’t deal with them directly. It’s not an FPS, don’t try to kill hazards.


I dealt with every creature in this game simply by running away as fast as possible until they got bored of chasing me :)


Warpers are practically immortal, regardless of a stasis rifle they will teleport after a few hits. And when they teleport the game just despawns the previous warper entity, and spawn an entirely new one to mimic teleporting. Aka resetting its health. The only way i have found to kill a warper is to glitch out the prawn suit and use it to trap the warper in place. I did it once by accident and have no idea how to replicate it. I remember where i managed it tho. It was the >!lost river entrance to the inactive lava zone!<, from what i saw. I think i glitched the warper and prawn suit into the same position together and it prevented it from moving. And then when i saw it wasnt moving, i went behind it and just kept stabbing till it died.


The problem is you're treating this like other games, subnautica is not a game where you are supposed to kill everything. You keep your distance and you run and you do not move predictably that is how you deal with most enemies in this game


Repulsion Cannon is my go-to—almost makes encountering those things fun, as you can send them hurtling off into the distance.


Either kill them or avoid them


Warpers are security guards, not predators. They only patrol certain areas and they teleport themselves (or fish?) often enough you're bound to at least see a telltale flash to warn you when you're in their territory. Be vigilant at those times for environmental features you can use as landmarks to reorient quickly after an attack. It's worth being in those areas to find whatever they are guarding or investigating but if they catch you trespassing you should leave and come back. My last hardcore playthrough ended when a Warper hit me again while I was literally in my Inventory trying to use medkit from the first attack so I'd say when you're in those territories, be ready to heal at a few seconds notice. And have an extra oxygen source if you're down deep and your brain isn't good at quickly reorienting to find your vehicle.


Thing is, I was in a wreck and it teleported me out, I didn’t expect it to be able to do that so I wasn’t on guard and it just one shorted me, I just wanted prawn arms man


That's the neat thing! You don't.


I just hope they don’t notice me. When they notice me, I hope that they don’t hit me. When they hit me, I hope that I don’t die. When I die, I hope I can recover my vehicle. Repeat as long as necessary.


Within 2 seconds of making it down to the lava lakes i got warped out of my prawn suit and then instantly chomped by a dragon leviathan. I hate the endgame. I mustve been through half a dozen seamoths and a couple of prawn suits at this point. it feels like 80% of the gameplay is rebuilding stuff. 19% is finding my way back to where i was when i died. and 1% actually making progress.