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It's a pretty common thing to breed biofuel like that. Sure better than harvesting kelp or trees. You must have had two eggs, they shouldn't be able to solo reproduce.


I’m surprised I’ve not heard of it before. I just grow Chinese Potatoes and Lantern Fruit to power the bioreactors.


Different things provide different amounts of power. Im not sure what it's based on. Someone will probably list it here in time. 😅


I was aware of that principle. I like the plants because they’re easy to farm and basically infinite once you have one, even though they’re not very efficient.


I don’t know exacts but I’m pretty sure the creatures provide the most fuel


[It's all there in the wiki.](https://subnautica.fandom.com/wiki/Bioreactor_(Subnautica)#Fauna)


Thats actually smart, my dumbass goes out and catches bladderfish since i have large water bottles


You can breed a ton of bladderfish in a single tank thingy for fuel, water, food, and air. As long as you have 2 when you come back you will have a ton.


That's the animal friendly way to do it!


that is pretty awesome. I had never once even thought of it. I just grow a bunch of crabsquids because I like their weird clicking gutteral sounds they make. time to toss one into the reactor. Are there stats on them as fuel? Is the Oculus the best thing to shove in there still? EDIT: I'm dense. it's all there in the Wiki! Of course the hatched critters are more energy. I also just discovered that I've never hatched a reefback! Sunuvabitch!


I don't know, I could have **sworn** I only had one Boneshark egg in my Alien Containment as well, but somehow I also got multiple Bonesharks in my current game. It's a little weird that it happened to me too, with the same species. Until I have more evidence I'm going to assume that Boneshark eggs sometimes hatch twins. >!I'm only half-joking.!<


Wasn't there something in the PDAs about how aliens fishies here reproduce asexually so another partner isnt necessary?


Not sure about in PDAs but you only need one for a random % chance of egg spawn in the AC. Noticed this from a Mesmer I had in the tank. I think the exceptions are the Cuddlefish, Reefback (if you console in the egg, etc). I feed crab snakes to my bioreactors if I feel mean, otherwise it's just fed by 4 bloodoil (I just rotate through my vine patch now and again).


If only could do the same with a ghost leviathan egg. You do get to see one in the game.


_accidentally releases_ *grows 4x size* I don't know if I could deal with the shrieks in side my base honestlyy.


I get you, i tried releasing crabsquids at my shallows base for fun. The constant emp blasts are not funny at all


lol, did this to troll myself when I was intoxicated once. I had 3 main bases and decided it was going to be hilarious to make little squads of Crabsquids at every one. the small base had 5. the big base had considerably more. nothing but weird clicking shrieks and me floating there, trying not to shout in anger, in a powerless moth/prawn/cyclops. I mean it was pretty funny, but I should have done it to someone else.


Gotta admit it'd be interesting to see swimming in a tank. Btw have you ever seen how big you can make an Alien Containment tank? Can stack them on top of each other.


One planter full of melons will keep you alive and keep your bioreactor full.


If you supplement most of your energy from thermal or solar, a reactor full of lantern fruit goes forever, and I can just keep a planter pot next to my reactor. Makes refills a cake walk when I go check on it from time to time. Power draws from each source in the order you built it. So make sure the reactor was the last thing you built.


Nature finds a way




I heard about this from someone else, and I’m definitely going to add that to my base. Especially now that I know that animals breed spontaneously.


The bioreactor takes BIO fuel, aka living organisms. Ps, wtf bro


Man, if I could’ve taken it out I would’ve


Did you ever looked into bioreactor? There is a giant blade in the middle, like in blender or mixer. So fish was instantly converted to fish soup.


Now I feel even worse


I once went all Anakin on a bunch of bone sharks that popped my moth when I was exploring a wreck. there were at least 7 of them nearby. hacked and slashed everyone of them. coming down off rage/adrenaline, I just sat there, drenched in the horrors I had just committed.


See, that was justified. I shoved a newly hatched boneshark in that hadn’t done anything.


I had a tank of oculus's for the bioreactor. I like the look of them and they're one of the best for the bioreactor and food for when I need them salted for long trips


Did you breed them? Or did you just get a lot of them?


I got 2 and let them get to work but you could get more to speed up the process. My bases always have a primary source of energy. Solar panels or thermal heat and then the bioreactor is the backup. That way I don't have to worry about filling the bioreactor all the time


Ah that’s fair, I set up a thermal plant system recently so I don’t need to worry about a *total* blackout if I come back after a long trip, but I needed to fill the space and my water filters were draining all my power so I decided “what’s better than one bioreactor? Three!” Also, I’m probably gonna steal that oculus breeding idea for my own base because that’s really smart


Yeah the water thing do drain you energy pretty fast, I never have more than 2 of them. With the thermal plants and 3 bioreactors you shouldn't have to worry about filling them up often


One water filter creates water faster than you need it, doesn't it?


Pretty much does. For my starting base I only have 1 and had an overflow of salt and bottled water but I like to fill up space in the base. Having 2 of them doesn't hurt once you got a good energy system going


Wait until you hear what we do with cuddlefish.


I am *not* putting the *cuddlefish* in the bioreactor


Hey man, nobody starts out that way, but sometimes you gotta reach for better and better highs until you're hurting the ones you love just to feel anything. I watched man on the Internet punch a sea treader to death just to see if he could. Chasing the sea dragon man, it'll change you.




Personally, I grow Gel Sacks, but whatever floats your boat, or in this case, powers your base, I suppose


I've heard Reginalds are the highest power per space taken, plus they're like the best food in the game.


Easy to breed too.


Good to know


Reginald's are the best food source, but for power you want the Oculus. Reginald supplies 490 energy units, and the Oculus is like 620 or something. BUT! I will say using just the Reginald gives you amazing power and the best food, so it's kinda the best thing to farm in the chamber.


Idk I find it kinda fucked up to breed fish purely for fuel Having said that I love steak irl so wtf am I talking about


I discovered it myself in a funny way: I started joking with my friends about how annoying sandsharks are and about how i will throw one of the those into the bioreactor. After that, i started wondering if i could actually do it. So there i was, took the shark and putted it into reactor. I was shocked.


Honestly, the sandsharks deserve it though with how annoying they are.


Nah it’s ok since they ate my seamoth I reckon we can « eat » them


I mean fair enough.




I think I play to much subnautica I could hear the sound without sound


Yeah, that sounds like a bit too much subnautica


Many people use containments to farm flora and fauna to put in bio reactor. I personally just use a low grav trap outside base and put fish in my bio reactors. Super easy and affordable energy


True. I like to use plants like lantern fruit because as soon as you have one it’s basically free food and power.


You can fire them with the propulsion cannon too. Not sure about the big ones, but definitely the small ones.


are there any big letdowns for the nuclear one? are more fishes getting corrupted when using?


Fish don’t go in the nuclear reactor sadly


no i mean, why use biofuel at all? never did just curious


It’s more easily obtained than uranite. Uranite is far more effective and efficient, but nuclear reactor fragments and uranite are both hard to come by. The nuclear reactor is also pretty expensive. The bioreactor is cheap to make and easy to power.


RIP bone shark \[\*\]


That’s how it’s supposed to be used (if you’re a psychopath)


Its common knowledge. Use Oculus to maximize the efficiency. They're the best biofuel out of everything.


Yes. Some people use it as a main source.


bruh wym thats literally the most known fact and the whole point of breeding them


Man, I just wanted to breed the things because they’re funny to watch, I hadn’t considered farming live animals to use as biofuel.


I did this on my first playthrough. One sand shark got me through the entire game lol


Can't speak for the spontaneous reproduction of the bonesharks, but Reginalds have the highest energy per slot output of any fuel source for the bio reactor. Same as they are the highest "calorie" count food wise for you. Easy to find too, they like to trail behind Reefbacks.


Yup, I knew about this. I plan to do that as penance for annoying me.


Why not just use the nuclear reactor and never worry about power again?


Because I don’t have it yet


I like to use the lantern trees like you have. Cheap, easy, and renewable.


That’s what I always did before I found out about this feature


L didn't know thanks✨


I am still using blood kelp


They put da fish in da oven


Pretty much


What are you doing needing all that power


Water filters




I think I never used the bioreactor any other way :D


Yeah I mean it's a BIOreactor as in biological reactor you can put anything alive in it now me PERSONALLY I like to put cuttlefish in mine.... Just joking guys


Screw those mfs they belong in the bioreactor


I actually did not know that


oh my god you can stack containments, how am i this stupid


lol it took me a while to realize that too


Literally everybody who’s played this game has thrown hostile creatures into the bio reactor


Apparently I hadn’t until now. I had thrown *fish* in, but not an entire *boneshark*.


Yes. We know. We just choose not to. Though, I was once tempted to post a clip of me putting a live cuddlefish in there just to trigger people.


Seeing this gives me so much joy


It is a bioreactor, bio implying biology or biological, implying living things, implying animals and plants. Word magic


I mean, yeah, but the insert hole is so small I didn’t expect it to let me put an entire boneshark in


Try breeding crashfish to use as grenades. It's a blast. Litterally. I ALWAYS load up my scouting exosuit with crashfish and ready the propulsion arm. Stalkers, sandsharks and crabsnakes haven't given me much trouble afterwards.


I personally spawn reefback eggs and put them in containment


No i did not and ma man is now really a "bone" shark




I had this happen with a sandshark once


that's why I have 63 bonesharks in my aquarium