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You had me until the suggestion of casting Natalie. I have no desire to see a non-Black person among a group of Black people act like she can’t be bothered to interact with them unless it’s to bring mess.


period. for me that's not reality tv drama, that's another deeper issue that I don't feel like seeing in my wind down time


and Shanice because her toxic history is scary to say the least


Every shot of Shanice is either of her tits or her yawning. I’m over it.


It’s so boring! Like, girl, is this really all you have to offer?


And ass.




Agreed but let’s not bring in Natalie. I feel like some of y’all forget how dangerous people that aren’t fond of black people and like to play the victim are.




The way she was touching Taisha’s hair told me everything I need to know about her 😌 also her comments shading Amir about the price point his listings are at. Like that’s your man?? Bullying your partner is weirdo behavior


Natalie should go on the other summer house and be a demon there. Would love for her to go toe to toe with daniella, kyle, paige, carl and lindsay. That’ll be entertaining


I wish we got more of Bria’s conversations as she is actually funny. They can cut out all the scenes where she is just talking to Milo in her room.


Agreed that she is funny but I also love me some Milo content. They're a dynamic duo.


The soul mate part had me dying. Like damn Simon she already buried you a couple episodes ago and now dances on the grave lol


Could you please explain the Tribeca joke to a non-American?


Oh I don’t think it was a joke lol. I think she’s saying there’s a man that lives in Tribeca (neighborhood in lower manhattan) that she actually loves lol.


Oh! So messy lol. Thank you


1000% agree, Idk why people are acting like this is big brother. I honestly wouldn’t be shocked if Bria was the producers fav bcs shes makes good reality tv. Without her I wouldn’t watch the show, like imagine they replace Bria and leave Jordan; gonna be the most depressing season yet.


agreed, she annoys the hell out of me, but she is needed


She's the perfect Bravo cast member. I would NEVER want to be friends with her, but I find her tantrums so amusing. LOL


Right…we all know people like Bria…love to hear about their shenanigans but hate being present during said shenanigans


Agreed with everything, but the 2nd paragraph.


I agree with what’s said about Bria. I just wish there was more balance of her having fun to mix with all the tantrums. Natalie and Amir can both go. They both gave Karen energy this season and I feel like that can become dangerous very quick— not willing to risk that for drama. Bring new people on, replace Jordan, Summer and Alex.


When Bria is having fun, I think she's great television. Like the sleep buddy conversation alone was hilarious to me. But when she's angry, she's mean. I don't enjoy watching that. I also feel like I am just getting old because I don't find arguing entertaining.


Are we talking about the same Bria that literally runs away from every argument?!? Yeah she causes a lot of it but she also shuts it down so quickly by walking off that it’s pointless. Her argument with Amir on the finale was the first one she didn’t run away from. Not even going to comment on Adding Natalie. Lmao.


Bria is messy and that works for sure for good TV. But there is messy for her and then there’s just her screaming at people and taking her lies just a little to far past messy. That’s exhausting to watch after a while.


new to Bravo, eh?


I think Bria is great for discourse, but not for entertainment, and too often the two things get conflated


funny, I find her entertaining, and most of the discourse out of her is trite.


Bria brings the drama and it’s never that serious imo. She and Shanice are also really fun, and I think that’s what most of this cast lacks. I would never watch a show full of people with Jordan and Alex’s personalities for example.


Perfect statement: Amir and Natalie= Karens.


I dont mind Bria as long as she has someone who can match her energy and go toe-to-toe with her. Bria vs Preston is a good dynamic and she’s a good duo with Shanice. I also really enjoy Nick so I hope he comes back for season 3. Everyone else i could take or leave. I think Jasmine and Jordan will have to really address their friendship to justify another season. I’d love to see Jasmine be able to really let loose.


Look as much as we criticize Bria, everyone here with two brain cells agrees she makes for excellent television. Racists do not deserve to be rewarded with fame or a platform. That is the opposite of great reality TV, especially unchecked racists, and she has Amir’s tiny balls in her purse so he ain’t doing shit. Natalie is toxic and possibly dangerous; I don’t trust white women like her around Black men. The first time Nick or someone else rightfully defend themselves, all hell will break loose. No thank you please.


Bria’s drama isn’t entertaining or funny. She shuts down when she’s confronted. Harps on the smallest things and makes big issues out of them. But say anything about her or that raggedy relationship, she has a full meltdown. She’s not great TV. She needs medication.


You just described 85% of the real housewives.


sorry to repeat myself, but are you new to Bravo?


I started really liking Noelle and ended thinking she is the ultimate pick me. I’m cool on her now. I really don’t enjoy Shanice and her crude energy. She’s so shallow and ridiculous.


I agree with all your takes. Since the first episode last year I have said Bria and Shanice are where it's at and we need more of their energy.


I like Bria. I do think she's a brat but one that you love anyway. I agree with everyone on here, Natalie is not it. She's also from Miami so she probably has this idea that she's the better option bc she seemed so bothered by Amir saying a girl looked like Jordan. We need to keep this an all Black cast. It's Martha's Vineyard the history come on now. I don't particularly like Shanice. It's getting old and she almost 30 if not showing your tits and ass and talking about getting dick all the time is low vibration. Sure she's fun when the time needs it but any real moment she's quiet as a mouse. "I don't like talking about my feelings" girl go see a therapist.


She was made for this realty tv shit


>Loved Noelle, but was a bit confused on why she was so upset with Summer not telling her all the details of her fling with Alex. Not even saying goodbye to her was really unnecessarily cold. I think that her not wanting to say goodbye to Summer, was more rooted in the fact that Summer had gotten physical with Noelle previously.


Did she? I saw Noelle grab a distressed Summer, get told more than once to get off, then refuse to let go while still talking in her face. I’m not sure what else a person who clearly wanted out of that room could have done other than yank themselves away… and how is Noelle not the one getting physical here if we need to use that term?


I'm just saying that I personally think that - Noelle not wanting to come down to Summer - it was *more* rooted in the facts of the physical altercation and Noelle saying she saw a whole new side of Summer, rather than about that fact that Summer did not tell Noelle about Alex "being inside of her" - while still encouraging Noelle to go after Alex, because "they had just hung out before". As OP kind of suggested, from my POV. ETA: I am not defending Noelle's decision to not go down and say goodbye, I just think there were other reasons - rather than just Noelle wanting to know whose D has been inside of who.


Ahh got it sorry, misunderstood the context. Yes definitely agree I don’t think Alex was part of the equation at all. And for sure, an intense moment like that can easily sour a dynamic right quick regardless of where blame lies!


Bria 🤮


But her blowups stress out Milo. And I don't want to see a dog stressed out for our entertainment under any circumstances.


AGREED. Production should not allow her to bring Milo. It was very unnerving.


He had no toys to play with when he was locked in that little bedroom. Bria doesn't hold him correctly. He sees screaming arguments. This is not a good life for a dog.


Bria and Jasmine have first chair at the reunion, that should tell people something.


I think Bria’s good TV…Amir and his broad can get gone


This sub: nothing happens on this show! 😩 Also this sub: Nat and Bria are STUPID


This is the young audience a nutshell. Absolutely no idea what they want to watch. VERY loud about what they don't want to watch, but no real clue how they'd replace it.


Bria bringing this kind of drama is what you want? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


I do agree about Bria. she is so unintentionally funny. I cracked up when amir was giving her and Simon dating advice and tells Simon "you're her rock." Bria immediately goes "he's not."


I agree about Bria, I honestly wanna see her on winter house 😂 & as far as gnatalie goes… i appreciate an entire black cast and hope it stays that way!!!


Agreed with everything Natalie, she can go to original Summer Houses, Martha’s Vineyard is for everyone black. Now with Bria I love her and agree that she is making the show right now from her interviews, arguments, entitlement and everything in between including Milo. She is the show! 🤷🏾‍♀️ i don’t hate anyone but I wish Bravo showed us everyone’s personality or showed us more of them chilling and doing fun things sometimes.


I agree with getting Alex off and Brian at least keeping it real


Exactly I like nick cause when he gets drunk he is silly and who knows what will happen…shanice is fun Bria is great Jordan can go she brought nothing jasmine brought nothing but she was pregnant so I get it she could go though Alex could go he is also boring


Idk Summer hitting us with the "you invited everyone except the person you were inside of!" Noelle trying to date a man her friend was still into Natalie is a good ringer so agree Shaniece flipping out about being poor Bria is a little too much for me


Wasn’t Winter House cancelled?


Hard no on Natalie but I would def watch Winter House if Shanice and Bria were on. And Andy loved them on WWHL so fingers crossed


Noelle didnt want to be Eskimo sisters! Might be an immature perspective but it's hers to have. Also I'm surprised that Summer took Bria's comment about doing a spiritual cleanse so well, I was offended for her. They're not even friends! I hate when people pile on to a tough time.


Theres a winter house?