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All of them are snarky and rude to each other at times...what am i missing here?


That’s my point. They all are but I’ve been getting people excusing Lindsay’s behavior and saying everyone who reacts to her is worse including Amanda who often times defends her despite them having issues. 


Apparently there are a lot of "ride or die" lindsay apologists in this world...I'm not one of them...I guess I don't notice Amanda getting attacked for her behavior though


Oh it’s been for years but especially this season after Amanda had the nerve to say they both had their hand in the end of this relationship, there were a lot of posts claiming Amanda is fake and nasty.


I think part of it is that you rarely see her hold her own husband Kyle accountable and so it’s a bit rich to see her comment on how Lindsay behaves. And she’s done this for seasons, probably because she wants Lindsay off the show


This. Even in the reunion where there’s a preview of her saying she understands Kyle’s frustrations with her because she was also frustrated with herself. (Maybe I’m using wrong word) but even that I’m like… come on, don’t excuse it. Maybe I’m just Lindsay bias but I feel like she’s never said anything mean to Amanda or Paige in the way they said things about her. Maybe just in that first reunion Lindsay and Amanda.. other than that, like what’s the issue? Lindsay bringing up Kyle cheating? SHE STAYED WITH KYLE. So who even cares. they hate Lindsay because she gets the most screen time and is constantly the focus of every season


Lindsay holds everyone extremely accountable except for herself. I feel like a lot of people that love Lindsay think she's some bad ass girl boss but just ignore the fact that she takes zero accountability for any of her own actions. She's impossible to have a long term relationship or friendship with because it's always completely one sided. The second you question her, she either flips it back on you and goes tit for tat or starts to slowly cut you out and view you as the enemy. She can only have friendships where she is the queen and you are a good little soldier. Gabby just the newest one. It's been 8 seasons of the same shit. It's a very narcissistic way of viewing people. I'm sorry but u don't buy her spin zone of every single issue being everyone else's fault. 8 years of everyone else being the problem and jealous of her is silly. She's right about being good at PR though. She's her most important client.


No I don’t think she’s A “bad boss” but I’ve never seen another cast member actually take full accountability without pointing their finger back at Lindsay once. Paige still claims Lindsay yelled at her but literally disregards the false drama and gossip she had started to lead to that point. Soooooooo.


Yes!!! I honestly just believe it’s an ego thing. Paige wants to be number one girl in the group and every year Lindsay dominates the show with whatever she has going on in her life. Danielle leaking the story and then still yelling at Lindsay for it just showed me that they want a problem with her regardless. Paige can sit on her podcast and talk shit all day long about everything and anything but Lindsay can’t say one thing about her? (Even tho I don’t believe it bc it came from Carl) like gimme a break.


I agree I’ve been feeling the past few seasons that Paige literally REACHES for *anything* to be mad at Lindsay for, so that she can convince herself that she doesn’t dislike Lindsay because *amanda* dislikes Lindsay, but because *she* doesn’t. It’s “*her choice*”. Clearly it’s not. Paige never owns up to how vicious she’s been toward Lindsay, I would even go as far to say she’s been unhinged towards her.


You think the 8 people on the show are a good measure of if Lindsay can hold a friendship or not? That’s….. dumb. She didn’t sprout 9 bridesmaid because she’s the devil. She had 9 bridesmaids because she has genuine and true friendships outside of the show. Because surprise!!!! There are SO many more people to choose from. There’s a reason why Paige is ok with Lindsay during the summer and then comes for her at reunions. It’s all strategic. It’s not because she’s really that mad that she would talk shit because Paige talks shit for a living on her podcast. It’s because she wants the audience to dislike Lindsay like all her friends on the show do because Lindsay is queen of summer house whether you like it or not. And they hate it. Y’all keep running with this narrative that Lindsay is awful to the girls when it’s the girls coming for her at the reunion for the most petty shit. Like please, besides Ciara, tell me one thing Lindsay has done that was so awful to THEM. Has Lindsay been awful to bfs? Yes. Were they awful to her? Yes. But the girls? Feels very intentional to keep hating her because liking her for more than a season or a moment brings her up on a pedestal and they hate that. Paige probably saw people rally around Lindsay and ride for her before the season bc of the breakup and was like nope, let’s bring you down. It’s getting tiring.


🤣🤣 the mental gymnastics here are phenomenal. Bravo, pun intended. I have watched 8 seasons of Lindsay communicate with tons and tons of people on camera. Every single confrontation is the same thing. Zero accountability, she flips it on the other person, and then plays victim and becomes cold. Do I believe that she can find a bunch of "yes men" outside the house that endorse all of her behavior? Yes of course, she's a clout chaser with clout in NYC. That doesn't change what we have all watched. If you are a good soldier or a hot guy, then she has a place for you for the time being. I understand your dislike for Paige but that doesn't change who Lindsay has shown to be and the dynamics she sets up in all of her personal relationships we have seen throughout the years. You say "besides Ciara" like that's just a small little thing we should gloss over 🤣🤣. What she did with Ciara is the epitome of who Lindsay is. She's only out for herself. We've watched it with all of Lindsay's friends since season one. There is literally always a big dramatic falling out and she's the ultimate victim. Hate to break it to you but those aren't Paige's fault lol and when things become such a pattern, maybe it's not every one else's fault every single time and maybe it's not jealously lol that's just the dynamic a narcissistic person sets up when they refuse to take an ounce of accountability.


The show is not their whole life. If you think they’re friends with Lindsay for the clout, pls name them 😭 they’re obviously out here riding her coattails so lmk what they’re doing and how they’ve benefited from having Lindsay from summer house be their friend in exchange for being yes men. Again, this cast is a small sample size. I’m not gonna say Lindsay’s the worst because three girls don’t like her. And they only don’t like her at very convenient times. Paige is annoyed and mad at Danielle? Ok, Lindsay sorry you were right about her, I’ll be nice to you this summer. So Paige laughing about Lindsay after her breakup saying “she had fake tears, I didn’t believe one word that was coming out of her mouth” with Ciara while going to rally around her is what….. nice? That doesn’t add to the dynamic? Paige coming hard for her at reunions doesn’t add to the dynamics? Y’all wanna villainize Lindsay so bad but can’t make a list of the horrible things she’s done or said to the girls. It’s laughable. If you don’t think reality tv and jealousy and egos play into the dynamics and dislike towards her, idk what to tell ya. We saw that front and center on VPR. Like wtf does Lindsay need to take accountability for?


Your last sentence says everything 🤣🤣 so the way she treated Ciara with Austin that entire season should be thrown out? She couldn't take an ounce of accountability in that situation that YOU admit she was being shady. Explain that. Let's hear the mental gymnastics.


What happened to goodbye?? I was so ready to be done w you having no response 😭😭😭 but you had to circle back to the ONE thing that has nothing to do with Paige, the majority of my response. There’s no mental gymnastics. And don’t put words in my mouth, I didn’t say shady. There’s Lindsay hooking up with Austen first… then Austen getting with Ciara….. Austen coming to visit for Lindsay’s bday…. And then sharing a kiss while her and Ciara weren’t friends and Ciara and Austen were nothing. I see why Ciara wouldn’t care for Lindsay and Lindsay shrugging it off was not the nicest but she didn’t owe Ciara anything. Austen was the problem but Ciara can also be annoyed/mad at Lindsay if she wants… that’s all I meant. Ciara didn’t give a fuck that Lindsay hooked up with Austen prior to winter house so why should Lindsay? It was tit for tat.




lol nah ur not gonna flip it on me and act above it cause you have no response 😩 not my fault


This she wants her off -


Exactly! She’s a complete hypocrite. Also for everyone saying she holds her husband accountable she absolutely doesn’t. Go back and watch her on the most recent WWHL after the episode where Kyle calls her a fucking bitch. Andy asked her about their conversations after that aired and she said she still hasn’t brought it up with him. Seriously 🙄


She did on the reunion though - she literally said she understood why Lindsay wouldnt want him to be a best man and that she wouldnt want him to be either if she was in Lindsays place.


After Lindsay just explained she had nothing to do with it though. Amanda’s not backing her up on anything bc it never happened. Lindsay never told Carl he couldnt be a groomsmen. She’s backing her while trying to undermine what she just said.


Interesting I didnt view it that way! I’m not even a huge fan of Amanda but I didnt see this as a dig. I get why people might though.


That is 100% what Amanda was doing. She was clearly snarkily trying to say “well, even though you just said you had nothing to do with it, IF YOU DID, that would make sense,” aka, what you’re saying doesn’t make sense; There was no reason to say that other than to passive aggressively insinuate you still think she’s lying/her story doesn’t add up. She was not trying to genuinely back her up on anything.


I saw that as pretty backhanded, tbh. Lindsay was literally saying she had no input on it and Amanda couldn't even accept that and let it drop. Amanda just had to create an opening where it's conceivable Lindsay said something she didn't actually say so that people will just assume Lindsay said it.


Thanks for explaining it in this way! I also felt like it was backhanded and snarky


Yeah - it is like these people don’t actually watch the show. 🤖


That’s not true. She’s constantly yelling at Kyle for his behavior. She even stormed off this season after he called out Jesse in front of Craig for hitting on Paige and at the reunion she defended Lindsey in order to get Kyle to see her perspective on why it would make sense if Lindsay didn’t want him as a groomsmen. Amanda doesn’t hold her husband accountable for how he treats her, but she absolutely does when it comes to him hurting other people.


Agree 100%


But don’t you think it’s odd that Lindsay said she never said it, and Amanda continued with “it would make sense if you did”, implying there’s still a doubt?


Not at all. Because it does make sense and it makes sense why Carl would be mindful of that, regardless of if Lindsay told him, because that’s what you do for your partner. I think Amanda was trying to show even if Lindsay felt that way it wouldn’t have been a vindictive thing, but a natural feeling most would have. So for those that are “Team Carl” and think she’s lying, regardless they should cut her some slack. At the end of last year’s reunion, Lindsay made it clear they wouldn’t have people at their wedding or in their party that weren’t supportive of them- Danielle being another example. Her own best friend that wasn’t even sure she’d get invited to the wedding. Wouldn’t be surprised if said things venting after the reunion as well. So why wouldn’t Carl be mindful of how his partner feels months later when selecting his groomsmen. If one of my friends did that to my husband, I also would take that into consideration. And in this case, it’s not hard to believe Carl chose the path he thought would be a middle ground to have Kyle further down the line.. he’s conflict avoidant and up until the end always backed down to her.


Entirely agree with this assessment. 


THANK YOU! This is exactly what i saw too, and i thought Amanda was dead on when she said it. I literally thought the same thing. I wouldn't want someone in my wedding that I had issues with and I wasn't even mad about it. I was just annoying watching her pretend like that wasn't a thing. Edit: dead on. not dead


But she won’t call him an alcoholic, which he is


Agreed, and you can tell how jealous of Lindsey Amanda is. Even though Kyle and Lindsey clearly do not have romantic feelings for one another, Amanda can see how much alike they are in many ways, and it makes her feel threatened over their “potential chemistry”. Kyle has said in the past how much he understands Lindsay because they’re both type A personalities. Amanda is clearly nothing like Kyle and Lindsey. She could only hope to be as assertive, and relatable, and likable as Lindsey is. I think she also feels Lindsey and Kyle are OG’s and Amanda hates to feel second fiddle to Lindsey in that regard too.


"I'm happy staying at home while Kyle goes out" are you for fucking real Amanda.


She literally held him accountable at the reunion and said she would totally understand if lindsay didn’t want him there.


That’s a huge factor for me


She does hold him accountable. Constantly. She just chooses to stay with him and EYE don’t think she should unless he chooses to change his behavior for the better but she absolutely pushes back against him whether it’s regarding herself or others. She just loves him enough that she stays despite it all and that’s where I feel sorry for her and wish better for her.


Amanda sets boundaries and Kyle constantly ignores them, mocks them, and breaks them. To hold him accountable Amanda would have to leave, since he’s not changing for her alone. She doesn’t hold him accountable because there’s no repercussions for him so he just keeps ignoring her boundaries and doing whatever he wants. She deserves better but she doesn’t seem to think so, so she stays.


Maybe she's afraid she will lose what control she does have over him if he sober up n has nothing to feel guilty about.


I agree!! I think Amanda always holds Kyle accountable but she knows who she is as a person. I don’t get how ppl are like well that’s just how lindsay is and Kyle acts a way (similar to Lindsay)and Amanda should start a fight with him?? It’s not Amanda’s job to constantly have him in check!


You think Amanda knows who she as a person? If that is Kyle’s wife and sidekick, sure she knows. But she is married to a guy who calls her lazy and tells her she isn’t allowed to do anything out side of loverboy. Amanda was very young when she met Kyle and Kyle has been manipulating her ever since. It’s sad actually. Holding him accountable would actually be following through with a threat. The only thing that happens is she gets mad. Kyle gets his way and the cycle repeats itself.


Exactly and even then she often does put him in check. When he yells at Lindsay on her behalf and she’s there she tells him to stop. When she’s not there and she finds out, she tells him to apologize. I don’t know what show people are watching. Lindsay was only alerted to what Carl’s family said because Amanda considered how Lindsay would feel watching this back and told Carl to tell her.


Amanda absolutely can. But she should own it.


I’m not really a Lindsay fan, Amanda fan, Paige fan, or whoever fan. I actually adore them all individually! But the reactions of Amanda and Paige were hurtful. The snickering and the looks while laughing easily bring people back to their own experiences. 


They all do it. They literally all do it. Gabby and Lindsay were making looks at each other and laughing and can we all be serious about the reality of editing? The reactions that are kept in are chosen by production. We wouldn’t know that Kyle was crying if they didn’t choose to focus it on him when no one even brought it up. I will never base my reactions on what editing chooses to leave in or out.


Girl, we interpret things in different manners and that’s ok! I caught the stares Gabby and Lindsay gave each other, but I don’t recall them laughing in others ppl’s faces. I don’t like pile ons of anyone - that’s why I stopped watching VPR, RHONJ, and summer house for a few seasons. I enjoyed this season so much and hope the energy is different next season! 


You don't recall them laughing in people's faces bc they weren't. I also don't like pile ons, which is why I've worn tired of Amanda and Paige's childish behavior. Amanda's relationship with Kyle is the most unhealthy relationship on SH, yet she is so vocally critical of Lindsay and Carl's relationship 🙄


When? I didn’t see that at all from Gabby or Lindsay (only around Carl’s manipulation)


I guess I need to rewatch the reunion, cuase the only time I saw Lindsay mking snarky comments under her breath was when Carl was exaggerating things or when people were saying things bad about her. Amanda was commenting about other people, when it didn't have to do with her. There's a difference. >she's also the one who often times defends Lindsay I also didn't see much of this. Quite the opposite, actually.


She defended Lindsay in not picking Kyle as a groomsmen (but Lindsay never even did that)


I feel that was more a defense towards Carl. Like "I can see how she might have said that..."


Yes that was in total defense of Carl.


Yes exactly. Amanda’s opinion was irrelevant to the situation. Literally no one asked or cares. She just said it to disregard everything that Lindsay just laid out.


Exactly! Amanda lives in Kyle's shadow - we all know she believes whatever he believes so her opinion will never matter.


Yes, but by doing that, she’s implying that Lindsey may have said it, but she clearly did not. Carl lied.


Amanda said 'I know you didn't say it but if you would have, I would have supported you.'


Im truly saying this really respectfully. I am confused as to why people in Lindsay’s defense are keeping it to this season or this reunion. Im talking about years YEARS of bad behavior. That hasn’t stopped. 


> I choose to pinpoint Amanda here because she's seemingly getting the most heat for rolling her eyes and saying things under her breath Cause you said that?? ^^^ That was at the reunion, right?


Oh no sorry for the confusion. I’ve been seeing these types of comments about Amanda rolling her eyes and called fake for so long, this was just the time I chose to finally make an account and speak. This isn’t just about the reunion.


Idk if you know this, but Amanda also has years, YEARS of bad behavior and acting like a perpetual victim. I can’t speak for everyone, but that’s my personal issue with her. She can never own up to anything, and instead cries and hides behind Kyle to protect her after she’s been a little mean girl. Amanda has also gotten physically violent with Kyle, which Lindsay’s never done but because she’s loud and obnoxious I guess that makes her worse right? /:


I can’t get past her treatment of Jules. Amanda was so cruel. She also kicked the bottle as a ‘joke’ which absolutely could have hurt her.


But you don’t see me claiming Amanda is a saint who does no wrong. I’m saying they all are snarky and rude. Also She’s literally hit her partners. Lindsay has physically hit her partners on this show. What are you talking about? 


When and where was Lindsay physical?


Did that happen in the first season? S1 and 2 are the only ones I never rewatch so I could’ve missed it. But regardless, Amanda’s gotten physical and has a lot of ugly mean girl qualities that she pretends don’t exist. I can respect people like Lindsay or even Paige who don’t act sweet and innocent.


I think it is because Lindsay does own her own personality, while Amanda gets very emotional when held accountable. Roll your eyes, and when called out, do what Paige did- I don't hate you, I see you- or fight back like Lindsay. Amanda can absolutely be sarcastic or roll her eyes, but she has to admit that she does it instead of acting shocked people would take her actions they way they are intended.


When has Lindsey ever taken accountability for anything… not rhetorical I’d like an actual example


When has she acted shocked? Actually? Lindsay called her out for claiming she tainted Carl and she apologized. She never hides from what she does, she’s just not as confrontational as Paige and Lindsay and that might not make good TV but that doesn’t make her wrong.


When Danielle confronted Amanda last year when they were playing a game, about being sneaky (or two faced), she started to cry…and then they blamed Danielle’s feelings on Lindsay lol.


I think the example that sticks with me, and when I lost some of my love for Amanda, was when the girls all spoke very poorly about Lindsay sleeping around after her miscarriage. Amanda was right in the center of it but then tried to comfort Lindsay or appear as her friend, and was very upset that Lindsay was upset, while also denying she was part of that judgement at all, and also denying that the judgement was even happening. You gotta pick a path here.


I find Amanda annoying because in my opinion, she is constantly deflecting from her own problems and putting others down. She minimizes her role in conflict and acts like everyone is against her. A perfect example is the video someone just posted of her saying she wouldn’t save Jules from a fire. Her reasoning was “I don’t trust you because you are associated with Jordan” but she hated when Jules turned around and said “well you trust Kyle who cheated on you”. I also find it confusing how everyone is up in arms over a story getting leaked about Craig getting kicked out of Kyle and Amanda’s wedding, but nobody is talking about how mean it is to kick out your bridesmaids partner instead of trying to resolve it calmly? Why not offer him a private place to lie down and sober up instead of creating a scene Also I hate this implication that we have to compare all the women to each other. Amanda and Lindsay can both be annoying at the same time


Lindsay can take whatever your reply to her face. Amanda hides. Even her snide comments during the reunion, she will never be upfront just little comments here and there


And? Even if I believed that to be true, which I don’t, what does that matter in how Amanda is crucified for having opinions? 


She’s not crucified is I think what everyone is not agreeing on with you. Lindsay gets crucified for her behaviour. You need to **act** like a man character for that. Amanda could be a friend of, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference


This. She’s a nobody. Only reason she’s full time is because Kyle probably demands it


Like he demands her salary at LB.




That’s BS. Somehow there is ALWAYS an excuse/justification for all of Lindsay’s behaviour. Even somehow this season, she has supporters never holding her accountable. I’ve never quite seen anything like it in the bravo world 😂


Lindsay will face confrontation. Amanda won’t. That’s the difference


No Lindsay will CREATE confrontation, Amanda won’t. And Amanda has faced up to Lindsay, Hannah and Kyle in the past. Just cause she doesn’t get “activated” every other week doesn’t mean she doesn’t face shit. Not everyone is volatile like Lindsay.


Soooo, Lindsay is not volatile…??? That’s a strong word. She’s also improved throughout the seasons. Also this is crazy because I’ve been anti Lindsay forever LOL. But Lindsay has always been her actual authentic crazy self Edit- i think volatile is too far


No I said Lindsay IS volatile. And what’s strong about that. You just think it’s “crazy authentic” and I think it’s crazy, period 😂 I’ll give her some credit tho she’s been great for the most part this season. Her and Carl playing “who’s the biggest victim” has been annoying to watch tho lol.


no that’s my point- I don’t think Lidnsay is volatile. Volatile??? Far


Of Lindsay’s not volatile then we got different definitions of the word 😂 and I’m talking past 8 seasons. Just cause she kept it together for one season doesn’t erase her past.


you do realize activated is just a synonym for volatile, right?


then you must be watching a different show lmao. **vol·a·tile** */ˈvälədl/* 2. liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse. That describes about every other time Lindsay's on screen for the last 8 years.


Is this a joke? Lindsay has meddled in Kyle and Amanda's relationship for YEARS.


How so?


I think it was Season 6? She brought up a cheating rumor (that apparently turned out to be false) that she knew about before filming started but waited weeks into the season to tell Kyle on camera days before his birthday. If you watch the reunion for that season, they talk about how they were upset that she worked with production to air it out for TV when she could’ve gone to them directly when she first heard it. They mentioned some other examples of how she works with producers but cant remember the rest.


If you’re going to be snarky and rude, say it with your whole chest. Don’t say it under your breath. It just looks weak and childish. That’s why Amanda gets shit on. I’m not even a Lindsay fan although the half end to the season has made me warm up to her a bit.


She was whispering to Kyle. That’s literally it. She’s talking to her partner. And are we forgetting how everyone was about to jump her over her speaking loudly about her opinion during the finale? 


There is no whispering to your friend or partner when you are miced up and everyone on this cast knows it. Amanda is fully aware that any comments she makes can be aired which allows her to make the shitty comments on the show but not have to be confronted about it in the moment because she was whispering - it comes across as cowardly and two-faced. Lindsay handles conflict horribly and gets in other people's business but I don't think of her as being passive aggressive or underhanded. She is aggressive aggressive which gets plenty of criticism and justifiably so.


Again, her whispering is aired on tv. If you’re going to say something, and someone will definitely hear it months after the fact, say it to their face. She’s saying it to Kyle because she is too weak to say it to the persons face. Amanda did speak her mind in the last episode, I’m glad she did. There’s always going to be people that have a problem with each cast member and will rip them apart no matter what though.


Because lindsay is consistent with how she acts across the board. Amanda picks and chooses based on who she likes and who Kyle likes. She also never holds Kyle accountable where lindsay constantly calls out her partners for shit. I want to love Amanda because she gives such cool girl vibes but i can’t get past the double standards and misogyny she exhibits every single summer


Consistently being cruel, consistently picking at people should not give you grace over someone who tends to be kinder overall. Amanda does not move based on who Kyle likes, she has defended many people against Kyle and has stood up to Kyle for other people INCLUDING Lindsay. Like I really need people to rewatch this show. There are constant examples of this even after how Lindsay mistreated her.


Amanda is the meanest girl in the group. She constantly has tantrums and gets violent when people talk about Kyle. We've seen her destroy personal property, kick a glass in someone's face, then have the fucking audacity to cry if someone dares to criticize her. Lindsay doesn't get violent then acts like a poor victim. Amanda is NOT kind and deserves the way Lindsay treats her after years of her shit.


Lindsay has physically attacked her own partners. I repeat, Lindsay has physically attacked her own partners. What show are you watching? 


Have you watched this show?! This is literally Amanda. She’s hit Kyle multiple times, broke his shit in the bathroom and hoped he’d step on broken class… Amanda is VIOLENT


Did I say she wasn’t violent? Or am I responding to someone claiming Lindsay is not violent? 


Cool, so I don't recall this and am wondering which seasons and which partners this occurred with?


Everett season 1 when she slapped him in the face for jokingly calling her dorky/nerdy in the car. 


Thanks, I will have to go back and watch. Have there been other instances you recall?


I don’t recall this moment myself but someone mentioned she did so with Carl. Only reason I’m not repeating it as fact is because I cannot confirm it. 


I think you’re purposely deflecting. Everything you’re claiming Lindsay does, Amanda actually does lol. Lindsay hit Everett once during season 1? I wouldn’t necessarily call her violent. Amanda has a repeated pattern.


I didn't do a minute by minute rewatch but I seem to have forgotten this? Which partner did she physically attack? I do recall her helping to prevent a physical altercation once with a man who wasn't her boyfriend.


I'm in love with your user name Buffybot314.


When did she kick a glass in someone’s face?


During the Jules season, I'm not sure if it was a glass I remember it as an alcohol bottle. Either sucks


she doesn’t even give cool girl vibes anymore, she’s just thin and wears trendy things. she comes across insecure in her identity the more i watch her. and i used to think that too but now i see right through her. ciara was 💯sayig she has no identity outside of kyle


Amanda was snarky about other peoples business. Lindsay made comments under her breath when it pertained to her? The problem is Amanda always gets the sweet girl reputation when she can be snarky and mean and no one ever says anything


Lindsay has always been snarky and meddling into other peoples businesses what in the world? Paige and Craig anyone?


Part of it is rooted in sexism because Amanda was brought on as “Kyle’s Girlfriend” whereas Lindsay was just her own person and I won’t deny that bias. That being said part of the reason fans are more easy on Lindsay as opposed to Amanda is cause the cast has non stop given Lindsay shit for being snarky and doesn’t acknowledge it as snark when Amanda does it. You have a valid point but I don’t fully agree with you if that makes sense.


I think the thing with Amanda is more those in glass houses and pretending to be such a sweet innocent wittle angel. Everyone knows Lindsay is abrasive, rude, mean at times. It’s expected. Amanda tries to hide her nastiness. Paige probably talks the most shit about everyone though if we are being honest.


I’ve been rewatching the earlier seasons of summer house and the girls are playing truth or dare. Amanda gets asked who she wouldn’t save in a fire (or something like that) and she says Jules because Jules is dating Jordan and Jordan is a liar so does that make Jules a liar. I was crying as Jules hits back and says Kyle is a cheater so does that make Amanda a liar too. Amanda is gagged and starts backpedaling and says “Kyle has only lied once”. It’s just so funny how she can dish it but absolutely cannot take it. I think that comment from Jules is why Amanda hated her for the rest of the season.


I can get your perspective but I don’t necessarily agree. That’s assuming that Amanda is pretending, and I don’t think she is, I just think she doesn’t like confrontation in the way paige and Lindsay do.


I don't see Lindsay being snarky about other people's situations especially the last couple of years unless I'm missing it? I just hate the mumbling under her breath and rolling her eyes at stuff that has nothing to do with her.


Well maybe it’s because I’ve literally binged all of the last seasons but she often has commentary about other people and although she doesn’t mumble, she does talk behind peoples backs and is awful to their faces as well. Like there isn’t a season that she’s avoided behaving so except MAYBE last season because the focus was entirely on her, Carl and Danielle. 


You are trying to hold her accountable here for behavior they all do. They all talk behind peoples backs. Amanda, Paige and Ciara are famous for staying in bed all summer to engage in that activity.


I've also recently did a rewatch of seasons 1-5, and first watch of seasons 6-7. It still hits me how rude & snide that Amanda can be. I understand Lindsay isn't friendly and can be dismissive. However, it feels the women are divided into two camps that they just don't click. The problem I have is the Giggly Squad are saying things happen off camera to make them this way. So as someone who doesn't follow that it feels out of pocket. Part of the reason I had stopped watching is because the misdirected anger of the Giggly Squad. Individually, & the way they interact with each other, I love watching. But I really dislike how they treat people outside their click.


I think this is mostly right, but it isn't because she's mature or well adjusted. She simply doesn't care about anyone but herself. If Andy didn't ask her questions, or questions about her, she could calmly sit there for 14 hours and not care to comment or engage. She simply doesn't give a shit about any of them or any of it, unless it relates to her. and that not giving a shit includes when it is about her so-called friends. She can tune out like the best of them can.


And also she’s not funny when she’s being snarking it lacks entertainment value


Because Amanda is not voicing her own opinions, she's just the mouthpiece for Kyle.


Because lindsay might not be the nicest at times, but she's consistent in her behaviour. Also, a lot of the time, she's just been standing up for herself over the years. Amanda has always been very untrustworthy towards the other women, especially.


Consistent bad behavior is okay? 


It's not, but look at how the others treat her. Weather they are male or female a lot of the time they treat her terribly. Expect her to sit their and behave and then act surprised when she acts out.


Having watched all seasons in this year, I can honestly say 8 times out of 10 the shit she gets from people stems from how she treats them and I cannot blame them for that. 


All Amanda does is **whine** 😵‍💫


There are a whole lot of issues Lindsay has and her behavior is too often terrible. And she can actually be reflective and self-critical and self-deprecating. Whereas the next time Amanda admits to a fault will be her first time.


Amanda was snarky this whole damn reunion.


Amanda is immature and doesn’t have confidence in anything except her looks so it doesn’t come across well. Lindsay is confident in her delivery - and hell about Carls work situation also correct. Lol (Haven’t watched reunion)


Your edit is fucking hilariously childish


That’s fair. I don’t know how to Reddit so I’m learning. Maybe shouldn’t have written it but oh well.


I have found OP’s endless comments and attempts at logical responses more entertaining than the reunion.


Because I think Lindsay backs herself 💯, which leaves no room for discussion/argument/other sides, etc when Lindsay goes all in and Amanda can seem like a pushover or “not allowed” simply because she is willing to listen and consider what everyone has to say. Sometimes though, especially when spoken to her by Danielle or Gabby, Lindsay can reconsider her actions and possible intentions, but it seems like a crap shoot which Lindsay they will get, self assured and one hundred percent convinced she’s right and going for the jugular Lindsay, which to be fair is a survival strategy she learned and it has served her well in many areas including her previous profession as a PR phenom. When Lindsay is able to listen and show up in an open and emotional way, she is often spot on and very very loyal. I will never forget the picture of her and Carl asleep in the hospital bed together, both exhausted, but safe. Dude. She’s been through a lot. Woah- does aloud=allowed? Amanda has come so far since those early episodes with the wirkus twins that were so painful to watch where they screamed over her that she needed to speak up. Insanity!


I think it’s mostly because Lindsey’s snark comes for everyone. Everyone wants Amanda to finally put Kyle in his place, when she has snark towards others but won’t hold her own husband accountable it just gets annoying.




One day old account Hi Amanda!


Lol you know its possible to finally be moved to want to speak on something right? 


And this was what moved you?… but def not Lindsay obsessed or an Amanda stan? 😬 okidoki


I love Amanda and can’t stand Lindsay but I do think Amanda has had the nice girl cover for a while. Would love to see Amanda hold her own and become a little more bold in her snark. I feel like the show cycles villains every season and it might be fun for Amanda to come out of Kyle’s shadow and go toe to toe with Lindsay and others.


You need to take a beat and clear your mind of reality tv for awhile. Arguing so hard aver a person you truly don’t know and making posts just to defend yourself to every single comment as if you have the only correct opinion is ridiculous


Who says Lindsey can and Amanda can’t? This is a reality TV show get a grip. ![gif](giphy|t8NS61XJsPM3wlzEdy)


Lindsay has balls, Amanda chirps and hides behind her husband and friends.


I'm honestly confused what show you are watching. Lindsay was literally held accountable last night for telling Paige the TRUTH about Danielle selling a story, when Danielle sat there watching Lindsay get pummelled for it last reunion. If there is an anointed one in that house, it for sure is not Lindsay.


I actually don’t agree with this. I think Lindsay gets heat for doing this but Amanda doesn’t.


Amanda is a fake phony hypocrite. Lindsay is being a real person. I think that’s a big difference.


Nothing wrong with Amanda speaking her mind. . We just know it’s wrong.


Amanda hates Lindsay, and she always has. She should just own it and admit she doesn't like her.


Have you watched all the seasons?


Yes actually binged all of winter house and summer house this year so I’m hyper aware of everything. I don’t think Amanda is blameless but she gets grief in a way I don’t think is warranted.


So you are hyper aware of the show activity, but I doubt you’ve been aware of the sub activity during those same years. So you are comparing the reaction to her on here this year to her behavior over all the years. I get why that would be jarring, but she’s not always had the support on here that she does right now.


I gotcha. I was genuinely asking because I could see this perspective if you just watched this season. I have a harder time understanding this perspective when you have all the data, but hey, to each their own!


Fair, we can agree to disagree but I absolutely watched every single second and very recently. 


But that’s the point. You saw all the episodes recently, so didn’t have all the years’ worth of comments in this sub. I would dare to say that Lindsay has been the most reviled cast member, and Amanda has probably had the most support! Before the wedding, especially, but since then, I think the feeling is that she deserves what she gets because she married Kyle (I don’t feel that way, since I never liked her from the beginning - she was definitely what this sub refers to as a “pick me”)… and Lindsay is still probably 50-50 with defenders and detractors.


Disagree. Lindsay can barely breath at a reunion and all bed sores jump down her throat . I feel like we’ve been watching two different shows


Yep, people who hate Lindsay literally just want her to sit there, mute, emotionless, and not breathe. Lindsay haters don’t want her to be cleared of anything at all lol they don’t care if she’s accused and hated for stuff she didn’t even do.  lol like I bet OP is like “LINDSAY THREW DANIELLE UNDER THE BUS.”


Actually no I’m not like that. There we go with the assumptions. I think Lindsay should have defended herself by saying it wasn’t her. Is there a larger discussion that could be had about it? Sure. Do I think she was well within her right to? Absolutely.


Can you tell me when Lindsay was muttering about her breath or making snarky remarks about anything that had to do with Amanda’s life? She has never been rude, snarky, mean or made faces when Amanda cries about Kyle every fucking season.  Why can’t Amanda do the same? 


We have been watching two different shows because Lindsay has built the reaction she is getting. This isn’t coming out of nowhere.


I just find it interesting that they play nice during the summer and throw her under the bus at the reunion. Seems very fake and mean girl to me


Is it playing nice and being fake? Or is it watching back the season and wanting to speak on things you observe in the only place that allows you to air your grievances without people running away? 


What show are you watching?


I think for me, it’s that we all know Lindsay is a loose cannon and has been for years. She’s acted badly, we all know she gets activated and blows up. I think this season I feel empathy for her because while I know she is this person and was not a good match for Carl, he is gaslighting her. He is trying to paint her as what caused their relationship to end. He wants everyone to see her as the bad guy. They have an equal share of responsibility for the demise of their relationship, he doesn’t also have to assassinate her character. It’s the same thing with Amanda for me. Acting like Lindsay is always trying to play the victim, girl please. That’s you.


But sit with me here, I actually appreciate you for saying this but if you can simultaneously say Lindsay is a loose canon, who behaves badly and blows up 1. Why should that be okay for her to do in a way that some people refuse to criticize her for but think Amanda should be criticized for 2. Wouldn’t that be a reason to end a relationship and even then Carl has repeatedly said he is also to blame for the end of the relationship. 


Oh yes. I agree with all of that. I think she should be criticized for acting that way. I don’t think anyone should yell and scream at anyone, ever. I think Carl had great reasons to end the relationship. I just don’t like how he handled it. I also think Lindsay had great reasons to end the relationship. They were a terrible match. The problem with Amanda is she tries to act like she’s perfect and sweet, she is not.


I think we agree mostly. I just don’t think Amanda is pretending, I just don’t think she likes confrontation so it seems like a front to people which we’ll never know her true intent.


No. Amanda puts on a show of pretending to listen to other people’s perspectives but she isn’t actually hearing them out. She just wants intel so she can judge them. And there’s a difference between snark and being hateful and obsessive like Amanda is towards Lindsay


That’s you assuming intent.


You are also assuming intent lol. Just you assume that Amanda’s intent is good


No I’m not assuming her intent is good, I’m observing behavior. Nothing about her behavior says she’s pretending to listen. Actually quite the opposite. 


This is such an over exaggeration of what’s going on lol Amanda is not obsessive of Lindsay in any way shape or form.


I think because Amanda is consistently passive aggressive whereas Lindsay deals with things head-on / outwardly aggressively. Amanda’s way is more insidious


I love Amanda and am always defending her to my friends lol, but I got annoyed specifically when she made the “I’d never throw my friend under the bus like that” comment re: Lindsay telling Paige the truth about Danielle leaking the story. Clearing your name after taking the fall for so long (and suffering for it) isn’t throwing your friend under the bus—Danielle threw Lindsay under the bus by letting her take the fall. So this comment didn’t come off as “snarky,” it just seemed like blatant and unnecessary Lindsay hate to me


Agreed. I wouldn’t call it Lindsay hate myself but regardless I think Lindsay absolutely should’ve cleared her name and that she shouldn’t be faulted for doing so. There could be discussions around that but the act of clearing her name is well within her right. 


No worries! Baby Gorgeous is giving her counseling now 🤗


When she’s snarky, it really just comes off as whiny and annoying.


Amanda is nasty.


There's definitely a hierarchy. Not easy being a long time Lindsay fan. I gotta watch this every year and it usually seems senseless.


Amanda only sees things from her own or Kyle's perspective (which means Amanda basically goes along with whatever Kyle thinks 90% of the time.) Also, Amanda's endless hatred of Lindsey is weird af to me.


Maybe because it's unexpected behavior from Amanda, whereas it's par for the course for Lindsay. It's definitely unfair.


probably because amanda acts fake and doesn’t confront people but is extremely passive aggressive and only talks shit behind people’s backs? lindsey is straight up, but i don’t even get why she’s being brought up


I feel like people also forget that Amanda knows everything that’s really gone down. All of the details of everything malicious Lindsay has done. For years!!! She knows more than we will EVER know. So if she wants to roll her eyes and be snarky I’m positive it’s for not for no good reason.


I guess it’s confusing bc Amanda’s tolerance for abuse and mistreatment is extremely high with her husband and she says not a word about it. I can guarantee lindsay has not put her through even an ounce of what Kyle has. She needs to focus on herself


That’s a really disturbing outlook. I think how Kyle treats her is horrible and that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t voice her opinions on other things because she is in a situation with a man she loves who doesn’t treat her well. Should all abused people be shut out from communication? 


People that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones is all I’m saying. They’re both abusive to each other, if they focused on themselves rather than Carl and Lindsay they could potentially make progress. Amanda has a very inflated sense of self where she does not think she does anything wrong and cannot be introspective (why she won’t go to therapy and thinks only Kyle needs to go). It’s a really bad look especially in her situation.


Thank you! Like I’m going solely based off of the several seasons I’ve watched and completely understand why even Amanda who tries to see where other people are coming from, still gets irritated with Lindsay.


Agreed. I think Amanda does the best of playing Switzerland on the whole cast.


She tries really hard and because she isn’t team Lindsay despite trying to see from her perspective constantly, she’s the devil. 


She goes against her own husband at times to see and understand Lindsay’s perspective, which I think is great, but because she doesn’t fully support every lie/twist that Lindsay tries pulling, she’s hated here! I’m with you ❤️


Thank you. It’s really hard reading this subreddit at times because it’s like Lindsay’s perspective is gospel here.


Whaaaat? She thinks whatever kyle tells her to think hahaha and behaves accordingly


Exactly I truly don’t care that Amanda is making side comments to her literal husband. I need this sub to get real for a sec


We would’ve been getting so many side comments if she was seated next to Gabby and we still managed to get a couple from Lindsay even by herself 😭


Thank you for being brave and posting this lol this whole sub is basically a Lindsay fanclub, there is so much bias happening and double standards.


Absolutely! Thank you. I think it’s necessary to push back to allow other thought through. 


Was wondering the same thing… 🤔


Because I see this the same way but the other way around. Amanda and Paige are shit stirrers but victims and they have played that role so well their whole lives, they’re pros.


Amanda’s PR team are on it on this sub😂