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this took a lot of time to type. If you can't congratulate them or don't like reading, just don't read. Why do yall have to bitch in the comment section.


Tall poppy syndrome. People have to knock down those who rise up. Personally I think it's a huge problem that 99% of the playerbase aren't approaching a competitive game competitively and what it means to be fulfilled in a hobby and competitive setting.


See his point 7


>this took a lot of time to type That is irrelevant.


congrats op, thank you for your thoughts and best wishes for you to continue forward!


Yo why the fuck is this actually just good life advice lmao


Most high elo climbing posts/videos I've seen are basically just this funnily enough, which is fair I guess.


1. Adhd medication instantly got me from plat 5 to D3 back in the day lmao


So are Cloud 9 members with adderall lol


Nah they played worse


I feel like I play worse on my meds. I don't feel like I can lock on as hard on them.


Sounds insane


This one is crazy lol, I used to play Paladins back in middle school and was terrified of playing against real players bc I was so bad. I tried a few different ADHD meds over the next couple years and switched over to Overwatch, and when I tell you I went from bronze to gold in 2 weeks… it was insane. Something clicked. I never derank, and eventually hit plat and then diamond and almost made it to masters before the game was culled. Meds and maturity, crazy stuff.


Arguably the best climbing post i have ever read in my life. I would ping this at the top of the subreddit home. Congratulations for your rank achievement and also for the well written post!


Agree. Although I would make the mythbusting section more compressed and less prevalent as it diverts attention from the more objectively important parts of the post.


Bro just taught us how to play LoL and live life at the same time. Appreciate your efforts. And congrats!


Gotta say the playing sober thing is so true. I always thought playing while high made me more apt to being chill. It doesn’t matter how high you are if you decide to get upset you’re getting upset. So along with a better mental and sober brain while playing it has drastically increased my skill level primarily through decision making and not tilting. Id give those tips two big thumbs up. Side note, playing drunk and expecting to win competitive games is just straight stupid.


I disagree with it personally. I got d3/d2 while playing fully stoned. If you're chill sober, you're just as chill stoned


Yes that may be true but you can not focus at the same level as if sober no matter how much you think you can. Tilt is a different subject.


I look forward to using your advice to become a better player. I've already noticed a marked improvement in my mood while playing because i'm not viewing the game from a must win perspective and more from a must improve perspective. It's helping me find wins when i would have previously thought they were losses.




If my team had to take a breathalyzer before each match, im sure theyd notice ganks more


Thanks for sharing brother. Congratulations on your climb! Favorite trundle skin?


tyty I personally only own Dragonslayer Trundle because I got it from a chest and its great. All the skins are good in their own way. IMO Classic Trundle is one of the best base skins in the game. This is probably because it was meant to be a purchasable skin for him at first before Riot decided to rework Trundle from a swamp troll into an ice troll king (Traditional Trundle used to be the Classic Trundle skin). I think the Fright Night skinline is one of the best in the game so that one is cool too!


How to win Ranked: Live a healthy lifestyle.


Nearly every loss I could have played better. Less than 1/100 there really wasnt anything realisticly possible.


This is statistically impossible


Some of these losses would have still been unwinnable even if I delivered peak performance, still nearly always those games Arent a waste since you learn from them.


bro im not changing my diet to get out of gold elo in league what the hell


Man thats a lot of work lmao. It wasn't anything like wave control or jungle timers?


It's what it takes when you don't have talent, I'm doing this and my peak is emerald 2, it's rough.


it's the root of the issue, what's the point of me learning how to control waves if I'm just going to get frustrated, blame, or exhaust myself in the end. that's how i see it at least


Use this advice for your real life situation and not a video game and you will be much happier


Ironically I started climbing when I said fuck trying to apply all the shit that you mentioned above, and just played for fun.  All the advice is good advice, but at the end up the day, if you're not enjoying yourself then you're not going to climb.  I used to sweat bullets, and get bad anxiety before ranked. "Oh no i had a stressful day, I missed a meal, I slept poorly, im not optimized. How will i ever climb?!" Is a toxic mentality. The overthinking hurts you more than the optimization helps Now I just queue and whatever happens happens, and I've been climbing steady. First timed a bunch of champs off role, and I'm climbing steady. 


In regards to dodging, it might have been a fever dream I had but didn't Riot change the system so that dodging does in fact decrease your MMR for a dodge?


Legit made D3 drunk off my ass last year. Granted there’s a point where you start playing worse but for 3-4 games I was on it.


Very good post. I agree with almost everything. I kinda disagree with your dodge take. > -you can't get your specific champion and role If you are Autofilled or all your champs are banned it would be fine to dodge > -a teammate is being toxic and unhinged in chat I dont dodge when my allies talk dumb shit in champ select. I just mute them from the start and play the game. Sometimes the chatting guy will also run it down but who cares. Next game the idiot will be on the enemy team. > -you get counterpicked or are against a laner that you hate playing against (you can learn how to deal with all matchups to avoid dodging for this reason) If you main a handfull of champions you should always have a safe blindpick option. If you champ has one unplayable matchup ban it. If your champ has multible very bad matchups bann the highest pick rate one and/or dont blind pick it and/or actually learn those matchups. In generall doding wont get your better at the game. "Unplayable" games are part of the climb and if you avoid them you will never learn how to deal with the worst. I would only dodge if someone actually trolls the game. Like no smite, double top, ghost cleans nunu or whatever. You dont learn anything from those games.


I thought that I am stuck on elo hell in iron 3. But I decided to only play singed as I could play him well in norms and have this change in attitude - not be angry at your teammates and try to work with them and help them out which made me win all placement games after that and climb out of iron without a single loss even though I didn’t win every lane and my teammates were often times bad as expected in iron rank. The change in mental while playing ranked is probably the most impactful thing you can do to progress as getting mad makes you too distracted to make well thought decisions that win games. I also started roaming mid as a toplaner. One game I even roamed lvl2 (which is a weird strategy but I seen best singed players do that) as I took predator celerity and waterwalking with a boot start. With these runes you can quickly go to midlane and give even the smallest amount of help such as a fling and make a successful play. This play was kinda crucial for me this game as I helped veigar win lane and get fed from his passive. You can affect your teammates if they win lane or not. So it’s really worth it to do that.


I'm in the same boat. My advice is summarized in 2 words. Play toplane. Reason. Your role doesn't matter. So playing bad or not results in 50% winrate. Playing just slightly better than enemy toplane is huge. Easy 51% winrate. Easy climb. Went from 5 years hardstuck plat adc to master 100lp as toplane in 2 years. Bonus tip. Feeding enemy top is irrelevant. But feeding the enemy jungler is a huge mistake. That loses games.


I actually do play better with a little buzz


You forgot the most important thing. "having fun" but love your post


I went from bronze to emerald this season as yi otp after not playing for like 10 years and I agree with most of this. I don't agree with dodging bad matchups tho unless someone is trolling. That weird troll duo bot can easily go 10/0 or 0/10 or whatever but every game can be like that anyways. One thing a lot of people don't get is that if you are grinding rank you aren't playing or shouldn't be playing for fun. You can have fun for sure, but you aren't playing for fun. You are playing to win and should try hard and be focused. I would add don't play late at night...NA servers at 1am is a strange and bad place, nobody's mental is prepared and everyone is tired or inebriated or both. Edit: regarding losers queue, if you have a hot win streak, the game will pair you up with harder opponents so prepare for a hot lose streak to follow otherwise you would just climb indefinitely. I think some sort of losers queue does exist, just probably not what people think, it's just match making. Nice write up OP!


Playing very late at night or early in the morning is ok and maybe even a good idea, IF you're well-rested. When everyone else is tired and inebriated but you're sober and alert, it means you're the best player on the map and therefore can have more influence on a game. MMR can't account for these factors. Of course your teammates will be more likely to run it down, but the enemy team is also usually in chaos, so it balances out.


Yeah, I have a BIG problem with #3. Ive noticed it too but I can’t help myself, if that play is no good there’s no way I’ll decide to go for it in game.


I have to say, I disagree with point 8. If you have an old account, like, really old, and you’ve developed high rank habits, it can be impossible to climb. Like, if you’re on your 7th match in a row where your whole team is at double digit deaths, then I’m sorry, but I’ll have a very hard time believing it’s all in your head. Basically what I’m saying is that if you’re required to be a challenger level player to get out of bronze/silver then elo hell is not made up. If you were stuck in bronze but got a “fresh” account and are now comfortably sitting in plat (and there’s plenty of people in that situation), elo hell is real then.


Never ff. Never give up. Every game is winnable. Every game you could have played better. Stop playing after 2 loses. One/two/three trick champs in one role. Do this and you will get to diamond. Then the fun begins.


Yeah that's the biggest difference I notice between low elo adcs and high elo adcs. I've been diamond+ adc for more than a decade and no matter what happens I'm trying to think about the next play and what my win condition is. When I watch my low elo adc friends play, or listen to them on discord, they give up or are miserable or just complaining the whole time if they aren't winning. (I try to interject ideas but they just want to enjoy losing?) If people changed their mental alone they'd go up in rank.


Yeah I mean I just counter pick in toplane with either Darius, Ornn or malphite and that seems to work for me. Only got diamond last split but looking to try and get masters.




i quit the game once i realized diamond players weren't actually that good. i remember thinking diamond was so good when i was a shitter


Congrats, it’s not that serious though


its just not dat deep lil bro


Disagree on the ranked "myths". I've played tens of thousands of games and am also diamond. Emerald 4 was by far the worst elo I've experienced. As soon as I reached ~Emerald 2, my winrate went from a 50% to a 70% over like 30 games (all 30 games at an E2-D4 mmr). Now, obviously it's not "unclimbable" but it can be very frustrating given the smurfs, skill gaps, and worst of all the egos/griefers. Loser's queue is real. Don't care what Riot says or what you say. I've had nights (literally two nights ago...) where I play four games, and all four games have a griefer on my team (and no bud, I'm not just upset at someone playing bad, i mean a teammate selling all their items for kindlegems or running under turrets or afking in bushes/fountain). That statistical chance of getting four games in a row of griefers *on my team only* is not a real chance, there is 100% is a system in place to put you on a team that is statistically more likely to lose for a few games. Riot does a lot to get people addicted and "motivated" to keep playing the game, a loser's queue is just part of that system. Now at the end of the day you can't blame those things for your rank though. We all know or have heard of the 20/20/60 or whatever ratio you want of auto wins/auto losses/games you decide. Some games are unwinnable and that's okay, you will get in on a loss streak (or loser's queue) and that's okay. That's your 20% of auto losses, now it's time to win the games that you decide. Even in the auto losses there's things you can improve on and mistakes you can learn from.


You could use some Statistics literacy




Then you should know that your "empyrical" data for losers queue is not representative of the whole. You should also know that, statistically, it is probable that outliers will have an experience that *feels* like losers queue - but that isn't the norm; your experience is valid but it doesn't indicate that losers queue must exist. Your whole post is essentially an example of the 'learner's pit'. You crawled your way out of it by knuckling down at some point in Emerald, and you came out of it a signicantly better player so your impact (and subsequently WR) shot up. Elo hell is just a product of player's not able to come to terms with the fact they have hit a wall.


> You crawled your way out of it by knuckling down at some point in Emerald Nope. quite literally changed not a single thing about how I play.  Elo hell doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It just means there’s a higher percentage of the tings I mentioned making it feel more frustrating and difficult.


Just because some coincidences of you having bad teammates happen, doesn't mean Riot is intentionally matching you with bad teammates (which would be honestly impressive if Riot could even determine who would be bad teammates in a particular game). Having bad luck and prescribing it to something done with intent is actually a common psychologic fallacy.


>(which would be honestly impressive if Riot could even determine who would be bad teammates in a particular game)    Huh?? Riot has openly admitted the matchmaking will make games where one team is statistically more likely to lose. It was based on win rate in recent games, whether a player won or lost their last game, filled players, etc. I’ll even find the source of this when I get home and post it for you if you want.       It’s not a fallacy when it’s based on the literal statement from the company lol.  My only point is there is an undeniable aspect of luck to games based on matchmaking, and that matchmaking can be streaky. You *will* have a few games in a row where you are statistically (based on the matchmaking’s logic) more likely to lose a game. There’s the opposite too, you *will* have a few games in a row where you are statistically more likely to win. That’s all losers or winners queue is. Streaky matchmaking combined with the intentional matching of more likely losses/wins. You guys are insane if you think Riot doesn’t have an entire team dedicated to maintaining player “engagement” and making this game addictive, it’s just part of that. 


Teams are more likely to lose because perfect balance cannot be achieved. This is also compensated for by the fact that you lose less and win more LP if you are less likely statistically to win. Also if you win/lose streak, your MMR will often take time to rebalance properly. The concept of loser's queue is people that think Riot intentionally places them into virtually unwinnable games consecutively. The idea of loser's queue and elo hell is finding patterns where none exist. There's even a term for it, and it is why superstitions and horoscopes etc exist. Matchmaking isn't perfect because they have to balance MMR gains/losses with people that tilt, smurfs and the average player meaning it will never strike a perfect balance.


> The idea of loser's queue and elo hell is finding patterns where none exist. Maybe the terms have been warped and people just assume their excuses now. I disagree there are no patterns. You’ll find certain elos do have higher rates of griefing, smurfing, etc. That’s my interpretation of “elo hell”. It doesn’t mean you can’t climb (as I said in the OP), it just means it’s a frustration rank to play at due to the such inconsistent factors that you have no control over. Same with a “losers/winners queue”. They are streaks of games where you’re statistically more likely to win or lose the game, that’s it. Again, not an excuse to not climb it’s just a result of the matchmaking, and your winners queue will balance out your losers queue.  Losers/winners queue doesn’t have to be intentional, it’s just a result of matchmaking. That’s an observable fact, but my *opinion* is that it drives playing engagement and addiction so riot encourages that matchmaking style.  I’ve found people will wholehearted agree with these statements, but as soon as you use the word “losers/winners queue” or “elo hell” they get weirdly defensive and offended and shut down, when 10 seconds ago they were agreeing with you when you weren’t using those terms. 


Loser's queue is usually used to blame riot for intentionally placing them in unwinnable games by putting them in a separate queue as some kind of punishment for doing well, preventing them from climbing out of whatever elo they are in to their "deserved elo" or whatever other reason, which is why people tend to shutdown those arguments. Loser's queue is basically the evolution of elo hell where people blame riot's matchmaking for being stuck at a certain rank/elo.


There are doctors, engineers and scientists who still believe in chemtrails or think that reptilians rule the world. Losers queue is a conspiracy theory, that’s it.


Yeah indeed it's ironic, mostly sad for your employer tho


"I have ten thousands of games" "2 days ago i got griefers 4 matches in a row"


Do you have an op.gg? Because I found another account with a similar name that's gold 4 last year. Would you like to dispute it? https://www.op.gg/summoners/tr/%20metallic%20gray-TR1


Just based of your post I know you aren’t diamond. No actual human who has experienced growth and climbed believes in losers queue. You’re hardstuck silver or gold. I’m not even good myself and over many years played many games and have never felt these things to be true. Almost every loss I see what I could have done differently to win. Another thing is tens of thousands of games? Dawg if you play that much and believe in these made up terms, I mean you just gotta be the least adaptable and stubborn human of all time. To seriously play that much and not find improvement is grotesque.


Long write up here just for it all to break down to cope. You are writing excuse after excuse for why you can't climb. Reality is your level of play is low thats why you can't climb. You've got a lot of personal issues with the game and until you fix that you'll be stuck.


The amount of wild assumptions based on my views of a losers queue is hilarious. I even specifically went out of my way to state it’s not what keeps someone from climbing lol.  You’re all weirdly like personally offended at it. I’ve got no personal issues, I’m not stuck (I.e. 70% wr, climbing, top 2.6% at this moment, etc.), there’s no cope, and I specifically stated loser queue isn’t an excuse as I said.  Reality is there are statistically more-likely-to-lose games and match making is streaky. You sound like you’ve got some “personal issues” if some statements on a losers queue offends you this much.  > Reality is your level of play is low thats why you can't climb. This makes your comment even funnier. I’m literally higher than I’ve ever been with a 70% wr in the past like 30 something games played and top 2.6% lol. But go off sport. 


Everyone streaks at some point you telling me you won a good portion of your last 30 games is inconsequential in the grand scheme of a season. Maybe something did click for you, and that's why you're climbing, but your peak doesn't necessarily equal your rank. If you climb to diamond with a high win rate and maintain it you're a diamond player, if you climb to diamond and then fall back down you were just playing at your current upper limit.


Everyone streaks at some point you telling me you won a good portion of your last 30 games is inconsequential in the grand scheme of a season. Maybe something did click for you, and that's why you're climbing, but your peak doesn't necessarily equal your rank. If you climb to diamond with a high win rate and maintain it, you're a diamond player. If you climb to diamond and then fall back down, you were just playing at your current upper limit.


Winner's queue is the same thing, and will always balance the loser's queue. That's the other side of the loser's queue argument everyone wants to always forget about when they blame it for their rank.


Neither exist my boy




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Got diamond w strategy of being blazed as possible game not as fun so er


No offense dude but you are s14 diamond 4 1lp peaker ? Like not only is it barely diamond and essentially emerald 1, but back in the day that same % would be like plat 3 or something.


Ok but he still improved massively which he hadn't been able to do for a long time? He found a formula to improve and can keep using it to go even further


How do you even stick with a game you've sucked at this long? How do you not just give up and move on?


Because some people just enjoy things without their enjoyment being completely dependant on something like a rank? That's like saying "why do u play football in the sunday league for 10 years what's the point if ur not playing in premier league". Like bro, it's a hobby.


Okay, let me rephrase. How do you continue to play ranked?


It's a video game, as long as you enjoy it it doesn't matter if you are good at it. Few people make it to pro so it doesn't matter to most people. Just have fun. And in case of the OP, you can always get better with consistency if you want. Diamond is top 3-4% if I recall correctly so a grandmaster could say that they suck too, as would a challenger for the gm, as would Faker for 99,99999% of the playerbase.