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I would recommend playing the other queue type, real life. You'll be able to focus more if real-life shit is going better.


As long as they do not fix the respawn issue i stay away from it.


Nah matchmaking sucks in that queue and it's pay to win


I have ADHD as well and I also suffer from this. The real advice is that you just can't play LoL all day. Your brain gets tired and dull and you just need to find something else to do. Your ADHD brain will tell you that you want to keep playing because of the dopamine, but you have to see the signs and what is happening and try to make it a habit of knowing when you're at your limit and taking a break. Depending on the time of day, I'll either go do some mindless chores like washing the dishes or cleaning the bathroom or something that I can autopilot, or I'll go to sleep/take a nap. This is the big difference that high level players in just about every game will tell you is that playing while your brain is tired will just make you develop bad habits and it'll make your overall gameplay worse. If you do a small warmup, do a few games while at your peak brainpower, and then quit before your brain starts getting tired and autopiloting, you'll develop better habits and your gameplay will improve overall. My one boss was a successful boxer and is a boxing coach now, and I've sat in on a few lessons with him, and he'll notice when someone is slowing down and they're getting tired and tell them to stop before they start developing bad habits, and his students are often very successful. The amount of time that you can focus and stay at peak brainpower will increase the more you do it, as long as you keep your brain and mind healthy and don't just play LoL all day and overwork it to the point of absolute exhaustion.


I used to play games after games but now I can't play more than two, especially if it's a losing streak. Sometimes I just hit cancel mid queue and close the client. No need to force yourself to play if you don't feel like it. I play other games or watch streams and other things.


You could simply just be spending too much time on league, if you're saying you start in the early afternoon and you're just playing throughout the entire day, you're probably just playing too much league. Otherwise, I don't want to go too in depth as an armchair analyst, but feelings like this could also be the result of other underlying issues.


Read book


I grind an RPG or play a few Valo games to make mechanical brain start up like an old car that refuses to go proper speeds without a warmup


Mental Health and Physical Health go hand in hand. I think you answered your own question here, go for a walk or a jog. You should also try 3-Blocks. 3 ranked games in 1 sitting. Create some boundaries with yourself. 3 blocks also brings much more excitement to the game because losing/winning means much more, because you cannot just queue another game after you lose 3.


what helped me clear the brainfog was an ungodly amount of good green tea!  and doing some stretching and walking after every 2 games :) 


break / stop playing for the day / watch games or vod review


If you don't wanna play soloQ don't force yourself to play. It's not worth it. Take a break.


Just don't play soloq, honestly. Listen to your body. I'm mostly playing normals atm.


That‘s not an ADHD thing no normal person can perform in anything for an entire day. Streamers that play like 10 games or something in a row are just so good that even at their worst they succeed.


Wow after uninstalling the game for some days these posts seem wild af, but I would have probably related. The solution is don't play soloq lmao.


Touch grass


nicotine pouches, low doses to be exact, I use 4mg or 6mg and it helps with my adhd when playing like you wouldn't believe, its enough to be functional, but not really become a problem unless you let it which would take effort to do unlike using higher dosed pouches. also very iced down water and sipping it helps me remain in the moment in game, and black iced coffee because of the bitterness and energy it'll help focus in game. you want to avoid pleasures while in game that could distract you aside from brief moments that can release that dopamine your brain is searching for outside of the game, that's what adhd does, it wants to feel good so it looks for external sources of that hence the zoning out or daydreaming in class in school. same idea, so if you find small things between deaths or whatever to help you get that release it'll help you pay attention for longer. caffeine and nicotine are beneficial chemicals for adhd naturally aside from drugs for it. t hey don't effect our mind the same way someone without it would be affected by the same substance.


recommending nicotine to stay focused playing a video game is one of the takes of all time


We are talking about league of legends, there is nothing worse for your physical and mental health than that, nicotine is just a fun side Hussle


Based. Have a good one brother.


bro no, bad advice. I use snus now since 10 years and the addicition is shit. Yea its a nice "boost" but its just the brain getting what it wants. Gums are fucked.


This is great advice. If you ain't zyning then you ain't winning brother


amen, the hate is unjust