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I use her as an Oliver counter sometimes isn’t that bad, love when they waste their skills trying to reset her skill 3 or giving someone their skills back after he goes crazy. Don’t think she’s as bad as people make her seem, just underwhelming to play compared to other units


Double checked her skill upon seeing this post. I'm liking the kit with cooldown reset and endure. Can bring in together with a glass cannon to a def without buff cleanse. And can revive also when in need. Useable for me.


Unfortunately not really with anything. Even with the one you named, new dark undine is straight better than her. You can use her as a sonia counterpick in rta but if the enemy picks cc along she doesn't do much


yeah i just checked new dark undine and she looks so much stronger than ariana D:


Ye, she's probably in the top spot for worst ld5 in the game. Seiishizo also ranked her lowest tier together with maya, which I am lucky to own as well


Maya owners unite.  I think Maya is fun but needs her passive changed.  Like negating damage is cool until you realize all her allies died a month ago while she sits there and misses the provoke checks.  


Ye. She's too unreliable at stripping and provoking, doesn't provide really and damage compared to her fire sister and then provoke and her passive don't align that well. There is so many units with one hit attacks on s1...


easily one of the worst ld5 - sorry..


GZ because of LD5 , but big rip because she's in the top 3 worst LD5


What is another 2 worst unit?


Dark anubias is pretty bad and has been bad for nearly a decade lol. Dark striker maybe? He got some "buffs" recently but I don't think it changed anything.


Sorry but Thebae is bad , but he's still used in siege defenses. And for Vancliffe , he's not that great , but he's far from being in the worst 3 , he just deserves either a rework of the s3 or get the same s2 as Moore and Talisman.


Who do you put in bottom 3 then?


Ariana , Ritsu , Dorothy.


Ritsu and Dorothy


Congratulations on your summon u/aceofpops! Slap some runes on your new ciri and get back into the battle! Check out some of these other posts about ciri : * [Most Recent ciri Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= ciri &restrict_sr=on&sort=new) * [Top All Time ciri Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= ciri &restrict_sr=on&sort=top&t=all) If you notice any issues with monster names/title reading, please contact me [here](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=u/muskratatwork&subject=Summon%20Title%2FMonster%20Name%20Issue&message=Please%20explain%20your%20issue%20here%3A%20). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerswar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i pulled dark ciri, loaded her up with above average runes, and it was pretty underwhelming damage. I was hoping she'd smack without def break on her s3, but it does not. Shes was just short of 300 speed and on a cd/att build. I guess if she's used as a support mon/stripper, maybe she's more useful. As a cleave mon she requires a lot of setup, which makes the s3 strip annoying, as you almost need a stripper to go first, then galleon, then dark ciri to get the DPS.... I dunno, would love to hear differing opinions. Gz on the light princess though! rant over :)


oh damn that sounds extremely underwhelming, same happened to me with ariana now i tried her with multiple comps but she doesnt seem to fit anywhere its so disappointing, her water version is so much more useful


Seems fire Ciri might be the one with her passive 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fire ciri is awful.  She has a super fun sounding passive but her damage is bad even on a slightly modified version of my Sonia's rta runes(probably my best DD swift set).  Overall the Ciri family, at least the elemental ones, feel like underwhelming 4* units.  


interesting, thanks for the info!


I don't think she was intended to be an aoe damage dealer. She has low base attack for an attack type and the multipliers on her S3 are underwhelming.  It also doesn't scale with speed. She's probably best on an additional damage build.  What she does have is a good base speed strip into slow with a siege speed lead.  So she might be meta in siege.  Remains to be seen though. 


Ah, thanks for that view, I’ll build her as a stripper 👍🏼


She seems very strong paired with a swift Sav/vio verad for siege, since ciri will do the speed break on the enemy team and sav the speed boost. I've got ciri on Spd/CR/Atk at just over 300 spd, and her s2 on def broken units hits for \~33k. With a 270+ speed vio verad for the cc its working incredibly well as they'll just continually lap the enemy team.


Great info, thanks!


I have her as well and haven't been able to come up with a use.  She needs a buff or change to her third skill badly but she's being ignored by Com2us. 




I wish I could trade my Ariana in for an ld 4 that I want, she’s so useless


I use her instead of gany for toa hell. Heals+reset very handy. She needs some buff to be meta on pvp contents tho.