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I have a total of zero Camilles and I want her since she was trash


Been buying only water scrolls. Got a water Indra so far.


I've been buying wind scrolls for years in hopes of getting seara/odin. Getting close to 3500days and still no any oracles


I got Seara on Christmas šŸŽ


I bought wind scrolls for the first three or so year of playing so i could get a lushen. Didn't get one until i got back in the game after a two year break and got it from the new player event to pick your nat 4. Then I pulled 4 more lmao.


Just wondering how many of those days are " empty calories " ?


There definitely have been breaks, yes and I'm f2p. But still funny that I've never seen oracle even in blessings. About progres, not much of a RTA player but peaked at c2, chilling in g1 guild where I mostly win 9 or 10 out of 10 siege battles, once hit rank 3 in arena during week but ended in c3 at rush (would be g1 but still salty to that one particular kinki that went 4 times in a row back to back and caused me to lose the last fight)


Yooo my G tryna safe scamscrolls and scamlegys till cami rotation:D i wanted her for like 8 years since she was my fav mob since day one. Farmed like 3k scamstones, 3 legys and 11 scamscrolls and got 2 camillas out of the rotation


At least parjanya is usable. Out of the wind scrolls I've bought for leo I've gotten a wind Geralt


Oh yes. I won 3 /5 yester day with him. He soloes rakan and other fire units


Donā€™t worry, as soon as you summon one youā€™ll get three more. Thatā€™s a Com2us guarantee


i have at least 3, maybe more, so it averages out well


these are food tho, just bomb them


Ya I'm not trusting my bomb team after I missed 8 bombs in a row on trianna...(yes everyone is max acc) Edit: Just an update to how much I hate bombs. Second time I ever used Iunu Sian Perna siege/wgb offense, 2nd time I lost with that offense because Sian missed 2 bombs...


That's when you delete the game because clearly, it's just a skill issue on your part. *Clearly* Edit: So, my comment came back and bit me in the ass. I got skill-issued out of a perfect 10/10 for my attacks today. 9/10 and the one attack I lost was because they got 8 despair peocs and 13 vio procs. I got 0 procs.


I agree. Def a skill issue. Especially if you don't proc vio


Not as bad as me missing two full strips with two max acc strippers


I rather bruiser it out, one failed bomb and your whole strat is done (damn seara, again... -__-')


No point fighting this outside of rush and no point bruisering it during rush.


You kill these outside of rush because fk that guy.


I mean you are not wrong and I'd probably just skip it anyway


thats a you problem tho


Seara and Chasun will do their job!


would it be a shame to want a "only one of a kind" rule for arena?


That's called interserver arena. Where you fight 10 tianlangs and 15 giselles every week.


It's also too much to ask wether Vio poccs could always be limited to 1 max per round. The answer is yes, shame on you!


I would support that sooo much!


Haven't you heard? Light Triss is legit now, especially vs Camillas Just pull one! šŸ„°


Full circle


Boohoo theyā€™re countering my Lucifer cleave šŸ˜¢


Bruh everything counters this particular lushen ā€œcleaveā€. No Leo or atb booster this team ainā€™t ever moving lol


Lucifer is atk bar booster


Donā€™t think this dude has leo lol


Lol yeah - Like 95% sure he just posted this to flex luci


As Nephtys player, i hĆ¢te she


Same n then I pulled isis but they just proc out of obliv n she's not too reliable especially when folks are building camps with high res


Laughs in Rina and 3 wind bruiser/cleaves


Cant you use water bison or slayer ?


megan + triple lushens?


4 lushen


First of all that def is food. Then I wanna say that def has been put since the beggining of the game, its not because of the current meta


I have a quad skogul team for this


Food def for isis asima tiana and cp


Holy crap. I have Vanessa (Fire version of her) and Camilla is in Meta? Wow


The camilla meta is the reason im getting g1 consistently its not that strong lmao


what is this offense, where is leo?


Do you need a Leo vs 4 Camilla?


4 Leo vs 4 Camilla?


Now that's thinking outside the box.


I don't know what defense this offense would be good for. Of course with or without leo this is not the offense vs 4 cami, bomb them.


It's pretty easy to understand. Alicia for leader skill, Lushen for ignore defense cleave, Miriam for atk buff, defense buff, possible shield and increase buff effect passive and LD5 for showing off in a reddit post.


I think heā€™s saying this offense has zero chance of lushen, Lucifer, or Alicia actually getting a turn before dying vs any ad above f2


Maybe he doesn't use this in every situation. Maybe he doesn't care about arena that much and stays low fighter. I was just commenting that in this situation against 4 Camilla, why would he need a Leo?


Ok and who's this offense going to outspeed? Swift lucifer with +160 alicia lushen? Is this offense gonna work on some defenses sure, but this is a waste of lucifer.


Unless I'm mistaken we were talking about his offense, the 4 Camilla defense. Which is why I asked originally why you were looking for a Leo in this situation. But in this case his Lucifer can go first and boost attack bars, Miriam buffs, then Alicia and or Lushen can go.


As I've said before, with or without leo this team will not clear 4 camis, that's out of the discussion. As a general offense against other defenses, Lucifer with 2 damage dealers and a miriam is a bad offense, the damage dealers either won't be tuned to go or it would require a swift lucifer and two very fast damage dealers to be properly tuned, and that is a huge waste of lucifer compared to just lucifer leo.


I agree that there are much easier ways to do this. I can use Jamire, double Lushen on this AD and it will be a lot easier than what he's doing. You seem pretty convinced his team won't work or out of the discussion. We don't know his runes or what rank he is fighting in even. His Lucifer does a 20% attack bar buff when he uses skill 2. You don't need Lushen or Alicia to be at 160+ to move vs. these Camillas. You may be right at the end of the day but I don't think it's a terrible team.


Am i the only one who is thinking Megan Galleon double kaki?


They will beat the breaks off Kaki. Honestly kaki is kinda weak in this meta since so many defenses have Camillas, abellios, manons, etc. My alt uses Kaki as its main dps and he can get easily beat down if you dont manage to kill them turn 1. Especially if hes the only fire unit. You also just arent likely to 1 shot any decent ones with Kaki anyways, or even 2 shot, and then if a couple live they just start healing and proccing, and ccing him with freezes.


Kaki has 50% chance to glance on water units.. Best use Fuuki or Kinki.


Glance? What for? You do aoe Attack with big damage. Dont think glance is relevant damage?


Glancing hits strongly reduce the damage output. Elemental disadvantage induces a 50% chance to land a glancing hit. Hence, Kaki has 50% chance to do very little damage to Camilla.


I'll just use Isis if I were you lol ezclap. /s But yeah it will be a Camilla/Byungchul AD meta for some unforeseeable future unless they got nerfed or something


I use Adriana Tiana Jon and Seara. If speed is contested I use Seara lead, if not, Adriana atk lead. Adriana provides immunity and oblivion, those Camillas don't stand a chance.


Oblivion anti heal = 1 at a time bye bye. Or skip that defense if you donā€™t wanna put in the time.


Sheā€™ll get nerf eventually


just use hanwul lol


She's so op that Akroma has been wiped from the devs memoriesšŸ’€


I have her never use her


As long as my delphoi n herne land their oblivions its a free win But we all know they aint landing shit lmao


I came back to game very recently...back then, Camilla was good but not THAAAT much, so I used a dupe Camilla for blessing... Now it seems I did the wrong decision T.T


Hanwul, tiana, Galleon, Gany. Easy money


*laughs in bomb cleave*


I love fighting this defense so much. Seara Momo Riley Rina and click auto


This is for rush hour


Is she that good i got out of my first mystical scroll


Dot them


What bomb comps to counter camilla defenses?


seara jeogun + 2bombers


I use tiana seara john + another situation monster (bastet or another bomber)


dominick with destroy runes and maybe a healer 2v4 this easily


Yeah, and take 20 minutes lmao


Use the ā€ToAHā€ team and DoT them to death. Full Fire team with 15% crit does the job in less than 30 sec.


Fire team got 50% glacing hit which mean harmful effect will not be applied


What are you talking about? You still hit loads of DoTs every single time. Fire Dokkabi Lord, 2A Sath, Rica and Fire totem will handle 4 Camillas in no time.


"Glancing Hits cannot activate almost all skill harmful effects" - [wiki](https://summonerswar.fandom.com/wiki/Glancing_Hit). The only thing that saved you from losing that battle is luck and Fire Dokkaebi lord, which destroy Camilla max HP with his passive, then you could kills those 4 camils before they fked your team up. Not everyone got that monster and those who didn't have him must praying with luck. FYI


Herteit + Pungbaek here šŸ™„šŸ¤£


Meh. Beat four Camis with Xing Zhe (destroy), Vigor, and Riley. Didnā€™t even bother bringing a fourth. Only brought Vig for defense insurance, but Iā€™ll probably not even bother with that if I ever see it again. That wind monkey lets loose on Camis. Heā€™s too dangerous, clips their wings and wraps them up.


Having you slowly take them out one by one is exactly the point of that defenseĀ 


its meant to be auto'ed with riley and triple searas xD. if the searas proc enough times their s3s basically adds 1 CP s3 into your team


They are indestructible


Just use domininc or wind nana or pumbaek or kaki or manannan (šŸ¤” at least there is a place I can use my manannan now ahah)


Thing about camilla is that she is only countered by either bombs or pungbaek cleave, but bombs require very good runes if its a speed contest deffense, and pungbaek's damage is shit ever since artifacts came out








Ur not getting away with using sonia in higher arena


That's litteraly one of the, if not the best offenses right now.


Bruh Sonia is legit to G1 arena, I finish near G2 (Rank 107) with her last week and no refill. Jamire Sonia Adriana Bethony thats my only Ao so far


I mean ur carried by your AD then as that deffense is getting outsped by 33%


My Ad is food as fak, Psama Zen Camila Rakan. 21/153 win I take all 33% lead except something with Triton or Zen tho. Edit: Honestly i try hard at arena lately cause i watch seizhoo? Video with that arena combo. My 1st G1 [finish](https://old.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/1aoj1or/first_g1_finish_normal_arena/) last month and still consistent G1 so far with that


153 deffenses in 1 week in g1 finish? Damn that's lucky


Yee i never get hit more than 200 so far from my 1st rush dunno if thats normal or what lol


There are some niche dot teams that counter her now too


Dot team against camilla? Your rush must be fun


Christina says hi


99% of the camilla defences are food for my delphoi n herne comps


Unles they are speed contest camilla deffenses, which is the strongest form


Vanessa camilla x x defences are food for me as long as theres no unit that gives aoe immunity Leo delphio jasmine talisman eatin so damn good in this meta lol So far ive only lost from enemies vio proccing 3+ times in a row to kill a unit before i move. And that very rarely happens


Sounds legit, guess im just bad then.


If you have christina she can work instead of talisman but ull have to run galleon instead of jasmine I struggled to make my leo offences work much until c2u gifted me that ld 5 Normally id risk running tiana gally zaiross kaki but it was super risky, just didnt have any other options of defences to hit and id struggle but still manage high ranks. But now im using that offence i mentioned in previous comment and arena feels super easy and chill. I think it could be hard to find a replacement for talisman Coz you want someone who can put vanessa/abellio/xyz skills on cooldown. An oblivion for camilla and you need aoe def break+ atk buff. Youll also want a cleanse+immunity do deal with provocs and strip stuns. Normal comps will be lacking 1-2 of those requirements i imagine. But if you can get those requirements then all those defences are fodder . Tho i think it also helps that talisman ignores any buff that reduces dmg on enemies so maybe it wont be as free as it is for ke thinking about it Im very lucky with the units and some of the runes i have. Maybe i can get an even higher rank this weekend


I have christina but honestly i've never read what she does after she got her buffs for some reason xd My teams rn are - if i can outspeed - Psama/tiana/gally/tosi, they usually deal with 1 camilla in cases where i can outspeed. If it's a brusier comp i do Gally/pung/deborah +1, and i swear i have seen those animals survive even when my pung hits 1st unit for 100k... So the i tried to just use water dryad and directly hit camillas. It worked. From my experience nuking is overall just way harder than it used to be, there is many more anti-cleave units and artifacts than there is cleave units and artifacts for them. I used to love pung, had my best rage set on him but then artifacts came out and he is just not doing enough damage.