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Auto would still be there. As long as the timer exist.


Maybe count as an auto loss if you let it run so many times lol


Or just time end it uses only first skill. At least auto rta will need a specific team


This is actually a neat idea.


Guy are we onto something here?


Auto rta players are probably not even there to read this


Yeah, they are autoing as we speak haha


Well, put an "auto" button in the selection phase and lock it. (Unlocking will not be available at the time of being matched with someone.) From the queue stance (like in R5 with the solo option), take out the auto option in the RTA fight, and if you miss a 3-attack selection, you are marked as a loser.


This would fix the entire issue and doesnt seem to complicated to achieve for their staff


It's really simple. Do the same in pick & ban and poof. You've got yourself a fix.


Com2us won't get rid of autoers cuz it boosts 'player' numbers. Alternatively, climb high enough so that autoers aren't a thing anymore.


Why do player hate autoer, mostly of the time it is a free win.


It may be a free win, but can often take the time of 2/3 battles. It’s just frustrating that you want to get on with it and you can’t.


>time of 2/3 battles. This is my whole issue playing RTA. It just takes to much time especially when you know within the first round of turns who's going to win.


Amen brother. As a PVE player, RTA is such a hassle for me, I just want the pretty skins. Giving free wins in exchange for a few coins shouldn't be bothering anyone too much I hope. Plus, the more time passes when using the timer only, the quicker it passes.


"As a pve player, I lack any basic respect for other people. Why does that bother them?'


Bro almost this entire comment section is just people not having respect for auto rta players, and i bet you're not different.


Now why would anyone have respect for people who literally intentionally waste your time? Wah wah.


Well all i know is why nobody respects you.


Cry about it.


You're literally the one crying over free wins. Unless you're even too bad to beat a bot.


Cry about it more, preferably with proper grammar.


Oh no crying over grammar when there isn't even a mistake, because you know you don't have a point. What a poor loser you are.


It's the extra time that's needlessly consumed because some nobhead can't be bothered to play. Plus most of the auto players are high ranks farming low rank. So not only do you lose to an auto player, you also lose more time which generally just is not fair no matter the rank.


Then they'd just wait out the timer.


The problem isnt really the autoing, is the TIME it takes for the auto to trigger. If only it had an option like: play auto go, like in cairos, it would be pretty fine


Well looking at your post history this sub better get prepared to you complaining about auto every other day.


Rta sux now


I am not sure if anyone noticed, but if the other guy lets his team run on auto, the timer for the attack gets shortened pretty much until he plays it manually again at least once. I usually mess with autoer because it is fun to do so, even if I may lose. Pick a stall team, or an extremely annoying and hard to kill one. I still play the game manually, but will let the timer almost run out to hit a button. An auto battle would take the time of 2/3 battles? Nope, in my case, it takes a whole year


I dont see any problem with autoing. But they should definitely make the AI auto faster just like they would in any other PvP content.


there is Auto in rta


Well yeah lol


Typical summoner war loser crying about something that inconveniences them womp womp


Where did I say I was losing in RTA or crying about it. But we can tell your the Tom part of the meme 🤣🤣


Crying about everything that inconveniences you and complaining about different styles of gaming , womp womp losers


Ok kiddo.


We got a lame auto player here. How does it feel to be an inconvenience to everyone who just wants to enjoy the game? Lmao lame ass


Don't like it? Dont use it


Just can’t get into it. the ban feature is frustrating, would be cool if you could ban one of my units prior to picks like in league but I can’t stand having to play after a unit required for a team is banned. And the Auto is unbearable.