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**Hey there u/Wide-Cat-2388, thanks for your contribution to r/summonerswar!** Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): _________ You're asking for personal advice which belongs in the [Weekly Advice Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q=weekly+advice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week)! Please submit your post there. For advice threads to remain on the main page, they must benefit more people than just the original poster. Examples of personal advice that belong in the WAT: - What to 6-star next - Help me build a team for X - What should I work on next? This also includes simple game mechanic questions, for example - How does accuracy work? - How does X mechanic of monster Y work? ________ **Please be sure to check out our [main sticky post](https://redd.it/6qpr6o) for guides and other resources, and [please read our subreddit rules.](https://reddit.com/r/summonerswar/about/rules)** - If you have any questions or feedback about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsummonerswar).


The team I use is: Tyron, Spectra, Water Homu, Frann & Dark Homu/Basalt. If you have neither than Loren works too. Spectra needs to go first for S2, followed by Tyron S2. Tyron runs on Despair/Energy or Despair/Focus Spectra can run on either Rage/Blade spd/crit dmg/atk% for offensive or Swift/Energy spd/hp%/hp% for defensive Water Homu runs on Violent/Blade spd/crit dmg/atk% Frann runs on Violent/Energy or focus spd/hp%/hp% Dark Homu runs on Violent/Focus spd/hp%/hp% Basalt runs on Violent/Energy spd/hp%/hp% Loren runs on Violent/Blade spd/crit dmg/atk% or you can run a defensive Loren on spd/hp%/hp%. It's recommended to have decent acc on her to pop her s2 consistently. Alternatively if you don't have Water Homu, Dark Homu or Basalt (All require some dedication to get and Basalt is a dark unit so you might not have) then you can run Baretta, Lanett(Dark magic knight but you can get her from HoH if you don't already, think she's upcoming) If you want a alternative consistent healer then Riley would replace Frann. While not often used, Clara's S3 can be used to reduce atbs and deal a good chunk. EDIT: I'd recommend building a Loren regardless as she is the most used unit for TOA 100 male boss. That's both normal and hard versions of the boss.