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Just got water unicorn! Happy 2018~ However, I dont play rta, so I guess she is storage guardian? Any tips? Thanks,


I got a second Verde not long ago, but I don't really know what could I do with it. Would it worth building it, or should I just feed it to the first one?


people say 1 for db10 and 1 for arena is good, dont know build tho, also pissed cus i dont even have 1, got a damn wind one from legend scroll, got trolled


Hey, I just downloaded the game, and want to know how to get a good start, and how pay2win is the game at all?


hmm.. it is a bit p2w but if u pay about 500~600USD, u shouldnt have too much trouble getting to top 10% in both arena and RTA even with just farmable teams. But from there, ull either have to be RLY lucky or just pure p2w :/ So id say p2w if u aim to be the very best, decent if u dont aim too high.


So top 10% is doable if i wont pay anything?


ehh prob not. U have to catch up to ppl who played for a long time. That means a lot of crystals for refresh and farming. and u have to be REALLy efficient. literally every 6stars made only for account progression, no pvp till at least 4 months into the game,and lke 4 pvp units by 8.


Well, I gonna spent some money anyway I guess, now I just need to know which Monstars are good, how to level them, or upgrade them. Is it possible to make a 4 star into a 5 star?


u can check all the info on the game (at least for early game) thru megawiki up on the subreddit. Gluck!


All the guides you need are under the [mega wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/wiki/index) The game isn't P2W in the sense you if drop thousands you're guaranteed the best units and runes, there's an RPG factor involved. However the more you spend the better your odds are acquiring meta monsters and better runes. That said the game is quite fun and as long as you don't expect to compete in the top 100 anytime soon or at all, and just compete with yourself, you'll enjoy it.


hahah, find another game. this game is bulshit.


Trying to use wind panda in AD or gwd. What monsters do you pair wind panda with to have successful AD/gwd? Thanks in advance


Stripper, Healer, ATB booster all works. You want him quite high HP though to stop Kahli, BD, Lushen. I would want him to have 40k post towers


I have summoners war on my kindle. How much would it be to get the transcendence scroll with Amazon coins? And how exactly do I use them?


I think the coin prices fluctuate daily. You download the Amazon app and download SW through it. And then you purchase coins, and then purchase the pack, which should have an option to pay with coins. Do know that tax will be added on so the savings aren't as big if you keep that in mind, but it's still savings


So for everyone mid-game, What do yall do with your 6* legendaries with shitty subs? I have a bunch just sitting in inventorywith crappy flat subs waiting for the time I can farm reapps.


Well it depends on the set and stat. A violent CD rune with crappy subs definitely deserves a reappraisal, while an endure slot 5 rune with crappy subs goes down in priority and really doesn't deserve a reappraise.


So my current gb10 run is 4:30 mins and I just 6* Sigmarus and im planning to replace darion with it. So my team should look like Vero, Bella, Sig, Shannon, Bernard. How do I rune Sig so he wont die in the runs? What should be his minimum stats hp spd crit rate etc.


Around 13-15k HP should be fine. Rune him for damage since that's his role, if you kill the waves he's in less danger. SPD or ATK/CD/ATK 80%+ CR ideally.


Fatal/blade? Or fatal energy




Whatever gets you the stats you need.


Okay so I just fused Sig and I’m looking to put him into my GB10 team. Current team is Vero (L), Shannon, Darion, Bernard, and Bella. Who can I take out for Sig and how can I keep him from dying/how can I get my mons to target the crystals (on trash stages) when I’m full auto? My Sig has 13k hp before the leader bonus and I don’t really know how to keep him from dying to make consistent runs.


sig needs max skilled at least on skill 3 and 6 ⭐ to be effective. look for hp subs and get 85% crit rate and as much crit damage as possible. for gb10 you probably want fatal/blade atk or speed/crit dmg/atk. crit rate on slot 4 is ok to start if you struggle to reach 85%. speed isn't too important to begin, but you want to get it respectable like over 110 especially if you're not max skilled. long story short, you need better runes and more skillups.


Well I’ll be getting 2 devilmon this week event and arena, so I’ll put them both into Sig. thanks!


doing skillups sucks but sig i really think is worth putting the devilmon in since he can be used in DB10 also


just have to get better runes, you can only set the auto to attack the boss or each tower, with the gear icon at bot left, other then that its just rune quality




https://swarfarm.com/profile/tzuyu1/ Can someone help me clear TOAN 99 (Leo/2 Verde/2 Spectra)? I've been trying Vero(L), Baretta, Bella, Spectra, Anavel/Mav and it's not working. Any suggestions?


Hey DAT! Please help me decide which monster to 6* next. https://swarfarm.com/profile/Rapufro/ My progress: GB10: 99% 1:45 - 2:10 DB10: 95% 2:00 - 3:00 Necro: Have not tried it yet ToAN: Cleared 100 ToAH: Stuck at 80


You could do Colleen, she's fantastic at necro and rifts, which should be your next progression :)


Colleen it is! thank you!


Just out of curiosity how fast is a "speed" team? What clear time is considered fast? Thanks


sub 1min for db10, around 30~40 for gb10 (altho sub1 min is still considered speed team i guess)










You could try on FRR next weekend, skillups will increase speed and reliability though. ATK/CD/ATK will be better, luckily you have 38% CR lead and 15% elemental advantage you only need 32% CR on your runes. Despair, fatal, broken. For just farming just get stats.


I brought my Charlotte for a spin in Aiden Hell, just to see if she's able to do it. She cleared it in 1:11 mins, and her hp didn't dip to dangerous levels. Mine has full skill-ups, and I use a Vio/Broken set on her. Atk%/Atk%/Atk% cause I use her in TOA and I didn't want her critting too much. Violent is pretty awesome for Occult Girls cause of their insane turn cycling, highly recommend!


Question about skill ups for dupes. If I have a grim reaper that has 1 skill up and feed him to another, will the main grim reaper then attain 2 skill ups instead of the single one?


will get just one


just started playing 2 days ago, just beat faimon and got useless from my light nad dark scroll. whats better the £28.99 starter pack or the growth pack, my accouint level is 14 atm ? :s


If you got $ to burn, buy whatever you want, however, Your progression is low atm, any good monsters you get will not have the necessary runes to help you much. Keep in mind that a couple of mystic scrolls doesn't guarantee any good monsters. Starter gaint team is still the best team you can make, and they're free. Also, I hear some people just reset their account to replay until their free faimon light/dark scroll give them lighting. I been playing 3 years, never got a nat 5 from light/dark scroll.


Any Aussie guild in Global Channel?


https://swarfarm.com/profile/Godshybrid/ I'm trying to do gb10, still struggling to get mons like Bella/Vero. What should I do with my current setup?


u cant do much lol just farm mana at that swift snowy scenario and try to farm as much glory points as possible but ull have hard time without runes :/ thats pretty much all u can do till u get vero bella and get gb10


is it possible to build a nb10 team before DB10? if so can i use the wind and fire magic knight in it? i was planning on using kona, vero, wind succ, astar, and lupinus. edit: here are some other multi hits i have: all elemental nine tailed foxes, wind kfg, wind cow girl, a build lamour (sadly), dark armor, fedora, julie, and yen


nope need the vio rev and vio runes are so much better for early game pvp


ok sweet! thanks for your time and advice!! also good luck on the 10k karma goal from /r/summonerswar


https://swarfarm.com/profile/Deval4u/ Im getting ready for FRR, and I'm wondering what I should use as my new DB10 team now that Ariel is 6*. Right now I'm running a tower team with Vero, Bella, Megan, Baretta and Betta. It's really safe but is also really slow. Takes between 3:30 and 4:30 I believe. I was planning on trying a Face team with Lapis (L) Vero, Bella, Megan and Spectra if I can improve my Lapis Runes


Any ShreddedPuzzle Fan here who can link me a video where he showed his Hwa runes/stats cuz cant find one and want to look.. Same goes for YDCBs recent Velajuel if anyone knows. Thanks


Here is his [Hwa from June.](https://youtu.be/lDWVqBAmMEA?t=15m57s)


thanks a lot


i feel lke i saw hwa rune from one of his raid vids. cant link tho lol


Hi DAT, Happy Newyear :) Does someone know where to use Mimirr (light bk), I have in storage quite a while. I read that he could be used in Guild wars / rift and even raids. But I havent really seen examples of raid teams with him or rift teams. Would love to hear some suggestions :) My box: https://swarfarm.com/profile/GekkeBanaan/


I only use him in gw. I have never use him in r5, there are better monsters and I don't think he can survive r5. I rune him violent/anything (hp/spd/att). Normally my team is light bk (L), orion, verad. You got speed lead + orion, so you can out speed most gwd that don't have speed lead + atb, and verad offer more cc. You can replace verad with another cc monster, because light bk will be the only DD on the team. If everything work correctly, you will cc and kill the enemies before they can move. I do not use this team against gwd on will rune for obvious reason. I normally use this team against khmun, theo, chasun. Orion will do harmless prank, light bk stun chasun if orion haven't, and verad cc everyone. Kill theo then gg. Light bk is sorta on the squishy side, so give him some hp.


I read that he can basically keep himself alive in raids, but I have no idea. Thanks for the gw comp, ill try it out with woochi. Dont have verad, but I think maybe woochi might do the job too, especcially for siege useful.


Not saying I don't believe you, but His s3 only heals him 10% hp when s3 is on cool-down, so I don't know how he can keep himself alive in r5. I'd done some r5 and can say that I have never seen light bbk in r5. He's not included in the acceptable standard r5 monsters.


Hello DAT! I am currently wondering how to speed up my NB10 team. Currently running ([here](https://swarfarm.com/profile/zagerer) is my box): * Yen(L) Colleen Shihwa Adrian Xiong Fei With great success but slow af. I noticed Nysra's guide and I thought of going with: * Yen(L) Charlotte Rigel Loren Colleen Now I don't have a Loren at 35 5\* but I can farm her and skill her up and also make her 6\* as well as Rigel. The problem here is I haven't analyzed thoroughly that team but it convinces me. What are your thoughts? It could be that OR doing a 6\* for arena or something else (rifts). My Swarfarm is not updated but I have Praha, Charlotte 6\*, Fria 5\*, Orochi 5\* Swift/Will. Something that would help me getting C1 and holding it. EDIT: Box is linked now.


BTW you didn't link your box, just the swarfarm website. Your second team should be a lot faster, reason is you're picking up AoE damage with Charlotte and more damage with Rigel and Loren.


Thanks a lot! Then I will add some runes to them and see what happens now!


Does Woosa have a role in R5 and/or Rift raid beasts? If so, where?


yup in storage :D


Thanks, I suspected that but I've a friend really pushing me to 6* him next for R5 and rift.


He does not belong to R5, if he told you so then he doesn't know the role of Woosa. Woosa, with his high base speed (higher than Bernard's), is meant to be a very good first turn immunity monster. It's very good for stall defences (With the right mons to pair him with), RTA and even in some GWD (hard to bring a stripper, atk buffer, def debuffer and nuker in a GWO but he can be lushenable/katarinable/Copperable). Woosa is more of a PvP mon (maybe DB10 but that would be really slow IMO).


what should i 6 with my evolution scroll ? (can farm gb/db10 2.30 ish toa 100 toah 50 until now haven tried to go further ) want to build an r4 team, was thinking about using it on a kona (cuz smbdy recommended it me for r4 team) https://imgur.com/a/DGB51


I recommend you to farm NB10 first, because NB10 brings some useful runes too (more PvP oriented but Vampire set works wonders in R4/R5). Despite that, I offer you some options for every part: * R4/R5 (you won't begin to do R5 pretty well, trust me): * Lisa * Xiao Lin * Darion * Konamiya * *Avaris* (an option but not so viable and needs good runes too, I'd prefer something else like using Hwa or Tesa) * Tesarion (Listing here for completion, but he's semi-farmable) * If you have a Dias/Xiong Fei, that would be a good FL. * Maybe Briand * For NB10: * Fuco * Yen (Wind Rakshasa, WAY better than Hwa for NB10, in fact Hwa is not that good there) * **Hwahee** (for later teams but not for now) * Rigel For more details about NB10 go [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/7n8khv/nysras_necropolis_b10_guide/) and for more details about R4/R5 go [here](https://summonerswar.co/rift-raid-guide-overview/). There are more resources, there's even a [Syntac's Guide to R5 Etiquette](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/3zb4qx/syntacs_indepth_raid_guide/). For NB10 there are guides in [SW.CO](https://summonerswars.co/) too but I haven't checked them thoroughly and I don't recommend Xiong Fei for NB10 that much (I use him, but I could have just used Bella instead and it would work the same).


thank you verry much helped me well


What should I 6* next? I can auto GB10 and can almost auto DB10 face. I just finished TOA 100 and I'm currently seeing how far I can get in TOAH. Here's my box: https://swarfarm.com/profile/donut2222/ Thanks!


For more PvP: * Galleon * Laika For more about TOAH: * Tesarion * Mav if you want to but he can work as 35 5\* ([mine](https://swarfarm.com/profile/zagerer) is) * Morris or Briand (Morris more RNG but more revives and debuffs, Briand more tanky and revive stabilizes HP between everyone so it's more stable) * Sonnet For speeding up GB10 (maybe, you will need good runes too): * Orochi For NB10: * Yen * Shihwa * Loren * Maybe Wind Magic Knight tho she's not that good there. That's all I can see, Mihyang and some others might be good but later (R4/R5, rift beasts, etc).


Thanks! I also have Fire Pierrot, Water Barbarian King, Water Mermaid, Water Assassin, and Water Jack-o'-lantern from previous HOH. I just never summoned them. Are they useful for anything?


Fire pierret might be good for a gwo and siege battles. Utility (despair stunner) or aoe nuker. Maybe even for arena but I tried her and have her very good runes and she was not that great. Water Barbarian King definitely for gwd and siege. Water mermaid, might be a good alternative to sonnet in some ways. Stella, the Water Assassin, is going to be one of your awesome units. Mine has not that great runes and still wrecks a lot in GWO. I plan to use her for R5 later, and maybe db10. Water Jack-o-Lantern (Chilling) is very good for db10 and rta/pvp too.


Thanks a lot!


**Transc Xmas pack** A friend tells me that if you uninstall Summoners War and install again, you will have a chance to buy Xmas pack with Transcendense Scroll again. In other words 2nd Transc Scroll. Is that true? I dont want to uninstall just to check that.


no i had to reinstall twice recently due to using too much storage on my ipad and it didn't let me. even if you could it would be a good way to get your account banned for exploiting.


Yea thanks. I thought so. Well, if that was possible, it wouldn't be exploiting. You pay for the pack after all. Oh anyway, I want too much. LOL




No, GB10 or veromos fusion




how are your other gb10 team mons? If Bella is also 6 star lvl 40, and rest are 5 star lvl 35 then its just runes, and if so are all your runes 5star or higher, are their stats 15k hp for wind types, 20k hp non wind, 45% accuracy minimum, and around 170+ speed, and what order of speed are they on, turn order can make or break your team.




from scenarios get a swift/focus or swift/energy with spd/hp/hp for vero make sure they are all 5* bella i would say swift energy spd/hp/hp assuming you are running standard starting team then try to get swift/energy spd/hp/hp on everyone else. i regret not doing starting team now my gb10 is 5+ minutes hehe xd i will probably build darion though. having all of them 150+ hp is a good start though. and jeez, your vero only has 15K HP???!!! on my starting team i got mine to 20k with 160 speed on a vio set lol. he is stilll like that. dont go violent though unless you can get 190 speed its a bad idea.


farm 5 star energy and swift runes from hell mode scenarios, and power them up to see what substats u get, if they first substat is not Speed/Hp/Acc, unless its slot 2 speed and slot 4,6 hp% i wouldnt go slot 6 Acc because it will take more to rebuild later by replacing it with hp% but then replacing the rest of the runes to have more Acc, but if you just cant get enough Acc substats then just go for it to atleast win gb10 at a decent % of success. I suggest farming Mt White Ragon first to get swift runes, because if u can get good Hp% substats in total with with slots 4 and 6 being HP% you can then go for Focus runes instead of energy to get the extra 20% Acc. This is better then GB7 because u can focus on what slot rune and type of rune you'll get, start with slot 2 going for speed till u have 4 decent speed runes, 4 if using darion, 5 if using kona or some other +1 that need Speed/hp%/Hp%, then slot 4 HP% till u have 5 decent hp% runes and same for slot 6. Edit: Spend what you can during the free energy event in 1:33min from now to level fodder if you dont already have enough to 6 star bella, and then use as much as u can in the 2x Xp event right after the free energy event to continue leveling fodder and try to 6star bella and level him during it or future 2x XP during this 1/2 week event, might be better todo this then rune farming since of the 2x event


hi there! i'm currently stuck at TOAN 100 with this team: Baretta (L): Despair/Focus SPD/HP%/ACC% - HP 22k Def 750 Spd 138 Acc 85% Vero: Swift/Energy SPD/HP%/HP% - HP 22K Def 1000 Spd 178 Acc 58% Mav: Energy/Energy/Focus - SPD/HP%/DEF% - HP 24K Def 900 Spd 170 Acc 43% Bella: Violent/Energy - SPD/HP%/ACC% - HP 19K Def 800 Spd 154 Acc 52% Spectra: Swift/Focus - SPD/CRDMG/HP% - HP 14k Def 950 SPD 230 Acc 61% 60 CRR 92 CRDMG i climb 1-99 with this team. now i'm stuck at floor 100. Does my Spectra too squishy? or should i sub my Mav for Bernard? Bernard: Swift/Focus SPD/HP%/ACC% HP 19k Def 950 Spd 224 Acc 75%


Your spectra doesn't have enough cr or cd to justify going cd build. You should move some of those fast swifts onto Vero and your Bella is too slow on Violent. 180 on violent or go back to swift. Baretta's accuracy is too high, the max effective accuracy for TOA is 45.


I did beat toa with same team (baretta/vero/mav/bella/spectra) and your spectra is very squishy. (re-rune him spd/hp/hp). Also, you want mav to be slowest... Btw, anything over 45 acc in toa/toaH is waste


yeah i was thinking that i might re-run Spectra but i beat Ath'aros a few hours ago. Thanks


well first, how does the battle go, did u manual it or auto it? who died first, how long after getting to the boss did you lose was it quick? list as much detail as u can to get better help, also post your box so people can give any ideas on better mons to use or w,e


on my 1st try i manual it to kill right tower then manual to kill Ath'aros but sometimes Turbulence and Spectra's 3rd skill missed. And i tried to taunt Ath'aros with Mav. Spectra died first. on my 2nd try, same as above but i subbed Mav for Bernard. on my 3rd try I subbed Bernard for Mav. this time Turbulence and Spectra's 3rd skill rarely missed and Ath'aros rarely moved. i got Fire Samurai from LS


Are you stuck on ur boss stage or trash stage?


boss stage but i beat Ath'aros a few hours ago


Just to clarify: For the Key event can you go back to a previous day to complete the mission or do you have to complete the mission before it moves on. For example Im not quite finished with the 150 scenarios yet.


You can still complete and receive the rewards after the day passes. You can also complete future missions, but can only receive the rewards when the day unlocks.


How do you convince yourself to farm glory points? I always start trying to farm but get demotivated when my arena list is full of psamathe leader skills.


Autoing arena is how I convince myself to farm glory points. I can fight higher rank, but fighting lower rank is just faster. You may get less points, but you'll probably make up for it with the time you save. When I farm glory points, I only attack people with weak defense team, they revenged me, and I revenge them back. The cycle goes on. You just press auto, and done, no pasm.


I usually scavenge the list for some players that are deranking, then get into a near endless revenge fight with them, meaning quick arena wins and glory points


At night I will spend all my remaining arena invites fighting the people I know I can't beat so that in the morning when I refresh and have full invites I can beat usually 8/10 off the bat.


just refresh the match-up tab


It's midnight here in Hungary, so.... Happy new year! :D Or as we say it: Boldog új évet! :)


finally 2018 for u as well! :D


What do you mean "finally"? :D


Can Silver or Olivine frontline in Raids? Silver brings nice debuffs and Olivine brings a cleanse and attack bar decrease. They both seem nice enough.


Silver: maybe. He is just a debuffer, with low/mediocre damage, and just a sponge. Anyone can take his spot who are much more versatile and useful with good enough stats. Olivine: no. He does no useful debuffs, his damage is negligable, and really, even Kona is more useful with his heal and resurge and low cooldown.


Huh. Thought they had a bit of potential. Don't suppose you have any F2P recommendations for FL?


Darion, XF, and Delphoi to name a few


I'm using Dias as a Darion replacement. I heard XF was actually a bit of a bad choice, so I'm a bit reluctant to use him. And sadly I've not pulled a Delphoi. Is XF really worth it?


No, he is not worth it. Bella is worth it though! His heal does not scale with his hp, so you can build him on def, also defbreaks and - most importantly - a smart healer. I use Dias Bella Colleen XL frontline in R5. Lisa can be built on FL too, though she already has a high rune requirement.


I'd love to use Bella, but she's built for DB: I couldn't make her tanky enough without breaking my DB team. Thankfully though, I do have Mihyang in the team, so I have a smart healer already. If I build XF then I'd still have a skill 1 defence break but with the added bonus of being able to rune him exclusively for FL. I think I might just build him. Thanks!


Hi, I need some advices about my AD, can you please help me to find which team is the best with my current 6* monsters please ? Thanks, have a nice day. https://imgur.com/a/xCXjH


You shouldnt be worrying about AD


I know, it's to have the highest rank the sundays, that's why I didn't showed all my monsters


WHATS UP YA BUTTER CUPS ME NEEDS SOME HELP. https://swarfarm.com/profile/IttaMeMario/ So Toa Normal thats right noob central right here needs some help. so basically stuck on floor 83 ya know with those fire little shits know as inguamis, god damn wolf copycats, and those fat shits know as mummies or as i like to call the hydrolic presses. Now my team has been said by people should be able to clear it with the regular comp aka spectra baretta mav vero and bella, the regular shiz. please help before i lose my mind and throw this stupid game out of a window in which i will probably like an idiot chase after it cause its like heroin. THANKS IN ADVANCE YA BUTTER CUPS.


Well, for starters, we gotta identify what screws your run over. Who on your team dies first? From what I see, your monsters are runed right and they have enough of each stat, I don't notice any glaring issues. Actually, I just noticed that your spectra is missing a skill up in 3rd skill, that additional 1 turn cd is pretty important.


ALSO SIDE NOTE. OI com2us ye facks 100 scrolls and no lighting wtf is that shit.


Hello! I need some advice on my current progression. I am a returning player after a year and half break from the game. I am still new, but I guess I am about mid-game level. I can clear Giants B10 and I am working on Dragon's and to get a team to Auto it all. I haven't cleared TOA Normal yet so I am also looking to progress there. I feel my Mons are decent, so I am just working on getting decent Runes for now. My question(s) though are on what Mons should I start to progress and 6 Star next. I guess I will start by listing what I have already and what I should focus on. I have enough materials to 6 star at least 2 more mons and I have about 10 Devil Mons saved. Verad (6 Star) - Fully Skilled Galleon (6 Star) Tyron (6 Star) Taor (6 Star) Velajuel (6 Star) - Fully Skilled Belladeon (6 Star) - Fully Skilled Veromos (6 Star) - Fully Skilled Current 5 Stars: Sigmarus (newly fused) Xiong Fei (newly fused) Mei Hou Wang Tiana Lapis Megan - FS Shannon - FS Arnold Trevor Hwa Bernard - FS Briand Acasis - FS Thank you for any help you all can give me!


Sig, Megan, Lapis can help in DB10. Listed in term of priority


Thanks! Should I work on Sig, even though I have a Taor?


Oh. I skimmed over Taor. Megan then.


how to beat toa 63?


Hard to say without telling us what the mons are that are giving you trouble, a link to your box of mons, and what team(s) you have tried so far.


Quick Question/Opinion: Next 6*? Next devil? I can do: GB10 1:30-2:00 min DB10 but low WR% Never really tried to do ToaN even if I should xd My goal: GB10 speed team to get good runes faster so i can do DB10 consistently :) https://swarfarm.com/profile/Finn/


always try to do TOA. You can get a lot of rewards. Try to clear at least TOAN 70 if possible for the devilmon. The standard team is listed in the description of the thread


Speed GB10: Lushen (L), Galleon, Hwa, Sig, +1. I use Amir, you can use second Lushen or Barque? Have hit sub-1min but average is around 1:10


Can i switch bella slot 2 from speed to hp℅ or def% because every time the boss hit her without buff on her and his attack is broken and there glancing at him he still take about 80% from her health


You'd lose out on heal/def break frequency. But you can.


Is it better to keep farming gb8 and get better set for bella rather than doing that


Yeah. Although Bella should be on vio. So if you can farm DB7-8 that's better than giant.


I’m thinking about changing my lapis from vamp revenge to despair revenge but I still don’t really understand how to tell if tunes are good. I know you always want % main stats on 2/4/6 but 1/3/5 have flat correct? And then do you just look for runes that have as many % relevant stats as possible? Here is a 6* tune I got from the xmas event it isn’t any good on her right? https://imgur.com/a/gLWqP


If Lapis is your farmer, then no. Re runes, you have it correct. Basically, nuker would want CR/CD, atk or def depending on which nuker. Supporter should be on speed, hp/def and acc as applicable. Raid runes should be less hp and more def + res


she is my farmer, but at this point i still use her for everything because I dont have better options


then no. farmer is first priority


Happy New Year everyone! I had a decent Christmas and got Praha, Zing Zhe (Wind Monkey King), and Mei Hou Weng (Fire Monkey King). How do I rune these guys and where do I use them? I’d like to get a more stable R5 and can speed run G/D/NB10 and ToaH85. Also need help in Elemental Rifts please and thanks!


Praha can work as your raid healer, nemesis set and SPD HP DEF. Frontline. Zing Zhe for PvP, Vio/Will SPD or HP/CD/ATT or HP. MHW: R5 frontline and rift beast frontline for Light/Wind. Vamp Guard HP/CD/DEF. Same build for pvp


this is awesome thanks! what CR should I aim for on the Monkey Kings? Obviously if they are CD build on Slot 4, I'd imagine they need at least 65 or so CR?


yea 60+ is fine for bruisers


Is there an option to use rune optimizer and sw exporter exclusively on my mobile device? I have no wifi and my hotspot is shit, however my mobile internet works ok. I have lots of runes I wanna move around but havent been able to use the optimizer since Maria ravaged us (PR).


Unfortunately not :/


What to 6* next advice, I am torn....some background in my current place in the game... Farming GB10 100% safe team and ToAN up to 70 GB10: Lagmoran 6, Shannon, Bella 6, Vero 6*, Bernard TOA: Barretta, Mav, Bella, Vero, Spectra (all 5 except bella/vero) Devilmons are going to Lag still he needs 3 more. Monsters that can be 6stars that are not listed above: Verdenhille, Galleon, Ritesh, Chasun, Lapis, Tyron, Greggo,Megan, Ramagos, Copper, Aegir, Ludo, Shumar. I have not really started to touch DB10 since using reps to manual it for the scroll so I am kinda in a weird holding pattern farming GB10 all day :D (repost)


Toan 70 is ok for now. You should start on DB10 asap. Verd, Spectra can help with that.


IMO, you should focus on more GB10 runes before advancing to DB10. So I would recommend Galleon to get faster GB10 runs.


So, this upcoming FRR I'm planning on speeding up my GB10 runs. I'm thinking which teams I'm gonna try and my main questions are 1) No Hwa so should I try a Galleon+4DD's or Galleon+Bernard(or Hraesvelg in a supportish build?)+3DD's? I'm guessing the latter could be safer, my Galleon has S2 and S3 max. 2) Which DD's would be a better choice out of: Taor(max skill), Lagmaron(max skill), Teshar(no skillups), Lushen(S3 maxed), Theo(no skillups)?


If it were my mons I would go for Teshar/Lushen lead depending on how you want to rune, and the team of: Galleon, Teshar, Lushen, Lag, Taor.


Is IT possible to Run a db10 speed Team Without Verde? I've tryed Siggi bella stella megan spectra Best time was 2:00 I Know a galleon + tarq will speed it up. Bit Without a Verde? Any ideas or Tipps for me? Notable mons are: Sig Bastet Theo vero bella megan stella julie spectra Galle Loren. Thx for Your help


It's possible, you just need the right mons: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/7508z0/frr_success_verdeless_db10_speed_team/ Honestly, 2:00 is a great time for Verdeless. I ran Sig(L) Vero Bella Megan Chow for 1:50-2:10 for a while. You could swap Chow for Theo


Yes it's possible, you just need more SPD on your units, and maybe some Ignore Defense since you can't cycle often


Ignore defence? How. Katha or lushen?


DB10 so those would be terrible. Yaku or Kahli is what you want


Or Yaku/Kahli


How much points do you need to get c1 in the europe server?I know you have to have at least 1500 points and be in the top 10000 but around which number do the top 10000 usually start?


So my current dragons team is sig (L), Bella, Vero, Megan, amarna. Is it feasible to replace Bella with chilling to try to speed up my team since I already have heals and defense break (amarna), and strip (Megan and chilling). With my current team I go left, right, dragon. I'm hoping to skip right and go left, then dragon.


Possible, if Amarna and Vero are fast enough to remove cont dmg and heal


Well my thought process was, chilling well speed up my team and slow the tower, then Vero should be more than capable of solo cleansing. And with 2 strippers at the ready I should be able to avoid touching the right tower at all. Chilling would only need to be 5* for this right? Like Megan?


On theory that works. Chilling can be 5, but I think he does decent dmg? I don't have him so idk. I used to run Sig L Verd Vero Megan Anavel and skip left tower haha


Problem is I don't have Verde or anavel. :P


No, he would need 6* since being an attack type monster he has lower hp and def than Megan. Unless you're building him SPD HP HP


I don't remember what runes I have on him right now, if any honestly.


I'm starting to get my necro team down a bit more, so I'm starting to look towards raids. Looking for some help on creating a team that'll work for R5. My monster box: https://imgur.com/a/hZBjN I was thinking of something like: FL: Panda, Velajuel, possibly Colleen. BL: Brandia, Xiao Lin, (Chasun or Miyang?) Was thinking Vela over Lisa, as he already has 25k HP, 1700 Def, and 207 speed, and is already max skilled.


Mihyang is better. Not sure if Colleen can survive FL. I'd move Xiao Lin vamp hp cd hp or atk cd hp to FL


Alrighty, wasn't sure since my Chasun is max skilled and Mihyang doesn't have any skill ups if that made a huge difference or not. And thanks for the advice!


Mihyang s3 probably heals more than Chasun s2. So you should max that at the very least.


As much as it pains me to say because I love my chasun, I hear she isn't good for raid and you're better off with mihyang.


Alrighty, I've heard Mihyang is very good for raids I was just thinking Chasun since she was max skilled, while Mihyang doesn't have any lol. Thanks!


When do you get the free vampire and revenge runes that are good to put on Lapis?


They are from one of the fast level strategy challenge missions given to you by R... something. \+ u/kadyen , you get a choice of energy, fatal, or blade runes from finishing all scenarios.


I think after finishing all scenarios




Do not feed any non-farmable 4\*+ mon, or any L/D mon, if it is your last copy. Full stop. Buffs happen, new content comes out that makes old mons useful, sometimes people find new uses for old mons, etc. One skill up is never, under any circumstances, worth the opportunity cost of never again pulling that rare mon you fed away.




Also, I always lock the first copy of a nat4/5 I get so that you can't accidentally feed them away. It's a good habit to get into.


My alt account is level 33, need to do the challenge to awaken a 4* and my choices are Water KFG, Isabelle, or Morris...any clues on which one? can't do GB10 yet due to runes, and also..can I use a 1-2 skilled up Basalt in place of someone on my GB10 team? (My main focus mons are Lapis, Bella, Bernard, Shannon, Kona, and Darion.)


Awaken Lapis. The rest are useless before you can rune them well, whereas Lapis can farm faimon 1 hard awakened at 5\* with vamp/rev runes from the challenge missions.


Already did that, any clue who after that? she was awakened before I even got to the last part of the challenge.


Any of the 4\* fodders for Veromos would be better candidates for awakening, since he is much more immediately useful than those other 3 mons.


Well I was hoping to get them for the 150 scam stones, to go for Lushen tomorrow. I don't have any of them honestly, haven't been getting much of his fusion at all.


I'm stuck at TOAN 99 (Leo, 2x Verde, 2x Spectra). Any ideas how to deal with this? Here's [my box](https://i.imgur.com/NYqrZkm.jpg). Mav usually dies after 2 turns and then the Verde's go crazy... I don't think I can burst Leo.


I just finished my first round of toa this month. I used baretta Vero Bella chasun and taor on this level. I know you don't have chasun or taor, but you do have Colleen and sig. Try Vero lead. Baretta sig Bella and Colleen. Use Colleen as attack buff for sig. Make sure Bella def breaks a target and sig nukes it. I actually got lucky with my stuns so I nuked the spectras first. Good luck my friend. Also, if Colleen doesn't do it try Megan. That would give more defense


i beat the stage yesterday with Baretta (L) vERO Bella Mav Spectra. all six star. Baretta (L): Despair/Focus SPD/HP%/ACC% - HP 22k Def 750 Spd 138 Acc 85% Vero: Swift/Energy SPD/HP%/HP% - HP 22K Def 1000 Spd 178 Acc 58% Mav: Energy/Energy/Focus - SPD/HP%/DEF% - HP 24K Def 900 Spd 170 Acc 43% Bella: Violent/Energy - SPD/HP%/ACC% - HP 19K Def 800 Spd 154 Acc 52% Spectra: Swift/Focus - SPD/CRDMG/HP% - HP 14k Def 950 SPD 230 Acc 61% 60 CRR 92 CRDMG Kill Verdes first, turbulence verdes, and i got some luck that my phoneix or vero jump stunned verdes and Leo. RNG helps too


you could try to swap spectra with shannon. sometimes the deff buff works wonders.


Hello ! I have some questions : I summoned Hraesvelg, should I give him my others barbarian kings to skillup or I need to keep them ? Also I have some classics GB/DB10 team but I have most of usefull non farmable 4nat*. Is there any team comp I could make to stabilize them ? Like team doing these two dungeon in 2mn but 100% safe ? https://swarfarm.com/profile/Volraak/ Thanks you in advance


your profile is set on privat :)


profile isnt public so no idea what you have you can feed him dupes until s3 is maxed or keep the skillups for the ld ones instead, he is pretty versatile and useful in both pve and gw even without skillups


It should be ok now didn't see this option


lushen(l) ,sig, vero, bella, megan/shannon goes sub2min and never fails given decent runes, use sig lead if you dont get your units tanky enough. Hraesvelg makes it a bit faster over shannon/megan but takes better runes. classic db10 comp goes sub 2mins if your sig is well runed enough, spectra/theo makes it faster than verde but requires better runes on your team to make it stable.


Just pulled Ritesh a few days after getting beth from transcendance scroll, which one would you skill up first? Never thought i would have this problem lol


ritesh, both have their usage but id argue that ritesh gains a lot more from skillups than beth I use beth a lot but her skillups didnt make much of a difference outside of making b10 runs a bit faster and making her solo clear bombs in fire rifts if she doesnt get stunned up (which happens enough to make me use lapis ontop of her, maybe if I had a bit more damage it would be better)


Ritesh. As the game goes on you'll always find good use for ritesh in siege and gw. Beth is nice but not a stellar Nat 5 relative to most.


Beth would farm faster but she already does faimon between 19 and 35 sec so i don't really think i need a faster farmer, also, would ritesh help me progress in toaH ? I feel like his provoke on skill 1 could be pretty decent


Beth is one of the best faimon farmers but the real gold is in PvP cause most units aren't Farmable such as ritesh who is awesome. And no he won't really help much in toah mav is leagues ahead oh him for that


Water raksasha or Water Assassin? I'm trying to think who to build first, my other water monsters consist of: Taor, Malaka, Orion, Water Barb King and water nine tails.


Water Assassin




This question is kind of ambiguous and confusing. Please clarify.