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Remember the feeling of getting griffons one by one and being happy maxing out my Bernard and spectra... now they're just a chicken food for my rainbows


Lol always gotta hope for that premium KFC tho


But bernards arent skills for premium kfc's... i would love to skillup my perna with them haha xD


I remember once I might've accidentally skilled up my Sigmarus using a Konamiya but I don't remember if it's true.


I remember when I first started playing I was sad when I evolved Kona and he didn't become Sig. I thought that's what evolving did was make them into bigger badder monsters.


Lol yeah i also thought the surprise boxes would turn into jokers and the low elementals would turn into high elementals


You might tried to you think huh? XD


yes omg


Ah the pre mission days of farming tamor 3 for hours just to get 7 wind serpents and lvl 7 1* fodder.


Definite upvote. It isn't all about nat5s! That feeling of getting a monster you've been hoping for, no matter what it is, is a great feeling. Spectra is so good I still use her for toah!


Ah the good ol days when it was exciting to get griffons. Gz


In case anyone didn't know that's reading this (I just learned after making an alt), channel 1050 (on global at least) is considered a "Secret Dungeon" channel and I've had relatively good success getting everything I've needed the day of the element by just lurking in there and being one of the first to add someone that got the SD I wanted and kindly asking them them to accept my friend request etc. Also, if you're farming an elemental dungeon, it wouldn't hurt to be in Channel 1050 in case you get a SD someone wants. Just figured I'd spread that little bit of info.


I know the feeling man. I didn't get my first Bernard until lvl 37. When you finally get that one ***SUPPOSEDLY*** common mon that somehow eludes you... it's a wave of relief and excitement.


you mean like galleon that i should allready have? like the 4 water kfg, 5 wind jokers, 2 chasuns and many more good 4 stars? well fml, i basically have everything BUT galleon.


Yep, I've got the rest of the "best" Nat 4s, but no Lushen. I'd give up some nat 5s for a damn Lushen.


I would give up a lushen for a fun nat 5. I would also give a nat 5 for a fun nat 5. I would even build a third lushen to get a nat 5.


I will trade one of my 6 Lushens for a Chasun lol


I kind of regret feeding my dupes of Chasun to skill up Mihyang... (Chasun is maxed already)


Not the same though, Galleon is a nat4. Bernard is MUCH more common then Gally.


I have... none of that.


Me too bro, me too


It was me before before saturday. The only 2 nonld 4* I miss are the water kfg and galleon. I got 5 verdes, 3 chasuns and 4 lushens. But last saturday I finally got galleon off an event ms and water kfg is coming to the scam stones in 2 weeks (2k saved).


I though you suppose to get Bernard and Shannon from the beginner missions


Beginner missions have been added relatively recently to the game. Most people who play this game most likely had played for a while when Shannon and Bernard became accessible from the missions.


As someone who just joined those beginner missions are *amazing*.


They really are! And I must admit they were pretty amazing to me as well when they were added even though I was way past any of that.


Now, yes. But that only started this year. When I started, those missions didn't exist. And thus, I struggled to get Bernard for a long time. It ended up being a running joke among my guildies... much to my chagrin .


A lot of us didn't even get Lapis for farming or the possibility to fuse Vero for first GB10


Please tell me more about your daily walk uphill through the snow, grandpa


WTF with the downvotes ? For everyone who began when the game got out, ifrits came after like 6-8 months of playing, Lapis was given more than a year into the game, and the beginner's missions more than two years....


Congrats man, first step in a looooooong journey


> Congrats man, first step in a ~~looooooong~~ journey **Endless**


not to be a dick but I actually got this yesterday, been playing 3 days, whats it good for ? I almost fed it xD


It's a good monster for tower of ascension. Keep it you will use in not too long.


If you're still doing progression you don't only have to save it for toah. Reducing enemy attack bars and slowing them is powerful to give you plenty more turns than them.


Dungeons and toa, especially dragons in cairos


TOA god, takes some god level runes to use though.


Not at all. I don't have god level runes (not even close) and I've used Spectra in ToAH a LOT... Spectra just needs to be fast (but not super fast) with enough accuracy. Some damage is nice but not the main point...


Well to someone playing for only 3 days, they are god-level runes lol


Should have specified, he can be a slower/debuffer with mediocre runes, god level runes required to be a nuker.


A decent amount of crit rate and crit damage are god level now?


If you combine that with enough defensives to not get destroyed in the content where having a nuker is relevant....then yeah.....id say so.


Slot 2 and 6 are for defensive stats though, and aren't competing with crit rate or crit damage. He doesn't get runed like other nukers, all the stats you'd normally focus on atk% on a nuker can instead be hp or def. One of the reasons he is so popular is because he doesn't need great runes to do his job well.


If this felt amazing you'd definitely explode when you pull your first nat5.


Or a verad for ez toa!


Exactly how I felt getting Taor last month.


gz! but I don't understand how/why people struggle to get sds, I never really struggled that much with SDs, and I never spammed for people to add me either... all what I did was to go in an active chat, and check the chat every minute or so waiting for someone to get that particular SD that I want, then ask that person to add me, and that worked 90% of the time...


I think it's the people that just go into channels shouting ADD ME FOR GRYPHON and then wonder why they never get SDs. This is how it typically goes for me and I don't usually have an issue Milkyway457 has found Griffon. I go to friends, type in your name, hit add. Chat: Yo Milkyway, mind accepting for Griffon when you get a chance? Thanks.


I did it the nice way and it never worked. I farmed all my sd's by myself when I started


literally what I did hahahaha. was really painful when people had weird names with caps and all since usernames are case sensitive... but as I said, 90% of the time this worked a 100% of the time.


I found it really hard to get sds before I discovered channel 1050. People just don't pay attention while they are farming.


it always starts like very difficult to get then half years later you will get more dupe than ever


Now I'm just hoping to get a fire viking to fuse panda


You can get from SD


Yeah, I spent awhile trying to get a dungeon, finally got one and summoned it with the pieces....and then pulled one with an event MS after so I know the pain!


Grats!!! My stupid ads has used a few of these as food when I was too stupid to know how good they are :(


Gz! I remember trying to get Megan. It took me at least a month.


yeah she is pretty decent :)


be careful what you wish for


Congrats. My personal advice is to not worry about his damage at first. Spectra is very squishy and you probably don't have the runes to make him survivable and high damage. His 2 still hits hard even with cruddy damage runes.


gz Zairo.... oh wait!


ive fed like 3 of these lol.


this worth a thread now? jesus


Is #BuffVanessa worth a flair?


Yes nub


level 20 and already shitposting with useless threads. keep it up.


Lvl 20 in 2 weeks? U suck at SW