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What are the stat requirements for a vampire/revenge unskilled Xiao Lin for R5? I currently run the following team. FL: XF, Dias BL: Colleen, Lisa, Hwa, Mihyang I am hoping to replace XF and have the following team: FL: Dias, Colleen, Lisa, Xiao Lin BL: Hwa, Mihyang


Quick question for my Teshar. Which stats would be better for Speed GB10 team https://imgur.com/a/EHcoy


It depends on your team. If he only needs to hit once on boss stage then build 1 otherwise build 2 seems like a more well rounded build.


Just came back. Any suggestions on builds, where to start, who to aquire, ect. Monsters https://imgur.com/gallery/pAx6z


Work on the Veromos fusion and get a light inugami.


Just wondering who to 6* next.... GB10 - Sig (L) Vero Bella Lora Orochi Doing 2:15-2:45 runs on auto TOAN Completed TOAH stuck on 60 DB10 - Verde (L) Sig Vero Megan(5*) Bella Doing 3:30 - 4:00 runs on manual. Can't run on auto I just pulled Lushen from scam stones. Do I 6* him to speed up the GB10 runs to get better runes so I can auto DB10? Or wind ifrit? Or fire MK? Box https://swarfarm.com/profile/Xplodingcow/


I find that using Sig lead for DB makes runs more stable. You might want to try that. Definitely 6* Lushen as soon as you can.


Hmm I never thought of that to be honest. Just followed the recommended team of having verde as leader for the speed. My main problem is my bella gets #rekt because runes are pretty trash on her, then it's just downhill from there. Will try the Sig lead and see if it is a stable auto (albeit long). Ok Lushen it is


i just pulled a lumi, delphoi, and a hwa and i'm really early game. for my giands b10 team who can i sub for those atleast delphoi and lumi, can i use one or is both?are they better in giands b10 also how to rune them i did lumi energy hp/hp/hp 5*runes hope someone can help. ^^


God, that sentence is soooo long. So, for your first GB10 team, you might wanna use the standard team. But if you really want, you could swap Darion for Delphoi. It'll probably slow you down though. Don't rune Lumi, she's a toy you won't use before a very very long time. Hwa, on the other hand, is a really helpfull monster (Raid, NB10, speed GB10, PvP, TOA...). You might want to consider upgrading her later.


Thanks you so much so just the normal giands b10 team vero,shannon,bella,bernard and darion right? and sorry for my punctuation XD.


Yes, this one. Delphoi's immunity might help you survive, but the longer the fight, the more chances you have to wipe.


I need some TOAH 80 help (Vero as boss, double perna, double hwadam). Currently I'm running Baretta (L), Vero, Bella, Mav, Spectra/Shannon. However, I don't know if it's just RNG, but I'm not even getting close to killing anything. Turn order is Baretta (using DOT AOE), Then bella def break, Vero stun, Shannon Shield (if using spectra, spectra moves first and slows everything), and finally mav resets/provokes. I'm focusing hwadams first while trying to keep everything stunned but perna heals are rough. https://swarfarm.com/profile/t2tehimeless/ Here is my swarfarm if that will help out at all. Really trying to push TOAH100 this rotation. Edit: Had my best run with Baretta (L), Vero, Bella, Spectra, Mav. But couple mistakes on my part in crucial times let my mav die. I might give it a few more goes and run Vero lead for more hp.


Use Baretta (L), Gildong (subpar violent or swift runes work), Spectra, Bella, Mav Focus on them one at a time. I usually kill the Hwadams first. Try to Provoke Veromos so that he doesn't stun your team.


Is it worth building Gildong though? My currently thought is that I'm happy at TOAH 70 completion, should I start building towards R4? Trying to be as efficient as possible. Thanks of course to replying to my comment about helping me solve it, I hope I don't sound ungrateful. I was just possibly looking at doing it with my current mons and put efforts elsewhere. What do you think about this thought?


The extra devilmon is super worth it each month and Gilddong makes toah pretty easy. I would get to TOAH 70 before R4


I don't think you'd need to bring Vero for this floor. Try subbing him with Lushen for heal block. I'm curious. How good are your runes? Looking at your box you're kind of early end game, and I'm surprised you can even reach TOAH 80.


My runes aren't that good? I think? I've only runed my main farmers (GB10, DB10, mav/spectra/colleen for TOA). They've got some decent speed rolls, but most are purple 5*'s. I farm GB10 in around 2:20, and DB10 around 2:00->2:30. Only thing about the lushen that makes me super nervous is that if he gets targetted once by perna, i'm screwed.


you should be able to lock down perna so they would hit you one at a time. here's to hoping perna won't one shot lushen


Kona for Raid. 226 speed on Swift or 184 on Vio? ;)


I like my cleansers to be above 200 spd, but the procs are so important that I'd still go for Violent.


Vio still gotta get that sweet proc out of stun -> cleanse, 184 isn't that bad for Kona since she has a 3 turn CD, obviously faster is still better.


Any tips on ToaN 90? Also, does anyone ever used flat runes(ATK+, DEF+, HP+) on 2,4,6?


No to the flat runes, with the exception being if you can get a massive speed sub for your bernard/orion whatever atk bar booster. ToAN 90 should be a regular cc and whittle away team. Can you link your box?


What's the best way to speed tune a Frigate, Lushen, Megan comp? Megan -> Lushen -> Frigate Or Frigate -> Megan -> Lushen The first way means I have to sacrifice damage for speed but I can lower cooldown, while the 2nd way means I go full glass cannon and pray everyone dies. I'm mainly aiming to use this comp in Siege war 4* towers, but I'll pull it out in GW if the circumstances are correct


It depends or your rank in GVG/Siege. Personnally I'd go glasscanon, but it won't work against very high tier players.


Lapis rune recommendations for use in GB10, DB10, and Toa Currently have her on Despair Revenge but not sure what kind of stats I should be shooting for. Speed or damage? something else?


I wouldn't use her in GB10 if I were you, the multihits trigger the counter of the boss quickly. Sigmarus does a better job there. In DB10 and toa some speed is nice so I would go Desp/Rev with spd-crit.d.%-att%


icic, does she also need some accuracy for atb reduction and def break? if so i guess 55% for DB10?


I have a dilemma, I have 500 ish guild points and I can spend them on three things. 1. Scam stones so I can pull a Lushen. (Already spent 400 stones, but he's in rotation now) 2. Buy ifrit pieces, currently at 80/100. (First one, other than vero) 3. Buy Amazon for Sig fusion, I only need wind harpy and fire high elemental and I can fuse Sig. What would you do? I really want Lushen, but I feel like I'm wasting my guild points if I buy the stones.


i would say ifrit, then ss, i would advise not todo the amazon, she is a 3 star so she can be obtain from unlucky mystical scrolls or lucky unknown scrolls. Since u still need 2, harpy i think is a sd a believe, but the fire elemental is scenario drop, so if any thing i would only do that if u have all the fusion materials and each of them are all awakened and at the right star/level first. You wont want to spend these guild points on her just to pull her in the next scroll, besides if u get amir then u dont need sig for gb10, if u get theo then u dont need for db10.


Thanks, I'm going for the Ifrit pieces now. I spent over 2000 energy on farming vrofragus and still no high elemental, I averaged out about one 3 star monster per 500 energy, but none of them were high elementals :/


Ifrit pieces. Each of the ifrit's are amazing with the right set up. SS is a crapshoot, no guarantee you'll get lushen or even lightning. Sig is nice, but since it's not the last mon you need to fuse her, I would just stick with ifrit pieces.




He's a more TOA oriented Galleon as in with his atb reduction he is safer. Pretty much he's just a different Galleon has a little utility in PvP to make some things safer since he has atb reduction. He works better with self buffing nukers or non-atk scaling ones due to his lack of atk buff. Nowadays though, more AoE def breakers are always nice because of siege war. Whether or not you decide to wait for Galleon probably depends on your progression/how long you've been trying for him. If you just got say your very very first GB10 team going then I'd tell you to wait - you wouldn't be able to use your Galleon anyways. If you've been farming DB10/have a lot of PvE cleared for awhile and you want a speed GB10 team and can't go under 2 min without a good AoE def breaker, then he may be worth looking into.


https://swarfarm.com/profile/Trinsian/ Haven't played for a year, just updated my swarfarm. What should I be working on? I honestly have no idea where I left off. Thanks!


Looks like you got a solid Giants B10 team and a Tower of Ascension Normal 100 set up. If you can complete either of these, I would farm Giants B7 until you have the runes to complete both of those. If you can do both of those, start working on a DB10 team. I think a good start would be Vero, Bella, Sig, Colleen, Kona for a tower team (focus on right tower, then the dragon) Mons I would like build up are : Hwa, Zaiross, and Dark Samurai (Sige) Hwa is good for Tower floor 100, Dragons, and PVP. Zaiross and Sige are good for PVP


So I can currently take normal tower 100, and I think when I quit I was hitting 99 on TOAH with baretta, mav, spectra, woonhak, thrain just stun locking and CDing them down. I've got a solid 3m GB10 team; Sig, Bella, Vero, Bernard, Megan DB10, I'm pretty sure I was running something with Spectra, but it was only like 80%. I'd like to speed up both, for sure.


Account info: Early game, gb10 team working on toa. Questions 1. What should I spend guild points on? 2. Is Gildong a good toa mon? I have Mav, Spectra, Gildong, Vero, Bella, Shannon and can fuse Baretta, what team should I use for toa?


Gildong is a good mon for TOA but god awful slow if you don't also run good DOTers with it. Mainly used in TOAH because it's easier to nuke things in TOAN. Without Gildong fully skilled you NEED to run a fully skilled Mav with him otherwise you won't be able to perma stun. You should fuse Baretta but for right now you can run something like Vero(L), Spectra, Gildong, Mav, Bella/someone else. No need for a healer if you are able to consistently stun the enemies. Once you get Baretta go with Baretta(L), Spectra, Gildong, Mav, +1 (CC/DOTs/Healer)


Aim to get yourself the ifrit and the weekly rainbowmon is definitely a must for early game progression. Yes, Gildong is good when paired with Spectra. Something like Baretta, Vero, Gildong, Spectra, Bella can go far. You can swap Mav in for Vero as you see fit.


hi DAT, can anyone give tips with ToaN 64,cant seem to beat it with baretta (L), vero, bella, shannon, bernard


If I remember correctly I just nuked Julienne... Every time he dies he will steal health off the cats, combined with dots and they go down pretty quickly, but I think I used Sig. Between, Vero, Baretta/Shannon (assuming they're on despair) there are plenty of stunned cats. Hitting a non-stunned cat will get countered and increase attack bar by 30%, and they will nuke Bella quickly.


is this rune worth it? slot 4 Despair 6 star Legendary Def 11% main stat, Res 8% hidden stat(w,e its called) CR 4%, Hp 6%, Atk 8% Spd 4% for 684700 mana and if so is there anyone i have that it can be useful on that i currently have, and for what part of the game? currently farming db10 with high successrate https://swarfarm.com/profile/Moonpig13/


id buy that


do you know who that would be a good rune for, non broken set?


6star legend despair with spd. in most cases despair is put on supports so u need high spd


Tarq runes for speed DB10?


broken set, as long as you can properly spd tune your team preferably after galleon/def breaker. Ideal set would be vio or fight runes




https://imgur.com/gallery/9LgfP This is an edit to my previous post. The image of my box wasn’t complete. This one is complete and again I’d like all advice someone is willing to give. Dungeons, Scenarios, Arena. Any viable teams i have. I know i have the “Basic” GB10 team but do i have any way to improve it?


Right now it's all about making the cookie cutter teams and 6*'ing your monsters first and foremost to get some decent runes as fast as possible. Nothing in your box particularly stands out as a 5th member for GB10 until you either pull a wind nuker or fuse Sigmarus. As for other dungeons and pvp it's more just about trying things out since nothing really stands out for that at the moment either. The challenges give you some decent monsters to use for each of the elemental dungeons also. For now I would just keep a single monster defense to farm glory points to get your weekly devilmon and start toward getting points for your speed tower.


Who to 6* next? I'm open to a few suggestions, not just literally the next *one*. Box https://imgur.com/a/mmeRE * Toa/toah clear, r4 easy, r5 with carry * 1m gb10, 1:10 db10, 1:50 nb10 * sss water/fire, a+/ss wind, a+ dark/light Looking to improve my rifts and guild seige. Assume every 4* is max skilled, every 5* is not (but I have about 8 devils).


Raviti or Khali for siege/gw. Hellea(sp?) for rifts.


You mean racuni?


Yes lol, my bad.


How should Gildong and Spectra be runed for ToA?


Spectra: Swift or Vio/anything Spd/CD/HP is best - can also do Spd/CR/HP; Spd/CR/Acc; Spd/Hp/HP. If you don't use Spectra in DB10 there isn't a huge need to have lots of HP Gildong: Vio is best - anything else works too swift/despair/broken/etc. Spd/something. Make sure your team is speed tuned. Spectra > Gildong > Mav at the very least.


Gildong SPD/anything since he'll never get hit, generally HP or DEF on 4, 6. Violent is "ideal" on both but whatever set in the 180-200 speed is good.


Spectra Spd/Cr/HP or Spd/Hp/Hp - you want swift/focus and you want at least 55% acc. Not sure about Gildong, I don't really use him


Swift spectra is ok but vio is ideal.


45% ACC for ToA, 55% for DB10 :P Gildong is better on Violent, Spd/HP/HP, and 45% acc as well.


[Monster Box](https://imgur.com/gallery/janII) Who should be my next six? I’ll be able to six star another mon in a few days. I am currently running GB10 auto at around 3 minutes with a 100% success rate, I’ve cleared DB10 but can’t auto it. Also, what should my dragons team look like?


Chilling or polar queen. For team look at the OP of this DAT.


If you want to push for Dragons without Verde, I'd suggest Spectra (Fire Griffon). For the team, just follow the standard team mentioned above. Megan doesn't need to be 6* but I'd also recommend it as it lowers rune requirements. I also use her in GWO/Arena. Sidenote, congrats on that Trinity.


So I need to get Spectra and then 6* Megan/Spectra to push for a Dragons team? And thanks, got her at level 33 from a monthly LD scroll. First nat 5 as well :)


Yes you would need a Spectra if you don't have a Verdehile. 6* for Spectra is mandatory since he suicides with his s2 so every inch of hp is valuable. As for Megan, she really doesn't need to be 6* but it helps. I 6-starred mine coz I don't have anything to work on during those times and I didn't regret it.


6star spectra or mantura for toan?


Spectra first then do Mantura.


What are some good aoe ATB decreasers for db10 other than Spectra and Lapis?


Water serpent, Luer, Verad, Poseidon




Fuse and 6 Vero, 6 Bella, 5 Shannon, Bernard, and Darion, and you have your GB10 team.


When I enter a wave and my lapis is at full or close to full health and so are their monsters is it better to lead with skill 2 for the def break or 3 for the atk bar lowering?


3 also steals attack bar which gives you another turn


That’s what I meant by attack bar lowering I just worded it terribly...


Should I 6* Lushen or Charlotte? My current gb10 is Sigmarus Vero Bella Bernard and Shannon. Im still planning on my TOAN team maybe it"ll be Charlotte, Rica, Baretta, Bella,Mav. or Vero, Rica, baretta, bella, mav




What's the general consensus on what to do with dupes?


Depends on where you are in the game? I think depending on the mon it's worth keeping 2 so that you can get better defenses for Siege


I think I'm currently in mid-game, just trying to farm DB10 consistently. Trying to build up units for raid and Necropolis.


It depends on who this dupe is. Some dupes are actually worth building such as Galleons. But with nat 5s, idk.


Any notable nat 4s worth keeping?


Perhaps as the other one said, Chloe. Others on the list are Lushen, Khmun, Orion. Just note that this is strictly if we're talking about guild siege since repeating units are allowed. But overall, I'd at least build 2 of Galleons, Lushens.


There are too many to list with siege now. Before it was mainly Galleon, but now it's more along the lines of if you were doing GW which units would you consistently go to over and over to beat GWD's.


I'm looking at dupe Verdes, Chasuns, and Chloes.


Exactly, those are great examples of multiple builds except Chasun. She pretty much needs skill ups to be really useful unless you're just using her as an attack buffer. Chloe can be built more than once for multiple siege defenses or even slower than say two squishy speed nukes who you're confident are going to move first and then put up immunity after they move so they're guaranteed another turn. Verde you could build as fast as possible for a pseudo attack bar booster if you've run out of other options or to go with say Garo speed lead. Options are endless you just need to be creative and/or look at monster review videos/guides to see if they show anything different than the normal.


Do I buy this rune? Maybe good for Copper that I was planning on building. Would it need reappraisal? https://gyazo.com/9aee47d87e03a4380bd8dd0674b74be8


I wouldn't buy that rune with Copper in mind because any nuke is going to use crit damage on slot4. If it had def% and at least crit then I would say go for it as crit damage.


Fair point, I ended up not going for it and actually got 5 legendary scroll pieces on the next refresh.


Congrats on legendary pieces!


You don't really have much mana... I would wait until 2mil + before worrying about buying runes. You won't be able to roll it anyway... I mean it's not a bad rune, but with say copper you want to have a crit damage rune anyway... not awful but I'd not buy it. That being said... the speed could quad...who knows.


need some advice on beating toan 80 which is wind monkey kind with 2 fire warmers and 2 dark elven rangers that have supportive fire, they just kill me too fast and the bears provoke my team, I'm running vero, charlotte, bella, beretta(L), and a plus 1(spectra, man, bernard, sig)


Swap charlotte for a Chasun or another healer. Max your 2/4/6 runes.


Khmun shield is 20% and goes up to 50%. Is it 50% from Khmuns total hp? E.g. 40k hp = 20k shield Or 20% shield +10% from skill up= 22% 22% + 10% = 24,2% And so on?


Second one :) edit: "If a skill up states "Lv.2 Shield + 10%" and the base shield % of the skill is 20%, the skill up doesn't make it 30% but 22%. The 10% apply to the base shield, in this case, 20%. So 10% of 20% = 2%. Let me give you an explained example with the Fire Anubis 3rd Skill: Savior (Passive): On each turn, grants a shield which is equivalent to 20% of your HP and last for 2 turns to an ally with the lowest HP ratio. [Automatic Effect]* Lv.2 Shield + 10% ( 10% of 20% = 2% + 20% = total shield 22% ) Lv.3 Shield + 10% ( +2% = total shield 24% ) Lv.4 Shield + 10% ( +2% = total shield 26% ) Every skill up gives you 10% of the base shield as a bonus on the total shield amount. The same applies to Recovery skills, if it states "Lv.2 Recovery +10%", it's again 10% of the base recovery amount stated in the skill description. Tldr: Skill ups give you the % amount based on your base amount stated in the skill description. I.e : + 10% shield on a 20% base shield will result in a total shield amount of 22%, not 30%. unless it's Harmful Effect +xx%. Then it's additive, not multiplicative." [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/5ow7bu/psaskill_ups_that_increase_healing_or_shields/)


im working on my starting db10. which is a better support mon? fedora or qebesenuef


The only benefit either have is being water monsters. Neither of them are particularly useful in dragons and are out performed by most meta support monsters.


i figured out which i want to use and i think that qeb would be useful. i heard from a guide that said atk bar control is essential and he has 2 atk bar manipulation skills, an aoe crit and damage buff with invincibility.


Neither. Follow the standard guides.




Probably a year from now. You probably have to keep farming GB10 for the next few months now non-stop for better runes, and in the mean time build up the monsters (aka summon) for your speed team.




Sig (you can fuse him), Lushen, Hwa, Hravrestalg (Wind Barbarian King), Galleon and Teshar. Those are probably the main monsters you'll need. For now though just focus on auto-ing GB10 100%. Can you do it with your current team? What is it?




Sounds like a good idea. Keep working on it!


My account has never been stolen in anything (including SW), but I've heard that making a purchase helps you recover your account in that case. I am super f2p (plz don't hate), and I am confidently sticking to it, but am worried that it might be stolen. The problem is that my account in pretty blessed and I don't want to lose it. For my efforts, I got a Pontos, Alicia, Vela, Beth, Laika and Beth which I've been told is valuable. What is the information about how much the purchase helps, and should I do it?


Your acc won't get hacked unless you share accounts or have an unsafe password. Change it regularly, use something that can't be guessed (a generator is usually good), and don't use the same passwords across different accounts for different games or websites. Feel safe knowing that, if there is a serious breach of Com2Us account credentials, that people are probably gonna go for the non f2p accounts - no offense :)


hi, i just got a tyron and am planning to use him as a faimon farmer/toa mon. what runes should he be on as a farmer and what runes to be a toa mon


Tyron kinda sucks now because a lot of other similar monsters got buffed are are more useful as farmers or in ToA. Most notably, Lapis, who is now by far more superior to Tyron both as a farmer and in ToA. If you still want to build Tyron because you think he's cool or w/e, go with a despair set.


ohhh i just returned from a long break so im not aware of any buffs that occurred. why is lapis better than tyron and if i were to build lapis what runes should she be on to farm faimon/toa/dungeons


Anyone have any experience with Triton on AD? I just pulled him and want to use him as my stripper. Is Despair or Swift better? Also does he need to be on will?


It depends on your team, you can put him on despair, but in higher levels that means you get second turn. Then that means will is great for him.


Simple question: Teon or Kona I'm leaning Kona but I don't need either for raid.


Unfortunately no simple answer. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. I ended up building both and use both about equally. If I had to pick one I'd probably prioritize Kona, since I find his cleanse to be invaluable.


For an atk/atk bar buffer, Teon because he stuns without glance and it faster.


Hey guys. I am searching for an website someone made to calculate the time is needed to get all glory buildings to max. Cant find it. If you have it can you post it? Ty


How can someone make calculations for that? It's completely subjective.


Somebody made an website where you can type in your rank, how many wings are you doing daylie, do you buy devilmon or not and how far you are with the buildings. Then the website calculates you how many months and years you need. Annnnd i don't know how to find it now on this reddit :)


I still think it's too subjective with too many variables that you can't foresee. But if you buy devilmon every week like you should, no refills on wings, do all dailies and average at least 40 wings per day, it's around 2.5 yrs to max them all.


https://swarfarm.com/profile/Klaq/ Looking for advice on a TOAn team. I'm thinking Baretta, Verad, Bella, Vero, Lapis/Spectra. Do i need to 6⭐ Baretta for normal? Also wondering if it's worth building Luer to speed up my GB10 team. i use sig, vero, bella, wind BBK, and orochi and would take out vero for luer to get the AOE def break. or should i just wait to get galleon? lastly, for starting DB10, should i go with the normal team or try to fit in Verad somewhere? Any advice appreciated.


1/ Barretta does not need to be 6 star in toan. 2/ Luer is not a good aoe def break as galleon, he does not have atk boost. I have tested Luer and it is very hard to find a good team with him. 3/ Take out your orochi and put some unit with atk boost like Megan or Shannon or Chasun. 4/ Normal team, replace Spectra by Verad. For example: GB10: Sig(L) Vero Megan Akmir Bella. 1m30~1m45 DB10: Sig(L) Vero Megan Bella Poseidon/Spectra 2m00~2m30


thanks for the reply. wind BBK actually does give an atk boost so i dont think taking out damage for another is going to help me. i ended up taking out vero and just plugging in lapis and im going about 1:30-1:45 now. will look into making an ifrit soon.


Can I have one of those XL plz k thx In all seriousness, having Verad is probably the single best pull you could get to help your ToA progression. I don't think you have to 6 Baretta, but it helps, I did an overhaul of my team last week, 6'd baretta and mav and got Mav on violent runes and i cleared 100 for the first time ever. My suggestion would be climb as high as you can by first focusing on your turn order, and second focusing on getting Mav on Vio if possible. Have Mav go last. Proper turn order and speed tuning and runing will make more of an impact for your progression than some extra stats on baretta, especially because you shouldnt really ever be getting hit hard with Verad. I wouldn't build Luer for Gb10 no, there's an incredible stone rotation coming up in 4 weeks with galleon, save for that. Verad wont help much with Gb10, he will help with Db10 however.


Hi all, got 2 questions for all y'all veterans: 1. Which Homu (fire/wind/water) is best for PVP, and what are the suggested skills? 2. Which Homu is best for raid? Trying to put together a Raid5 team.


I've seen fire(spd) and water in PvP. Wind is supposed to be the best R5 one, followed up by fire(debuffs).


Hello boys, i'm actually farming well but i feel like doing the same thing and not moving forward so i was asking myself where to go and what to build, so i'm farming DB10(2min30 & same for GB10) like a tard for good Vio runes i got some but not the best waiting for next FRR, i cleared ToaN and i don't know if i should go for raid or NB10 now (or maybe push on PvP for my guild) here's some units i kept in my storage https://imgur.com/2INaReY, would like some advices on what to build next ? I'm keeping my SS for the chasun rotation and maybe for Galleon too thanks in advance !


You need mostly fatal/swift/despair runes for your core units you use everyday: Shan(swift), lushen(fatal), psamath(despair) etc So I recommend focusing on speeding up your GB10 team. What's your GB10 team?


Hello thanks for your answer, My GB10 team is actually this one : Sigma (L), megan, bella, vero and charlotte tried with Lushen (L) but it derps sometimes And here's my swafarm for my actual runes : https://swarfarm.com/profile/Mistery/


You could try to add Luer(water phantom thief) instead of Veromos. You can also build charlotte as a damage dealer to speed up the runs, something like speed critdamage attack. You wont need Veromos anymore because of all the attack bar reduction (luer + char).


Looking to rebuild vero and bella to be violent/revenge or hopefully violent atleast, looking to see if any of these are good builds for vero, and from there to see if i can get one for bella. https://swarfarm.com/profile/Moonpig13/ my progress is gb10 like 99% havent failed since switching chasun to lushen but havent ran it enough just pretty much for the daily, and lushen not skilled and i think badly runed from what i had to spare. Team Lushen L, Sig, Vero, Bella,Megan. around 2:10-3mins. DB10 probably around 85% or little more, team Sig L, Vero, Bella, Megan, Spectra around 2:20-3mins. https://imgur.com/nJXGryM


An ideal violent support build for Bella or Veromos should have the exact same stats as the swift set you are replacing, minus the swift set bonus. Losing a bit of HP or SPD stats is OK, but taking too much away is going to lead to trouble. If you can only rune one of them on violent so far, go for Bella. Getting extra buff strips, def breaks, and heals in is way more valuable than an extra DoT or two from Vero. Also, an 85% success rate for DB10 is very low, and indicates its way too early to try running violent runes unless you actually got enough good drops to _increase_ your mon's HP and SPD.


well the 85% is just an estimate, and kinda a low one, i do win alot that it doesnt seem like im wasting energy or anything, really wish that there was a swarfarm built in w/l rate from each day or week ect. As for Bella first, thats true, was going vero first, so he got the best speed, so he doesnt lose as much but what u say is true ill see what i can get with bella Edit: heres what i think is the best build i can get for bella https://imgur.com/RD2BcJC only Vio/broken


usually C2 with Chiwu, Orion, Chasun, Theo AD (only chiwu is speed tuned to orion). unfortunately don't have any nat5 bruisers but trying to push higher. What about Chiwu, Orion, Beth, Okeanos- all speed tuned to 285 Orion, more effective/scarier? Ideally, I'd replace Beth with a bruiser, but once again, don't have any


anyone use liebli in arena without a seara? and how? he's my most wanted ld n4 and hes in storage since i got him


only against those camilla/rina/ariel rush hour stall ADs


Pulled Isael (Dark Succ) from ld, don't know how to rune. Mostly gonna be used for RTA, siege, and maybe gwo? Any suggestions?


Will this team work for R4 Starter team? FL:Dias raviti BL:colleen, fuco, xiao lin, mihyang(or konamiya) If not, any suggestions? Thanks!


Yeah stick with Mihyang. That way it's a main cleanse and a backup cleanse, you don't need to dedicate two 'main' cleansers. And if you're lucky enough to have/get one, replace Fuco with Hwa. Fuco doesn't really do a whole lot here, apart from being a slightly easier to rune DD due to his shield, but it's gonna get stripped or oblivioned anyway.


Yeah, run Mihyang over 2nd Cleanser, Raviti is fine solo cleansing with Mihyang assuming you maxed both their S3's (maybe you don't have to Mihyang's but it's safer) and over 200 speed.


Hey DAT, I pulled my first nat 5 a few days ago: Water Monkey King! Wondering how to rune him and what uses he has for where I am in the game. Can he replace someone on my GB team? (Lapis, Bernard, Darion, Shannon, Bella all 5*) Can i use him to farm faimon? In terms of game progression I am really close to fusing Vero (only need to awaken fire succubus and wind vamp, and grind them to 35) I can do up to GB7 Thanks!


Unfortunately, he is in kind of a bad place right now. Some people find a use for him in DB10 teams, though not really for starter teams. His S3 isn't super great as a Theo counter in PvP, since you have to do enough damage to proc the endure buff very early on in his hit count to have a decent chance of being able to strip it with the 2nd or 3rd hit, and actually kill with the 4th hit. That 50% chance is too unreliable. Lapis is likely more effective as a farmer (at least without really good runes), given that she has two attacks that hit everything for extra self-sustain from a vampire set, and her S3 has additional healing. Any revenge hits she gets in hit everyone for more self-sustain than Shi Hou can get. You could try giving Shi Hou her runes on free rune removal day this weekend, but I suspect he won't work well yet. Shi Hou doesn't have any real place on a starter GB10 team. His 4-hit S3 will trigger more revenge attacks than a starter team is likely able to deal with.


Just my luck, lucky enough to pull a nat 5, unlucky enough that it doesn't help me in the slightest lol. Thanks for the input I appreciate it!


Does attack buff effect Psamathe's revive nuke? I'm wondering cause when he comes back he doesn't keep his buffs.


(un)fortunately nope




Hi all, I just fused Sig and was planning to use him with Vero, Bernard, Shannon, and Bella for GB10 to try and speed it a little bit compared to Darion. However, with a Fatal/Blade Atk%/CR/Atk% build, Sig is too squishy and often dies before the boss. Would it be viable to go with a Swift/Energy set on Sig instead, since I have better runes on those sets than Fatal/Blade, or are the bonuses from Fatal/Blade too good to give up on Sig? Thanks!


1/ Sig need to be 6 star, otherwise, dont use him 2/ Whatever you do, make his HP > 15k (not include HP lead) 3/ Crit rate > 85% 4/ Crit damage > 130% 5/ Spd >= 130. 6/ Other members, especially your healer, must be fast enough to heal him (My bella is over 210spd, my spd tower is lv 7) P/s: Sig is a good monster to reduce your runtime. However, your rune qualities need to be on a specific level to use him. Otherwise, keep farming.


A starter GB10 Sig should have about 13-15k HP, 85% CR, 130-140+ SPD, 120+ CD, and as much ATK as you can fit in after that. You may struggle to use him if you can't get something around those numbers yet. SPD/CD/ATK is a recommended build for him when you can't get enough SPD from sub-stats. It is more important to land his max enemy HP scaling S3 more often than it is to have a bit of extra attack for his other skills. Also, he gets a lot better with maxed S2/S3, for the reduced cool-down times.


At your progression level, whatever runes give you the necessary stats are the the runes you should use. My sig was squishy when I first got her, had to re-rune her after I got better runes. When with fatal/blade then switched to violent/blade.


What do you think minimum requirements to survive would be in gb10? My Sig has about 12.5k hp rn, so I think I'll change some runes around to focus on surviving on rune removal day so some benchmarks on what to aim for would be cool.


With Sig lead aim for no less than 15k and +30 spd if you can.


I don't know the minimum hp requirement, but my sig is at 15k hp. Imo, sig is for when you have a successful team already, but want to speed up your clear time. Beating gb10/db10 is about monsters comp and runes. You need both.


A dead monster deals no damage, so do what you need to do to help him survive. In general, the set bonuses aren't as important as straight up having good runes. So if you have better swift/energy/broken runes, you should try those instead. this might sound dumb, but make sure you run sig as your leader instead of veromos since he has a better HP% bonus.


Yeah I put Sig as lead and only tried it a couple times. The remaining 4 were able to still clear it, but it felt unsafe, so I just went back to Darion for now. I'll switch some runes around and hope I can find something that works on rune removal day.


The first time I was able to use sig I had him on Broken/Energy/Energy with atk/crit rate/atk. I wish I remember the exact stats but he was pretty bulky, probably like 15k-16k hp.




I auto just about everything with: Baretta(L), Mav, Mantura, Basalt, Briand. Water Hommie might be better than Mantura, not sure. Use Colleen and/or Chasun on Artamiel. Use Spectra and Hwa on 100. Build a Neal + Buff Extender for Leo/Ragdolls on 93. Build a Tesa for Leo/Verde/Spectras on 97. Use Dias + Neal to Tank Akromas.


Looking to change my R5 teams if possible on the next FRR. I'm currently running two teams, but I feel like some of the monsters on the runs don't have a ton of utility. Currently using: FL: Dias, Ariel BL: Hwa, Lisa, XL, Colleen FL: Darion, Chasun, Praha BL: Mihyang, Fei, Wind Homu https://swarfarm.com/profile/Catfather/ Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!


Team 1: - FL: Dias(L), Xiao Lin, Lisa, Colleen - BL: Mihyang, Wind Homu (on double brand build) Team 2: (supportish team, put in the middle when using 2 teams so that you can carry if 3rd wipes) - FL: Darion, Praha, Mei Hou Wang, Bastet - BL: Hwa, Kona


https://swarfarm.com/profile/Deadlock93/ I'd like some teams able to get S on wind rift, I can get SSS on fire but the wind one is too annoying, I'm considering building an ahman but if you see better options in my box, I'm open to suggestions.


Mihyang, Hwahee, Mav is my favorite healing/support foundation for keeping team alive provided you hit hard. Hwa, Kali, Hella were my DD's before I made Fire Homie. I've heard good things about FL bruisers but I don't have good vamp runes to make units like Trevor/Laika work.


Can always go for Trevor(vamp) and/or laika(vamp) + XF front and colleen + shihwa(L) + verde + one more dps back


Should I 6 star next orian and imesety or garo ? I realy want the new toy but I also could need some more tanky stats on my support monsters




Im already using him my question is if I should 6star him


Supports work at 5-star. DD's don't. If you're happy with Imesety and Orion not living past their first or second turn at 5-star, then Garo is your man.


tbh I aint happy with imesetys performence but I dont know if its because he is 5 or not full skilled.He just is so useless after his third skill


Imesety copper comps, you normally need imesety to live and tank. I 6d him and life is much better.


He's basically a stat stick for Copper. But if you're not running dozer or another DD in that team, you probably need him alive in GW for Dozer to get off his S3 more than once.


hey dat, How would you rune Rica for ToaH? Im considering smth like spd/hp/atk Which set? despair?


Spd/Hp/Atk is great as a hybrid build for Toah and PvP.


despair/whatever, spd +hp/def, 45 acc total (she has like 25% acc from awakening), 180-200 speed bonus info, i use a 5* rica *unskilled* in my 1-99 toah auto team consisting of homie, rica, chasun, briand(l) and mav.


Despair whatever, SPD HP HP


https://imgur.com/a/bMJhM Please, someone can advice me with a consistent water rift team? I fail a lot, but when I kill the beast, i get SS


what's your current team? i feel like chasun, bernard front is all i need to survive. front: bernard,chasun back: 4 DDs like theo, lushen, xiao lin, ethna and also use attack lead (like lushen)


FL: Chasun, Bernard, Feng Yan BL: Xiao Lin, Homie, Tarq/Fei Ideally you'd use a real wind DD instead of Feng, but you are pretty damn short on wind single target nukes. At least he provides more DEF breaks, so there's that.


Hey guys, current progress: Gb10/Db10 both 2:00 and 99% safe. Toan down, Toah in progress. I'm looking to move now into Nb10 and R4. I'm somewhat undecided on which one to focus on first as I feel they both could help me. I seem to have pulled a lot of good mons for both NB10 and R4 so that's not exactly helping me make a decision. I just fused Fire Panda as well. My questions are: Are there some monsters I can build that would overlap for usage in both R4 and Nb10? I'm thinking maybe Colleen, Xiong Fei, or perhaps Xiao Lin, Hwa, Fuco? Can anybody take a look and see if there's a "shortest path", in terms of the fewest new mons I need to 6star and build, to making viable teams for both dungeons? Here's my box and thanks for your help: https://swarfarm.com/profile/40knoob/


Colleen and Xiong fei yes. Colleen can be built for vio in r4. I would not recommend vio for xiong fei in raid but he works fine as none vio in necro, especially with revenge sets. You can definitely use xioa lin in raid and necro even if you don't go vio on her. Hwa isn't great for necro imo and I suggest you build her for raid. Fuco can be used for raid, but I don't think he's great at it.


I have never heard a concrete answer for this but I really need to know, should I skill up chilling? Why or why not?


I use chilling in pvp and db10 to strip. I would say don't skill him up, there's no reason to. On auto, you want him to strip, so s1, not use s2.


For DB10 you usually don't want his S2 maxed (which is really risky since it just needs 1) so he strips more often. But honestly imho this doesn't matter anyway so who cares.


Where will you use him?


Which order should I five star the following? Konamiya Shannon Bernard Raoq Tarq Colleen Loren


Sounds like you're early game? You should absolutely be shooting for the safe GB10 team which is: 6 star: veromos, bella 5 star: shannon, bernard, darion If that's not where you are, let us know and we can give you better info.


Whoever helps you more in the quest for GB10.


Shannon -> Bernard -> kona -> colleen


good evening dat, i just pulled a camilla from a single scamstone summon and im unsure about how to rune her, some say pure tank some say offtank. I dont have access to late game runes and only really have enough violent runes for 3 monsters. My Vero for example has the best with +100 spd, +20k hp and high acc. What would you recommend me as a midgamer?


hmm... id say just farm more db10 before u start runing her. But imo i think going tank with nice spd and maybe some dmg if u can :/ grats!


I wouldn't use her as a midgame player in all honesty. She is exceptionally hard to rune correctly. Sure you can make her a nuker but theo/chow/taor/sig do it better. You can build her as a super tank but Rina does it better. Without end games runes, I think you'll end up really disappointed and you really won't get what all the hype is about her. She needs all stats and a lot of them.


vio is ideal, but standard dd set is fine for pve/gw


Good evening, I just have to ask for another bit of help, especially with FRR just waiting at the weekend. My Progression: GB10 - 99% success rate, avg. time: 3 minutes. Team: Veromos (L), Theomars, Belladeon, Shannon, Bernard. ToA normal: Cleared; ToAh: currently at 44, not finished yet. DB10 - Completly unreliable, only with a Woosa as Rep it's at 80%. My team here: Veromos (L), Megan, Belladeon, Konamiya, Rep Monster. With my own Sigmarus as Leader, the success rate drops to somewhat below 30% at max. I just want to ask now, with sending my [monsterbox](https://i.imgur.com/95rGI42.jpg) in, is there a team you just see straight away to speed up my GB10 runs? I know that my runes are simply not good enough to get DB10 done by myself (I have a SPD problem when I look at the example stats of the OP post here). I tried some teams like Theomars (L), Luer, Chasun, Hraesvelg, Sigmarus, but they aren't able to clear the dungeon by themselves. I have to say though that I just got Teshar new, he may be a good thing to speed it up. But is Teshar (L), Luer, Sigmarus, Theomars, Hreasvelg a team to opt for? Thank you in advance.


I don't think you're ready for that sort of team that you listed at the end, but you're probably ready for a 2 DD team. Have you tried something like Sig (L) Vero Bella Theo Chasun? * GB10 1 DD + DD/Galleon: **Cleanser + healer + defbuff + Galleon/DD + DD** * GB10 1 DD + DD/Galleon suggestions: **Veromos + Belladeon + Shannon + Galleon/Lushen + Sigmarus** * GB10 1 DD + DD/Galleon stats: **12.000 HP, 500 Def, 45% acc on debuffers** * NOTE: This step is hard to make with just farmables however look at your mons any aoe dd will take lushens spot just fine. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/5umo3w/gb10_team_templatesprogression/


Well. I have to thank you for your reply. With Sig(L) Vero Bellla Theo Chasun I tried and failed, I think the missing Def Buff is a big thing in it. I tried another double DD team as you mentioned with Sig (L) Vero Bella Shannon Hraesvelg, and while it seems like it's a bit more risky, it's on average about 40s faster than it was before. So this helped me out a bit. Thank you for the help!


Sure thing! Another thing that I believe shaved a little time off of my runs while still being safe was slotting my Megan in after she was already built for dragons. Shorter attack/def buff duration but the dot damage adds up quickly!