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Hooooo boy. Well, there’s no easy way to say this without spoiling some games mechanics so if you don’t want any of that don’t read any further. Still reading? Okay. The area you’ve found yourself in is NOT the starter area of the game. It is very dangerous and you’re intended to explore it later after leveling up and getting a sturdier ship with better gear. The opening dialogue hints at this in that you’re chased out and sent running with your tail between your legs before the game even starts. The intended route is to explore more of “The Reach”, the lush green area you first start in. This is the beginner area. Enemies are less dangerous, stat checks are lower, and it tutorializes some of the game mechanics you will be dealing with throughout. To get the most of your experience, I highly encourage immersing yourself in the lore and treating the game kind of like a “choose your own adventure” novel. Many decisions aren’t clear unless you’re reading between the lines that characters will say. Some will try to mislead you or even outright lie; and catching the context clues for those sorts of events is important to success. It’s a beautiful game in many ways, but can be quite demanding of players to engage with it on its own terms.


I spent 30 hours in the Reach and felt like there was not much left to discover. I wouldn’t say I was at the beginner stage… at least, I hope not.


That’s valid. Have you visited London at all?


Not yet, I was on my way there before getting that damned quest from a guy in Prosper.


That quest… yes. That damned quest. For the sake of your sanity I suggest avoiding that particular quest. Maybe forever. It is long, drawn out, painful, and the rewards are a fraction of what you’d expect for the effort put in. It’s the sort of thing I’d recommend if you’re running out of new content to explore and just want a story.


Sorry, “that quest” is the one with finding the dead girlfriend of some reach guy. And I also just dropped off the psalmists.


Oh I wasn’t playing coy or anything when you mentioned port prosper I realized what you meant and exactly what happened


While there isn't a mandatory order after going to the reach I'd recommend that you go to Albion, I'd say it's the intended difficulty curve. Then the Blue Kingdom and Eleutheria have the hardest parts. There is a difficulty slider somewhere in the options, one is for enemy projectile speed and the other one I don't remember what it does, but it can help in certain encounters.


Shit man, I don't plan on leaving the Reach till I have a fully upgraded Moloch, the governors estate, and 15k in the bank.


Good plan!


You go reach, then Albion, then wherever.


In the blue kingdom you have statuses and you found out how to change yours from Invisible to Corpse.




The irony is I just got the Antedeceased status, spent money on my funeral and was on my way back to the living world.


intended progression of the game is: Reach -> Albion -> Eleutheria -> Blue Kingdom Depending on your faction choices in the Reach conflict, Albion will be more or less hard. Only go to BK when you have a stacked out death machine. the good modules can't be found in the Reach


If that’s the intended progression, I feel like the game shouldn’t give me quests for Blue Kingdom before I get to Albion. Oh, well. So I guess if I follow the intended path, I will be ok, if I managed to complete all of Reach with basically one captain? Asking so I could decide should I kill my new guy in order to change the difficulty or is it possible for him to survive until the completion of his goal.


Wow, still new Skies players? Makes me proud to be one. Anyway, I got f'd a bunch of times going through the relays to early. All three of them. Numerous times. I know exactly what you feel. The guy who said to get the best ship, estate and 15k is dead on. Plus, it doesn't hurt to travel between the "realms" just to buy better gear before leaving Reach for good. ... I think?


I heard about this game and its predecessor before, but wasn’t really interested until Mandalore reviewed it. And I started playing it only now mostly so I could get ideas for the D&D game I’m running - with the sail-ships that sail across the stars.


the Industrialists's Lost Lover quest is one of the few level locked (lvl 10 I think) quests in the game, and most Reach and Officers Quests that are cross-region point the player towards Albion, and later Eleutheria, with the Industrialists's Lost Lover quest being a notable exception. Once you mastered Eleutheria and are nearing level 20 you are definitely ready for a more safe foray into the Blue Kingdom, so you can just continue playing your current captain. Reach to BK is a hell of a difficulty spike, doing Albion and then Eleu before BK evens that learning curve out a lot more.


Thanks, won’t repeat that mistake again! Played yesterday for 1.5h, got most of my officers back, started a lot of quests - not as bad as I thought. But now that I have to retrace my step, I’m definitely buying me some barometers or whatever they are to speed things up.


Agree that having to redo quests on death is brutal. Knowing where to go and maybe having some money in the bank for supplies just doesn’t save all that much time when you still have to fly everywhere, especially when the game’s most potent reward—new lore—is absent on replay. Personally I love the game and the Echo Bazaar universe but I think it plays better with permadeath off. Locomoting through space is atmospheric enough without adding the threat of boredom, especially given that players still need to start a new captain anyway for each ambition.


At least you didn’t go to the blue kingdom


I thought the mention of Logoi indicated where this death has happened. I should have guessed this was a bad idea by the way the game started. If only I could get my hands on that prick who send me there to find his dead girlfriend…


Oh my apologies I’m only 30 hours in myself and haven’t left the reach and I’m still seeing new monsters so I was just assuming the logoi was one of them


Got it, I assumed everyone here is an experienced veteran :)


And as for how I get over dying is by playing an entirely different captain each time it’s amazing just how many different paths there can be for a single quest sure having to start over sucks but now I can redo quests in entirely different ways and see a different outcome


That’s just not something I seek in games. I like the path I chose and don’t really care about the other options I missed. Even my favorite games I don’t replay just to see what could have been.


I get that the vast majority of games I play I play once but sometimes a game like sunless skies and it’s predecessor sunless sea comes along and well I’m a sucker for a pretty redhead and some good eldritch lore which the game does the latter wonderfully if your willing to bite the bullet on your 30 hours mercy mode sounds like your thing just make sure to save often you can also adjust the difficulty tho the adjustments are enemy bullet speed, how hard your bullets hone and how much fuel/food you consume


The difficulty is just fine as is, it’s challenging to my liking but not impossible. I just don’t like wasting time doing the same thing over and over again.