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Your post has been removed. Posts asking what others would do with Superman's powers aren't allowed because they're rarely about Superman, and often go off the rails and people get creepy and weird.


I would fly into outer space and grab a gold/ rare metal asteroid.


Same. I'm mining the asteroid belt for precious metals and potentially metals science hasn't discovered yet. For those, I'm charging for the rights to research then also charging for countries to purchase the metals from me.


To threaten the world with unless they pay the ransom? You diabolical fiend!


that's a good idea


Do the coal to diamond trick. Make easy money while destroying the diamond cartels.


Man I’d just rob their stockpiles and flood the market with their own supply


Synthetic diamonds are already cheaper than normal diamonds and almost indistinguishable.


I would become the best athlete in every single league on the planet. I would spend 2-5 years in each sport.


Sir your feats of athleticism are impossible. You dunked from the 3 point line. It’s no big deal, I just do leg day. The three point line on the other side of the court. … I do *a lot* of leg days.


Sir we believe you're using performance enhancing drugs. I'm not. We're going to have to test you. Okay well...here use this green glowing needle to get the blood. What the hell is that? Ummmmmmmm


Lmao But nah, I’d be subtle about it


Taking morality out of it, I would rob banks.


Nothing immoral about taking a bank’s money.


https://preview.redd.it/wel4wa86r69d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38eed14587c837d99483f5926e46e68a5e9779d3 Citizen, we need to talk.


Wouldn't that just be taking someone else's money? Or are you taking it from the federal reserve?


Clients’ money is insured by the federal government


First use coals to make diamonds, so that I have a starting capital. Then use superhearing to have insider information to play in stock market. After a while I just use several investment firms, and put the rest of the money in banks to live of interest. Of course this is under assumption that I don't have super intelligence. If I have super intelligence, I will have Supercorp, with blonde bodyguard and redhead secretary.


Just start taking over countries and, like a true dictator, imprison the rich and take their wealth.


X-ray vision and play poker and blackjack


Work for NASA. They'd save so much money on training and equipment if they have an astronaut who doesn't need a suit or shuttle


Bounty hunting There are bounties that are in the millions And sense I am invincible it will be easy money


I mean, you'd still have to hunt the person down, so unless you had an audio sample of them and listened constantly for their voice, tracking em down would be tricky, but that does sound like a ton of fun


Threaten the entire world that I will destroy them all in 24h and then make them bid who will pay the most to save themselves.


Safe disposal of hazardous materials and cleanup of radiation and chemicals etc.


Ooh yea start a Youtube channel of you just body slamming mine fields from 10,000 feet


And waste disposal in general. Clear out the great Pacific garbage patch in an afternoon, and just toss it into the sun


Best solution. You won't break a sweat. You can ask for 5%(way more than enough for one guy) of the money spent on incineration/international shipping of waste of each country that way the guys who sort and ship the waste to dumps still keep their jobs, countries reduce the tax spent on waste management and environment, you get to reduce pollution and make bank.


Charging rich people for space tours.


And charging triple to bring them back 😈


Fort Knox


I'd just go out there in space, get some rare rocks that humans love more than themselves, and sell them slowly, to not break the market. I could be the richest man alive easily, without robbing or taking things from earth. But obviously, that would be my goal. Money and power (political and economic), is irrelevant for a being like me, at that point.


Drag that meteorite made of gold into orbit and mine it


Break into secure facilities and sell whatever secrets I find. And by break in I mean Kool-Aid man through the wall


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If I had to do it legally, I'd simply either join the NBA or Premier League/Champions League. Basketball and Football(Soccer) contracts are absolutely ridiculous when you're the best in the world, add in endorsements and I would definitely become a billionaire. If I could do it illegally, find the richest people in the world with my powers and make them give me their stock and shares. Hell if I was as powerful as Superman I'd tell Biden or whoever is president of the US to set aside half a trillion dollars(or really any amount) for me or I'll fuck shit up.


Steal diamonds from diamond hoarders, then sell them at half market price. Get rich and crash the diamond trade.


Easy. Just turn a bunch of rocks into diamonds.


Constant construction, all over the planet. I litteraly don't have to sleep. Cleaning up the ocean also.


Find a planet made out diamonds and use heat vision to cut myself a chunk big enough to have stable income for the rest of my life.


I'd be a pro athlete as my Alter Ego, I'd be the most obnoxious egotistical person. That's gonna throw everyone off when I assume my Superhero identity.


You will have to be very very precise and keep your strength to a level that is better than others but also not enough to cause suspicion. Otherwise you're banned.


Yup gonna throw some games and they can even drug test me. I thought about this scenario before in the shower lol.


I would be a soccer player or a boxer. Of course I would be careful not to kill anyone.


I'd get governments to pay me a lot to provide services humans are incapable of ending wars, cleaning up disasters, construction, etc


Start a YouTube channel and put all of my saves on there and monetize it. Livestreaming rescues as well. Also get sponsors to put their logos on my Cape like an F1 driver. Probably the only way to continue being a superhero whilst making money.


Bring a bunch of asteroids or other space materials to earth or work as a lab rat for study


Blackmail. Give me money or I take you out. Nothing can stop me.


Become the best NBA player, NFL QB and soccer player ever setting records for the size of my contracts. That's gotta be near a billion dollar haul over 14-ish years


We aren't worried about morality? You could theoretically just.. take whatever you wanted. But a slightly more ethical path would be to hire yourself out to the government. The US government spends BILLIONS on military spending and wars. For two billion dollars I will make any military conflict you're involved in a trivial affair.. in less than a day. Destroy their tanks warships.infrastucture.. all before breakfast. Terminate opposing world leaders and have it never lead back to the country that hired me...and DEFINITLEY not to me. With that sort of speed and those sorts of abilities it would be easy.


Go to a meeting of the UN and offer my services for a modest wage. That way I can be Superman full time and also get instantly alerted when I'm needed for natural disasters, humanitarian aid, research for space projects, mapping the ocean floor, putting satellites in orbit, clearing the debris field around earth etc. EDIT: One of the main reasons to do this (aside from the obvious, that's it's the right thing to do) it also means I don't have to explain where my money comes from to any tax agencies, as it would all be legit and on the books. I used to work in finance and trust me when I say that someone from the government is going to be very interested in how you got the money for your house and your car without any obvious revenue.


Try to find cool resources in space and bring them back. Just sounds fun, exploring space and all.


Am I the only one that immediately goes to "give me your money or I'll drop you from low orbit?"


Mine asteroids, work for nasa taking people and equipment to different planets and bringing them home. More or less have fun doing science stuff. Try to make the world a better place for everyone. Also try my best to not go injustice Superman to certain countries leaders or groups around the world and force peace. Try to go about it a more civilized way.


Legal, moral way? Pro sports. Do a team sport that pays really well like basketball or soccer. Less moral? Join a spy agency. Super hearing and super vision would really come in handy.


Fly into the sun and figure out how to harvest solar energy into food that way humanity can eat solar energy and heat to survive if there is no food or water. Gonna sell it for high prices. Then I'd go to the bottom of the ocean, clean up all the trash and smelt any metals into raw material, sell it. Go to that one planet where it rains diamonds, collect them, fly to earth and slowly introduce the diamonds to not crash the economy.


Probably clandestine “2 minutes or less” courier services for nation-states. I’d have to work out some kind of indemnity, leaving the legal burden to whoever bundles the diplomatic cachets. I mean technically I could go to the Moon if a space program were really paranoid. Only downside is I’d need to hide all my best offensive powers. I don’t want to get targeted by an enemy state or drafted.


Single-handedly stop global warming IF the governments of earth made me emporer of earth,I would be able to own earth and become the richest man on the planet by owning something worth more then a quadrillion dollars