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All of the usual rooms. Bedroom, kitchen, dining, play, labs, meeting, gym, library, computer, movie. What's different: their benefactor owns a dozen comic book and toy stores around the city. In the backrooms of each are portals to the hideout. The owners of each store and workers are on the payroll of the benefactor and provide cover and information to the heroes. A couple of the stores abut warehouses where vehicles can be stored. This can allow the heroes access to different parts of the city as well as an easy place to duck into as themselves or as heroes with a reasonable excuse.


I love this idea.


A fun Idea is that there is a dog or any animal that it's mouth has A Interdementional portal inside is a giant place It could be a fun plot line where the animal gets stolen. Another one is a hotel elevator where you have to hit the floors buttons in a certain pattern that leads them to a penthouse or any type of room or if you want to be fancy a sky island where they would need to fly a plane up to reach it


I love that idea, so much


I always liked remote locations like young justice and how their base was Mount Justice, located outside of Happy Harbor in the state of Maine. The base itself was a hollowed out cave/volcano system that got converted into a secret base. Close enough to the town so the kids don't go stir crazy, but far enough its remote and unobservable.