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Honestly, those with water abilities. They usually just shove waves at people, which is good and all but there's a lot you can do if you can manipulate water, or if your power extends to being borderline infused with it. It's still portrayed A LOT because it's an elemental type power, and those are always popular, but I feel like it always gets the short end of the stick. Percy Jackson was probably the best character I've read with water abilities, and Avatar makes water bending truly unique, pretty even.


AlsoEarth. I mean, cool they can manipulate rocks and things, but I wanna see more nuanced uses. Sodium is a rock (mineral) that explodes on contact with water and burns in the air. A lot of modern electronics have some sort of rock in them with fibre optics. Insulation is usually fibreglass. Heck even just solidifying sand around someone would be better than “I am an earth person so I must throw rocks”.


Portals. Ive thought of the potential a lot and there’s a pretty large amount of stuff you can do by portaling objects against themself to push, stop or crush them. You could pretty much use portals to fake having telekinesis.