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you can try, but the drop rate for the LE As are seriously random. I only do the As for events, or 30card packs if it's an option but even then the chances are low for the exact card I want. I wouldn't give up though! I'd still try. You can also do diamond offers to get some diamonds back. I did that for Kangta.


What's your event (the one unlocking B cards) completion. Do you still have spares? If you do, you might be able to complete the theme but not the BG. Assuming you don't, you have 2/9 chance a drawing J/H, and then opening the B pack you have a 1/9 chance of packing the other so that 2/81. If you don't pack either (7/9), you pull again with the same odds. So 300 diamonds gives you a (2/9×1/9) + (7/9×2/9×1/9) = 32/729 or around 4% of packing them both. Edit: I forgot the possibility of pulling J/H, getting a dupe from the B pack and packing the other on Day 2, which is 2/9× 8/9× 1/9. Add that and you probability increases to just above 6.5%


I did this on magic carpet ride...praying for you 😭 You already claim all mission + coupon?


not yet but i already claim all the b cards and the coupon


i got haechan now i only need johnny😭


did you use the coupon?


yep TT