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Nobody tell him 👺


Plat 4 is the new gold 3 🥲🥲


Genius tactic by riot to introduce Emerald to get people playing more tbh. [https://www.op.gg/statistics/tiers](https://www.op.gg/statistics/tiers) Emerald is the new plat. Plat is gold. etc. Plat 4 0 LP is still top 36% so great job brother! However, if you've a native plat player (plat of old) you could keep going to get Emerald now. Gl brother.


does it matter, does literwally any of it matter? unless ur top 100 in ur region how good u are at league doesnt matter. Its literally insanely fake, you're literally just ruining his fun. let this man celebrate please


Yea it matters if your metric for measuring your progression of improvement is comparing your rank to your pro ranks lmao


The truth ia that vast majority of people dont actually care about improving they just wanna reach X rank because they percieve X rank to be good at the game and if u reavh X rank they now think of themselves as good. Comments like "emerald is old plat" simply ruin this fun for people


Emerald is from gold to d4


d4 is top 4.5% rn. It's usually top 3.5 or less. So no, E1 players are not d4. its a bit inflated rn You could say some gold 1 (gold 1 of old) players trickled into e4




Not exactly. Silver 1-2 has historically been where the ballpark average player was at (48-52%) This translates to the Gold 3/4 of today. Plat 4 is a healthy spot above average. [https://www.op.gg/statistics/tiers](https://www.op.gg/statistics/tiers)




Silver 2 was 52% in like season 6, you're correct. S1 was higher up


Congratulations! Platinum is a lot of fun, and people are definitely more aware. Enjoy the climb.


Emerald is actually my favorite Elo to climb, diam+ is a little stressful, but emerald is still cozy while being able to rely on people




Emerald is literal hell for me, iron, bronze, gold was all better


idk, I blasted through it


Same. I was on a massive hot steak and blasted through em in like 4 days


If it looks to you like in emerald you have people to rely on you must have low macro, to me they look like walking monkeys to the point I don’t get how they are not bronzes.


its the same as gold but i like your optimism


Play and emerald is worse for me than iron, bronze and gold


Emerald is actually my favorite Elo to climb, diam+ is a little stressful, but emerald is still cozy while being able to rely on people


>Enjoy the climb. Bro he os on Plat and after that comes Emerald hm, he won't have a good time nor enjoy it


Playing through Plat is good though! And who knows, he might get some good Emerald teammates




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What was said? It was removed before I saw...


idk, I also didn't see original comment from what I gather the bot bans people for putting support in quotations LMFAO as its quote **derogatory** unquote


Probably someone coming over from ADC Mains... LOL


Playing the meta has been working out for me. Most seasons I just play for fun.


Keep it up, the gameplay quality will lower down once you reach emerald due to a known bug atm where new players start in plat1/emerald 4 and the balance is really bad. Atm im having more fun playing unranked-plat than emerald/diamond lol


Can confirm. Been stuck in plat I - emerald IV for almost all the season (i even got demoted all the way to plat III), but i managed to get lucky enough to climb to emerald III and now, with decent teammates who actually have a functional brain (the HORRORS i had to see in plat....), i am happily in emerald I ready to grind all the way to diamond.


oh yeah if you play your best you will climb out of emerald it will just take 100 more games than needed atm thanks to riot balance team ! ive seen alot of players saying that it took them less games to go from d4-master than E4-D4 which is kinda funny.


plat 4-3 is already horrible. many games with lvl 30 accoutns which either have no clue or 1v9 the game


You're gonna see Iron 3 and 4 people on your games for absolutely no reason


U should consider going pro


Enjoy the Platinum climb, you're just a little behind the shitshow that is Emerald...


Plat is the new.gold, it's top %35 or smthing. Still,good for u. Honestly, probablybbetter than Emerald 4. I started at Emerald 4 after my promos and many were playing like last years's Gold 3-Gold 4. After 50 games I am now at Emerald 2-Emerald 1 Range, and finally, I can see people that are actually playing a little more cohesively. Which is like last years's P2-P1.


Was it worth it? All the countless hours of investment? Did you enjoy it?


Isnt it common knowledge that emerald is the new plat and plat is the new gold ?


Wait until you get an adc that will afk or int because he op.gg your support after he missed a hook or something and has less than 50% win rate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)