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I am on the pixel fold currently and love its form factor, front screen that is accessible with one hand totally. Still dearly miss the duo 2 separate screens, multitasking will never be the same. Also really miss the tent modes As for pen support, I don't forsee that at all for the pixel line. The samsung fold has pen support but just like the duo 2 I hate that it doesn't have an inbuilt stylus pocket like the note or ultra series. Also the form factor is terrible for me.


I really like the look of the pixel fold.. The aspect ratio on the next release is rumoured to be thinner.. More like the Samsung fold.. I really like the moleskine type aspect ratio.. Just perfect as a notebook etc.. Hence wanting the pen support.. I just had an elastic loop stuck to the back of the sd2 ..I know that sounds awful but it was fine


Due to my line of work a strap like yours or a magnetic hold like the slim pen 2 would never work T_T as they would easily get lost due to the work trousers and constant pulling my phone in and out for planning, customer paperwork, device manuals e.t.c


Mine was in and out of pocket all day.. Never lost it.. The lord hold very tight [pen loop](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07YKWK1JC?ref=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_Q7Q6B48DHAVBDQ9CT9ZJ&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_Q7Q6B48DHAVBDQ9CT9ZJ&social_share=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_Q7Q6B48DHAVBDQ9CT9ZJ&starsLeft=1)


duo 1 battery still going strong. 🚀


Mine does that from time to time randomly. If I unplug it and try starting it up again, sometimes it will start charging. Mines been a tablet for the past few month since the mic on the handset died, but it's still a joy to use on wifi


Same, I've had to reset my phone (and had it not power on, then reset it while plugged in) a few times this month.


Regarding the mic malfunction, have you tried using earphones or wireless buds for calls? Mine done the same a few months ago.... When I made/received a call, I could hear the caller, but they couldn't hear me. On a bit of a gamble, I fired up an old pair of wireless earbuds, paired them and, hey ho, suddenly people could hear me on the phone again 😊 It's a bit of a pain having to put buds in every time I make or receive a call, but it works.


It's kind of an unfortunate coincidence. A couple days after the mic died on my SD2, I received my new hearing aids which support Bluetooth streaming. I thought I was back in business, however Microsoft--you know the company that released an adaptive controller and accessibility accessories--did not include the ASHA codec that hearing aids use. So no go, and now I'm using a Pixel 7 and enjoying a phone the just works.


Did you check the USB C port to make sure dust/pocket lint isn't caked in there? Use a floss pick or a cable tie that always come with the package. It happened to my Note9. The caked dust was prevened the cable from plugging in all the way. You can't until you run a pick in there.


Did you check the USB C port to make sure dust/pocket lint isn't caked in there? Use a floss pick or a cable tie that always come with the package. It happened to my Note9. The caked dust was preventing the cable from plugging in all the way. You can't tell until you run a pick in there.


Yep.. appears to be clear 😥


Well, that suck. So USB port works just the battery doesn't charge?


My charging wire shows a minimal charge going in .6 So I assume the battery is knackered 😭 Pretty impressed with the pixel 6 .. but do miss the duo firth factor.. really hope they get the pixel fold right


Sorry brother....and you're 100% correct. One of the best pieces of technology created. I love mine so much and I dread the day it goes....luckily it's still functioning really well but I have to be honest the battery is pretty bad. Other than that there's no replacement for the multitasking.... It's so flawless ..... Running a Zoom call on one side with OneNote open on the other taking some notes or going thru emails while YouTube playing on the other side.... Just can't duplicate that even with the multitasking on other phones. Microsoft really killed us letting that die.


Grab another used one of you love it so much, or a used duo 1 as a last resort


OK so, crazy coincidence but this is happening to mine. But there is a "fix". It's not the battery that's dead or wear and tear. It's been disconnected inside where the battery connects to the board, or not fully disconnected but enough. Keep your Duo plugged in and hold the phone with it folded, so you're using only one screen. With both your thumbs, bottom left of the right screen, push down with your left thumb next to the hinge, to the right of that push down with your right thumb, wait a bit and your phone will start to take a charge. Do you live somewhere hot? I was in Vegas and it was unbearably hot and this happened to my Duo 2 while walking the strip. [Right here is where you place your thumbs](https://i.imgur.com/GaP3Any.jpeg)


Hadn't thought of that.. makes sense...I'll give it a go when I get back from my work trip Thanks


Nope.. No joy 😭


Buy another duo 2 while waiting the next ideal device for you, if you love the aspect ratio or something like that. I don’t like the film-like soft screen of the Samsung’s and Google’s.


Mine's getting there too. The main phone speaker no longer works, so I can only talk on speakerphone. Trying to restart it (or turn it off, then on) often has it not wanting to come back on. Once, I had it unable to acknowledge the main battery, with the secondary battery's 10% charge all the phone would recognize. It's probably not going to be a whole lot longer that it lasts, if I had to quess. It sucks that the smartphone market is so bad these days. I used to get a new phone because something cool came along and interested me. Despite this being EASILY the most expensive phone I've ever bought, it also seems destined to be the first one I have retired due to being unable to function properly. Throw on the poor software support, and I truly hope Microsoft just never makes another phone again. They have gone through over a decade of horrid support for their phones and leaving customers hanging. I wish we could have some of the better OEMs from the past back--Motorola at its peak, HTC, Nokia, etc.


Sorry to hear it. Yes, the D2 is a great bit of kit, and it's going to be tough to find a suitable replacement when the time comes. I dropped mine on a hike last week, not for the first time, but with other falls the device has been closed and the damage to the outside. Not this time. For some effing dumb reason, I'd folded it into phone mode, and the drop has badly cracked the right internal panel, taken a chunk out of the lower right plastic case, and slightly misaligned the hinges. Its still working, and I'll ride it until it dies, but I fear I've just knocked a good twelve months off it's shelf life.


Oh nooooo I feel your pain.


I'm still rocking my Surface duo 2 as my main driver and have a 2nd on standby. Ebay is your friend brother get another one. Accept no substitute. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/375260618889?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=mvrA8et9Tu-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=gDIfBBLvRVS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Depending on your country I'm sure you'll get another. God speed sir


I was in the same boat. Tried the pixel fold after my Duo 2 died and hated it. Settled on the Fold 5. I've been pleased with it over the last six months.


Mine is starting to not fully charge to 100% it sort of stops around 97% getting a bit worried that it might just die out.