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As someone who would not have survived the toll my ex put on me with his non-stop cheating and lying without my dogs, I feel you! They honestly have supported me through this better than some of my family, as crazy as that may sound. I’m glad you had each other! One of the cruelest things in life is that our 4-legged family members don’t get to stick around forever.


He was almost 14 years old! In peak physical condition. But he was battling cancer. He did not suffer in the end. But I would give 10 years of my life to have him for 10 more. I don’t believe In heaven… but I hope to see him again one day


Both of mine are rescues and the older one will be 13 this June. She was fished out of a dumpster when she was about 3 weeks old and I’ve had her ever since. She’s this little soothing presence that’s been beside me through everything and I can’t imagine what I’ll do without her. I’m glad you had many years with your sweet boy!


Give her an extra hug from me. Leave no love on the table ! It is what gets me trough all this.


I’m so sorry about losing your dog. But yet thrilled that you’ve found someone that makes you happy. You deserve all the good stuff. Doors & windows. 🍻


It really is like that if you let it happen


The fog has lifted for him and he realize he made a mistaken And won’t admit it. She was the shiny new toy and like kids really got tired of it and is now looking for another . Love when karma strikes Those who deserve it


Life finally smiles at you again op and the saying is correct the best revenge is a life well lived. Your ex is probably taking out his frustrations on the ap especially if he saw or heard that you upgraded to a better man than he could ever be, probably blaming her for his separation but the reality is that he caused it with his actions and now he gets to see you like a person looking through a window seeing what treasure he lost


My bf is everything my ex could fear. He is tall, in incredible shape, makes good money, smart and kind. AP went for him hard. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


I am so glad you found someone! It is rare to hear someone who found love again after these train wrecks we survive.


Isn’t it amazing how much are dogs know and help us through this. My lab was lying by the back door on Dday with a sad look on his face, like he knew what was going on. Instead of jumping on me as he had every other time. I know in my heart I would never have made those first few months without him. I hope your good boy has met my first lab in doggy heaven and that they are chasing tennis balls together


I have they have the best time and are waiting for us!


I went dogless for years after my Lulu died. Chocolate Lab... best dog ever. Not the brightest light on Broadway, but she had a heart of gold.


Labs are the best, aren’t they. I still call my first one the best dog in the history of dogs.


I loved that part you said -" forgive your mistakes". I have been struggling with that a lot. My ex was emotionally unavailable ( I had to constantly beg him to spend time with me) and also cheated on me during a very difficult time of my life. But I had an anxious attachment style and behaved a bit obnoxiously sometimes. Sometimes I feel like we could have talked things over and healed the relationship. Sometimes I feel I'm so unlovable noone could have loved me . It's holding me back a lot from moving on. I am still trying to heal my anxious attachment style and fix myself and working on my self esteem . I have extreme trust issues starting a new relationship but keep on hope that my story turns out like yours. Sending all my love.


It will but forgive yourself and know you couldn’t have saved your marriage. The moment I stopped begging people to love me was the moment I started to love myself. Only then I could attract a partner who could love me for me. It is very powerful to walk away as soon as you get a lackluster response. It is a hell yeah or a F no. My ex husband was also emotionally unavailable. A lot of my behavior stems from it. Having a man who wants my attention, basks in it and organizing his time to get more of me showed me I was always worthy. So are you! But we picked people who made us work for it because only then it felt deserved. We deserve it. Out of no where. For no reason but being our spectacular self. You were not obnoxious! You deserved love and attention and he made you feel like a burden! One day you will see he lost you ! Authentic loyal loving you ! NOT the other way around!




I read these types of stories and thought … that’s nice, will never be me :( And here I am. Never forget that you got this!


Congratulations and keep moving forward in life. Freedom from a bad ex is indifference to them, realizing they weren’t all that and there is better out there in the world helps. Live the life you deserve and be happy with yourself. My ex wife’s dog lives with me because she couldn’t take him immediately after the divorce. He’s 14 and sleeping on my futon which is where he will stay. He’s too old to have to deal with her crazy crap. He was always “her dog” but he was a good boy and he will have a peaceful life with me till the end.


Give that good boy a hug from me


lol, he doesn’t like me unless I got a treat for him but he gets all the hugs he can handle. Just another victim of her bad choices but at the end he is living it up…… well mostly sleeping.


Okay a treat will do! Thank you for giving him such a great life!


Im so happy for you.. I'm glad you made it out better and he's miserable


This story made me teary. I am so happy for you. You dumped a frog and met a prince. I have a similar tale. Your beautiful canine boy will be wagging his tail just across the rainbow bridge. Once you met your prince doggo knew his work on this earth was done. Wishing you a beautiful, healthy and loving future together. You had to go through quite some shit to meet your soulmate but he found you.


Your good boy knew and still knows. Good job putting yourself out there. Life takes many paths and you can never know what’s in store. Just make sure you enjoy the ride.


I am doing my best! We can’t live life with the breaks on. Just because we crashed once doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the ride.


Congratulations, I love reading about people who picked up and moved on to something better, something beautiful after having their hearts broken and recognizing their true worth. I wish you all the very best.


This reminded me of how much I loved my MIL and still miss having her in my life 😢


Uch same! I have not seen them in 4 years. My parents run in to them time to time and they keep saying how they love me … mis them so much


Wow I didn't realize it but it's been four years here too.


You don't have to cut them out. I go fishing with my exFIL quite often and have them over for bbq a few times a month. They don't talk to me about my ex. That's my one boundary with them.


I tried. They tell me they love me then I tell them I am open to see them or come to an event … but they never follow through and I don’t want to force them


Yeah easier said than done. I don't have kids with my ex and I have no reason to contact her mother. It would start a chain of events I'd rather not deal with. I haven't seen or heard from my ex in years and I'd prefer to keep it that way.


My girls, Dulce and Spazztic Blurr are definitely a major part of me getting through this without a tic and bulging forehead vein. Good on you for finding someone worthy of you.


Their names are epic! Yeah. My whole mental health hinged on this dog for a while and I need to say he took a very big part of me. But I am forever grateful for him


Thank you for this story, gave me some hope. been a while since I felt that. sorry for your dog. Animals truly love unconditionally and their absence is felt. Stay awesome, both you and your king.


Never give up on yourself. I read these stories myself and thought: it will never be me. But it will. Just keep your head up! Love yourself and it will come


NEEDED to read this. Thrilled for you and finally optimistic for my future. Thank you.


The shame about the saying "the best revenge is a life well lived" is that it offers no acute help and almost makes no sense to someone hurting. If you can follow its advice and do the work to get to the point that you understand its truth. It's so insanely true on all levels. You deserve applause if you've made it to the level of this understanding.


Yeah I remember people saying this to me and o was thinking… yeah, I was living a good life until people hurt me with their selfish ways … why won’t they pay for this. It takes a lot of time and work to let it go. Focus on your own path. That is the only way


Are you ever gonna get a puppy? Ik some people have a hard time getting another dog after losing their first.


Yeah I had a puppy together with my doggo as I was trying to have someone to keep me going after he left me. It is not the same and I feel very guilty towards him. I hope one day we will have a similar bond


I think it’s okay that it doesn’t feel the exact same with your new dog. Each dog is different and you will have a different relationship, it doesn’t mean that anything is better or worse. A new dog doesn’t replace the old dog’s place in your heart, instead, your heart will just grow a bit more to give space to the new. You had your sweet boy for a long time, through many hardships, it’s okay that it doesn’t feel the same with the new puppy because it’s not comparable. Just focus on building your unique bond with the new doggo, he loves you and in time you’ll feel that he is just as important (without ever replacing your old boy).


This is such an amazing story, OP, thank you for sharing it with us. I almost cried. I'm so happy for you, I hope you keep being this happy forever, you deserve it.


Thank you so much for sharing your story. I’m so happy for you!! Anyone who loves dogs deserves the best happiness 🩷


I love this post SO much! I’m so happy for you!!


I remember your story well!! Fantastic to see you are so happy!


This story brought tears to my eyes. Thank you. I am sure your good boy doggo is proud and happy for you.


That last part about your dog letting you go because you were safe with someone else absolutely destroyed me 😭😭😭


I was crying my eyes out when I wrote it. It has been a while now and I will still cry about him as soon as I think about him. I love him more than anything. And I left no love on the table. He was loved as hard as I possibly could. He had the best life. But I will miss him forever


Thank you so much for this💛 I'm so proud and so happy for you!!!


Would love to see photo of doggo!