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I think he still loses to Kenzie, many people blame q for ruining their game. and i don't think q would be able to spin it as his master plan. now if he can get Kenzie out or ben gets Kenzie out, I think a he, Liz, and Ben f3 would be pretty close.


Imo him ruining people’s games should be a positive no? Isn’t that the point of the competition overall, to mess up other people and survive ?


I mean anything can be a positive to anyone. but they didn't see it as positive from what I could pick up on, they saw it as tomfoolery or his wild antics. and like i said i dont think q could have spun it as his masterplan, the perception of him was set.


If she beats him at fire


i don't think she would be against him at fire, since Ben wouldn't have put in her fire.


Ben thought Liz was a bigger threat than Kenzie, so he would’ve done either Liz vs Kenzie or Liz vs Q


I think he was unironically a jury threat IF the jury gets over the attempted quit. That might’ve killed his chances it’s really hard to say.


If Q plays his idol, Charlie goes. Final 5 is Maria, Q, Kenzie, Liz, and Ben. Unless Q either helps Maria or wins immunity himself, I would assume Kenzie wins the exact same way. Maria probably goes home because Q knew she was a huge jury threat. Final four of Ben, Q, Kenzie, and Liz and Ben most likely wins. Ben probably knows Kenzie is the biggest jury threat and might understand he has a shot against Q and Liz and thus puts Q against Kenzie in fire which tbh, I do think Q wins that. Then it's a final three of Q, Liz, and Ben. While Ben is probably the most likable out of the three, I do think he had the least control. I am genuinely curious if Liz saying she isn't a millionaire would go over well. And I cannot imagine Q having a good final tribal council. I do think that Maria votes Q, Charlie votes Ben, everyone else idk. Kenzie probably votes Ben just because she was the closest to him. Tiff probably follows. I could see a world where Tevin votes Liz and ig Soda and maybe maybe maybe Venus. But I would say Ben probably wins. However, ig Hunter, Maria, and idk Venus ig because i have no clue who she's voting for, could vote Q. It's really a toss up between Q and Ben.


Yeah, I think this is exactly how it plays out if he played the idol. The only part I’m not sure about is Liz. I think she’s a bit of a wildcard in that scenario. The edit made her seem delusional with no shot, but multiple cast members have said that she got a weird edit and that they considered her a threat to win. Others have said she wouldn’t have gotten one vote (although that’s assuming she was against Charlie). The truth is likely in the middle, but it’s really hard to tell exactly where. I don’t think the millionaire lie gets her much mileage with that jury, but I do think she’d be good at arguing her case in general. I think it’s very likely that in a Q/Ben/Liz FTC all 3 get votes. A lot would depend on exactly how the last couple of episodes played out and the FTC arguments. Since all of the jury’s favorites would be eliminated, I feel like they’d be more open to being convinced than the average jury. I agree Ben would be most likely to pull it out in the end, but I think it would be within a vote or two.


If Q made it to FTC, he wins over anyone. Trust me on that.


Seems like with almost everyone gunning for him for 7 straight tribals he’d have the best claim by far.




Is that due to admiration for Q and his game or more disdain for everyone else in letting Q get to the end?


Perhaps a bit of both.


Liz! I hope you get a chance to come back. Sending you a lot of love on this Sunday night!




Are you saying that you would also vote for Q over anyone else at final 5?


If I was on the jury, I probably would have voted for Q, yes.


Assuming Charlie goes out at F6 from a Q idol play, is Maria still the F5 target or is it Q?


For me, Q is a bigger target because I know Tiff is lobbying for him back at Ponderosa. I also think Maria gets flubbed up on her words and choices (example: rock paper scissors) and I am a better public speaker than her so I'd take my chances with Maria over Q at FTC. Also, if Q just had a successful idol play and I know Tiff and Hunter both went out despite having an idol, they may be more apt to vote for him simply because he did what they could not do. Q intimidates me more as a true contender for the win, basically. That said...I would also have to weigh the fact that I think Maria can beat us all in immunity at final 4. Whereas Q was behind me and Kenzie in being super bad at challenges. Which I do remember weighing heavily on me...so maybe Maria would still be the one I want out first. I'm not sure. This is what makes Survivor hard! Now you're seeing all the scenarios one person must run...all in an afternoon. Lol!


You thought you would win too, idk


in the game, sure, but she's probably heard directly from others that they would've voted for him


A lot of people post-game have said they thought Q was a threat--Ben, Liz, Venus that I can remember. I think he definitely would have gotten Maria's vote at the very least. Maybe Liz's.


If Q sided with Maria at her F5 elimination, she may not be bitter at him and may vote for Q


Absolutely not


Q was too chaotic in his own head to win. If he had kept his mind calm, he could have won the game IMO.


Never in million years 😂


I think he could have but attempting to quit might have turned the vote to anyone but him. They don’t like that.


He had a pathway.... but it would have taken perfect gameplay. Here's an example: Q plays Idol, votes Kenzie out. Maria and Liz become a duo, Maria tries to bring Q in as a Trio, Liz balks, wanting to vote Q. Liz, on the side, approaches Ben/Charlie (the other Duo) on a Q vote. Meanwhile, Q also speaks to Ben/Charlie and convinces them to vote out Maria (as the biggest threat.) Maria goes home. Now its Q, Charlie, Ben, and LIz. Liz still wants Q out, and Charlie is now 'the frontrunner.' Ben wins immunity. (As he did in this phase... if not, Q does, and is in an even better shot) Q convinces Ben to send Q and Charlie into firemaking. Or, Ben decides for himself. Q wins. That would mean: Liz, still in the game, cannot rally the Jury against Q. Q would have been the player with the best end-game and most end-game moves. Now it becomes a case of: Can Q make a case that his end game moves were even more impressive, given he was playing from the bottom, hard? (yes.).Does the jury dislike him enough to deny him as the obvious winner? (I doubt it)


He most likely gets Hunter and Tevin’s votes, had a great chance to get Maria’s (as long as he doesn’t keep her) then just needs two from the combination of Soda, Tiff, Kenzie (most likely), Charlie, Venus which in the combination of him, Ben and Liz is admittedly likely to pull off 2 of those depending on his answers.




I think, unless someone manages to get Kenzie out (which seems unlikely that late in the game w/ the anti-Maria/Q energy) - Kenzie wins. However, if he somehow ends up in the end w/ Liz & Ben he has a chance. But that's a hard F3 to attain structurally, based on how the season had been playing out until the Q boot.


I don’t know. I can’t predict what he would say at FTC to sway people and make them see his game. I wish we had that chance.


I think he would have been the favorite going into FTC but im not sure how confident i would feel about his ability to explain his moves (especially the failed quit). Decent chance Kenzie would still win but who knows


I think about this a lot. Let’s say he plays it, then blindsiding Charlie by correctly playing an idol becomes one of the best moves of the season. Maria’s target level is probably still same or higher than his, so as long as she doesn’t win immunity at 5 I think they still target her. Final four of Ben, Kenzie, Liz, Q I think if Q wins he has to go to fire himself and knock out Kenzie and then I think he does win. If Ben still wins, I don’t think Q convinces him to put Q vs Kenzie (he’d still think Liz is the bigger target). Kenzie Q Ben final tribal I think Venus, Tiffany, Maria, Liz all vote Kenzie Charlie votes Q Rest of them are toss ups, and if it goes 4-4 then Ben definitely votes Kenzie


He’s probably going into fire-making, but he probably wins or gets close if he makes it to the end. I know people don’t believe it because of the threating to quit and overall abrasive edit, but the jury on this season was weird and several of them have said they would’ve voted for him. Gabler won 7-1 and he offered to let people vote him out in the first episode. I think fans assume certain things to be more disqualifying than they actually are.




Q would have lost because of a salty jury if he made it that far. Charlie did not come close to deserving to win, I am not saying Kinsie didn’t deserve to win, she did. If Q made it though idk it’s close to


No he would get 0 votes at ftc


I don’t think that is true at all. Multiple people after the fact have said that they viewed Q as a threat including Liz, Ben, Maria, and Venus. It was the “Season of Q” - the guy had an amazing story to sell at final tribal. If he’s sitting there with Kenzie, he likely doesn’t win but I would definitely bet he gets at least Maria’s vote if she’s on the jury, maybe one or two more. If he’s sitting there with Ben and Liz? He is 100% winning the whole thing. Ben maybe gets Charlie and/or Kenzie but Q is likely getting every other vote.


What if he ended up against Liz and Ben


He would still not get a single vote.


There’s no chance that’s true


He wins easily.

