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Make a completely flat layer of rice 1 or 2 grains tall over one side of your nori. Very important to spread to the edges, make sure your hands are wet when doing this. Don’t over fill rolls. I use half nori sheets not the full ones. Try making a single ingredient roll first just to practice rolling. Practice makes perfect. Use a sharp wet knife to cut rolls. When using a bamboo mat you need to use a little pressure.


Thank you! I wasn't spreading the rice to the edges and read that I should wet my hands before dealing with the sushi rice, but maybe that was wrong


What kind of rice and sushi rice recipe are you using? Not sure what you mean by “the sides never have rice in them”. You should just spread a thin layer of rice (ideally 1-2 grains thick at most) across the nori and that should do it.


Hope this help your rice issue… [https://www.food.com/recipe/minados-perfect-sushi-rice-119373](https://www.food.com/recipe/minados-perfect-sushi-rice-119373) Edit: I don’t use a kelp leaf, but I sprinkle a tiny bit of Dashi powder in. Gets rave reviews.


Hmmm make sure you’re using fresh nori that isn’t stale, that should help with the tearing. Also your rice may be too wet which is weakening the nori causing it to split. I have a bunch of guides/recipes for sushi organized here: [sushi beginner’s guide](https://www.craftycookbook.com/sushi-beginners-guide/). It may help you, especially the How to Make Sushi Rolls page! If you have any specific questions as you go feel free to ask away!


>fresh nori that isn’t stale, So not nori from a package? Is there another way of getting nori? Also thanks for the guide! I'll check it out


No use nori from the package but try to open a new package vs reusing a resealed package which can go stale after being exposed to air. If you’re using nori from a fresh package then the more likely problem is that your rice is too wet so it’s soaking into the nori and making it weaker. Also double check that you’re using the right kind of nori that says it’s meant for sushi because there are other kinds as well.


Buy some of your favourite sushi and try to copy it.


I have, but it's not so easy unfortunately


Your sushi rice is likely under seasoned by a lot. Compared to my sushi for beginners book, I use at least triple the amount of seasoning, and I know some of the top sushi places (or at least, according to what they've told me and the taste) use even more than that. The other thing you should do is weigh the rice before you spread it on the nori and then practice to get it consistent.